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Hot Asset

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I love Lauren Lane books. They're always smart, sexy and fun with characters who have soft centers and loyal friends. Early on, I was worried about the hero, Ian. He came off so smarmy in the beginning and I thought, "Oh, no!" Thankfully, Ms. Layne didn't disappoint me. Ian showed himself to be a wonderful character, who was a lot playboy, but also just a guy trying to succeed and enjoy what he's been able to shape into a life for himself. The heroine was amazing and the chemistry between the two, off the charts. It's so good, you really just need to read it for yourself. I’m already chomping at the bit for the next book in the series!

I received an ARC of this book, via NetGalley, in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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<strong>Perfect start to a new series!! </strong>

What a fantastic start to anew series from Lauren Layne!!

I’m a huge fan of Ms. Laynes’s writing style. She is one of the best at the slow-burn romances that have you waiting on the edge of you seat for the tension to finally break.

I loved the chemistry between Ian and Laura. The banter between them throughout the story was fantastic. I was rooting for them but also very impressed with Lara’s conviction to do remain as professional as possible while still allowing herself explore the attraction between them.

I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I really enjoyed the non-romance element of the story. I felt like Ms. Layne was giving just the right amount of info about insider trading, the SEC and the investigative process without putting so much emphasis on it that it took away from the romance.

I really enjoyed the pacing of the story, the smartness of it and the way the secondary characters played into it and how excited it got me to read their stories. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t mostly excited for Kennedy’s book though. If you haven’t read Lauren Layne yet I highly suggest you make her a must read author ASAP!

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I discovered Lauren Layne’s books a while back and it’s safe to say that it was pretty much love at first sight (or should I say first book). For starters they’re just so damn funny and yet they have the right amount of swoon and feels, so really it is just the perfect book for when you want some light quick reading that just makes you feel all fuzzy and warm after you’re done reading them. And Hot Asset is no exception. I was honestly laughing out loud on the first chapter. Lara is a badass girl who doesn’t take crap from anyone and dreams of being an FBI agent one day, even if the road to achieve that could be a very hard one. Meanwhile Ian is your classic Wall Street asshole, but he’s fought with everything’s he’s got to get where he is right now and he’s definitely not going to let some SEC agent take everything he’s built for himself, but what neither one of them expects is the attraction that comes between them and then it starts a very fun game of cat and mouse between the two of them where Lara wants to catch another Wall Street bad guy to get closer to her goal and Ian wants to prove his innocent and keep the job he fought so much to get, but it seems that neither one of them can actually manage to get what they want, especially when feelings start to get involved.

I honestly couldn’t put this down, it was just so incredibly funny and amazing and I have a hard time telling which one of her books is my favourite. I loved the two main characters and I loved the side characters (I think Kennedy might be my favourite, but then I have a soft spot for the nerds) and I can’t wait to read the next books in the series and see where they go (I honestly can’t wait for more Matt and Sabrina banter). Definitely a great read.

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HOT ASSET is the first instalment in Lauren Layne’s contemporary, adult 21 WALL STREET romance series. This is thirty-two year old Wall Street investor Ian Bradley, and twenty-eight year old SEC agent Lara McKenzie’s story line.

Told from dual first person perspectives (Lara and Ian) HOT ASSET follows the building but forbidden relationship between Wall Street investor Ian Bradley, and SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) agent Lara McKenzie. An anonymous tip to the SEC found our hero, Ian Bradley, being investigated for insider trading. Enter SEC agent Lara McKenzie, and the woman with whom Ian would fall in love. What ensues is the building but forbidden relationship between Ian and Lara, and the potential fall-out as Lara’s findings are ignored by the people in charge.

Ian Bradley grew up in the foster care system, and has worked for every penny and dollar he has earned. A womanizer by reputation, Ian struggles in his attempts to seduce the stoic SEC agent, but something about Lara gives him pause. Behind the librarian glasses, and professional decorum, Lara hides a goddess that Ian hopes to control. Someone is out to destroy Ian’s life using Lara McKenzie in the process, but Ian isn’t willing to go down without a fight.

