Member Reviews

I am a great admirer of Paula McLain and her novels, particularly The Paris Wife, and was excited to hear she was writing another novel based on the life of the always fascinating Hemingway. This “historical fiction” focuses on his stormy relationship with his third wife Martha (Marty) Gelhorn, a writer and war journalist. In a similar vein to her first 2 novels, Love and Ruin features strong women who lose their identities to the powerful force of Hemingway and their love and attraction to him and his charms. This was a compelling read; spanning the years of the Spanish Civil War, WWII and beyond. It delved into Hemingway’s relationships with his second wife and sons and his restlessness which led to his marriage failing. Hemingway was certainly larger than life and the attraction women had for him was understandable.. It was also interesting to see who Gelhorn tried to carve out her own career and identity, difficult enough for any woman at that time, made even more difficult when living in the shadow of Hemingway.
I enjoyed this book and the exploration of Hemingway and Gelhorn and what I learned about the difficult live of a war correspondent,

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While I enjoy McLain’s writing style; this book wasn’t a clear winner to me. I felt like a lot of historical details were thrown at me in a raw, unnatural way. I would have loved for them to have been worked into the storyline a little better but overall I did enjoy this book.

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I received a free ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Love and Ruin represents another step in McLain's view of the loves of Ernest Hemingway. The moment that talented, daring Martha Gellhorn casually meets Hemingway in Key West her life is irrevocably changed. Although Hemingway is married to his second wife, Pauline, the attraction between Martha and Ernest is undeniable and, eventually, undenied.

Gellhorn's work as a war correspondent during the Spanish Civil War and World War II made her a famous writer. Her dangerous work for Collier's eventually caused an inevitable rift between the two since Ernest's jealous and selfish nature didn't allow another star in the family.

I usually don't like books where characters act selfishly wanton and then are wounded by the selfishness of others. McLain's successful The Paris Wife about the convergence of Hemingway, his first wife, Hadley, his infidelity, and his second wife, Pauline, is an example of a novel of mostly unlikeable people. Here, however, Martha is such a formidable independent presence that I ended up admiring her even as she stumbled. There are, however, numerous times where she is far too conciliatory toward Hemingway almost as an homage to his genius.

McLain's latest novel Love and Ruin Is a great read.

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"It may be the luckiest and purest thing of all to see time slow to a single demanding point. To feel the world rise up and shake you hard, insisting that you rise, too, somehow. Some way. That you come awake and stretch, painfully. That you change, completely and irrevocably - with whatever means are at your disposal - into the person you were always meant to be."

As a fan of Paula McLain's previous works, I was thrilled to receive an ARC of her newest book, Love and Ruin, from Random House, in exchange for an honest review (thanks Random House!). I jumped into it right away, needing a break from my big YA kick as of late and hoping that some historical fiction / romance would be the cure.

McLain does not disappoint. She's adept at taking historical figures and fictionalizing them in a way that is loving and respectful, even when the picture she is painting isn't always beautiful. This time around her subject is Martha Gellhorn and Ernest Hemingway, as she traces their love story from its illicit beginnings during his marriage to Pauline Pffifer through to it's (yes, you guessed it..) ruin. I had a passing familiarity with Gellhorn as a journalist, but didn't know much about her, at least in comparison to Hemingway, and this is a theme in the novel - the ways in which Hemingway's star burned so brightly that it drew everything to it while simultaneously eclipsing it. McLain's written about Hemingway before, in The Paris Wife, but here it takes a turn. While in that narrative, we watch through Hadley's eyes as their marriage crumbles apart, in this novel, we watch from Martha's perspective as she comes into her own as a writer, and Ernest begins to crumble. Martha was truly a woman before her time, and it's clear in the novel that Hemingway struggled with her strength and desire to cultivate a career and a life as a writer and war correspondent in a time period where she was breaking barriers and norms. Frankly, Hemingway comes across as quite the asshole throughout the novel, self absorbed, unable to empathize or see Martha's perspective, and petulant when he doesn't get his way. Even through these moments, it's made clear that their love was deep and real, even if it couldn't withstand the internal strain and external pressures placed upon it.

