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Bring Me Back

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Oh, this had so much promise. It really was a fun, pulpy, mind candy read for the first half or so. You don't know who to trust, you don't know what happened 10 years ago, those Russian dolls are creepy as all get-out, there's a nice balance with the alternating storylines with little bits of information doled out like bread crumbs... And then you start to figure out what loaf those crumbs are leading to. And it is just a little too pulpy. I have to give it 3 stars because it was so so good in the beginning. I thought Paris was going to be one of my new favorites. Still, I've read good things about her other books so I might still give her another try.

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The ending of Behind Closed Doors impressed me enough to keep reading B.A. Paris's books. Unfortunately, both The Breakdown and this book have been less than stellar.

Bring Me Back is incredibly repetitive. Russian dolls were mentioned on what felt like The ending/payoff is so ridiculous, I couldn't even pretend to enjoy it.

Unfortunately, I would not recommend this book. There are too many thrillers/mysteries out there that are significantly better than this one. I still love Behind Closed Doors and would encourage readers to read that book and stop there.

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This is the first book I have read by this particular author and I have to say I was floored by her writing. The book started off with a bang and didn't let up until the last page. Even have the final twist was revealed you wanted more. I definitely will be reading more of this author.

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Fantastic, psychological thriller! I really enjoyed the characters and how the suspense built throughout the story. Descriptions of the English countryside and coast were lovely. I definitely recommend this book to all mystery lovers.

Thanks to NetGalley and publishers for a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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the book was very interesting. Plot was well developed. really enjoyed this book and the characters.

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The book definitely had the same structure and similar plot as The Breakdown but with a male protagonist instead. It was reading like a very standard thriller but then it shifted and went in a direction I definitely didn’t see coming. Even when I thought I figured it out, it still twisted. So that was nice. I like her books and will keep reading but it’d be great if she strayed a bit from her formula. Shake things up a bit.

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A great novel for readers who are looking to dip their toes into the domestic thriller genre but didn't like the movie 'Gone Girl'. Easy to read, quick pacing, this was a fun ride and I definitely was thrown for a loop at the end!

I didn't love how much of the book pitted two women against each other. Really, is Finn that amazing to fawn over? Especially because he treats his partners terribly. I had to engage my suspension of disbelief throughout this novel and just accept the twists as they came! Thank you Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for this ARC. Find me @the_worthwhile_bibliophile!

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Brilliant-I devoured this!

This book kept me completely off balance until about 3/4 of the way through, when I had my first suspicion of where it was leading. My first thought was 'no way!', but it kept niggling at me.
When the big twist was revealed, even with my suspicions, I still had to pick my jaw up off the floor.

I was so impressed with how the author structured this story and kept the twist hidden for so long, that I actually went back and read certain chapters that held the clues the whole time. Absolutely brilliant how the author tricked me into thinking one thing, all the while she was writing something else!

I'm keeping this very vague for a reason. I think the publisher's synopsis does a fine job of outlining what the story is about. But I think this is one of those books that the less you know, the more enjoyment you will receive.

I think this is going to land on my top 10 fav reads for the year!

ARC provided by NetGalley

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This book was great. The more i read the more drawn into the story i got. The first few chapters made me wonder. If he had killed his girlfriend layla who disappeared at a rest stop when he left her to go to the bathroom.Years later his girlfriend layla disappears Finn ends up marrying her sister ellen. Things take a sinister turn once he and ellen decide to get married and he ruby, and harry all assume that layla has come back for revenge. I never saw the ending coming it left me completely shocked . If your looking for a great thriller that you cannot put down this is the book for you. Be ready to lise lots of sleep reading this !

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I couldn't wait to dive into this new book by B.A. Paris! Once again, she didn't disappoint. A creepy suspense story about a man torn between two sisters, but everything is not as it seems....

A very suspenseful book that kept me on edge until the end, though I did guess the twist before it happened.

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A page turner of a book - I read this so fast as B A Paris writes in such a way that you just have to know what happens next. I was drawn into the story about Layla, Ellen and Finn and didn't guess the 'twist' at the end! Well written and highly addictive!

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I'm not certain that I've ever seen the question mark used so liberally in any book. It's not because B.A. Paris leaves you dangling at the end of "Bring Me Back." The book would make a great movie. It has all the suspense, twists, and intrigue you could ever want. Plus there is the added bonus for hundreds of question marks!
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. At least four different times, I was certain I had uncovered the mystery. My second guess turned out to be correct, but only after I'd moved on to #3 and #4. Both times I was equally certain that I had hatched the plot. B.A. Paris has written a winner. Enjoy!!

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I rate this book a 3.5. The book was good, but it didn't leave me engaged as other psychological thrillers have. The book had a great start, but lagged a bit in the middle. Nearing the end, it did have some twists and it did grab my attention. I thought the books would have a suspense similar to Gone Girl, but I felt it abruptly ended and resolved itself. Thank you NetGalley for an ARC copy.

