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Poison Kisses Part 1

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I have waited for Seth's story ever since I read about him in the Dirty Money series. I've wanted to know all about him and how he ticks.

I fell in love with him and I see why Amanda did too. He is sexy, intelligent, charming and a dirty talker. He has been sent to by the CIA to get Amanda so they can work on a mission together then he's been ordered to kill her. There are a lot of unresolved issues and feelings involved and that's where this story ended.... Need book 2 to answer all the questions

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Poison Kisses
Poison Kisses # 1
Lisa Renee Jones
Netgalley review

This is book 1 in a new series from Lisa Renee Jones. It's fast paced, hot, and edge of your seat reading. Poison Kisses, will keep you page turning to find pretty much anything. My only beef, it was over to soon, and now I have to wait for book 2.

Seth Cage is known as the assassin, and has no worries keeping that title.

Amanda is known as the Poison Princess, and is now the target to Seth, but not straight up murder, they well have to work l together, to bring down a man they thought was dead. Hate and lust... guns and fights....

This story is like modern day Mr & Mrs Smith.....

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I am loving Seth's story! This is the first of three parts and is one you won't want to put down once you start it.

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Wow! Fast paced romance that I loved! Can’t wait for the next installment!

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Part one of a three part series. I loved it and can’t wait to read the next one(s)

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Lisa did it again. I love the book. After reading the Dirty Money series I couldn't wait for this book. The plot as well as the main characters will capture you from the very first page. I am waiting for the two next parts.

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~Received a copy through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review~

A great read that will get you hooked from the start. I loved this story about Seth and Amanda, but hated it for being so darn short. And what's with that ending?!

One agent, a scientist and a connection between the two that runs deeper than the cases they are assigned to work together on.

Being assigned to keep safe until the case is resolved, and killed afterwards, proves to be one of the toughest missions he's been on.
Will he actually do it in the end or will she kill him, because he puts his feelings first?!

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So happy that Seth has a story! I really wanted to know more about him and this story did not let me down... not at all.

I love the subtle hints we're given as the story progresses... just enough to keep you turning those pages and wanting more.

Seth and Amanda are dangerously hot together! Mr & Mrs Jones had me fanning myself more than once!

Can't wait for the next installment in this fast paced romance!

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First time reading book by this author and I really enjoyed it. The love hate relation between Seth and Amanda and their brilliant chemistry. Everything was just perfect.

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This trilogy is listed as a standalone series, however, in order to get the full impact of Seth Cage you should read the Dirty Money Series. Besides being a great series in and of itself Poison Kisses begins where there the Dirty Money Series leaves off, Seth Cage coming back to New York where his past collides with his present.

This is Seth's story, after his stint working at Brandon Enterprises, delves into his former life as a CIA agent, and tells the story of the only woman that mattered to him. It weaves intrigue and suspense with sexiness which takes the story to a whole new level. Lisa knocks this one out of the park leaving you wanting more. Seth is dominant in his job and in the bedroom but Amanda in no shrinking violet, she can hold her own when it comes to Seth. When a CIA assignment as a fake couple turns into real romantic feelings the sparks fly and no matter how much they try to deny it those sparks still burn as hot as ever.

Will they be able to overcome past slights and perceived betrayals? Part two and three cannot come out fast enough for me.

This you for another captivating trilogy !!

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Poison Kisses is Book 1 of a there part series. For me, who usually loves books by Lisa Renee Jones, this was just okay. It had suspense and romance but was just lacking and didn't really inspire me to read the rest of the series when it becomes available.

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Finally, Seth! I am so happy to get his story after meeting him in the Dirty Money series. Well this was a heck of an intro into Seth’s life outside of Brandon Enterprises and his former life as a CIA agent. It is a smart, suspenseful and sexy as hell part 1 !! Lisa wrote the heck out of this! I can’t wait for the rest. Seth is very good at his job and is so alpha and sexy and Amanda is smart as hell and by no means a pushover. When they are originally paired together to do a job and pose as Mr. & Mrs. Jones, sparks fly and all the fun starts! They may be playing a part but the feelings are real that is until things change.
Give me more please!!

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It was a beautiful book to read
Interesting characters you learn about

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As always, Lisa Renee Jones never disappoints.

