Member Reviews

Genre: Women’s FictionThe Dream Daughter
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Pub. Date: Oct. 2, 2018


Just what would you do to save your child? This is the question that is presented to the reader. The author, Diane Chamberlain, is a hit or miss author for me. I think if I was reading this book on the beach it would have been a hit. Since I wasn’t, it was more of a miss. Think the movie, “Back to The Future” meets the book, “The Time Traveler’s Wife.” The humor in the book reminds me of the movie with someone from the past trying desperately to fit into the future without sticking out like a sore thumb. While it also reads similar to “Traveler’s Wife,” making the reader wonder did the magic of the complicated plot take away from the realism of the characters? Like most women’s fiction “Daughter” has enough drama to pull heartstrings. I did think the book ended too nicely, it could have been wrapped up with a bow. All though this style of writing bothers me; this reviewer admits I was anxious to learn how it would end. If you are a fan of this genre, I suspect you will gobble this one up.

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Diane Chamberlain novels are more melodramatic than they are suspenseful for me, but I thought I would give Dream Daughter a chance. I was right it was very sappy and dramatic but it was a nice change of pace from my usual taste.very sweet book.

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Diane chamberlain has pieces together a magical story that includes love, loss and the ultimate sacrifice.

I started this book last night and I literally read it in one sitting. The story line drew me in from the very first chapter. I laughed and I cried. This was my first exposure to this author and I want to read so much more.

I really appreciate the opportunity to read and review this book. Please make this a series.

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I always love Chamberlain's books and was so excited to get this preview. However, when the topic of time travel came up in the story, I will admit that I rolled my eyes, groaned a little, and figured this book was not going to be one that I would enjoy. But, I ended up loving it! The book kept my mind working the whole time and I like the science behind some of the story as well. This wasn't a predictable story for me and that is why I also really enjoyed this book.

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Diane Chamberlain is by far one of my most favorite authors. Her books have yet to leave me wanting and every new novel I devour in a matter of a day or so. The Dream Daughter is no different. From the first chapter I was swept up in Carly and Hunter's story and dang, what a story it was. Beautifully written, engaging characters and a wee bit of reality based magic. It's just a splendid read!

I did NOT read any of the backstory to this novel. I read it just because I love Diane's work and I didn't need to know anymore. Imagine my surprise when it's a total departure from her typical novels. If you want to also go in blind, stop reading here.

This novel is a departure for Diane because it deals with time travel, which to be honest is one of my most favorite topics in books. It's fascinating to me - maybe due to a young love of Back to the Future? Or maybe because one of the first novels I loved reading was "See You Later" by Christopher Pike? I don't know why but all time travel books tend to just grab me and The Dream Daughter is no different.

I love how every author has their own spin on how TT works and I think Diane's take on it and the rules surrounding it are quite creative. A little bit Outlander, a little bit 11/22/63, and a final dash of creativity and it's a recipe for success. If you liked either of those novels, I think you'll enjoy this!

Mostly though, I really enjoyed the depth of detail within these pages. There was SO much detail that I never felt bumped out of the story due to inaccuracies or oddness which happens a lot in TT books. This was a smoothly written engaging story that I can't wait to recommended to friends and family to add to their must read lists.

If you are into time travel books, a wee bit techy or just love an engrossing story I highly recommend picking up this novel! Suspend your disbelief just a bit and you'll be swept away immediately like I was.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC copy for me to review.

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Diane Chamberlain does it again! I think she writes brave books, and they always leave me with lots to ponder and think about, which I love. She is one of the best.

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This is truly an interesting, engaging and captivating book. I was completely drawn into the story of a woman willing to try something daring and possibly dangerous in order to save the life of her unborn daughter. With the guidance and assistance of her brother-in-law (who has his own story to tell), she travels forward through time to a place in the future with the technology to operate in utero. Of course, a myriad of things go wrong creating a series of situations and decisions she must make, none of them easy or painless. The beauty of the story unfolds as she makes the difficult decisions and as the story progresses from the choices she makes.
The book is a departure from other offerings from Ms. Chamberlain but does not lose the flavor, essence or high degree of writing that mark all of her books.