Overall, a really lovely read. I'm a fan of McLain's style, and after three excellent novels in a row (including Circling the Sun), I'm excited to see who's inner life she shines a light on next.

4/5 Stars.

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Martha Gellhorn was the beautiful daughter of a prominent St. Louis doctor. However from an early age, she was interested in traveling the world. She also had engaged in several affairs with married men who promised to marry her but didn’t.

When Generalisimo Franco’s forces began their war for dominance of democratic Spain, volunteers from all over the world came to Spain to join the resistance. Among the volunteers was Ernest Hemingway, a novelist with several best selling books. Martha, who had been writing feature stories for magazines in the US, and had met Ernest while on a family trip to Key West where the Hemingway family lived.

He had told her that he was going to Spain to fight and suggested she come over to cover it as a news correspondent. Her mother had been friends with Eleanor Roosevelt. Martha got a magazine to sponsor her and pulled other strings to get permission to go to Spain.

It was in Spain that Martha connected with and fell in love with the married Hemingway. The two wrote eventually became inseparable. The twice married Hemingway had tired of his wife Pauline and had been looking for someone new. Martha and Ernest eventually moved to Cuba and bought a home there. Both writers started new novels. Unfortunately Martha’s books were not as well received as Ernest’s books.

After several years together and the publication of the classic, For Whom the Bells Toll, Hemingway was able to divorce Pauline and marry Martha.

This story examines the relationship between Martha and Ernest. Although they both claimed to love each other deeply, they lived separate lives and were more interested in their careers. Martha wanted to be known professionally as Martha Gellhorn not Mrs. Hemingway. Ernest had many demons and could be cruel and demanding when he was not the center of attention.

I enjoyed the book but not as much as the author’s story of the relationship between Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley, in The Paris Wife.

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I had a really hard time getting into this book, even by the halfway point. Ms. Gellhorn was a journalist, novelist, war correspondent and the third wife of Ernest Hemingway. The book was very factual and written sort of manner-of-fact. which didn't help draw me into the plot/book.

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Obviously this book is going to be compared to the Paris Wife and I loved the Paris Wife. When I started reading this book, I thought this is so different, I don't think it's as good. Then I realized of course it's different, Martha and Hadley are completely different women and their stories are going to be different. Once I started getting to know Martha and getting involved in her story, then I really fell in love with the book. Ernest is still his obnoxious yet fascinating self and it was so interesting to learn about their relationship as the world was changing. I recommend this book to anyone and now I am going to try and move on and find the next great read.

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3.75 Stars
I received an Uncorrected Proof file of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
There were a number of peaks and valleys for me while reading this book. It took me some time to get interested at the beginning. I even went back to the description of the book to remind myself why I was ever interested in reading it in the first place. Once I was about a quarter of the way through, I hit a peak, became very invested in the story, and eventually fell in love with the main character Martha “Marty” Gelhorn. I very much enjoyed the descriptive flow of McLain’s writing style. Often using words I would never imagine to describe something, but once I’d read them, they were exactly right.
At about the three-quarter mark, I hit another valley. I believe these “valleys” were most likely deliberate. A way to make you feel somewhat like the character did; as if things were very low, and you’re butting your head up against the wall, not progressing or moving forward despite best efforts… however, they also made for a convenient place to just set the book down (and if you hadn’t promised to give your honest review, possibly not pick it back up again).
In the end, I still wanted to be Marty’s best friend. I was grateful for the Author’s note that gave more of Marty’s story after the book’s end, because after all that preceded it, I felt the ending was a little abrupt.

