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Bring Me Back

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Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press

Thanks to NetGalley and publisher St. Martin’s Press for the ebook ARC of Bring Me Back by B.A. Paris in exchange for an honest review.

A young British couple, Finn & Layla are driving through France on holiday when they stop for gas. He goes in to pay and she stays in the car. She is told to lock the doors as she doesn’t like the dark. But when he comes back, the car door has been left open and she is not inside. No one sees her ever again.
Ten years have passed and Finn has asked Ellen to marry him. They are both very happy. His part has become only a small part of his life now. Until one day, he comes home and finds his future wife sitting on the sofa. She is turning something over her fingers that only he and she would know about because his future wife is the sister of his first love that went missing.
As more and more questions are raised, their relationship becomes strained. Has Finn’s first love, Layla come back to him after all this time has passed? Or is the person who took her playing games with him?

I give this book a rating of 5 stars and I highly recommend reading it. I couldn’t put this book down. I was hooked from the very beginning. It was very well written. The book had me guessing throughout it most of it. This was the first book I have read by B.A. Paris and it definitely won’t be the last!

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Oh the tangled webs we get caught in when reading a B.A. Paris book. This is my third B.A. Paris book and I get pulled in each and every time. Finn is about to be married to Ellen, the sister of his girlfriend, Layla, who disappeared over ten years ago. One day, a little Russian nesting doll shows up outside their house. This little doll is symbolic of the one that Ellen lost as a little girl that she though Layla took. Layla is then spotted by both a neighbor and Ellen but runs away when she is seen. What is going on? Is Layla alive? Finn is freaking out and thinks someone is messing with them until he receives an email. From Layla. Is it really her? Two words…sucked in.

Thank you to Netgalley, B.A. Paris, and St. Martin's Press for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I requested this book as I was eagerly awaiting another one of B A Paris’ books. It did not disappoint. From the moment I stared reading it to the end, I was kept guessing. 2 days later I am still reeling from the story. I really felt for Finn, Layla and Ellen. The characters were well developed and really true. I am now looking forward to the next one.

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I was so excited to start this book, because I have read the authors other books and loved them. Bring Me Back did not disappoint, I could not put it down and it had me guessing till the very end, every time you think you figured out the ending another twist would happen. Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy.

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"The one you love and the one who loves you are never, ever the same person." — Chuck Palahniuk

Bring Me Back is one wild roller coaster ride! I was not sure what I expected out of this title. I was intrigued by it which was why I requested it from NetGalley. This is one of those books that catch your attention from the very start and does not let go.

The story follows forty-one-year-old Finn. The book opens with Finn and Leyla at a rest stop as they drive home from a ski trip. Leyla disappears in an instant leaving Finn with one question. Is she dead? Ten years later Finn is engaged to be married but his past comes back to haunt him.

The characters are absolutely stellar, and they are developed masterfully. This book gives you a lot of unanswered question which accumulate throughout. Slowly the web answers unravel while providing a satisfying amount of suspense. This difficult to put down and will keep you guessing until the end.

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Bring Me Back
B. A. Paris

MY RATING ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️▫️
PUBLISHER St Martin’s Press
PUBLISHED June 19, 2018

A fast and suspenseful story of love, betrayal and jealously and a woman who has been missing for twelve years.

Finn and Layla who have dated for over a year and are madly in love, are skiing in Megeve, France. They stop in Paris for dinner and a walk along the Seine on the way home to Devon, England An hour and a half after leaving Paris, Finn makes a rest stop at a picnic area, and when he returns to the car, Layla is gone, never to be seen again. That’s the story that Finn told the police. But that’s not quite the whole story.

Twelve years later Finn is engaged to Layla’s sister, Ellen, who is an illustrator. Finn believes their grief over what happened to Layla, is what drew them together. Ellen and Layla were so different, Ellen’s hair is much darker, she eats differently and is much skinnier than Layla. And their personalities are also different, Ellen is much quieter and introspective than Layla was. But Finn loved them both.

Not long before Finn and Ellen are to be married, Finn gets a phone call, an old neighbor says they have seen Layla in front of Finn and Layla’s old cottage. Not long after, Ellen finds an old missing keepsake, a little Russian nesting doll, laying on the pavement outside their house. It’s been missing since she was a little girl. Layla was the only one who knew that. That little Russian nesting doll has meaning to Finn as well, Layla had it with her that night she went missing. And then Finn gets an email that shocks him to his core. Was Layla alive? Has she come back? Where has she been? And what does she want?

