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No Less Days

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I liked this book a lot!

One thing right off the top:
I'm not a huge fan of the cover. It makes me think the book will be depressing and...boring.

But thankfully it wasn't! Too much, anyway.

I am a huge fan of David Galloway and the whole crew. Well...except for, you know, that one person... This was a cool book because it touched on historical, modern day, and even fantasy elements. Plus, anytime you have a small group of people united in some very unique common bonds, I am THERE.

I'll be real...The pacing did make me a little frustrated at one point. Things were happening, but also not. I was feeling the feels, but also going a little crazy waiting for the finale.

Anywhoo...The characters were great, the premise and overarching theme were fabulous. Overall, an imaginative, intriguing story.

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The agelessness in this book reminded me of one of my favorite romance movies: The Age of Adaline.

I loved that this wasn’t just another fantasy/sci-fi book; it had roots firmly planted in faith. It’s rare that I find a good Christian fiction fantasy/sci-fi book to enjoy, so I’m really happy I found this gem. I especially enjoyed the theme that Jesus is to be our strength, not just lend us strength. That goes one step deeper than I usually see, so this made the faith thread super rich and immersive to me.

The evil turn with one of the longevites creeped me out big-time. I felt the evil rolling off this character, and it seemed to ooze off the ebook pages at times. I did have to take stretch breaks during some of the latter half of the book because of this.

The final scene was so hopeful! I adored that. After the evil that had cropped up, it was quite refreshing to switch back to a much lighter tone. This scene left me wanting so much more!

I blew myself away by reading all 528 pages in only two days. This book, because of the beautiful way it’s written, was easy to cruise through. Bravo, Mrs. Stevens!

Content: expletives, nudity, replacement profanity, lewd inference, tattoo, alcohol, pre-marital sex spoken of

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Amanda G. Stevens's novel No Less Days asks the question, what would you do if you could never die? Bookseller David Galloway hasn't lived forever, but he has lived well over a century. After a frontier doctor in the 19th century treats him with a mysterious serum, he has survived. He thought he was alone, but now he has met up with a small group of "longevites" whose resistance to death stems from treatment by that same doctor.

If you want to explore the science and biology of longevity, you will be disappointed. But Stevens's story explores the human side of apparent immortality. David, as a lone soul, lived several lifetimes as someone who never ages, without knowledge of other immortals. In his new circle, he finds fellowship with a community that has been in relationship for a century of mutual support. What would relationships look like if you could not die? How would you relate, if at all, with mortals?

Some of the characters are Christians, but even they struggle with questions of church involvement and God's purposes for their immortality. The questions become even more profound when a mortal human who seems to be onto their secret turns up dead. How do immortal humans bring to justice one of their own? There are no easy answers.

Stevens's style is deeply personal and readable. Her pacing is pretty mellow, with some surprises but not a lot of cliff-hanging. She does a great job of exploring a speculative idea--immortality, or something close to it--from the perspective of a Christian.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the complimentary electronic review copy!

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This is an interesting read to say the least. The main character, David, lives a quiet life running a bookshop that's nestled in Northern Michigan. Oh, yea, he's immortal.
Imagine living on as loved ones meet their eternal rest but you're stuck with endless days. This book leaves one wondering about the blessings - and the curses - of immortality. Is David alone in this gift of eternal life? Is there a way to end it or, perhaps, learn to embrace it?
This author is new to me but I plan to watch for more works penned by her.
I received an Advance Review Copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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I was fascinated by Amanda Steven's No Less Days. I mean honestly what would it be like to not be able to die? Everyone you know would age and pass on and you would still be here. Would you keep making friends knowing you would lose them or would you shut yourself off to avoid the pain? In No Less Days Ms. Stevens has offered her version of what that life might be like. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the sequel coming out next spring!
So grab a pot of tea and settle back for an intriguing read!

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Driven by a unique plotline with interesting characters and an unexpected plot twist, I finished this one quickly. Once done, I took the time to think about how I would deal with not being able to die, so much to learn and see but also losing everyone that I love over and over again. I found some of the character development happened a little fast, but overall I would give this book 3.5-4 stars. I will pass it on with good recommendations.

