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Bring Me Back

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t is funny how the publishing world seems to work in cycles. For ages every book seemed to be about vampires then it moved on to dystopian future fantasies. Now most of the books worth reading are in the psychological thriller genre and B A Paris has really made this category her own. This is her third novel with a twist and it definitely doesn’t disappoint.

Twelve years ago Finn was returning from a trip to France with his girlfriend Layla. They stopped at a remote service area for a toilet break and when Finn had returned to the car Layla had just vanished. Despite lengthy investigations both in France and the UK she had just disappeared without a trace.

Now that Finn is living with Layla’s sister Ellen and preparing for their wedding some strange things have started happening. Little Russian dolls have begun appearing in the oddest places and this was significant only to Ellen and Layla as children. Could she still be alive…?

Bring Me Back is the kind of book that you need to put everything else on hold for – once you start reading you will need to find out the truth.

Supplied by Net Galley, HQ and St Martin’s Press in exchange for an honest review.

UK Publication date: Mar 8 2018. 335 pages.

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This book will have you on the edge of your seat until the last page is turned. Excellent psychological thriller. Layla and Ellen are sisters and have had a terrible upbringing. Ellen’s mind is all twisted as she tries to take over her sister’s boyfriend. Where do these twisted minds come from and how the author handles it is amazing.

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I really enjoyed this book!. Twists all the way through! So many times I thought that I guessed it, then I changed my mind.

I have adored all BA Paris's books but my favorite still is The Breakdown. That being said I still adored this book.

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This is definitely a fast paced psychological read. It definitely messed with my head! Nothing as it seems in this book and it kept me on my toes. I would definitely recommend to any that like psychological drama and mystery.

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Wow, just wow. This author just amazes me. I would love to have a mind that can come up with these stories. Third book I have read and each time I can' t figure out the ending. Incredible. I read it in a day and really did not want to put it down. You are hooked right from the first paragraph. If you love mysteries and thrillers, this should be your new favorite author Get all 3 books you will be glad you did !

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Bring Me Back is the type of escapist reading I love, where you are not quite sure where it is going, but you can't wait to get there.
Finn claims Layla was kidnapped years ago and goes on to make a new life for himself with her sister, but is Layla still alive? If so, where was/is she? Why can't he remember what happened at the time of the alleged kidnapping? What will he do if she is alive as far as which sister will he choose?
Thanks NetGalley for an exciting advance reader copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

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B.A. Paris' novels are always a favourite of mine. Bring Me Back however would have to be my least favourite. The book centres around Finn and his life ten years after his girlfriend Layla went missing from a rest area on a holiday with him. Finn was a complicated, angry, complicated mess that obviously had not dealt well with the fallout of Layla's disappearance and throughout the whole novel was seriously unlikeable and I had no idea how his new fiancé could even stand him really. I guess in turn it all made sense in the end but this was not one of B.A.'s usual unputdownable books that I have come to know. I have to admit the ending was not what I expected and I didn't actually see that coming which was nice! Whoever thought that Russian dolls could come across so creepy? Well here we are. Anyway - good, not fantastic as I've come to expect.

Thank you to netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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My review for this book is on my GoodReads account. It can be found at the following link:

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Thank you Netgalley and publishers for an ARC of this novel. This is a fast-paced mystery, but unfortunately, I did not connect with the characters, and it was also disappointing that I had this one figured out about 40% into it. Not a horrible read by any means, but just not a winner for me.

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Fast paced! My favorite is still her debut, Behind Closed Doors, and I DNF her second book, The Breakdown, as I found it very predictable and unoriginal. I did enjoy this one much more!

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As far as suspense goes, the first 45% to 50% of the book was really good. I kept getting drawn in as I wanted to know more of what had happened to Layla. Then in the second half of the book as the resolution started coming together it got more and more ridiculous until the final chapter when all is revealed. I'll try not to spoil anything, but the "twist" and ending of whodunit was beyond believable, even for a fictional story.

