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Bring Me Back

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B.A. Paris has quickly become one of my favorite authors of psychological thrillers, and her latest book is my favorite!

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I really enjoyed Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown, so I anticipated really enjoying this one too, however, it wasn't my favorite. It took me a while to get into it because it's very slow paced, but then I found myself turning the pages to find out how it was going to end. I like to make guesses along the way and see if I'm right. So I was definitely entertained, it's just that the pacing and tone felt as if it never really took off. It didn't quite have the ups and downs of suspense I remember experiencing with the author's previous books.

The ending felt like it dragged a bit too, because instead of letting things unfold within the story, I was being told how everything came to be. In a way being told the answers made the ending feel like a quick wrap up too. I didn't feel the same satisfaction as I have with the authors previous books.

I'm almost wondering if maybe I'd like it better as an audio book? Maybe the narration could bring it to life more and I'd feel the suspense?

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Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris is a quick and thrilling read that kept me hooked from the beginning. The action begins immediately as we are introduced to Finn and Ellen who have an unconventional relationship in that Finn was previously in a relationship with Ellen's sister Layla 12 years prior. Awkward! Anyhow, suffice it to say this does not make for the beginnings of a wonderfully romantic relationship. The novel flashes back from present day to 12 years previous when Finn and Layla were in love. Their last moments were spent on a romantic getaway in France. The two stopped off for a pit stop and when Finn returned to the vehicle after going to the restroom he finds Layla has disappeared. She was never found and Finn moved on with his life, later starting a romantic relationship with Layla's older sister Ellen. Once Finn and Ellen are engaged they both begin experiencing creepy reminders of the past. Tiny Russian dolls start popping up near their house, on their car, and in the mail. The creep factor was huge here. I will certainly never look at a Russian doll without thinking of this novel. Anyhow, Finn and Ellen both realize that these dolls could only be from one person- Layla. Is Layla back or is someone playing a twisted game with Finn and Ellen?

B.A. Paris will take you on a wild ride to find out exactly what is behind this creepy twist. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this novel. I found the twist to be a tad predictable, but acknowledge that it could be due to the fact that I read copious amounts of thriller/suspense and am getting better about spotting the twist early on in the novels I read. I also feel like while reading you have to be willing to suspend reality for just a bit. Without giving too much plot information away, there are a couple of things regarding the twist and the ending that I feel are a bit unrealistic. It makes me think that Finn would have to be rather dense to miss some rather obvious red flags along the way. I also had an issue with the possibility of something very big regarding Ellen and Layla, but I can't elaborate as it would give the whole thing away. I think readers will know what I'm referencing when they reach the end of the book and have an explanation as to what happened to Layla. Overall, I highly recommend this to readers of thrillers and suspense novels and especially for fans of B.A. Paris' debut twisty novel, Behind Closed Doors. Paris is definitely an author I will continue to follow. Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for giving me an advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Enjoyed this book very much. Kept me interested all the way thru.

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*Thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.* I was so excited to hear that B. A. Paris had another book coming out. I devoured 'The Breakdown' and 'Behind Closed Doors' and Paris' latest offering, 'Bring Me Back' was no different. The book focusses on Finn McQuaid and his girlfriend Layla, the latter of whom disappeared mysteriously during a trip to France in 2006. Fast-forward a decade or so and Layla has never been seen again, but Finn is slowly getting his life back on track. I found the novel interesting and fast-paced and whilst I did guess one of the key plot twists, it was still a thoroughly enjoyable read.

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Since Behind Closed Doors I got myself hyped for this advanced copy of Bring Me Back from Net Gallery, but this one I felt was very drawn out and near the end was almost predictable. Now the very end I didn't see happening.

I kept picking this up and putting down, I think a whole day went by where I was like no not interested. Then I felt I owed it to Net Gallery, the Author, and my followers on Good Reads to give my opinion.

I felt like this book was so drawn out on trying to find Layla and these Russian Dolls were getting old and just plain creepy, it just dragged on and on. I did like the characters, there was so much about the characters, Oh God was there.We knew all but the color of the characters underwear.

