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Baby Maker

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4.5 Very Cool Stars

I really enjoyed this book. As a woman who never found the right guy, therefore never had children, I could appreciate what Stella was trying to do. I also have met many Dane-types, who were only happy going from girl to girl.

But this story goes further. Both characters had reasons to not believe in the institution of marriage based on how they were raised. I loved that they each had issues with a parent that influenced their lives. It explained a lot.

But... I wasn't happy that the issue of Stella's mother and Dane's father wasn't resolved or discussed in the end of the book.

One of the things I loved about the book is that it was hilarious in a few spots, but when it was just a normal romance or even a little dramatic, the author kept me interested enough that I didn't miss the funny.

I'm totally looking forward to the next book. Hoping it's about Noah and his issues or Levi.

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The successful financial manager has spent her adult life building a career and neglecting her personal life. Problem is, she doesn’t believe in marriage. Not after watching her mother be treated like garbage by her father. Nope, marriage is not for her. All she wants is a baby. All she needs is a man to agree to her terms.
Ok, so I looked at the title of the book and passed it by the first time around. I’m not a fan of contemporary or books for the man bed-hops and thinks he’s a gift to women. The thing that had me decide to give it a try was Stella. I’m a fan of books where the woman is strong and independent. I am glad I tried it. I did enjoy both characters and their story. I look forward to reading more from this author.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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Baby Maker is the first book by P. Dangelico that I have ever come across and it was fantastic! Baby Maker was witty and a true delight to read.

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I have chosen not to read or review this title. While the premise was fun, I think there are only so many stories that can be told with this storyline, and I felt like I was reading a book I had read numerous times before. As always, I appreciate the opportunity to read and review this title and am looking forward to the next by the author, as I liked the writing style I was just not able to engage with the plot/story.


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What a fun, entertaining, humorous and all around well written book! Dane really would like to have a child, problem is he needs his baby's mama but not a wife or girlfriend. Stella's relative just had a miscarriage and as a result a hysterectomy which has caused Stella's biological clock into overdrive, problem is she wants a sperm donor within her circle of friends but doesn't have time or want the drama involved with a boyfriend or husband. Sounds like a match made in heaven but it's not......these two are polar opposites......oil & water. Let the drama, hilarious banter and heat begin. Definitely Recommend One-Clicking!

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I loved this one, it was so sweet! A trope that has been done before but I thought this one was brilliant! Have added this authors back catalogue to my TBR!

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Unfortunately, this was not the book for me. The cover is super hot, but the inside content was cringe-y.

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Very cute, humorous story about two people who want to have a child but don't want a significant other to do it with. In today's day and age there are so many options for this to occur and obviously marriage isn't a requirement for two people to have a baby. They both find something new, a site that matches people who want to co parent without having a romantic relationship with someone.

When Stella and Dane meet sparks definitely do not fly; in Stella's eyes the meeting couldn't have gone worse. Yet Dane feels just the opposite and is determined that Stella would be the perfect mother for his child.

I loved how Dane basically put himself in Stella's life to convince her that he wasn't the person he portrayed during their first meeting. I loved how he found ways to integrate himself into her life but also found ways to make her life a little easier.

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Baby Maker is a sweet slow burn romance about Stella and Dane who strikes up an unconventional deal to have a baby. They have one thing in common. No marriage. Apart from that they’re very good at bantering especially Stella who’s not impressed with Dane. He comes off as a pompous jerk and her as closed off. They do eventually start to have feelings for one another but the road towards it was long. I struggled a bit with both Stella and Dane since their chemistry was lacking and I didn’t find them interesting. It’s when they do admit their feelings that I was starting to enjoy the story so I had to endure for a while. Overall a great story.

3 BadAssDirtyShortyStars

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This book was one of those that I had to finish in one sitting because things moved so fast. It was a delightful romance centered around a woman (Stella) and a man (Dane) who both want a child but who don't want anything to do with marriage because of their childhoods. Things don't go as planned, of course, but watching Stella and Dane fall in love with each other and finally find the courage to admit it to one another made for a fun read. This title is definitely going on my list of books to read when I need a fun escape from reality.

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Stella and Dane are one of my favorite couples. Their dialogue, with other, other people ( hello her mom! ) and in their own heads is so so funny. When he first meets her OMG, Love Delia, her brother, all of the entourage actually. Their chemistry is great, their road to HEA awesome! Loved the epilogue, typical Dane! I added more books to TBR list.

