Member Reviews

YA SciFi by K&B Ritchie?! So interesting and fun! Love getting to see this side of their writing as well!

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I have previously read and loved this sitting duo, so of course I wanted to check out their YA sci-fi/romance.

This was a good time. It's definitely YA, and if you don't normally read sci-fi in YA this could be an easy place to start. Likable characters and relationships, not over the top on the science parts (some sci-fi books can stretch this out to a boring level). Unsure if many long time frame of the authors would enjoy this though.

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So you all know that I am HUGE, and I mean HUGE fan of Krista and Becca Ritchie. So when I heard they were writing a YA Fantasy Adventure, I knew I just had to read it. Even if I don't read YA very often, I knew I wouldn't be dissapointed. They have a knack for story telling that is just amazing. I have not read anything of theirs that I did not love and enjoy.

From the moment that we meet Franny on the cold, frozen streets of Bartholo looking for her last paycheck on her death day to meeting Mykal and Court. I was hooked! Hooked, brought into this cold world and the lives of these 3 characters. I had so many questions, questions I can't get into without being to spoilery. But this story was like one I had never read before. I was completely fascinated. The whole concept of everyone knowing their death day, and how that is even possible. But it is set in the future, so who knows what type of technology will be developed. and why did they live past thier death day, what makes them so special?!

I loved that it was written in multiple POV's. Getting into each characters head is always fun. Especially when each character is so vastly different. I found myself being drawn to Court, a young guy who seemed so haunted by his past. And with each POV of his a little more of him was shown and I couldn't help but want to know more. There was this tender yet harshness about him that made you want to just wrap your arms around him. Give him a big hug and tell him that everything is going to be ok. Then there was Mykal, the light hearted "muscle" of the group. Not afraid to show his emotions. Wearing them right on his sleeve ( reminded me a little of Ryke and the hot tempered triad from the Addicted and Calloway series.) Living in the moment, and trying to add some life into the hardships that they were all facing. Not to mention his relationship with Court was perfection. Their chemistry jumped off the pages, and you could tell that their friendship and bond was stronger than just the connection they shared.

The were thrills, suspense, sadness, and even a bit of romance. Definitely not their usual romance, but for this story what romance that was had, was perfect. Wasn't too much or too little! It was written to be part of the story and not just written to be written.The world that they created was futuristic, yet modern at the same time. Those elements were neat to read. And the fact that everyone knows their death day just added a whole knew thrill to the story. As well as some elements of surprise that crept up from the past that had you sitting on the edge of your seat. I liked how things were revealed to you when they needed to be. It was like an old fashioned mystery mixed with contemporary/ YA romance. If that makes any sense...haha.

In the beginning of the story, and this not spoilerish at all. Frannie is coming up to her death day and she speaks of what she has planned. Makes you think, what would you do if you knew the day you were going to die?! Would you spend it in a luxurious hotel that you would never be able to afford, go on a crazy vacation, spend it with family and friends?

I truly loved this story and can not wait for the rest of the world to get their hands on it. It's a definite must read, and I've been a fan of these ladies for quite sometime. But these ladies have a fan and friend in me for life. They will remain an instant buy for me always! I give this 5 out of 5 stars!

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Very wonderfully written! The bond between the main characters was super unique. Even with 3 POV’s I never found myself getting lost. The POV’s picked up where the last left off and it was absolutely seamless. I thoroughly enjoyed this story and that ending!!! Talk about a cliffhanger. I can’t wait to read the second novel in this duology!

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I decided not to finish this book because I didn't feel a strong connection to the story or characters. I will not be rating it or writing a full review, but I appreciate the opportunity.

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I was very excited for this book when I requested it but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me. I still may give it another try in the future.

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I received this free eARC novel from NetGalley. This is my honest review.

This has been on my TBR pile for so long, and I'm glad I finally got around to it. I really enjoyed the storyline and seeing the characters change throughout the story was a great character development. The plot was great and kept my attention. I'm glad I got the chance to read this and will be on the lookout for more in the future!