Finn should of just forgot about Layla and continued with the relationship that was working for him. In the end he gave up and it was sad cause it all could of been avoided.

Thank you net gallery and the publisher for giving me a try at it.


#netgallery #Bringmeback

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BA Paris has done it again!! This book kept me wanting to read more from page one-- I couldn't put it down and she kept me guessing throughout. Always full of surprises, and she has become a go to for my customer recommendations-- I will start talking about this with my staff and am sure they will react the same! Superb!

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I received this book through NetGalley and was so excited to read it once I read the description. This book had me on the edge of my seat!

It started off really well and got more grittier in the middle with me wanting to race ahead to the end but I forced myself to slow down. I got literal chills towards the end but to be honest, the end left me bereft. I was expecting a much more intense reveal or a sort of psychological twist but as I said, it disappointed. The ending made this a 3 star book instead of a 4.

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I really enjoyed this book! It kept me guessing the whole way through. Even though I had an inkling of what the teisy might be, I didn't know the full extent. It definitely kept me engaged all the way to the very last sentence.

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B.A. Paris is 3/3. This is an exciting, thrilling ride of a book.

Finn and Layla are a happy couple. Young and in love, Finn is preparing to propose to Layla. Then one night, on their way home from a holiday, Layla goes missing.

Twelve years later, Finn and Ellen are a happy couple, getting ready to get married and spend their lives together. Then an object turns up outside their house that turns their lives upside down. Maybe its the answer to where Layla went, all those years ago.

This really is my favorite of B.A. Paris' books. So far. Like her other books though, I found that I raced through it because I wanted to know if I had predicted the ending, or it it was a huge twist (the answer is, both.)

I was excited to read this as an ARC, and look forward to more work from this author in the (hopefully near) future.

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I loved B.A. Paris's The Breakdown and put this one on my must reads list immediately when I heard about it. I have to say, I'm kind of disappointed. This book was pretty slow moving and seemed to drag on. Of course, each chapter ends with some sort of ominous paragraph or sentence, but it just didn't hook me the way The Breakdown did. The writing is wonderful, but I didn't connect with the characters. As a matter of fact, I hated each and every one of them. I'm not sure I would read this again, although I am glad that I read it and got it off my to-reads list.

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I wanted to give 5 stars, I did. But something was amiss for that.
I didn't finish Paris's first book, and this one made me skip over some parts as it did slow down significantly, settling on a long ping-pong match of want-him want-her that quickly grew repetitive and boring.

I also felt like maybe the subject under it was too simply put for it to really be a psychological thriller - like maybe it wasn't only made up (of course, it's fiction) but it was actually fabricated from the psychologically possible aspect. Either that or nothing of its background was really ever explained. By that I mean why Layla or Finn were the way they were, their initial first slip-ups were described but no explanations behind any further actions or potential dangers were ever given, making me feel at the very end like I didn't really see their psychological misgivings to be the reason behind their tragic love.

That being said, Paris is a great writer and I wanted to read this book because even though I didn't flip through every page of Behind Closed Doors (I didn't because I guessed way too early what was going on and also because I hated the protagonist who doesn't take any action), she's a master at the just-one-more-page writing style.

Also, THANK YOU for not describing every nuance of their domestic lives or relationship and making the story flow.

I think this is a fantastic page turner and will keep you awake at night until you figure it all out - which isn't as easy as it seems from the first glance.

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Nobody touch me right now. I cannot even begin to fathom what on earth I have just read. I literally held my Kindle for a solid two minutes because I couldn't even begin to wrap my head around everything. I am completely just blown away. I did not expect the twist. Not by a longshot.

The way this book was written made the mystery that much more intense. It was split into three parts. We have Finn's narration, the before time and a super special narration that I'm not going to disclose. There was this huuuuuuuuuge amount of foreboding and dread the minute I started reading this book. It kept me hooked!

Finn was an unreliable narrator. He lied all the time along with lying to himself and to others he loved. But I liked that. His constant inner monologues were a tiny bit too much at times but overall I enjoyed Finn as a narrator. I could feel myself losing sanity as he slowly began to lose his. And I also enjoyed the extra special nattor. They were pretty great too.