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This is a chilling physiological domestic thriller. BA Paris certainly knows how to write a great story. I did not want to put the book down, I just had to know what happened. If you liked her other books you will love this one.

The pacing was great and just as soon as you think you know what is going on you get hit with another twist.

I would highly recommend this book.

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Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris was a fast paced psychological thriller that gets you hooked from the beginning. It opens putting the suspense out there pretty quickly. Finn and Ellen are the couple newly engaged. What's unconventional is Finn was in a relationship with Ellen's sister Layla before she disappeared 12 years ago. The book goes back and forth between today and 12 years ago to get into the relationship of Finn and Layla from the beginning. It's also told from multiple perspectives, which adds richness in it. Finn and Layla arrives at a gas station after their romantic getaway in France. Finn gets out of the car to go to the toilet, and when he comes Layla isn't in the car, and she cannot be found for the next 12 years. Finn moves on with his life after a while, and finally gets engaged with Ellen, Layla's sister. However, things start to get weird as they're engaged. Tiny Russian dolls start appearing near the house, car, mail, etc. It's a reminder of the sisters' childhood that only Layla can know. So, is she back??? Things get twister after this point. The book dragged a bit too long with Finn's reaction to the situation.
It's an intriguing thriller when you feel you want to read something exciting and easy. Thanks to NetGalley and the publishing for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the third novel that I've read by B.A Paris and it's sure to not be the last! What I love about Paris is her ability to draw out suspense throughout an entire book without making it frustrating or boring. She did that in Behind Closed Doors, she did that in The Breakdown and she's done it again in Bring Me Back. The story is about a missing woman and the young man who was madly in love with her and jumps between then and the present. It's 12 years later and he has moved on and is now engaged to her sister. Life is going well until events arise that make him believe that his missing girlfriend may be alive and may have returned.

For a while I actually had no idea where this book was headed, which is a good thing. It's refreshing to read a book that isn't predictable, but it also means that I basically can't put the book down and you won't be able to reach me until I finish.

But holy paranoia! Bring Me Back left me not know what to believe at the end of every chapter. I was certain I had figured it out about 12 separate times and I was wrong every time.

Bravo to Paris for such a unique read

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I LOVED B.A. Paris' other books and so I have been looking forward to Bring Me Back for quite some time. It didn't disappoint. I found myself wanting to keep reading because I had to know how everything was going to play out. I read a lot of thrillers and I didn't see the twist at the end coming - it is definitely unique and different!

I would like to thank Net Galley for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Holy crap was this good!! There’s all sorts of page-turning suspense for the first half of the book. You don’t know who to believe.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I loved B.A. Paris' first book Behind Closed Doors and liked her second book as well. While I enjoyed this newest book, it was not my favorite. Bring Me Back tells the story of Finn who once was madly in love with Layla - until she disappeared after having a fight. 12 years later, he is now in a relationship with Ellen who is Layla's sister with plans to marry. However, Finn and Ellen's plans get derailed when the past returns to haunt them. It was an interesting read though farfetched to say the least and I found the ending unbelievable and disappointing. The characters were hard to relate to and I never got very invested in the story, unfortunately - it ended up falling flat at the end for me.

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I very much enjoyed B.A. Paris' two previous novels so I had high hopes for the third one. Unfortunately, it just didn't have that same spark for me. I don't know if it was the mystery or the fact that it was primarily told through a male POV, but it was all just kind of... boring? I didn't guess the twist but once it came around, I was already so over the whole thing that it didn't even seem very groundbreaking. It just was.

B.A. Paris is still an auto-read for me so I am definitely looking forward to the next one.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this, and thought I had worked out what was going on, only to get to the end and find out that I had no idea! A great twisted thriller!

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I have read previous books by B.A Paris and have thoroughly enjoyed them. This was a book I couldn’t put down, but the ending was so unbelievable it was disappointing.

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