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I am always intrigued by books who are written by multiple authors but I just don't think they're my favourite.

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Unfortunately, this one just didn’t do it for me. It may work for others, but I couldn’t jive with the pacing, character decisions, or the tone.

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I can't really say much about this one since I only got through 25%, but generally, these are the reasons why I opted not to finish this one:

1. I found it pretty hard to differentiate the POVs. The two male voices sounded the same to me, and they were always together, which made it even harder.

2. There was a lot of terminology that takes a while to get used to. My brain's just not up for it!

3.I couldn't connect with any of the characters at all. They all seemed really edgy to me.

This was definitely not the book for me, but that doesn't mean that other people wouldn't enjoy it!

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There were parts of this book I really found engaging that kept me reading more. The characters were developed, the premise was intriguing and the world-building was good. However, the plot was a little disappointing and predictable.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

I’m not sure what I just read. The plot was all over the place. We started with linked characters that all dodged their death days and then somehow transitioned into a competition to join a space mission? I felt most of this book made little sense and the characters voices in the alternating POVS were too similar and I’d lose track of who was speaking. There were a lot of logic leaps and confusing actions that I just didn’t follow.

I was interested in the first few chapters but after that my enjoyment dropped off rapidly. I don’t think I will read the sequel.

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I struggled with this book. I liked the world building as it was unique and I enjoy alternating viewpoints in book, I just didn't connect like I wanted to with the characters. I thought the idea that each person knows their death day was interesting; I enjoyed that this wasn't just a romance. There is a romance aspect to this novel and it has LGBTQIA representation. It's a solid science fiction fantasy novel that focuses on two male and one female who have a mental, and physical connection and a deep bonded friendship.
Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for an ARC of this novel. It did not influence my review.

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Always, always, always pick up a book by the twins. This was no exception. Absolute knock out of the park.

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This book had a lot of potential with the premise. However, I couldn't connect to the characters. So many things were left open-ended and unexplained. The entire set time of death for three different groups was interesting, but not enough was clarified. I didn't know this was going to be mostly a M/M book, with a female character included. It also ended in a cliffhanger. I struggled over a one star, or a two-star, as many parts drug and were chaotic. I picked two stars because they tried to have an interesting concept, but for me, it didn't make it.

My copy came from Net Galley. A positive review was not required.

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I reviewed this book on my good reads account. I unfortunately did not really like it. I’ve attached the link.

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The Raging Ones is superb!

Witty, engaging, fast paced, surprising, imaginative - all words I would use to describe this book.

I'm not much for love triangles, but even that aspect was well written and not overtly fluffy or lovey-dovey.

Let's just say I need to read book two asap!

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The book was set up well, with great world building. I really liked the idea that the three characters could sense what each other are going through.

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Krista and Becca Ritchie have masterfully blended sci-fi and romance in this book, the second installment of this entertaining duology. All the feels in outer space. This is a duology and the first book “The Raging Ones” should definitely be read first. The focus of this book is on the beloved trio from the first book Franny, Court, and Mykal. Imprisoned on an enemy starship with their “last hope” being a baby. There are also some new characters that added a bit of a splash, but honestly I enjoyed my time spent with the trio.

I don’t generally read sci-fi but this was a lot of fun! There was just the perfect amount of world building to keep it interesting, but I was never confused or overwhelmed with it. The characters were all well-developed, engaging, and likable (well most of them). The story was swiftly and perfectly paste, never a dull moment. The Romance was sweet and satisfying. This book was out of my comfort zone, out of this world, and showed me the stars. I’m really looking forward to what this writing duo has in store for us next.

*** thanks Wednesday Books/St Martin’s press for my copy of this book ***

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This one was very different than Krista & Becca Ritchie´s other books. I'm still not sure I loved it, but I appreciate how they can write in such different genres and styles

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