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Kiss Me Back

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Steamy romance with a different take. Lola’s story was different from any book I’ve read. The chemistry between both of them was strong and the chemistry was obvious. This book is a quick read and would be perfect for a beach read.

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This is book 3 in the series and they can probably be read as a standalone, but you should read them all and in order since you 'see' the previous characters from the other books. Fox is this big guy who always looks impeccable-not a hair out of place, neatly trimmed beard, and a GQ kind of look that catches the eyes. He’s also got the sexy swagger and the cool, calm demeanor to go with it until he gets around Lola. He finally meets a chick who doesn’t try to get in his pants or use his position for favors, and she refuses a date him.
Okay, I don't want to ruin this book for you. I highly recommend it

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What an interesting  story this was! It was light, fun, serious and the ending was so romantic. Sidney Halston wrote a surprising story with Kiss Me Back and I am so happy that I got the chance to read and review it.
Lola and Fox were fascinating but, it wasn't until you were really into the story that you found out why. No spoilers here, just saying that the story really caught my attention then. That's when Fox really became my hero. He was so accommodating, so strong and did what no one else ever did for her – understand and accept. But, he couldn't accept the end date of their romance. He tried to live with the fact that she had to reach for her dreams. He failed and had to let her go anyway. She was the one person he confided in, opened up to and … she's gone.
Lola was dealt a hard hand in life but she worked to get where she was, to make her dream come true. Working two jobs, saving everything that she could to finish her Master's Degree, only to have it stripped away. Then, on top of that, she realizes that she's truly in love with a man that is so different from what her first impression of him was. She can't let go of her dream and he has to understand that she's a strong woman and can make her own way in life. She'll miss him terribly but has to follow her path in life.
These two exemplified the meaning of love. They stood by each other in bad times. They sacrificed themselves for the other. In the end, nothing could keep them apart.
I was captivated by Kiss Me Back. Sidney Halston told an amazing story about love and loss and what two people would do to stand by each other. I was truly impressed with all the characters in the story and wish I had read the preceding books in this series. If their stories were was interesting as this, I missed out.

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KISS ME BACK - Sidney Halston

#3 in the Panic romance series

HOT IN MIAMI! - 3.5 stars

Plot - 3 stars - Foix has had his eye on the beautiful bartender for a while, but she's sending mixed messages. She's obviously been watching him, but she's refused to go out with him. Turns out there's more to her story than he originally suspected. But things got a little muddled as the story went on, and it lost a little of its edge, repeating itself more than was necessary.

Writing - 4 stars - Halston writes in a free and casual style that catches my attention right from the first page. Since this is the third in this series, it felt comfortable fitting right in to the Panic setting. I like that it's sweet and hot while still projecting a feeling of excitement of the nightclub lifestyle.

Characters - 3 stars - Fox is a good hero, although he's a little underdeveloped for me. Although we know something about his difficult past and his family, we don't really get to know much about his feelings. Even though we see much of the story from his point of view, he still felt somewhat disjointed. Lola is much more defined. We know about her disability, and we understand her desires and goals. She's well-rounded and has a much better foundation.

Title - 3 stars - Not quite sure of the meaning. All I can determine is that each of them is unsure and wants the other one to respond positively. Although both of them run a little hot and cold.

Cover - 5 stars - This cover is beautiful and very eye-catching. The jewel tones are attractive, and the hot and steamy color really sets the mood for a hot and sexy Miami book.

Overview - 3.5 stars - Although I've really been enjoying this series, this particular book was not my favorite. There was just something the connection between Fox and Lola that didn't ring true for me. Their instalove seemed somewhat contrived, and they kept talking about it as though they were trying to convince themselves. What I do like about this series is that Halston always includes some sort of disability that the heroine thinks will disqualify her for love. However, it's somewhat disappointing that it's always the heroine with the handicap. There are probably a lot of struggling men out there, but so far they haven't been included. That being said, I enjoy this series and like the hot and steamy setting of the nightclub scene in Miami. The new club--Duality--is a little over-the-top, but it didn't really affect the plot too much in this book.