The little Russian stacking dolls start turning up everywhere: in the mail, on the garden wall, at the restaurant, on the car windshield. It’s very creepy! And by that time, you are so invested in the book you absolutely cannot put it down. The plot drives the narrative in this chilling book. And while the you may not like the egotistical Finn or the moody Ellen, the character development is superb. You’re going to want to buckle your seatbelt for this stunning ride, because the twisty turns may give you whiplash. B. A. Paris’s writing is fluid and she takes the checkered flag with this fast and furious suspense-filled story. Fans of Paris’s first two novels, Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown will love Bring Me Back. She does not disappoint.

Thanks to Netgalley , St. Martins Press, and B. A. Paris for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I was disappointed in this book, certainly not the quality of Behind Closed Doors. It was fairly predictable (I had the twist mostly figured out way before it was revealed), and nothing really HAPPENED in the story. Plus, none of the characters were likeable. This is just an “eh” book. But a HUGE thank you goes to NetGalley for the ARC!

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Finn and his girlfriend Layla were returning home from a skiing vacation in France, when he decided to make a quick bathroom trip at a secluded rest stop, Layla decides to wait for him in the car. But when he comes out of the bathroom he discovers that she is gone, which leads him to think she must have changed her mind about using the bathroom, or maybe getting out to stretch her legs a bit. But after several minutes of waiting he realizes something is wrong, so a search ensues, and he comes up empty handed, she has simply vanished in thin air. He notifies the authorities, they do their own investigation, but she was never to be found.

Now twelve years after the incident, Finn has moved on and found love once again with Layla's sister Ellen. They share a home together, and are planning their wedding, and you could say everything for them is perfectly falling back into place. Then Russian dolls appear on their doorstep, mysterious emails are received, and sightings of Layla start happening and their world is once again turned upside down. Now as they try to determine if it is in fact Layla making a return, or someone playing tricks on them, the two of them begin to realize that their happily ever after just hit a big snag. Someone wants a little revenge, and they will stop at nothing to make it happen...

Bring Me Back is a riveting tale that will grip you from the first page and not let go until the last! This was my first read from this author, and must admit I was quite thrilled with what I found, the plot was engaging, exquisitely crafted, and riddled with twists and turns that had my jaw dropping more than a few times. Just when I thought I knew where things were headed, Ms. Paris, would pull the rug out from under me and leave me stumped all over again. I thoroughly enjoyed this clever work of art, it had everything I look for in a suspenseful read and so much more... highly recommend you get your hands on this one it's sure to boggle your mind and keep you on the edge of your seat!!

I requested an advanced copy of this title from the publisher, via NetGalley, and voluntarily read and reviewed.

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I'll never look at a Russian doll again without thinking of this book. I enjoyed it; sort of had it somewhat figured out about halfway through. It definitely keeps you thinking what is it or who is it making things happen.

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I received this book from St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for an honest review. Thank you!

WOW!!!! This book had me on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. Finn and Layla are on their way home from a trip when Finn stops at a secluded area to use the restroom. He gets back to the car only to find his girlfriend missing. Fast forward 12 years, Finn is engaged to Ellen, Layla’s sister. Of course their “happy” life will get turned upside down when Finn begins receiving cryptic emails and Russian dolls from someone claiming to be Layla. Page after page, the author does not disappoint! B.A. Paris, BRAVO!!!!!!

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An extremely fast paced novel. I loved this one just as much as I loved her other two novels. This book was a one nighter and had me hooked from page 1.

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This was an enjoyable and gripping quick read. Clever plot and flows nicely with a few twists to keep the reader guessing. I've enjoyed reading all the books from this author, all similar in genre but quite different too.

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I loved part one of this book so much that I told all my friends to pre-order it. Unfortunately part two and three were not as good. It felt like the author was trying to recreate Gone Girl but I figured out the twist before I was even halfway through the book. The setting was super boring and in the end I couldn’t wait to just be done with it.

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I really enjoyed the author’s first novel and liked the second one. I looked forward to this new book after reading the synopsis, but unfortunately this one left me rather cold. The pacing was off and it. was all rather odd. I wanted to love it ... I really did. But this one just didn’t work for me. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. 2.5 stars rounded up to 3

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First of all, let me say I am a big fan of B.A. Paris and anticipate any of her new releases. With that being said, I was a little disappointed with Bring Me Back. I enjoyed both Behind Closed Doors and The Breakdown but did not see the same consistency here. I was very much into the story about 80% of the way and was pleasantly surprised by what the twist was, but found the last 20% to be a little far-reaching as the onion was being peeled and the twist was explained. There seemed to be a concept the author was going for but the unwinding fell a little flat for me. Thank you to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press for an ARC. I look forward to more by B.A. Paris.