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Paula McLain has written the most wonderful book about Ernest Hemingway and his third wife, Martha Gellhorn. This book is not to be missed! There's so much to learn from this book about Hemingway and his muse and later very famous and brave wife in her own right. The story moves along quickly and you feel like you are right there with the characters. The characters are so well developed. The author really did her research on this one! I loved it and I know it will stay with me a very long time. Worth a million stars!
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. Thank you, Netgalley!
All opinions are my own.

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I liked Hadley better, as a person, but thought that Marty Gellhorn was so fascinating to read about. There is a lot more history in here - I feel like I learned a lot about so many different wars and conflicts. I didn't love the relationship that Marty and Hem had - so unstable and destructive - but it made for great reading! I hope she writes about wives 2 & 4!

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Love and Ruin is an appropriate title for Paula McLain's historical fiction about Martha Gellhorn. I did not know Martha "Marty" Gellhorn before reading this book. Ms. Gellhorn was a journalist, novelist, war correspondent and the third wife of Ernest Hemingway. The book was very factual but I found it lacking in emotion. Even the defining scenes of Ms. Gellhorn's life were not very expre

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I really enjoyed this book. I also enjoyed The Paris Wife, so I must have a thing for Ernest Hemingway's love life. I didn't really see the necessity of the prologue but once I got past it, the book grabbed my interest. Prior to reading this, I didn't know too much about Martha Gellhorn but her character was so well developed that I now have much respect for her as a woman and a writer. She knew what she wanted and went after it despite the fact that she was a woman and automatically faced obstacles because of that. She wanted to prove herself and she did. I admire how she gave everything her full attention including Ernest. I'm sure he was a difficult man to be involved with yet she gave that relationship all she had while still retaining her sense of self. I'm grateful to have been given an advance copy and look forward to seeing it's success when it is published.

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If you enjoyed The Paris Wife, I am sure you will enjoy this book. This books is about Martha Gellhorn, Ernest Hemingway's third wife. It is very descriptive of Gellhorn's time spent covering several wars as a journalist.

In my opinion, Hemingway was a selfish, alcoholic that had to have someone catering to him. Gellhorn did not do this. She actually challenged him which is probably what led to the end of their relationship.

I personally did not enjoy this book very much but that is not to say the story or writing was bad.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group Ballantine Books

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This book is about the marriage of Ernest Hemingway to Martha Gellhorn. Two writers who fall in love but face many struggles after Hemingway’s book, “For Whom The Bell Tolls”, is published. Martha is a strong, independent woman who doesn’t want to succeed because she is married to Hemingway. The ups and downs of their marriage is the basis of the book. I enjoyed this book immensely.

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This novel chronicles the journalistic rise of Martha Gellhorn and her relationship with Ernest Hemingway. Maybe I’ve just read too many books about Hemingway and those that he loved, hurt, destroyed, etc. but this book was just an average read for me.

Ms. Gellhorn was still struggling to find her career path when she and her family met Hemingway while in vacation in Key West, Florida. He convinces her to come to Spain with him and report on the civil war going on there, she is able to secure a press pass and joins him there. It is while here that she gets her first taste of war correspondence and she likes it. Ernest makes a play for her and even though he is still married to Pauline Pfeiffer with whom he has two sons, they begin a love affair.

The interesting part of this book for me was Ms. Gellhorn and her accomplishments. I was so impressed that I spent hours looking up files about her on the internet and it made for interesting reading. I found that she had such a long career that she covered everything from the Spanish Civil War, Vietnam, the wars in El Salvador and Panama. She truly had a love of traveling and getting the story out. I’m ashamed to say that I didn’t know that she had published novels, but I plan to check them out.

The love affair, then marriage and then “ruin” of her time with Hemingway seemed like a repeat of so much I had read about him and his exploits before that all I felt was relief when Martha finally divorces him and lives her own life.

Of the three books that I’ve read by Ms. McLain I think this is probably my favorite and I would certainly look forward to the next novel by this talented author.

I received an ARC of this novel from publisher through NetGalley. Will also post to Amazon upon publication.