The relationship between Lara and Ian begins acrimoniously when Ian discovers the reasons behind our heroine’s visit. Not only is Ian innocent of all of the charges but Lara insists that she must continue to investigate until the very end. The $ex scenes are intimate and passionate without the use of over the top, sexually graphic language and text. There is plenty of back and forth, sexual banter between our leading couple, banter that crosses the line as Ian tries desperately to seduce the woman looking into his life.

There is a wonderful cast of secondary and supporting characters who are a little bit protective of our story line hero. We are introduced to his best friends and fellow investors twenty-eight year old Matt Cannon, and thirty two year old Kennedy Dawson; attorney Vanessa Lewis, fixer and PR Rep Sabrina Cross, and PA Kate Henley; Lara’s boss Steve Ennis, and his brother in law Jacob Houghton.
Matt and Sabrina’s story line is next in Hard Sell.

The world building looks at the close friendships between Ian, Kennedy and Matt, and their PA Kate Henley; Ian’s backstory and his struggles growing up in the foster care system; as well as Lara’s fight to prove she is worthy of working for the FBI.

HOT ASSET is a spirited and edgy story line. The premise is imaginative and engaging; the characters are colorful, energetic and charismatic; the romance is captivating and sensual. Lauren Layne’s HOT ASSET is a wonderful and sexy start to her 21 Wall Street series.

Copy supplied by Netgalley





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I love a man in a suit!! Our hero is a Wall Street hot shot but he's under investigation for insider trading by the SEC – specifically, the heroine. They've got a bit of an enemies-to-lovers thing going on – they shouldn't want each other, but they do. I loved the banter and chemistry between them. Ian and Lara were an absolute delight to read, and I loved this brand new cast of characters Lauren Layne has introduced to us with this new series. I can't wait for Ian's friends to get their stories!

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I'm typically in good hands with a Lauren Layne book. And this start to a new series was a tricky one. Her characters had to walk a fine line of attraction and being professional. The professional part is important because as an SEC investigator, it'd be a big no-no for Lara to get intimate with Ian. I'm sure it was frustrating for our characters, but as a reader, you're just waiting for the inevitable. But if the characters got together any sooner -- and frankly that got together much sooner than anyone fearing for their job should -- you wouldn't respect them and that would make it a rough book to like.

Layne clearly introduced characters that will be featured in upcoming stories. I may or may not pick those up. The problem is, we know who each other's end game already are.

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I usually enjoy Lauren's book and this wasn't the exception. It was true to Lauren's style. However, I felt like something was missing. I liked the characters interaction and exchanges but it didn't make me believe that there was something between them.
I want to read the next book in this series, I feel there is so much more to tell in this world.

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Late last year, I read An Ex for Christmas by Lauren, and I shouted from the rooftops how much I LOVED this book! I vowed to go back through her catalogue and read everything she'd ever put out, her writing style was calling to me that much! Well, that didn't happen, as life got in the way. Long story short, it's now May, and I am finally getting around to reading my second Lauren novel, and I loved it! This time, I really vow to get into her back catalogue.
I have a weakness. When I read my books, I love to read heroines that appear strong on the outside, but on the inside, are vulnerable and need to rely on the Hero for help. So many times, I read a description that sound promising, only to have the heroine whiny, needy, or just plain too kick-ass that she doesn't need her Hero. When I read, this plays a huge factor in my enjoyment of a book. Lauren has nailed this balance with her Lara! Lara is everything I love to see in a female character. She's loyal, her moral compass is pointing in the right direction, and she's outwardly fierce and determined to make a difference in the world. These are many things I strive to be in my own life, so maybe that's why I loved this character so much! So close to obtaining her dream job, but not willing to compromise her morals to get there.
Ian projects for the world to see, a playboy of Wall Street. But what he doesn't let just anyone see, is that he actually feels very deeply, and loves to give back to the community in ways he feels deeply about. His compassion is apparent once you get past the playboy charms, and he will melt your heart! Ian isn't your typical knight in shining armor, but he definitely gets the job done. ;)
When Ian and Lara first meet, the sparks fly. No, I'm not talking about romance, love and forever after sparks. These are more the sparks of friction. They then find themselves on opposite sides of the board room, and the friction just mounts. This makes that moment when the two finally come together all that more sweet!
The storyline was really well written, and I loved that not only was I following a romantic storyline, there was a whole whodunit theme throughout the book. Everyone was a suspect at some point, and I loved the drama of finally finding out who it was!
I definitely loved this book, and cannot wait to read more from Lauren!