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This was an interesting read. While a Christian read, it dealt with a little bit of science fiction. The main character is a bookstore owner, so that caught my attention immediately. What's not to love about a bookstore and an attractive gentleman owner? But are things exactly as they seem? It's obvious that there are things going on that you don't understand immediately.

The characters in the book are well developed, unique, and a little quirky...because of something that I do not want share so that I don't spoil the main theme of the book, The author does a great job of grabbing your attention and springing a huge surprise. But the decisions that are made are questionable.

I'm not sure this was one of the best books I've ever read, but it did have some good Christian thoughts and spiritual ideas.

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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I was provided an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

As far as David Galloway knows, he can’t die. He wonders where he fits in the world, in God’s plan for the past and the future. He believes himself to be the only person on earth who hasn’t aged in over a century. He’s wrong about that.

I was excited to read this book and for the concept of the story, but I found the storyline was hard to follow and difficult to keep my interest.

When I came to the end I was left with unanswered questions and wondered if a sequel is in the works or if the reader is supposed to come to their own conclusions on the characters future.

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Such an interesting read! I loved the concept behind this book, and really enjoyed the characters. This is my first read by this author, but I hope to read more in the future.

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David Galloway has lots of choices to make. Stuck at the age of 35, with many lives ahead and behind him, David is immortal. There are more immortals, and this book delves into their world and also the concept of time...and its relativity to our existence.

I have never read any of this author's work, and I am curious if her other works are similar or if this is a departure for her. I enjoyed the concept of the book, but I am a bit confused at some of it. Her prose is lovely, but it seems there wasn't a concrete beginning, middle and end. I get why some of the various plot points happened, but I truly need some sort of conclusion to the story! I am the type who needs a definite ending once I am involved with the characters. :)

Perhaps because I haven't read any of her work before, I am left curious about a few things. I realize this book is meant to be a bit disjointed ( when you are immortal, how IS there truly an ending?) I wonder if I may have missed some things that may have happened if this was the start of a series...just not sure how I feel.

It was a challenging book with great highs and lows, I think perhaps if I were to reread and search for the specific concerns I had with it, I might understand it a bit better. Some books just need more time to simmer, perhaps. Worth a read, just perhaps know that you may leave it a bit confused. I am not sure how to classify this book--sci fi/ speculative fiction/fantasy...?

Thank you to #NetGalley for the chance to read and review.

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This is my second book by this author. I really enjoyed this one and I'm so glad I got to read it. I found this to be a fantastic read! Yes, there's death and violence, and abuse and realism. The ending though... AKKKK! What did you do to us? Tears. That wasn't what I hoped for. Sighs. Please have another book because this ending doesn't make me happy. Past that, love how God's plans are shown and the speculative aspects of this fiction book.

I voluntarily read an advanced readers copy of this book from Net Galley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own and this review is left of my own free will.

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I received an advanced copy of this book through Netgalley. This book had me from the very beginning. I love that it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I would highly recommend this book to my fellow readers. Thank you for the chance to review this book!!!!

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This was an interesting, thought-provoking book. This book is different from many of the books I normally read. I was interested in the book from the description and it did not disappoint! Ms. Stevens provides the reader with a story of the impossible. Throughout the entire book, it was hard to guess what was going to happen next. This book examines David Galloway who has been alive for over 100 years. He is all alone, but discovers there are others who share the same secret as him. Can together they form a family or are there more secrets to discover? I highly recommend this book! You will not be disappointed!
***I was given a free electronic copy of this book from the publisher. This is my honest opinion. Even though I received this copy free, this is my own opinion.

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As we meet him in Amanda Stevens’s No Less Days, David Galloway is a reclusive bookstore owner in northern Michigan. His life seems quiet until he visits the Grand Canyon to see what happened to the body of teen idol Zachary Wilson. Wilson fell while attempting to cross the Grand Canyon.

David discovers he is not alone in his uniqueness on earth. There are at least four others like him, and they have been looking for David for some time. Instantly, David has a community that he has been lacking many years.

There is a phrase that is very applicable to this book. “The author needs to be able to cause the reader to suspend disbelief.” I would have had less trouble doing this if this were a secular book. However, since there are strong Christian elements, I had a hard time understanding how David’s group is then unaffected by the Fall.

I liked that David is so generous and kind and also begins to realize his need for others. He treats Tiana’s friend very kindly and goes beyond to be sure she has her needs met. He also realizes his need for physical love, and Tiana herself is very convincing as she tells David he needs the church again.

