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The Marquis and I

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The Marquis and I by Ella Quinn is a sweet romance story about Lady Charlotte and Lord Constantine finding love. Just like the ladies in the story, I love the name Constantine and everything he stands for in this book. The story itself is well-written and the level of depravity in this story makes it a great suspenseful read. The only issue I had in this story was the main character Charlotte. I didn't start liking her until I was almost halfway through the story. To me, she seemed very too naive and childish for her age, despite how her brother-in-law raised her. I found myself rolling my eyes and wanting to skip through until she wisened up a bit. This happened about 45% through the story. Then, I actually didn't have a hard time finishing the book. I flew passed the last few chapters. Also, the villain in this story, Miss B...I enjoyed her minimal backstory, but wished there was more detail and elaboration on her ending and also her henchmen...did so and so get caught??? Also, the passion scenes in this book was tepid at best. I'm not sure what happened there. Despite the issues mentioned above, the story was sweet and the characters were unique in their own way. I recommend this book for someone who don't mind the lack of steaminess in the love scenes and a spoiled "have her way" heroine.

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Lady Charlotte Carpenter’s brother-in-law has put an infamous brothel owner out of business—yet it is Charlotte who suffers the consequences. Abducted by thugs and held at an inn, she is plotting her escape when she’s suddenly rescued by a dashing gentleman. Only afterward does she realize she’s seen him before—with two courtesans! Unwilling to tarry with such a man, Charlotte makes her second escape. But it is too late to repair her reputation. A known gossip has spied Charlotte’s movements, and his report is speeding through the rumor mill. Soon, everyone knows that Charlotte spent the night with Constantine, Marquis of Kenilworth. And everyone agrees the only answer is marriage—including Constantine himself, his overjoyed mother—and his mistress! But Charlotte’s abductors aren’t finished with her yet. Now Constantine will do anything to protect the spirited woman he loves and win her heart.
This book had the potential with a great plot. Unfortunately it didn’t really work for me. I had a problem liking the characters and the situations they found themselves in. It just wasn’t for me.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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When I first fell in love with reading it was reading historical romances. So when this one popped up on my radar I jumped at the change to read it. This one is the fourth book in a series, so it may help you if you read them in order. While it could be stand alone, there are a lot of previous characters that show up.

The Marquis of Kenilworth is not looking for a wife. The girls that are out and about this season need a little bit more experience for him to take notice. He is happy with his mistress and doesn’t care who knows about it. When his friend the Earl of Worthington is off on his honeymoon, he is asked to rescue his sister who was abducted. Annoyed he takes off after the carriage. Lady Charlotte may have been abducted off the street yet she is not about to cry. No, she tries to come up with a plan to escape. They are caught coming back to town and thus have to get engaged. While attracted to Constantine, Lady Charlotte is horrified by his loose morals.

Wow! Lady Charlotte is a girl who knows her mind. She is intelligent and yet so very naïve. Due to events from the previous books, she has learned to defend herself and knows of certain situations in life that could be ruinous to others. She has a strong opinion on who is at fault in those type of situations (the male). At times she is downright unlikable and snobbish.

Constantine is a stand-up guy. I really liked him. He didn’t have to step up to the plate but time and time again he did. From rescuing her from her kidnappers, to rescuing her from herself, to helping his mistress- he has a bit of a rescuing problem.

Lady Charlotte and Constantine together is an amusing pair. She pushes him away and he comes right back to her. For a rake, he sure knows how to maintain a girl’s reputation. Lady Charlotte is a bit harsh in her opinions of him keeping a mistress.

The secondary characters make this story all the more charming-with siblings, in-laws, mothers, and pets all putting their two cents into the idea of these two getting married. The mystery of who tried to abduct Lady Charlotte and why helps to push the story along.

The Marquis and I is an entertaining read that will have you laughing and sighing. You may even get annoyed with Lady Charlotte but that is what makes a good story. One that brings all the feels.

My Rating 4 out of 5 stars

Favorite Quote The idiot clearly did not know the first thing about winning a female. Never let another man walk off with her.