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A missing person who may not really be missing, may be she is just hiding. But why? And why is she haunting her former boyfriend, who is nw with her sister? Hmmm, interesting. But then, then it gets strange.

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Paris writes a very good psychological suspense story and this one is no exception. Although this tale is on the implausible side, it had me completely intrigued. I did figure out the "twist", but was still entertained. That's what captivating writing should do, and Paris does it very well.

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WOW......Just Wow !!! This book is amazing !!! It is a psychological thriller that totally had me stumped until the end. It is very well written, making you feel as if you are there watching the whole thing play out. I read the book in one day because I could not put it down. I have never read this author before, but I will definitely read her works in the future. An absolute must read...

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I'm somewhere between a 3 and a 4 star rating with B.A. Paris' Bring Me Back. Bring Me Back is the story of a man who's seeming to rapidly descend into madness after discovering that his girlfriend, who he thinks may have died 12 years earlier, is back. The idea that she might be back is what clinches on to readers, but the fast moving pace of this read keeps the attention of readers, even when things start to go a little quirky.

Finn has found love again after the disappearance of his girlfriend. He's found this love in her older sister Ellen. With the hopes of moving on, they both have created a quiet, life together that's seemingly blissful, except for the ghost of Layla, that haunts them at every turn. Just because they don't mention her, doesn't mean she isn't a huge elephant in the room. With the announcement of their pending nuptials, things get a little bizarre.

The surfacing of Russian dolls, littered around their home, and neighborhood waiting to be found, force Finn to believe that the girlfriend he fears he ran away (or something worse) may be alive. He wants to see her badly. He's not sure if he wants her back but it's obvious that he's still tremendously in love with her.

Up until she starts sounding nuts...

B.A. Paris offers a psychological thriller that is a fun read. The small nuggets of information unfurling is enough to keep the attention of those who are in need of a quick read. This was totally going to be one of my books I start before I start the book I really want to read. Instead, I found that I was up until the wee hours of the night just trying to piece together the mystery of Layla and Finn.

All was good until the author decided that during a moment of angst, the antagonist would sit and right a long ass email explaining shit. PARIS, that just doesn't happen. Let me sit and write at a computer for at least 30 minutes to an hour about what the hell is going on. Sorry but no! If I am on a time crunch and my world is about to be torn apart, I'm not writing a thing. Maybe I'll leave a text saying "Gotcha" but... nothing more.

Either way, Bring Me Back was a fun read. I wasn't expecting to be as engrossed in it as I was but, that's fine. It was worth the time spent trying to unlock the mysteries. Each chapter it's own Russian doll begging for the next doll to be revealed.

Copy Provided by St. Martin's Press via Netgalley

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I was so looking forward to reading this book. I hadn't ever tried the author before, but the premise was fantastic. It sounded deliciously twisty.

But the writing is weak. There is a gross excess of telling instead of showing, and that made it impossible for me to get immersed into the story; I never got to feel the anger, the pain, the torment, of the characters - it's all simply reported. The bland language doesn't help, either.
The setting of the story isn't fleshed out well enough. It's never fully realised. I wanted more of it. I wanted an atmosphere, and the setting never gives you that.

It's very cheesy and melodramatic. The last lines of almost every chapter end with an ominous cliffhanger such as "You have ten days" or "But then she spoiled everything" or "It was time to find out!" It's just so....eye-roll worthy. The anticipation the author's trying to instill in his readers is too forced. It's cheesy and overdone.

The end of the book has some nice twists. But they are also the kind of twists that make you think "is that really, really clever, or is it just totally bizarre and confusing?" That's how I feel. I'm not sure that the twists do make complete sense, and I for one am still very puzzled with the ending. The details of the ending's incidents are very weak and far-fetched, and they aren't written convincingly. I don't know quite what to think.

The characters are flat. I hate the narrator - the protagonist - because he comes across so aloof and arrogant, and the secondary cast are dull and one-dimensional, too. No one is vivid and layered; they're all half-finished beings with tunnel purpose.
And the author never digs deep with them. That goes for the rest of the book, too. He just doesn't go below the surface, and so we get a weak, glossy surface-level story with no real depth or engagement. It's hollow.

Bring Me Back is badly written with flat characters, and does nothing to draw the reader into its clutches and keep them there. It also sends out mixed messages about abuse, which are never properly resolved.

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Intriguing mystery that unfolds in unexpected ways. Defined a page turner. This was my first Novel by the author and I will be trying her other works.

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#BringMeBack by @BAParisAuthor is the very best kind of thriller. It grabs you from the start and refuses to let go. You enjoy the ride so much that, before you know it, you've finished the book without putting it down. Brava! Wonderfully entertaining. @StMartinsPress #BookReview #NetGalley

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