I couldn’t wait to get more of Seth and to find out more about him. Needless to say, I’ve been surprised by some of the things that we find out about him. Now, I see another side of him and can’t wait to get Part 2 and to learn more about Amanda and about who is playing them against each other.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

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Awesome has mystery, sex and an alpha male that will kill you. Seth is a CIA agent and so is Amanda, or at least they are trying to retire but everyone knows they never let you retire. On a mission 3 years ago Seth fell for Amanda and she broke his heart and he's determined to let no woman ever get that close again, so it's love them and leave them from now on, but hes given a mission and can't say no until he sees who he's supposed to kill. Great book but does have a cliffhanger.

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For Seth Cage, Amanda Larke is Elusive, she slipped away taking his heart and leaving him with the pieces of their failed mission. Only left with her betrayal, Seth made a the big mistake... he fell in love with his partner.

Three years later years have passed and no longer an CIA agent they call The Assassin; He is now The Fixer for The Brandon Family Empire. So when the CIA comes calling for him he will have to decide is he wants to be Their Assassin again, they have a gift for him... Her...

***Note - Poison Kisses is part 1 of a 3 part serial. ****

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This is the story of Seth Cage and Amanda Larke. They met 3 years ago on a mission and for the first moment noone could deny the chemistry between them. Both CIA agents on a mission they end up spending 3 months together pretending to be a couple experiencing the real thing. They ended up bad and now a threat to have many people kill bring them together. Both heart broken but not admitting it, claiming to hate each other and with passion lurking around they stick together on the run while trying to escape danger. Will they make it? Can they avoid getting into each others hand?

I loved it!!! Lisa is an amazing writer who knows who to tell a story with suspense, hot scenes, passion and bringing emotions into central stage. I enjoyed the depth in her characters but also the way she kept the mystery. Her switching between present and past was to the point bringing into the pictures the necessary info to understand the story but not revealing too much.

I kept reading hungrily one page after the other and by the time I got to the last page of the book I just wanted more. I can't wait to read the next book on this series.

Honestly I am fascinated by how her various series though being on different worlds and bussinesses are told in a way that the readers' interest and attention are kept through out the book and by the end of it he/she find themselves hooked and needing to read what happens next.

I really love Lisa's stories.

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This is the beginning of something good. Two agents brought together years ago on assignment and thrown back together now. They don't trust each other, say they hate each other. Sure doesn't feel like it. There's action and a mystery and the beginnings of a love story. This ends on a cliffhanger, making me anxious for book 2!

Basically this was a fun read for me. It wasn't very long and had a lot going on, and I am totally intrigued to find out what happens next to Amanda and Seth.

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4 <b> Poison Princess </b> Stars
This is a 3 part story of suspense, accusations and a real who dun it!
This story focuses on the Poison Princess and the Assassin as they try to make sense of who they were, what is happening and what their next move.
the couple was brought together to do a mission as Mr. and Mrs. Smith and somewhere along the way they fell in love.
when suddenly betrayal happened and the couple spent 3 years a part

will the sins of their past, present and future destroy them or will they destroy the barriers that stand in their way!?

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My god. That was...damn. Told from the POV of Seth, the hero of the story, we’re taken on a sensual ride from beginning to end. Seth and Amanda have history—not only were they partners in the CIA, they were also lovers in every way that counts. But then Amanda betrays Seth in the worst way. Next thing he knows, it’s three years later and he still hasn’t found her. Until the agency does. It’s his kill. After getting what he wants from her, he will kill her.

“Because that’s what you do to your enemies. You fuck them.”

Throw in some hot as hell sex and a smart, sexy, and can hold her own, heroine, and we’ve ourselves a mesmerizing book. To say I enjoyed Poison Kisses is an understand. It’s HOT. Seth is the delicious alpha male that’s both hard and vulnerable. His one weakness is amanda.

“You’re with me now and no one gets to take you from me. And I’m the only one who gets to kill you.”

“You’re so damn romantic,” she says. “No wonder I missed you.”

This is the first of a serial—each book coming out a week after one another. Lisa Renee Jones is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. Her heroines are all whip-smart badasses and her heroes all sexy alpha men who love their women. Even when they want to kill them. Overall, if you’re wanting a book that is action-packed, romantic, sexy, and has the enemies to lovers trope, then I highly recommend starting this one sooner rather than later.

*Thank you to the publisher for providing a copy for an unbiased and honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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