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Great! I loved it, just like I do all of her books. This is a wonderful start to a new series. I can't wait for the rest of them to get their happy endings. I

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5 ‘Guilty of loving Ian’ Stars!
ARC provided via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

I always know where to go when I need a good dose of light romance. Lauren Layne is one of my favorite authors ever so you can imagine my excitement when she announced a new series full of hot suits was coming our way. And the woman surely knows how to start a series with a bang because Hot Asset was a swoonfest. Get ready for Ian and Lara because they will blow your mind!

So, Hot Asset is the first in the 21 Wall Street series and it introduces three hot suits who work in Wall Street and the women who will change their lives forever. First, it’s Ian Bradley’s turn, a hotshot investment broker who is suspected of insider trading. Enter Lara McKenzie, a smart SEC investigator who is decided to make her career in the FBI thanks to this case. But not everything is as easy as it seems, especially with the unexpected chemistry between these two. Will love with or will business win?

I’ve never been anything but 100 percent professional on a case, but I’m dangerously close to letting personal motivations creep in on this one. Not just because it could be my ticket into the FBI, but because I honestly can’t say that my opinions on Ian Bradley are solely work-related.

I love a romance that grips me from the very beginning. I fell in love with Ian Bradley instantly: I love his story and how he has become the man he is nowadays. Yes, he also is a bit of a womanizer but Lara is not having it and she will be the one to change his game forever. And talking about Lara, whan an amazing, smart and strong heroine! A woman who wants more of her career and fights for it. And a woman who is incapable of not falling in love with swoony Ian. Of course, it’s impossible not to love this wonderful couple!

It feels like I’ve waited forever for someone to want me the way he does. And I’ve definitely waited forever for someone to make me feel the way he does.

Why do I love them, you say? The banter, the intelligent conversations, the sexual tension, the emotions and the chemistry. That’s why. Hot Asset has everything I love in a Lauren Layne story, especially when it comes to a great new group of characters. The connection between Lara and Ian made me melt all over the place and I am dying to know more about Matt, Sabrina, Kennedy and Kate. Gah, I love a book with this type of characters and a story that leaves me this happy at the end!

I only know what I want her to be—mine.

Therefore, my rating for Hot Asset is 5 STARS because it was the perfect start to the 21 Wall Street series. I already love this group of characters and I swooned so hard with Ian and Lana’s beautiful love story. I loved how the book is developed and I can’t wait to read the other two novels in the series. Highly recommend reading this one, especially if you are a LL fan or you love light contemporary romances!

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Hot Asset will capture your attention from the very first page. The writing is phenomenal and flows beautifully throughout.

Ian Bradley wasn’t always the cocky self-made millionaire. He had a hard life but was determined to reach his dreams. Lara McKenzie was born with determination and dreams. She knows what she wants in life and that’s to follow in her parent’s footsteps. She is paying her dues to reach her ultimate goal, but she needs one break through case to get her there. The supporting characters are introduced and set up nicely for the rest of the series. We are teased with their lives and left yearning for what is next.

Hot Asset is about a forbidden romance that is ultimately inevitable. There are a few twists and turns and moments that left me wondering how the resolution will come. Leave it to Lauren Layne to take us on a ride on Wall Street that leaves you wanting so much more.

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When it comes to office romances where the sexual tension between adversaries threatens to ignite your book, nobody does it better than Lauren Layne. I loved Layne's Oxford series and I was stupidly excited when I first came across the new 21 Wall Street series. The office hunks are back!

I friggin' loved Hot Asset. Lauren Layne + office romance + enemies-to-lovers = one hell of a good time! I don't even know where to start. Watching Ian stumble off his womanizing pedestal was fabulous. At first I didn't like his reaction towards Lara when he reduces her to a sex object. I hated that he originally thought he could sweet talk her into giving him information. Once he realizes that Lara is a woman that won't give into his advances, Ian starts to see her for the strong woman that she is. I may have gotten weak in the knees meeting Ian for the first time, but it was when he started to see the true Lara that I started to fall for him. Lara, on the other hand, had me in her corner from the get-go. She's quiet and a bit mousy, but don't let that fool you. Lara is bad-ass and determined to succeed in her dreams of being a FBI agent. She won't let people railroad her and I loved that about her.