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When Fox, the bouncer at Panic, meets the new bartender, Lola, he's instantly attracted to her. The feeling is mutual, but Lola spends the next few months avoiding him, and by then he's had it with her avoiding him. So his new mission is to scale her walls and get her to just go on a date with him. He's nothing if not determined, so it should be easy, right? Wrong. Because Lola has walls stronger than Fort Knox, and a huge secret that she's hiding from just about everyone.

When Lola finally admits to herself that she can't avoid Fox any longer, she has no idea what she's in for, because he's persistent, and determined to be in her life, one way or another. How will he react when he finds out her secret? Will he leave her like her ex? Or will he prove to be the man with a huge heart that he's starting to appear as?

Wow, I have to admit that Lola's secret was one I was not expecting. And I like how Fox, and the author, handled the subject. Not too over-dramatized, with a little sensitivity, but not too much. As much as I appreciated her secret, what I really loved most about Kiss Me Back is Fox, he's by far the best part this story. He's nothing like he first came across as. He's a total sweetheart with vulnerabilities that modern romance authors do not often give their confident alpha heroes these days. And he's perfect for Lola. They're perfect for each other in fact, just like they said.

"I guess we're perfect for each other, huh?"

"Perfectly imperfect."

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Another good story in the series. Fox is working to prove his father wrong. Lola is working to achieve her dream. Attracted to each other they give in to the attraction even with a set ending. Each learns something from the other and they both learn that together is the best place to be.

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Nick and Mat were were Fox’s bosses. Fox worked security for the nightclub Panic which was a busy nightclub and security was a priority and Fox was a bouncer there. Fox bumps into the new bartender Lola. Lola hadn’t felt attraction until she bumped into Fox. For a long time Lola’s existence has consisted of work, sleep, eat and rinse and do again. Lola has been so focused on survival she pushed all her needs and wants aside. The connection Lola had with Fox was immediate, intense- electric. Even after a year -of knowing Fox Lola didn’t really know much about him. Except people seem to gravitate toward him. He’s charismatic, funny and talks a lot. He's also confidant and a little arrogant and there's an air to him that screams money and power. From the moment Lola crashed into Fox she knew they were polar opposites.Fox had sex appeal with the likes of which she had never experience. So Lola avoids Fox. Fox has been trying to get her to go out with him for the last six months but not being a creep But Lola had been hurt before by Gus. She vowed never to open her heart again and the last seven years she just worked toward her goals. Fox feels that part of a bouncers job at Panc is to look pristine..They had to sell an image of luxury, superiority. Exclusivity and even pretentiousness. Fox is the first face people see when they arrive. Lola has been driving Fox crazy since she started working there, he has never been before in his life. Fox doesn’t know what game Lola’s playing but he’s into it. Fox has not been able to get her out of his head, Lola just counted her cash tips and she had most of the money for the next installment of her masters degree. In two months she’ll leave Miami and she isn’t looking back. She is spending her last semester abroad in Ecuador and Lola couldn’t wait.Vivian is her friend/boss at the animal clinic where she works days at. Vivian pushes Lola to date. Then Lola thinks about it maybe Fox is actually the perfect guy to date for no string sex. Fox knows he is a fixer, a solver of problems, a man who needs to work, move or do something. Sox has been working since he was fourteen years old and this was the first time in his life he was only working one job and it’s making his life crazy to have so much free time. Lola is deaf, Fox figures it out. She lost her hearing from meningitis. Lola mother died when Lola was four and she didn’t know her father. Her foster mother was only in it for the check and mostly ignored Lola including when she was so sick she should have been taken to the hospital. Lola lost her hearing at seventeen. Lola finally lets Fox know she wants a no strings sexual relationship for the next two months until she leaves. Fox knows he doesn't really want it that way but then he will end up hurting Lola but not on purpose. He wanted to see where a relationship with Lola would go. But Fox let Lola have her way as he hands her a condom. Fox had three serious relationships but everything else had been a one night stand. He loves how Lola feels as she straddles him and takes what she needs. Fox will let her take the lead this one time. Lola had only ever been with Gus who had left her after two years together when she when her hearing went. Lola now knew what it was like to have sex s with a man.
I really enjoyed this book and I liked the build to love. I felt horrible for Lola when her three thousand dollars- she didn’t get a chance to get it in the bank- was stolen from her and when she was attacked. I felt like I was there with Lola and Fox. I loved Lola and Fox together and how they interacted. I loved how Fox sold his car to pay for Lola’s ticket to Ecuador even though that meant her leaving him. I loved the ending. I really enjoyed the plot and pace. I loved the characters and the ins and outs of this book and I highly recommend this.