I finished the book with many unanswered questions. Maybe that’s just me. Or maybe we’re being set up for a sequel. No Less Days is worth checking out. It might be your next favorite book, especially if you love speculative fiction.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. This in no way affected my opinion, which is freely given, and for which I am solely responsible.

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No Less Days Is a speculative fiction. Now I didn't know how good this one was going to be but it was fantastical. You have David who is a longevite or immortal - which is so interesting in itself until she - Ms. Stevens - brings in more of them - David thought he was the only one. The books story line and characters flow so nicely. The story is indicative of some of my favorite books I read long ago. It is beautifully written and brilliantly thought provoking of how awesome our GOD truly is. If there is a sequel I truly hope I get the honor of reading it.

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No Less Days by Amanda G. Stevens caught my eye as soon as I came across it. I didn't know what to expect when I first started reading this book but after a few pages, I was absolutely hooked!

The concept of No Less Days is a game changer ~ a Faith based sci-fi novel that explores immortality from a bright new perspective that is very intriguing. The characters are engaging and realistically flawed. David, the main character is world weary, tired of immortality and depends on his relationship with God to see him through as he struggles with his existence and how to fit in with the rest of the world.

Add in a creative and awesome plot full of twists and turns leading to surprises that I never saw coming and you have a refreshingly creative, captivating story. I can't wait to read the other books in this series!

I received this book for free. A favorable review was not required and all views expressed are my own. Thank you to Ms. Stevens, Shiloh Run Press and Netgalley for the opportunity to read/review this book.

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So a dude can live forever, he owns a bookshop, and suddenly find that he is NOT the only person who’s been alive for over 150 years. Okay.

This book is kind of on the weird side. But, we know that from the synopsis. The not so obvious thing is that the synopsis is about all you need. The book itself is bland and half-baked... if it even gets to half. Things start off pretty good, and then they drop off. And then they start something else that looks pretty good, and then it’s dropped again. This author cannot finish a plot point and it is so annoying. There’s a way to leave unanswered questions and make me want to come back for more, this is did not do that. This made me ask, “What was the point of that if you weren’t going to follow through on it?” Again and again. And again. It’s tiresome and honestly it put me to sleep. It drags. I don’t even care enough about the unanswered questions to read any sequel to be honest. I want somebody to tell me what happens, but they only have 5-10 minutes. That’s my attention span for this. Maybe we could try a very altered hallmark movie..?

The characters aren’t realistic for the most part. They almost get there, but there’s just not enough. Because, as I’ve already said, things are half-baked. Their relationships with themselves and each other just don’t feel complete. Like there’s no soul involved or something.

I like that there was a bi-racial relationship. I like that the thought of a Christian living forever when he wants to die and be with God is explored. I like that a lot of different things are talked about and referred to that need to said/talked about. But this just wasn’t my favorite. It’s lacking.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Very Interesting Book

As I started reading this book I wasn't sure exactly what genre it was. I'm still not sure, but by the time the twist and turns started showing up, I was hooked. This is an interesting read and I do recommend it. Just be prepared to read late into the night once you get hooked.

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This book is amazing! I really loved this novel as it really shows how much faith we should put into God and to no question his plans for us. One theme I noticed in this was how the MC, even though he can not die so technically can not enter Heaven, still fully believes and relies on God. 

The speculative aspect of this book had me closing it on the final page, looking unto my own self and asking many questions. The creative ways that the author dealt with the themes were flawlessly done. The writing was brilliant and flawless.

The characters show us each a different aspect to faith.. believers/non believers..those of us that hold true to faith/those that don't. So each one helped to create a wonderful backdrop as we see each theme played out in their lives

The setting to this novel was well done, although it didn't contribute much to the enhancement of the story, it was still a beautiful backdrop.

overall 5 stars from me

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WOW. Wow. I cannot say how much I loved reading this book. Who hasn't imagined what it would be like to be immortal? No Less Days puts a creatively cool spin on the subject of immortality and the ripple effects of being such. Amanda Stevens has the potential to be as famous as Nora Roberts. The book was well written, the story line was SO good, and I think this story has seriously good chance of being a successful series. (Please Amanda? :)

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