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Read it!! Ms. Chamberlain did not disappoint in this book. I found this to be a great, awesome story. I have read several of her books and I was wondering about the time travel thing, but the way she portrayed the events, blended in so well and really did not seem all that farfetched, I know, sounds silly doesn’t it.
She really pegged some of the major changes you would experience if you traveled decades ahead or back in time. I was drawn in to all the characters of the story, and cared about them. The buildup to the ending was good and the actual ending was even better. I did have to really think about some of the dates the characters came in, went out and then maybe came back and I did not see several of the happenings she brought in, coming at the end. Every once in a while I felt Carly repeated herself but it certainly did not take away from the story.
I would highly recommend for any reader, especially Chamberlain fans. Giving this a big high 5*****
I do thank Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for allowing me to read this book for my honest review.

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It's 1970 and the Vietnam War is raging. Carly is expecting a child and has suffered through the loss of her beloved husband in the war. She can't wait to have this child that was conceived in so much love until she finds out that the child has a heart problem. This medical issue will not be able to be treated by doctors and Carly is told that there is no hope. Amid the devastation that Carly feels, her brother-in-law gives her an option that she never could imagine. At this point, I really don't want to give away any more of the plot. I first began to read the book thinking that it was going to be a story of the 1970's and the Vietnam War. I was blown away by the rest of the story! Diane Chamberlain is such a gifted writer who takes the reader anywhere or to any time that she writes about. As a mother, I was so empathetic toward Carly.....someone who would do ANYTHING to save her child. But, the real question is "How far would you go?" I highly recommend this amazing book!

The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain will be published October 2, 2018 by St. Martin's Press. An egalley of this book was made available by the publisher in exchange for a honest review.

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The Dream Daughter is an amazing read! The characters are complex with real life emotions. The whole premise of time travel is intriguing and kept me guessing how things might turn out. I enjoyed remembering the various times and how they affected my life. The Dream Daughter is a book that I want to share!

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I love time travel and this book is superb!
I read with one eye open each time Carly took the "jump"! She was so trusting that this was the right thing to do, as I waited with my heart in my throat for a fall!
What a Mother does for her child -including traveling to a different time, for a life saving intervention, is only the beginning of this unique and well written novel.
Diane Chamberlain pulled each thread together to create a heart stopping plot.
I believe a Mom's love will go to any length to make sure her child's life holds all the hope and joy in the world,
This book shows that love.

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This book was an ARC from NetGalley and I must admit a different one from the books I usually read. I am not a stranger to Diane Chamberlain books, but she took this story in a whole new direction. No murder or mystery here....ok, there is mystery here. But she takes it to a new level by introducing Time Travel.

The story is set in 1970 - Carly loses her husband to the VietNam War - and finds she is pregnant with his child - but doctors there tell her the baby will not live because of a heart condition. Her brother in law (who is a time traveller himself - a whole other story there) suggests she travels to 2001 because in that time period medicine is doing wonders with infants that have heart problems.

Who wouldnt want to save their child? So Carly travels to that era. And so the story tells us what happens, the trials and tribulations of being torn between two time eras and the decisions Carly has to make to help both her baby and herself.

This book brings together unconditional love, family ties and the unbelievable science all in one package. Make sure you put it on your TBR list when it comes out in October of 2018.

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WOW- Just, WOW! I finished this beauty in just a few hours. It was impossible to put down as it sucks the reader in from the very first page with an incredible twist right off the bat! Diane Chamberlain has created a masterpiece. Every one of her books leaves me with such a feel-good attitude but this one takes the cake!

I will be posting my full review in my blog, according to St. Martin's Press guidelines.

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I really liked The Dream Daughter by Diane Chamberlain! While it was different from her usual books, it was still wonderful. I loved the storyline and the characters even though everything didn't turn out the way I was hoping it would.

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1965 DJ playing Beatles "Ticket to Ride", immediately had me hooked.
1970 a prenatal exam shows an irregular heartbeat ... starts the suspense

Hunter pulls strings to get her into a study at NIH (National Institute of Health in Bethesda, MD)
The mother and Vietnam War widow is devastated with news and unsure what to do
Hunter explains a possibility. Carly as a mother feels her baby's vulnerability and complete dependence.

The descriptions were captivating of a mother's struggle and inner fight to want to help her child, to see your child as she struggles to breathe and wanting to give them your own breath.
I am giving this book 5 stars - I cannot stop reading!!