Other People
Matt/Grace- brother and sister-in-law
Miss Betsy- evil lady

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2.5 Stars

Enjoyable although I did feel it dragged a bit. All of the kidnappings got a little old- particularly when Charlotte didn't take precautions even after being kidnapped the first time. I did like how honest and open her and Constantine were with each other. That is rare and refreshing to find.

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This is the fourth book in the series. There are character stories from other books mentioned and a villain who keeps on destroying lives in different ways. Lies and kidnapping all intertwine. Great action and drama and love. Happily Ever Afters everywhere. We also get an extended ending to tie up all kinds of question. Worth the read!

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Lovely book. Full review on GoodReads to come.

I received an advanced reader copy (ARC) from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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My first book by Ella Quinn was quite enjoyable. The character development was solid and I quickly adored the heroine and the hero. Con captured my heart with his first appearance and Charlotte has that spark of adventure and intelligence I love in females, especially in historical romance.

I didn’t have trouble reading this as a stand alone although, I admit I would have had an advantage to reading the series in order. I definitely plan to go back and remedy that.

My only criticisms are the writing isn’t quite as smooth as I would like. The transition from female to male POV is often clumsy and pieces of the overall scenes seems to not always flow well. However, I still enjoyed the book a lot which I credit to the excellent characters and fast paced story.

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I read a LOT of historical romance, and my expectations for what makes a 5 star read in this genre is perhaps higher than my expectations from other romance subgenres. Maybe I would have been able to get into this book more if I've read the others in the series? It just seemed really disjointed and choppy to me, and was difficult to read and didn't really capture my attention. Which is a pity, because I LOVE enemies to lovers stories! This should have been my catnip and a five star read for sure!
Minus one star for not being able to connect with the writing style (which might be a me issue more than a book issue.)
Minus another star for Charlotte being annoying and making me not care if she got her HEA or not. A major key to a five star read (again, for me, maybe not for you) is having main characters I love, that I root for, that I wish I could be BFFs with. Con was likable enough, but Charlotte... Ugh. I don't care about her backstory; I don't want to read about an annoying, pigheaded leading lady.

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Charlotte and Constantine's story starts with a bang. it takes a little while for the readers to catch up with the story. I loved reading this book. It has a lot of funny moments. A nice read

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Lady Charlotte Carpenter has been kidnapped. She's not worried, since she and her sister have taken lessons on self protection plus she has a gun in her basket (along with her docile traveling cat). If only she could get the lock picked in time to escape. In the meantime, her abduction has been witnessed and the butler has cornered Constantine, the Marquis of Kenilworth, into going to the rescue as none of the men of the house are in the vicinity. Despite the inconvenience, Con's chiverous upbringing necessitates he help this damsel in distress. Then there's the young groomsman Jemmy, hitching a ride on the back of the coach, ready to assist in the rescue. Miss Betsy, a villain from previous books in The Worthington series, has convinced the innkeepers that the girls she sends their way are runaways needing to be reunited with their loved ones (actually paying customers who desire a particular woman). Constantine is able to rescue Charlotte, but somehow word gets out that they've been alone together and without a chaperone to vouch for their innocence, Con must marry his rescuee in order to save her from ruin. Charlotte, however, doesn't want anything to do with the handsome Con who keeps bad company and has a mistress. Despite their public betrothal, she leads him on a merry chase, even allowing another suitor to publicly court her. Through a convoluted series of events, including a second revenge abduction, the two develop a mutual love and respect for each other and find the same happiness bequeathed on other members of the Worthington family.

While there was a good story somewhere in the Marquis and I by Ella Quinn, there was just too much busyness in a plot that seemed to drag on. The repetitive, mundane dialogue became annoying, despite the delightful characters (mainly the multitude of Charlotte's younger brothers and sisters with their pets). The sexual encounter between the betrothed couple lacked the amorous touch although the experience made them want to move the wedding date forward. Charlotte's insistence that she couldn't marry Con because he had a mistress (even after he broke off that relationship and helped his former paramour restart a new life) and her other pigheaded attitudes made her the least likeable of all the Worthingtons and Constantine, despite his rowdy background, was rather docile through the entire story, especially considering all the crap thrown his way (although the little ones glommed onto him). While I usually read these Regency Romances quickly, this one dragged so much I had to force myself to pick up this book on more than one occasion. A plus was the inclusion of characters from previous books in The
Worthington series and even some names from the The Marriage Game. If you've read through the majority of these publications, you'll be familiar with many of the members of The Ton, from the memorable busybody, Lady Belamny, to the sought after dressmaker, Madame Lissette.