I devoured Hot Asset and loved every damn page. There's something about Lauren's writing style that sucks me in from the very first chapter. The sparring and verbal foreplay between her characters is always so much fun to watch. The sexual tension and chemistry between Lara and Ian sparks almost instantly. Yum-tastic! Loved it.

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Hot Asset is a compelling start to the new series from Lauren Layne. With richly developed characters and a wonderful pace to the story, Hot Asset is here just in time for the summer.

Ian, the first of our Wolves of Wall Street, is on the first impression. the embodiment of playboy investment banker (confident bordering on cocky and has never had a serious relationship). However, it is quickly apparent that this is the persona he has carefully cultivated hiding his foster care roots. Under all his outward confidence Ian still holds a lot of attachment issues, desperately wanting to be part of a family ♥ Having thrown all of his energy into his career, Ian is completely blindsided when he comes under investigation for insider trading!!! And that is the only thing knocking Ian off-kilter – the SEC agent sent to conduct the investigation throws Ian completely off his axis and has him re-evaluating his view of the future.

Lara is adorable in a hot, nerd girl way – feisty, sassy and gorgeous. As the investigating officer, this is a make or break case for Lara’s career. Lara has dreams of becoming an FBI agent within the white-collar crime division; her family is FBI legacy but are not very supportive of Lara following in their footsteps which tends to undermine Lara’s confidence in her abilities. Dedicated to her career just as much as Ian, Lara is nothing if not fastidious and honorable; so her attraction to the suspect of her investigation is somewhat confusing to her.

The chemistry between Lara and Ian creates a lot of friction between the pair – the equation – friction → heat → STEAM!!!!! The smallest spark sets of a chain reaction of fireworks. Unfortunately, the investigation takes an unexpected twist which adds strain to the developing feelings between Ian and Lara. As well as both of their careers being on the line.

I completely adored Ian and Lara, their character development was a thing of wonder in the way they enhanced each other’s positive qualities without losing their individuality. Glimpses of Ian’s vulnerabilities add to the sweetness of the narrative.

The peripheral characters, the close friends of Ian and Lara, add to the story overall. They are all very different with diverse backgrounds, I cannot wait to get to know them individually through the series. Matt and Sabrina are bound to cause major explosions in Hard Sell.

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Ian Bradley ( Ok seriously that name is familiar) works hard for the money, he got to be successful through sheer perseverance and hard work. He and his two friends are successful investment bankers at Wolfe. Ian caught the eye of SEC and that's bad new this lady is tenacious, she's also the one who intrigues Ian most.

It built up from the start the tension between them. They have opposing goals and that is the kicker, lose lose situation even Ian escapes the SEC, Lara gets a bad reputation and since this was her route to go to bigger places well sucks.

Ian is a charmer who needs to win Lara over his determination will surely help break that. Maybe he can make her see beyond black and white ways. This forbidden attraction is quite smoking as it goes, it started with those sparks now they are trying to keep away cause of the investigation. Good thing Ian can do the long game.

I enjoyed how Lauren Layne made stocks interesting and appealing this was a fast read for me. The secondary characters were terrific snd added spice to the story, excited for their books. Great start to a new series!

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Lauren Layne did not disappoint in introducing us to a whole new world filled with Wall Street (hot) guys in suits. I loved reading Ian and Lara's story and was pleasantly surprised that there wasn't a big climatic "breakup". I also ADORED all the Grease references and lyrics thrown in because I was obsessed with that movie as a kid. The interactions between Matt+Sabrina and Kennedy+Kate just makes you anticipate their stories! I can't wait to read more of this series!