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I have mixed feelings about this book. It took me a long time to finish, partly because it's dry and had trouble holding my interest. It reads alternately like a school book or a travelogue of sorts, with no real catharsis other than the drama of war and Marty's relationship with Hemingway.

The most interesting aspect of Marty's career doesn't occur until near the end, and is given short shrift. Of course I had to look up several of the real-life characters afterwards, and was disappointed at some discoveries, including a key one that's left out of the Author's Note at the end. (view spoiler)

Even though I'm a journalist, I wasn't quite aware of Marty's legacy. Hopefully this book will show that she deserves to be known as something more than just Hemingway's third wife.

Thank you to Netgalley and Ballantine for the ARC.

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‘Love and Ruin’ by Paula McLain is a first rate novel in the genre of Historical Fiction. The novel dives deeply into the tumultuous relationship between Ernest Hemingway and his third wife Martha Gellhorn.

At first I thought Hemingway would be the draw for me. I was surprised to find myself loving the unique individual who is Martha Gellhorn. While prior to reading this book, I knew nothing about Ms. Gellhorn, I came away wondering why I hadn’t heard of her sooner. Why hadn’t she been celebrated before? She was outrageously brave, committed to work as one of the few women war correspondents and finally foolishly and deeply in love with Ernest Hemingway.

‘Love and Ruin’ is Gellhorn’s version of her relationship with Hemingway. It is written from her point of view. Martha Gellhorn was a remarkable woman in so many aspects of her life. “ she became one of the 20th century’s most significant and celebrated war correspondents, reportin on virtually every major conflict for sixty years – from the Spanish Civil War to the Bay of Pigs, from Vietnam to El Salvador to Panama, where she covered the invasion at the age of eighty-one.”

Martha Gellhorn had a backbone. She didn’t fall all over the famed American author. She fought for who she was as a person not as Mr. Hemingway’s wife. She maintains a sense of self and continued her work as a war correspondent all while being Mrs. Hemingway. It was never easy because Hemingway didn’t make it easy and at times so painful that she is indelibly ingrained in my mind forever. She is a strong and endearing individual.

The author’s amazing writing captures the true essence of this remarkable woman. The book is so well written that you absolutely get lost in the story and come away feeling like you are reading a memoir instead of Historical Fiction.

Kudos to Ms. McLain. I have a distinct feeling this book will be on the best seller list for quite awhile.

I would like to thank the publisher, Ms. McLain and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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4.75 stars rounded up to 5.

As a huge fan of the Paris Wife, I was thrilled to learn that Paula McLain was returning with another story of Hemingway's personal romantic past. Somehow, Love and Ruin manages to capture the tale - retaining the allure and romantic aura surrounding Hemingway, while unveiling the damaged underbelly of his fragile ego and fractured, tortured relationship(s). Paula McClain writes so convincingly as Martha (Marty) Gellhorn that I often forget I'm not reading a biography or memoir. She manages to capture such an authentic, time-specific voice that as a reader I am transported back to pre-WWII Europe, Cuba and the USA. She does a really masterful job of describing the physical details and and the emotional turmoil that Ernest and Marty can't quite seem to stop inflicting on one another. I had never heard of Marty Gellhorn prior to picking up the book and was fascinated to learn of her access, her independence and her fierce spirit and fight to be viewed as a legitimate writer in her own right-completely separate from the reputation of her much more famous husband. I am inspired to seek out her novels and her articles and hear her voice indpendently.

My one complaint is that I simply wanted more. I wanted all of the mysteries solved. All of the holes and cracks filled in. In the Epilogue, we learn that Marty ended her life after burning many personal effects including letters from Ernest. I have no doubt that Paula McClain filled in every crack she had access to or could even intelligently guess at. I suppose I'd just like to be a fly on the wall!

*advance digital copy recieved in exchange for an honest review.