Still, shame on you, Ella Quinn. Next time take more care and edit your work into a more readable format and spice up that dialogue (and the sex). Two and a half stars and a thank you to Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

This review also appears on my blog, Gotta Read:

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Charlotte and Constantine's story started a little slow for me, perhaps because this is the first book in the series (The Worthingtons) I read and it took me some time to catch up with the characters and stories from the previous books that popped up in #4. At first, I actually had the impression I was reading the continuation of a previous chapter - it seemed to me that the kidnapping had already happened in Book 3 and I was lost.
But once the reading progressed, I relaxed and could enjoy this light and entertaining story, with very funny moments. Sorry, no spoilers here!
*This a voluntary review for an earc copy provided by NetGalley and the publisher.

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The Marquis and I is lovely, Romantic story with few twist of a Villain thrown in. . I think it's a great book for a young adult.

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Ella Quinn sports a historical romance in the Marquis and I which starts with a lady's abduction and follows the inevitable path of her marquis rescuer and the lady toward matrimony. Many romantic complications enuse. Good reading.

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While a promising premise, I could not get into this novel. I struggled to get through it. Despite most historical romance series are written in a way where each novel can be read as a standalone, I don't believe this one was. I was very confused in the beginning of the book because there was an abundance of characters and information that must have been introduced in the previous novels. 

The characters also irked me. The male protagonist, Constantine, did not want to marry one second and then immediately did the next. It was pretty unrealistic in that sense. 

Overall I do not recommend this novel, it was very difficult for me to get through.

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This book started out strong, but I found that the story bogged down after awhile. I really liked the H Con, however, I found the h Charlotte to be preachy and judgemental - I just could not warm up to her. The dialogue was nothing special and I found the story a little choppy at times. There were some cute scenes with kids and animals that helped keep my interest. I also am new to the series, so I found myself a little lost at times due to all the secondary characters. Overall, an OK historical romance. * I receive and ARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my voluntary and honest review.

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An enjoyable romantic comedy that’s extremely well written and a fast paced read.
Lady Charlette is in a pickle being kidnapped by evil men sent by an even more evil woman and being rescued by Constantine the Marquis of Kent will have dire repercussions to her reputation. But marriage to the scoundrel isn’t what she wants. Unfortunately for her the rumour has already been sweeping the ton. Constantine has to do the right thing especially since he is attracted to the young lady. Although she’s still in danger and evil lurks around the corner Constantine will do anything to protect the woman that he loves more than anything!
A truly fascinating read I highly recommend!
I recieved a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley.
Lots of action a

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I voluntarily read an Advance Review Copy of this book through Netgalley. The book revolves around the abduction of Lady Charlotte and her being rescued by Con. Because they were unable to return to London before daylight and they ran into people of the ton, Con stated they were engaged in order to save her reputation. She is not sure she will marry him because of his rakish reputation and he goes about trying to change her opinion of him. The book is full of family interactions and drama. It also includes the underworld of abductions of women and child who are sold for various illegal activities. The book is well written and a very good read. I would highly recommend the book.

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This book was just ok for me. I have not read the previous books in the series which would have helped. Too many characters and too much going on.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read and review this book. Unfortunately I was not able to finish this and stopped reading at 35% of the way through. I couldn't connect with either the hero or heroine, and I didn't feel that their actions made sense or the way their relationship evolved. There was also too much exposition via the characters thinking on page instead of through their interactions and conversation. The story may have improved later on so I don't feel it's fair to post a review of this based on the third of the book I read, however I appreciate being given the chance.

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The Marquis and I is a marvelously written historical romance with a real solid plot. Charlotte is an interesting and compelling character. I really liked her. Constantine is an okay character but not my favorite. GOod

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