Overall, this book was great. The thrill of finding out what really happened to Layla kept me on the edge the whole time. The level of foreboding and dread I felt was awesome and I can't wait to feel it again. I can't wait to read more of this author's work.

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Finn and Layla are young, in love, and on vacation. They’re driving along the highway when Finn decides to stop at a service station to use the restroom. He hops out of the car, locks the doors behind him, and goes inside. When he returns Layla is gone—never to be seen again. That is the story Finn told to the police. But it is not the whole story.

Ten years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen. Their shared grief over what happened to Layla drew them close and now they intend to remain together. Still, there’s something about Ellen that Finn has never fully understood. His heart wants to believe that she is the one for him...even though a sixth sense tells him not to trust her.

I rated this 4.5 out of 5.

Having read and very much enjoyed the previous titles by B A Paris - Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown - I was super excited to read this third novel! It did not let me down. It was in the same fast paced easy reading style of the earlier books and very quickly engaged my attention. It was again compelling reading and I really wanted to know what/who was behind the contact from Layla, the missing wife. The reason for only 4.5 instead of a 5/5 was that I found it a too unbelievable in parts and none of the characters were particularly likeable.

But otherwise it was an enjoyable read and one I will very much recommend to friends a family. Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for an advance copy in return for my honest opinion. This review will also be shared on Goodreads.

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This Author is amazing. I would give it 100 stars if i could! I loved this book. So well written. I found this book unputdownable!!

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Bring me back by B.A. Paris

4/5 Stars.

I could not put this book down. The way it was written, Wow!! I stayed up to finish this book.

Personally, I liked Bring me back better than the author’s previous books.

Like I quoted in my review of Behind Closed doors:

I have read “The Breakdown” before this one and it looks like the author has used a very similar template for both the novels. Now I have the ARC copy of “Bring me Back” and I hope it’s something different.

This book has a very similar template. It focusses on dynamics of a married couple once again but I guess it’s the treatment that made it better than the other books.


On their way home from France, Finn and his girlfriend Layla stop at a dimly lit service station to use the restroom. When he returns back to his car, Layla goes missing and she was never found.

12 years later, Finn has moved on with his life. He is in relationship with Layla’s sister Ellen and they are about to get married. Everything seems perfect until one day a small Russian doll was found at their doorstep. Ellen states that the Russian doll must be from her sister Layla because it’s the exact one that Ellen lost during her childhood. Finn dismisses it as someone playing prank but more Russian dolls keep showing up at their doorstep. Also, Finn gets an email from someone claiming to be Layla.

Is Layla alive? If she is, why is she turning up after 12 years? With his relationship with Ellen strained, Finn tries to find out who is behind all this.

When you think about it the author presents a fairly simple plot but it’s the narrative that shines. The book is separated into three main parts with each chapter alternating between “Before” and “Now”. The narration is toned in the first person of each of the main characters. This helps you to get into their head. Finn, Ellen, Layla each of them has different personalities and are messed up in their own way. When you are placed inside the heads of the messed up main characters, it does “Creep you out” and I guess that’s what made this book “unputdownable”.

Half way through the book, I was able to guess the climax but the author was clever because she had opened up a lot of questions through the course of the novel and I was wondering how she was going to tie up all the loose ends. I must say she did a very good job.

So, why the 4 stars? I felt the book was little unrealistic (I felt the same way with her other books too). And the climax, it was too dramatic & cliched for me (but that didn’t spoil the overall experience of the book).

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martins Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Verdict: With Bring me back, B.A. Paris has weaved a compelling psychological thriller with complex characters and a gripping story line.

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Finn doesn’t know what happened to Layla, his girlfriend, that fateful night during their vacation to France. But he knows more than he told the police. Layla disappeared without a trace and Finn narrowly avoided being charged with foul play.