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I adored this novel because it centered around a couple that had their own issues -- what some would call a handicap. The romance was sweet, this seemed like a realistic romance and the characters were all so lovable.

Lola is quiet, shy and reserved. Or so it seems. She's a woman that keeps to herself and has never truly experienced life. She has a secret that she's kept hidden from many people for years and has dealt with heartbreak beyond repair at times. Lola is a fun girl when she let's loose and gets out of her head. She finds ways to enjoy life without having to do too much. She doesn't like to depend or rely on other. She's headstrong and brilliant. Such a phenomenal woman.

William Fox aka Fox is a man that many women desire, but he has eyes only for one woman. He's a man of may layers and secrets that have been kept quiet for some time. He's a sweet man that knows what he wants. He has no problem sharing his feelings and emotions. He's had a tough upbringing and has lived his life trying to prove his father wrong and never really living. I loved Fox because he was such a down to earth guy that was always trying to help others and make the best of life. He's awesome.

The romance was so darn cute! Both Lola and Fox had some type of "problem" and though they kept it a secret from others it was revealed to one another. I loved how they complimented and helped one another truly love. I thought the romance was really beautiful. The trope of no strings attached sex that turns into a full blown relationship. I loved everything about them as friends with benefits into them being a couple. They took their time building even though they were on a time frame. I loved the ending for them!!! So happy!

I enjoyed this for a quick contemporary read. Easy for a quick one sitting read.

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Enjoyed reading Fox and Lola's love story. Emotional read. Lots of chemistry between the two when they met. Lola and Fox both have a secrets that once revealed challenges their relationship. Recommended read

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I was looking forward to reading Kiss Me Back as it sounded very interested. However, the writing and characters were tough for me to get into. At this time, I'm setting aside the book.
Thanks to the publisher for considering me for a review copy.

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This is my favorite in this Panic Series. Lola is keeping a secret from everyone, but it doesn’t take Fox very long to figure it out. He’s been leading his life trying to live up to his fathers ideals - but Lola humbles him and makes him open his eyes to what he really wants out of his own life. This story was beautiful from start to finish. Fox doted on Lola while Lola discovered Fox was every thing she never knew she wanted/needed. This series has stolen my heart and I cant’ wait for the next installment.

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Grade: C

A security guard falls hard for a bartender in a popular nightclub but secrets on both sides could stop the relationship before it even starts. Kiss Me Back is the 3rd in a contemporary romance series that started out strong but weakened considerably as the story unfolded. Very melodramatic and unrealistic in some areas, I found myself struggling to connect to the characters-especially the heroine. The hero grew on me as his secrets revealed. Very insecure due to his childhood, his flashy trappings and boldness stem are nothing more than a protective mechanism. He loves hard and it showed. *swoon* The heroine, on the other hand, was a bit of a diva whose need for independence had her struggling for no reason. Sometimes a helping hand is just that…a helping hand. I also don’t want to spoil but I bartended for over 20 years (small to large clubs) and while I can certainly accept the heroine’s ability to do her job, I found it hard to believe she could keep it hidden from her employers and the staff. Especially by the method she used. Overall not bad but not a favorite.