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This book kept popping up in my Kindle store and so I thought I would give it a try. SOOOO happy that I did as I found another author to add to my favorites list!!

I loved this book - the situation, the storyline, the characters and the slow burn romance. These two are both convinced that they are NOT looking for love and set themselves up in a situation where love doesn't matter. However in this story the old adage of opposites attract begins to wear them down. Loved the snappy dialogue and how the characters really stepped out of the book for me. I could hear these two talking and snipping at each other. It was great!

Of course after finishing, I had to see what other books this author had and I devoured them all!! Looking forward to more.

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This is the first book in the It Takes Two series and it is a charming, entertaining book about two people who are afraid of relationships. Dane and Stella are both in their thirties and want a baby without marriage or a relationship. It is hilarious as these two meet and stumble through the process of getting to know each other. Along the the way, they are horrified to realize they are falling for each other. They are unsure what to do with their feelings and too scared to have a relationship. This is a fun, light hearted story with engaging characters and a lot of banter.

There are so many funny lines and quips and I love Dane Wylder and his sense of humor. He never dates a woman longer than three months. He is a charming former NFL player with a sexy southern accent. He is restless and bored with retirement and is ready to have a child but does want to to get married.

Stella Donovan grew up poor and worked hard to be class valedictorian, get a scholarship and attend Harvard. At thirty four she wants to have a baby without having to deal with an irritating man in her life. She has always been obsessed with getting away from poverty and earning money and she has never spent time dating or making friends. Now, Stella is successful and rich and can hire people to help her raise her child. She has it all worked out. But things don’t always work out the way they are planned.

Dane and Stella are total opposites. Stella is sassy, smart and researches and plans everything ahead of time. Dane is flirtatious, fun loving and loves trying to get under Stella’s skin. Stella is prickly and isn’t taken in by Dane’s southern charm. They are constantly arguing and bickering and giving each other a hard time. They both have a lot emotional baggage from their childhood and they are flawed but likable characters. This is an emotional and fun story.

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I have enjoyed everything I have read by this author so far.

She does a good slow burn romance with likeable characters that you root for.

And I do love it when the hero and heroine are complete polar opposites but oh so perfect for each other.

While there is chemistry between them I love how they build up the relationship.

It is a lovely story story, that has its funny moments, but offers more depth that you would expect.

At the end of the day it was a book that just made me happy once I had finished.

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overall it was an okay book. Interesting more the most part. Good romance

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Stella wants a baby but not a husband. A sperm bank isn’t an option for her so she’s searching for the perfect man to be her baby daddy but not a husband or someone she’d fall in love with ever. Dane wants a baby but knows women aren’t meant to be in his life full time. I loved the chemistry between Stella and Dane, two characters who knew exactly what they wanted until they didn’t! The family and friend characters added to the charm in this book, and I’d be thrilled to see some of them get their own book! Loved the epilogue!

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Dane and Stella are just opposites. Stella's cousin had tragic luck with having a baby. She tells Stella, not to wait too long and not to let her life pass her by. She goes into fast forward panic mode wanting a baby. She is looking for a donor. Goes through a small list of people she trust, then one of her friends, Ethan, tells her he's got the perfect guy. Enter, Dane. He is fun, energetic, motor mouth, playboy, hot, sexy, retired NFL player. The opposite of what Stella is looking for in a co-parent. They spend time together and it is actually comfortable and seems natural.

It was really nice to see and read how Dane processes in his mind falling in love with Stella. He is so tough, but really is so soft and wears his emotions on his sleeve. I liked this book a lot. It covered the hate, the lust, the love , and I love that in books. Good read!!!

I received this copy in exchange for my honest opinion.


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4.5 stars

Sometimes you pick up a book and right from the start you know this is going to be a good read, no make that an awesome read and for me Baby Maker by P.Dangelico was that kind of book.
I loved the writing, it was well done, the storyline entertaining and I fell in love with the characters.
Dane and Stella made me smile, they made me swoon and watching them fall in love made my heart very happy.
This was a slow burn that I totally got into and I can't express how much I enjoyed it.

If you're in the mood for a beautifully written and entertaining romance I highly recommend you read Baby Maker.

*A big thank you for the advance copy via Netgalley*

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I added my review of this novel on Goodreads, but it is not showing up? It is a hot romance for adults only. LOL! Enjoy ladies.

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