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Love and Ruin: A Novel by [McLain, Paula]


In 1937, twenty-eight-year-old Martha Gellhorn travels alone to Madrid to report on the atrocities of the Spanish Civil War and becomes drawn to the stories of ordinary people caught in the devastating conflict. It’s the adventure she’s been looking for and her chance to prove herself a worthy journalist in a field dominated by men. But she also finds herself unexpectedly—and uncontrollably—falling in love with Hemingway, a man on his way to becoming a legend.

In the shadow of the impending Second World War, and set against the turbulent backdrops of Madrid and Cuba, Martha and Ernest’s relationship and their professional careers ignite. But when Ernest publishes the biggest literary success of his career, For Whom the Bell Tolls, they are no longer equals, and Martha must make a choice: surrender to the confining demands of being a famous man’s wife or risk losing Ernest by forging a path as her own woman and writer. It is a dilemma that could force her to break his heart, and hers.

Heralded by Ann Patchett as “the new star of historical fiction,” Paula McLain brings Gellhorn’s story richly to life and captures her as a heroine for the ages: a woman who will risk absolutely everything to find her own voice.

The bestselling author of The Paris Wife returns to the subject of Ernest Hemingway in a novel about his passionate, stormy marriage to Martha Gellhorn—a fiercely independent, ambitious young woman who would become one of the greatest war correspondents of the twentieth century.

Praise for Paula McLain

“Paula McLain is considered the new star of historical fiction, and for good reason.”—Ann Patchett, Country Living

“McLain has such a gift for bringing characters to life.”—Jojo Moyes

“Paula McLain cements herself as the writer of historical fiction.”—Jodi Picoult

“With a sharp eye for detail and style to spare, McLain captures the nuances of complex relationships.”—Christina Baker Kline

About the Author:

Paula McLain is the New York Times bestselling author of the novels Circling the Sun, The Paris Wife, and A Ticket to Ride, the memoir Like Family: Growing Up in Other People’s Houses, and two collections of poetry. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, Good Housekeeping, O: The Oprah Magazine, Town & Country, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, and elsewhere. She lives in Ohio with her family.

My Thoughts:

I believe this is the MOST highlighted book in my collection. Not only is it another unique look into Hemingway’s life, but also into the very beginnings of war.

I loved the point of view of Martha, a fellow writer and how she viewed writing, war, her career, and the elusive Hemingway.

Something was missing in my life-in me- and I thought writing could fill it or fix it, or cure me of myself.

Martha goes on a string of “relationships”, which are no more than one night stands with many of them as she tries to navigate the writing world as a woman. Then she stumbles upon her idol, Ernest Hemingway, in a bar in Florida.

His eyes cut sideways at me in the mirror, and my pulse quickened. It was something to have his attention, even briefly. Like a bright light passing my way before moving on. But there was also a feeling that he really saw me, and understood how my mind worked. It didn’t make any sense, as we’d just met- but he was a brilliant painter of people in his work, and I believed that he probably did see all kinds of things, perhaps without even trying.

I loved Martha’s wrestle within herself, whether to take Ernest’s attention seriously or professionally.

I didn’t want to cause trouble; I only knew what I knew. That Ernest could eclipse me, large as any sun, without even trying. That he was too famous, too far along in his own career, too sure of what he wanted. He was also too married, too dug into the life he’d built in Key West. Too driven, too dazzling. Too Hemingway.

I also loved our brief glimpses of what was going on in Hemingway’s mind as well.

All he can see for the moment is what’s in front of him, only that, and she is part of it. It might be the war changing him, being at the knife-bright edge of things for the first time in many years. Whatever the reason, she’s gotten through whatever defenses he’s built up and now he doesn’t want to stop thinking of her and trying to be closer to her, no matter what it ruins.

If you are a fan of The Paris Wife , then this is a must read!!

You can pre-order your copy of Love and Ruin Here.

Love and Ruin: A Novel by [McLain, Paula]

I was given this book in exchange for my honest review from Netgalley. All opinions stated above are my own.

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Always love Paula McClain. This will be one of our book options for September.

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