......then the 2013 plot twist
I am very disappointed
I stopped reading

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Wow, Diane Chamberlain has knocked it out of the park once again! Admittedly, I was a tad hesitant to dive into The Dream Daughter because this isn’t my typical read. Of course, Diane Chamberlain has always been one of my favorite authors and has never let me down, and boy am I glad I gave it a go— absolutely phenomenal!

I cannot express enough how well thought-out and well-crafted The Dream Daughter’s storyline is! I really encourage everyone to go in as blind as you can!!! Soooooo in saying that, I don’t want to touch on the details, but I will say this book is definitely on my 2018 favorites list! If you are looking for a novel that will captivate, fascinate and entertain you, than this 5 star read is one you won’t want miss!

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The Dreamers Daughter

I truly loved this book! I don’t remember ever reading a book about time travel before but am so glad that I did this one.

The one aspect of this book that really stood out to me was the intense and powerful message of unbinding love Carly had for her daughter. To take the risks that she took so that her baby, Joanna could live and eventually have a healthy life was mind blowing. I don’t know if I would want to time travel. Even though I miss the simplicity of life in the 60’s and 70’s. 😁

The characters are very well developed. You truly feel like you know them. I got drawn into this book and did not want to put it down. For me it was a nonstop page turner. I certainly didn’t expect the ending to happen the way it did.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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For this book I suspended disbelief and ran with it and I am so glad I did! This story really allows one to wonder if it could really happen and enjoy the way way events unfolded. There’s a lot of love and kindness here. The scenery descriptions enable you to be in the scenes. I really loved this book! Thank you NetGalley for the ARC!

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Right from the very first pages I knew that THE DREAM DAUGHTER was going to affect me emotionally; 1) because it is from a writer whose prose and story lines are incredibly enduring, and 2) because the book description gripped me right from the start and I knew I had to read it.

Set in the late 60’s and early 70’s you start off with a chance meeting of a patient, Hunter that no one could through to except a young PT therapist who was assigned to him. Their meeting almost seemed fated and an interesting comment of “you’re going to love my sister” in the prologue gave me a hint of what might be coming.

From the first chapter you’ll discover that Hunter, whom Caroline had introduced to her sister was now her brother-in-law. Caroline is a young wife waiting for her husband to come home from Vietnam and just discovering she is pregnant a joyous event she can’t wait to surprise her husband with! Unfortunately, the doctors have just informed Caroline that her baby has a serious heart defect that will likely kill the child before it could even be born.

Except, Hunter, kind of a mysterious guy from the get-go, is telling Caroline that something can be done about her baby's heart. Something that will require a leap of faith, strength and courage that Caroline never knew existed. A strength she mustered from the bottom of her soul to save the unborn child she loved with all her heart!

You’ll be on pins and needles for most of the read and the things Caroline goes through from her baby daughter. When you finish this book you will be as drained emotionally as I was and it will be a testament to the love from a mother for her child that brings those emotions to the forefront.

Bottom line: Another tremendously satisfying read from the brilliant author Diane Chamberlain. Incredible story!

Marilyn Rondeau

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I loved this book; it was a completely unexpected delight. I have read nothing else by author Diane Chamberlain and had no idea what this book was about except for the brief description accompanying it. Full disclosure: I have weak knees and undying devotion to good books that take place in North Carolina and involve some type of time travel. The time travel because I love the notion of experiencing any time, but uniquely ours, through a different vantage point. North Carolina because, well, if you’ve ever been there, you realize there’s no question why. Those are really just aspects of setting the stage for the plot; magnificent aspects, truly, but not enough in and of themselves.

THE DREAM DAUGHTER has fully developed characters that draw us into their lives and hold us tightly as we wait to see how they handle the ups and downs of their fate. In places where I worried that author Chamberlain would slow down (meaning I might skip ahead), she didn’t. She kept faith with me throughout the book. That’s such a generous trait for an author, to remember her readers are tracking details that may not conform rigidly to the story she wishes to tell.

If you don’t love time travel, this is a classic fish-out-of-water tale. A mother must procure a solution for her desperately sick child. As in all quests, obstacles and surprises will transpire on the way to her goal. It’s a great tale with many twists and turns. I was lucky to receive a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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