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I still can't believe I wasted one day of my life reading this crap. "Addictive" and a "page turner" it is not. I just wanted to stop reading this stupidity, but if I actually stopped I wouldn't be able to fully tell how much of a bad story this book is.

So Layla disappeared one night and 12 years later she is... like back. Fine. The problem is the ridiculous chat conversations that she has with Finn (the ex); they are so absurd that I decided not to read that part anymore. So Finn chatting with Layla, a person that has been gone for 12 years, and no emotion is shown. Hello! A "where the fuck have you been?" is in order!

Oh! He still loves her! Holy crap.

So now Finn is going to marry Ellen (Layla' sister) and that is what apparently has brought Layla back from the dead.

The story is told in the past and present. The past consists of events that took place between Layla and Finn before she disappeared, I guess to show us how deep their love was...? Unnecessary crap.

Anyways, the real reason of why Layla had been gone 12 years came like a sudden slap that just made mad. Yes, I was mad at reading something so wacky (not the reason itself but the way it was played out).

The best part is that Layla leaves an email explaining EVERYTHING! Isn't that convenient? I suspect that written evidence is the prefer method of A. B. Paris for solving a story. (The same happened in <i>The Breakdown</i> but instead of an email it was text messages. Like people discuss their crimes over texts...).

Anyway, everything was nicely explained here in the form of an email and that was that.

I wanted to see real emotions but these characters acted like robots.

This is my last Paris book. I am not wasting my time anymore with this author.

Thanks Netgalley for providing me with a free copy of this title.

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Finn loved Layla who he met completely by chance in an underground station. When they took a trip to France, Layla mysteriously disappeared from the rest area where they stopped for a break. Twelve years later Finn is engaged to Ellen, Layla’s sister when he starts to get mysterious messages from an unknown source and tiny Russian dolls keep appearing- the significance of which only he, Ellen and a friend know about. Who is contacting him and why? B.A Paris has done it again. Drawn me into a book that I really didn’t want to put down (and wouldn’t have done had real life not got in the way). Characters that are three dimensional and a talent for making them live on the page. Short snappy chapters that keep the pace and entice you to turn that “just one more chapter”.... and then its hours later than you thought. A skill a talent, a story to keep you on your toes. One wonderful, brilliant read.
For more reviews please see my blog
or follow me on Twitter @nickijmurphy1

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First let me say thank to you to the publishers, author and Netgalley for this ARC in return for my honest review. I have really enjoyed the other books by B.A. Paris and this book lived up to what I have come to expect from her. This book is a gripping, fast read. I devoured it. It is very much a plot driven story. I didn’t care much for the characters but the plot kept me reading at a rapid pace. The story alternates between the past and present as well as different POVs. Finn’s girlfriend, Layla, disappearspp and twelve years have passed and he is engaged to her sister. Then events make Finn begin to wonder-is she back? Where has she been? Why now? My advice is to read it when you have no other obligations because you won’t be able to put it down.

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After having read “Behind Closed Doors”, I was anxious to read another BA Paris book. Love the writing style and attention to detail without too many. “Bring Me Back” is sure to be another fan favorite from BA Paris. A suspenseful love story right to the end and the story grabs you right from the start and doesn’t let go. Finn, Layla, Ellen, Harry and Ruby, believable characters whose lives intertwine with details of each relationship that are as relatable as they are interesting.
A true page turner that kept me up late.
Cannot wait for the next book!

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Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for an advanced read in exchange for this review. I have liked B.A. Paris' other works and was excited to read this one. Unfortunately, this fell flat for me.

Finn's girlfriend, Layla, disappeared a decade ago while she remained in the car when they stopped at a rest stop. Not a single lead has surfaced.

Finn is now engaged to be married to Ellen, Layla's sister. He's moved on and is happy with his life. One day he goes home, and Ellen is holding something in her hand. It's something that only Layla would understand.

At first, this book was interesting. There's some questions surrounding Layla's disappearance as Finn reveals to the reader that he wasn't honest regarding what happened prior to Layla disappearing. More and more surprises began to pop up, and Finn and Ellen believe that Layla is alive. There seemed to be a lot of promise in the book, but then details and story line fell flat. Finn is terrible, and don't expect to feel any sympathy for him as he wonders if Layla is back or not. Also, he's quite dumb as he goes to places thinking a serial killer/kidnapper is going to be there, and he goes anyway! Finn and Ellen are tormented that Layla is back, but the dialogue is unintentionally humorous. Lot's of eye rolling for me! At one point I wanted to give up, but I persevered. Now I will reward myself with a donut.

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