Member Reviews

2018; Wellfleet Press/Quarto Publishing Group
(Review Not on Blog)

If you are like me, and just like drinking wine but don't know anything about it (and do actually want to know stuff) this is the book for you! It is a fun reference book on the facts of wine that will help you with small talk at your next cocktail or work party.

***I received an eARC from NETGALLEY***

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This is a great book for anyone looking for a quick study on how to taste wine (and look knowledgeable in front of your wino friends!). Chapters include wine making, history, regions and entertainment, educating the reader on the differences between grapes and soils and all the fun stuff involved in what makes a bottle of wine what it is. There is a glossary in each chapter so you won't find yourself lost in lingo while learning.

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#KnowItAllWine #NetGalley #Wine #Summer2018

This is a very good idea of gift for Father's day. The is a A to Z about the Wine: types of wine, origins and styles, organic harvesting and more precious information for this mythic drink.

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KNOW IT ALL WINE by Gerard Basset is subtitled "50 Essential Topics, Each Explained in Under a Minute." As such, it does a competent job of delivering basic facts about wine. However, I felt that there was not enough information about specific vintners or their labels. Each piece was roughly a page in length – generally less than the wine reviews which appear weekly in publications like The Wall Street Journal. Those newspaper articles are much more apt to focus on a specific varietal and year, complete with pricing. In contrast, KNOW IT ALL WINE provides mostly general information and therefore may be more helpful as a very basic starting point (with sections on history, classic grapes and iconic regions) for those less familiar with wines.

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As a "wanna-be" oenologist, I love reading books about wine. This one is a treat! Short, concise, easily readable, and in bite-size "sips", it would be of great benefit for anyone wanting a brief introduction into wine.
The book is divided into sections, then further broken down into 50 very short articles covering a wide range of topics. The sections are the vineyard, the winery, classic grapes and wines, history, iconic regions, the business of wine, and the enjoyment of wine.
This would be a wonderful book to learn the basics. You can find out the difference between different types of wines and the grapes used to make them. Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Syrah, they are all covered and explained. Learn about the different regions wine comes from....Bordeaux, Tuscany, Napa Valley. Learn how to taste wine.
Have you ever been at a party where one of your wine "snob" friends are going on and on about a wine? By reading this book, you can offer one of these tidbits to show them that you, too, are conversant on the subject. That alone is worth the price!

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A very clear and concise book; a very, very quick read. The details were easy to grasp and to the point which made it easy to read this book in one sitting (under an hour.)
It is very informative and I now know more about wine than I ever thought I would!

A must read for everyone who loves consuming wine and wants to learn the whole fancy jargon related to it.

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I enjoyed the concept of the book. 50 concepts, each explained in a concise manner. The breadth of coverage is surprisingly wide, and I’ve learned enough to understand the jargon of wine appreciation.

The illustrations and pictures leave much to be desired though!

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As always with this series of books (Know It All) the balance between writing and pictures is perfect; the explanations are short and clear, and the illustrations are a variety of drawings and photographs. It contains an introduction explaining the goal of the book and a very short overview of the subject of wine. The book is divided into seven topics: The Vineyard, The Winery, Classic Grapes & Wines, History, Iconic Regions, The Business of Wine, and Enjoyment of Wine. Each topic includes a glossary that will help the reader understand better what is being discussed in that section. Additionally, each subtopic offers links to related subjects which readers can used to expand their knowledge of wine. Lastly, the book also has short summaries and timelines of some important characters within the history of wine. This book can be a thoughtful present for a friend or something to add to one’s own personal library. I received a free copy via NetGalley.

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If you are not a wine drinker, you are about to learn far more than you expected (speaking as that person). Each section is split into short, enticing pieces to read on some aspect of wine. For those who drink wine, you'll still likely learn something new and have a whole new perspective of wine. For those who have slight interest, you realize how very much goes into wine. All that said, I do think I'd have appreciated it more were my original interest greater due to the surprising depth of this book.

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