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Steamy!!! I am normally not a big reader of romance novels, but I really enjoyed this one. Great character development and of course great sex scenes ;)

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My favorite books to read are ones that make me laugh and make me swoon, with a storyline and characters that command my complete attention from start to finish. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that my favorite genre to read is the romantic comedy and one of my favorite rom-com authors is Lauren Layne. Since I discovered her book, Walk of Shame, I became an instant fan, devouring every book of hers I could get my hand on, which leads me to her newest release, Hot Asset, the first book in her 21 Wall Street Series. Four words: hot guys in suits. What’s not to love about that?

From page one, Hot Asset is a tantalizing, exhilarating, tension-filled page-turner, following the story of investment broker, Ian Bradley, and SEC agent, Lara McKenzie, who find themselves on opposite sides of an insider trading investigation. Ian, a hotshot, womanizing Wall Street legend proclaims his innocence while Lara, a rigid, by-the-rules agent with her sights set on the FBI, is determined to prove his guilt. Despite their instant chemistry and the sparks that fly between them, Ian and Lara bicker and butt heads every step of the way. They have a teasing, flirtatious, if somewhat antagonistic banter that’s akin to foreplay ratcheting up the sexual tension between them, driving themselves (and the reader) crazy, making you wish their slow-burning romance would maybe…perhaps…hurry up…just a little bit.

Part high-stakes investigation, part smoking hot romance, Hot Asset is a humorous, seductive, whip-smart enemies-to-lovers romance that’ll keep you on your toes right up until the very end. With complex, thoroughly fleshed out protagonists, a fast-paced, drama-filled narrative, and a romance that’ll have you alternating between blushing a swooning, Hot Asset is a must-read. Add in a supportive cast of tightknit friends that are fiercely, unfailingly loyal as well as intriguing, and I’m even more impatient to see what’s next with the 21 Wall Street Series.

*complimentary copy provided by publisher for an honest review

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3.5 Stars!

Hot Asset is the first installment in the 21 Wall Street series.

Ian Bradley is hotshot Wall Street investor. Unfortunately for him, he is being investigated for insider trading.
And who might be the person investigating his case? That’d be our heroine - Lara McKenzie.

Lara takes her job very seriously and doesn’t plan on letting the charming Ian, get in her way of said job.
Ian and Lara have an instant attraction but due to their current situation, they can not act on it. Which leads to page after page of witty banter, sizzling tension and some pretty funny situations.

Though this book wasn’t necessarily unique in some of the elements, it was very entertaining to read. The side characters we also a great addition to the story.

If you enjoy a light romantic read with a twist on a redeemable playboy and independent heroine, I’d give this one a try.

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Hot Asset by Lauren Layne is the first book in the 21 Wall Street Series. This is the story of Ian Bradley and Lara McKenzie.
Ian is a very successfully Wall Street investor who has it all it would seem.
Lara is becoming one of the Top White Collar investigators and is looking into if Ian is doing insider trading. There is a instant attraction between the two. But Lara has to do her investigation on him but her growing emotions are something else. Ian thought he had it all but his feelings for Lara are starting to show him there is more to his life he doesn't have.
Enjoyed reading their story.

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Once again Lauren Layne is off to a great start with Hot Asset, the first book from her brand new series 21 Wall Street. I love Ms. Layne's writing style because it is polished, evenly paced and fresh. Secondly, the chemistry between the main characters is simmering and their developing feelings are tangible. Lastly, the combination of humor, longing and the New York City landscape is nicely executed. This book may be enjoyed as standalone.

Lara McKenzie is a SEC investigator with the dream of becoming an FBI agent in the very near future. In order to do so, she has to pay her dues by exposing a really big wrongdoing. Along with a letter of recommendation from her boss, her latest assignment has the potential to get her into Quantico. Ian Brady, a womanizer and one of the many darlings of Wall Street, is Lara's newest potential victim. Ian is smart, rich and good-looking, and someone is looking to put him behind bars for a very long time. Although Lara and Ian get off to a shaky start and should be enemies, they cannot stop their attraction to each other.

I enjoyed this slightly predictable office romance. The story is nicely presented, and the camaraderie between Ian and his best friends at the investment firm is complete with quick-witted ribbing and fun. Lara's principles and honesty are truly inspiring, especially since "fake news" is so common. Overall, this is a hot romance with an engaging plot and interesting characters. I am truly looking to the next book in the series.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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