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Kiss Me Back is book three in the Panic series. It can be read as a standalone, but I would start this series at the beginning. The story was good, and entertaining. There was some twists that I didn't see coming. I liked the characters Fox and Lola. Fox has worked hard to get where he's at in life. However one little woman is going to make him stop and rethink it all. I really liked Lola personality, she's fiercly independent and stubborn. She works hard to achieve what she wants out of life, and doesn't give up. Fox and Lola were so good for eachother. Great read!

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I loved this book. Lola and Fox have a chemistry from the start but they both fight it. They fight each other every step of the way and that leads to some sexy steamy scenes. They both work at the hot club where secrets and desires are both hidden and revealed. Thank you for allowing me to read this and write about it.

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This was a touching love story, but it was not my favorite out of the series. I felt that Lola and Fox's story was rushed and I did not get a genuine connection between them.

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Sidney Halston never disappoints. Her books are fresh and different with characters that shouldn't necessarily be interesting, but they so very much are. I am loving this series and how unique the characters are. It is refreshing to read realistic characters with problems beyond the usual. I love that I can never predict or plug her books into some cliche formula. Well done, Sidney! Can't wait for your next book!

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A unique take on a relations is what Sidney Halston has done with this newest book in her Panic series. She takes the perspective on both main character and follows them through there own words from meeting to an affair to falling in love and separating to reuniting Along the way Lola and Fox learn about each other's secrets and about themselves.

Lola Daye is the new bartender at Panic and William Fox is the bouncer. When they literally bump into each other on her first day the attraction is immediate and intense. Lola's past experience keeps Fox at arms length for months as he slowly wears down her guard to go out with him. They can't keep from watching each other. When Lola finally agrees to go out with Fox its the anniversary of his brother's death so he misses their date. Lola is mad but forgives him when he explains and gives him a second chance. When they finally get together the sparks and emotions fly. Lola only wants a temporary affair because she's leaving in a couple of months for her dream job.. Fox can handle that until his feelings almost immediately become involved. Their first date takes place at Fox's house when he discovers Lola's secret and keeps it. He begins to learn sign language to communicate with her and as Lola learns more about Fox she realizes how sweet and adorable he is even though she wasn't into tattooed men until Fox. As they get closer and reveal secrets Fox and Lola become friends and get closer. When Fox receives news of his estranged father after a argument with Lola she comes to support him. As the date of her leaving gets closer Fox wants her to stay but she won't and it results in an disagreement. When Fox goes to apologize he's handcuffed by the police and finds out about the attack on Lola. She has lost all her money and her dream job is no longer possible until Fox steps in and helps her with it. They separate but try to keep in touch. When Lola get word that there is a new volunteer showing up she's surprised when Fox shows up. He uses their special form of communication. they declare their love for each other and as the time comes that they need to move on a decision needs to be made.

I'm not one for the character written books as I call them where it's them talking they seem to bore me. I do seem to enjoy this double character speaking where the reader gets both sides to the story. Kiss Me Back shows you what happens when you find the right person, when you least expect it. When someone loves you as you are it can change your life and that of the person you love and you show them your true self. I look forward to the next installment in the Panic series. This was a different read from the last Sidney Halston book I read but I enjoyed this as well.

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Kiss Me Back is a SEXY read. The characters were really well written & the story was strong & very entertaining.

This was the third book in The Panic series & they have all been fantastic. They can be read as stand alone stories. Lola & Fox were a hot & sassy couple & their love story was a blast to read.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Steamy romance with likable and relatable characters to warm up your winter nights.

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I voluntarily read an advanced review copy of this book

This book was really good. While it took me a while to figure out just what was going on... I loved every second of Lola and Fox's story.

Overall this book was really good. It was packed with emotion, romance and heartache. Sidney did a good job surprising the reader at the end. When I read a book I expect the same kind of happily ever after ending so it was great to see a book end in a way that is totally different but simply perfect at the same time.

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