Twelve years later, Finn has done his best to move on – finding new love with, of all people, Layla’s sister Ellen. They’re engaged to be married and looking forward to a new chapter in life. Then a Russian nesting doll shows up in their front yard, Finn gets an email from a stranger, and everything begins to spiral out of control.

I recommend this book to lovers of mystery, suspense, and psychological thrillers - especially those that appreciate a twisty ending. Suspense lovers will appreciate it as every character comes under Finn’s suspicion as he attempts to keep his carefully constructed life intact.

Bring Me Back was an enjoyable read that I sped through in one sitting. It captures the attention and leads you by the nose to an unexpected (though not entirely plausible) ending.

**Many thanks to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, and the author for the opportunity to read and review an ARC of this book.

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Bring Me Back is another 5 star page turner from the author who blew me away with Behind Closed Doors. The hashtag on social media for her latest book is #forgetsleep and I couldn’t agree more. Don’t go into the last quarter of the book unless you have an afternoon to finish it – it’s that gripping!

The first part of the book alternates between Now, when Finn is engaged to Ellen and secret messages, clues, and warnings regarding Layla’s disappearance start popping up, and between Before. In the Before chapters we get snippets of Finn and Layla’s relationship before the disappearance. The second part of the book switches gears a bit regarding the alternating POV’s, but to spell it out for you would spoil it. This book was a cat and mouse game with unreliable narrators, twists and turns, and a well crafted plot that will keep you turning the pages.

Some readers may find the story a little far fetched – there were some implausibilities that frustrated me a little bit in the beginning, but that’s the beauty of reading – let yourself get caught up in it and enjoy the ride. This is a solid, page turning psychological thriller from an author who is a new favorite of mine. This book doesn’t come out until June 19, 2018, but put it on your summer reading list for sure!

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Ten years on from the disappearance of his young girlfriend Layla, Finn has well and truly taken charge of his own destiny. Engaged to be married to a wonderful woman, Finn has worked hard and built up enough cash reserves to be able to work from home, support his dog and live the quiet life in an English village. Life for Finn is extremely good. How quickly things can change.

The appearance of Russian nesting dolls, left on the wall outside Finn and Ellen’s house plus arriving in the post, are a huge jolt to the couple. The dolls once meant something to Layla, and also to her sister - Finn’s fiancé Ellen. An old neighbour spots Layla in the street of Finn’s old town and then it’s on for one and all. Is Layla still alive? Separating himself from happy memories of his time with Layla has not been a easy task for Finn in the years since she vanished, and moving on with Layla’s sister all the way up to the altar has required Finn to make some slight adjustments. Finn’s official account to the police of what occurred at that vacation stop ten years ago was a little different than from what actually happened. Finn always did have a bit of a temper.

As we’ve discovered with the two previous monster hits from this author (BEHIND CLOSED DOORS and THE BREAKDOWN ), Paris knows how to keep us in the seat and our eyes glued to the page. BRING ME BACK sets its own pace of creeping suspicion, denial, a good re-think, then circling back to rampant suspicion. Having a less than snowy white protagonist is all to the good and it works here that Finn is more everyday narky than a noble wounded survivor of tragedy. There’s more invested in BRING ME BACK than just the possibility of happy ever after for Finn. He has to work to get to that point, unravel and then re-form.

You may however be thinking as you read this book that “whoa, this man is extraordinarily dumb” and it is this colossal realization that takes away from what is otherwise a very readable work of crime fiction. It is so mind bogglingly obvious what is going on, so early on, that you start to question the sanity of the protagonist. Given, our Finn comes across as a bit vain and self-absorbed, but seriously. This is one person not coming across as that bright for someone who is supposed to be a gun financial analyst. His friends aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed either. A small cast, a small setting, few choices in suspects as to the who and why narrows your focus and this will rachet up the tension for the reader who will pile it onto every character encountered.

BRING ME BACK is a fast and enjoyable beach read that will carry you through to a change of shift with the lifeguards. Definitely a one trick pony though. Once that pony ponied up, that was all you could see and the rest of the book was reading on in hope that your insight to the obvious was not all there was going to be.

Bring on B.A. Paris, book number four!

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