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Pieces of Her

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Member Reviews

I've been a big fan if Karin Slaughter for a long time and have always looked forward to her new releases to receiving her newest release as an ARC made me really happy.

Unfortunately and disappointingly this is just not Karins best work.

I found the whole thing quite boring to be honest. A real slow burner that had me wanting to skip ahead constantly. The actual storyline was dull and tame compared to previous novels. I also missed the whole multilayered plots that the author usually writes with.

The main characters weren't easy to connect with at all in my opinion and left no lasting impression and the filler characters were forgettable.

The back story terrorism seemed to take away the grit and detail that Karin usuallybwrites with and I feel this actually comprised the whole book.

Sadly just a 1.5* from me on this one. Maybe I had too high expectations from previous books.

Thanks to netgalley and Harper Collins for the ARC

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I have to be honest and say this was not up to Karin's usually standards
I will say that ever other book I have read hase been excellent.

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his book was an average read. I had been expecting more but it was still an ok book.
An ok book but not of her usual standard

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Andrea and her mum Laura are enjoying a birthday lunch when suddenly a gunman appears. What happens leads to a chain of events that sends Andrea on the run and leaves her questioning everything she thought she knew about her mother.
This book is set over 2 time periods and is told from both Laura ( in the past) and Andrea ( in the present)
I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend,
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review

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I was so pleased to receive a copy of this book for review, having recently finished and really enjoyed Karin Slaughter’s ‘The Last Widow.’ What a disappointment this title has turned out to be. It’s hard to believe it’s written by the same author.

The main character Andy is portrayed as such a feeble, pathetic individual, and I wonder how she would have lived to the age of 31 years without developing any personality or backbone, especially as her mother Laura appears to be a strong, feisty, intelligent, forward thinking woman.

The dual timeline does not work, the plotting is non-existent, and the narrative is fragmented to the point of making no sense at all to this reader. I have read to 50%, and find I just cannot read any more.

The storyline is so far fetched and unbelievable, and I’m sorry to say I do not care enough about any of the characters to struggle on any further with this book. It may have appeal for some readers, but sadly not for me.

My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my advance copy of this title.

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Cracking premise. Andrea (Andy), who’s in her 30s, has moved back to be near her parents and now works as a police despatcher. One morning, after a long night shift, she’s sitting in a diner when a man walks in and begins shooting. Her mother reacts in a completely unexpected way and shows a side of herself that Andy never knew was there. And thus begins Andy’s literal and metaphorical journey to find out who her mother really is.

This rattles along at pace and is a great beach read - lots of twists and turns along the way and plenty of action. It slightly faded at the end for me, but I think still wrapped up nicely.

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The story started off slowly with characters being introduced, but then there is action and killing and secrets. Suddenly the next part of the book is in the past with other characters and seemingly no connection... until there is a connection and you finally understand what the secrets are. Exciting and action packed with twists and turns, just how a Karin Slaughter book should be. Highly recommended!

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How well do you know your own mother. Obviously Andrea(Andy) didn’t know her very well.
When faced with danger Laura, Andy’s mum jumps into action and Andy see’s a different mother altogether.
This is broadcasted and the event goes viral nationwide.
After this event Laura wants Andy to go away as a fear of what Laura did in her past will catch her up
If Laura is not the pillar of society . Who is she really ???
Thanks Netgalley

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Another great story by Karin Slaughter, The way she writes keeps you turning those pages, the cleaning, cooking and washing have to take a back seat when you start reading this one .

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I had to many high hopes for this book and unfortunately they fell flat for me. I just couldn’t warm to the two narrators, Andy and then James. I found the character frustrated me and I had to keep putting the book down. As much as the plot was intriguing, it just couldn’t hold my attention.

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This book took me a little by surprise as it's not the usual type of book that I associate with Karin Slaughter. I felt it started off really well, a mother and daughter having lunch together when a gunman opens fire and kills other customers and the mother stuns everyone by killing the gunman when he targets her own daughter. Then we learn that there is a past to Laura (the mother) that Andy (the daughter) was totally unaware of. Apart half way through, when I was getting the background to Laura's previous life I began to lose a bit of interest and for me it felt that it was dragging a little. It picked up again and I did enjoy it, but it didn't keep me on tenterhooks like her other books have done.

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I do enjoy Karin Slaughter books. I always find them gripping fast paced.
This one is a stand-alone and whilst I enjoyed it I didn’t enjoy it as much as the other books I’ve read by her.
I found it a little slow and it took me a while to get into.
Once I got into it I did enjoy it.
Well written and a good concept.

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thank you to netgalley and the publishers for allowing me to review this book.

This is one of my favourite authors but did not enjoy this one. I found it way to slow and it was only at the end that it came into any excitement that made it 3 star work.

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This was not like previous Karin Slaughter reads and it took a little longer for me to adjust and get into it. The premise could have lead down any number of paths and without wanting to give anything way I feel as though this was not the right story for me. I didn’t feel as though I really connected any of the characters and their history was generally a little flat.....apart from the mothers and to me it was just way off base and left me feeling like it had so many holes in the story I was starting to overthink it. Maybe I’m just too much of a fan of the Sara Linton series?!

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# Piece of Her # Netgalley
Wow this has got to be the best book Karen Slaughter has ever written. I have loved every book she’s wrote. Been gripped to all of them. This one is extra special. It’s a full on book that you are living inside with the characters. I could feel the tension build, as it was building with the characters. I have definitely been on the edge of my seat on many occasions m, gripping so much so I could feel my heart racing, I don’t know how long for but I was curling my toes with anticipation of each pager you think you know know what’s coming yet things change so so quickly just by turning that Paige. I found myself on a state of shock a couple of times, I was absolutely desperate to finish. It’s not just because I wanted to know how it was going to end it was a need desperately needed to know. I only wish I had have read it at a slower pace and savoured every word. You genuinely can not the book pulls you in so hard and fast, all you do is live and breath this book. If you do not read this. Then you are missing out on a truly masterful piece of Art, I am definitely going to watch the series once it comes out, not expecting it to be as good as this nook is to read. Series based on books are ever as good as the book. Wow just waiting for the next instalment of Karen Slaughter. New book, if you read only one book this year make sure it’s this one.... phenomenal

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Karin Slaughter is 1 of my favourite authors. I was hooked on the Will Trent series, very excited to start this book!!

Laura and her daughter Andrea (Andy) have become close after Andy returns home from New York to look after her mother who had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She breezes through life without any real ambition and lives in the apartment above her mother’s garage.

Whilst they are in a diner celebrating her birthday a shooter Jonah Helsinger opens fire killing a mother and daughter, when Jonah turns the gun onto Andy, Laura steps forward calmly telling him to shoot her, what happens next is recorded by a bystander and shows Laura killing Jonah, the press name her the “Killing Machine”.

What happens next is a roller coaster of a ride as Andy goes on the run trying to piece together who her mother really is.

The story is told over 2 timelines which Karin does beautifully. We have the present time and we go back to 1986, the timelines run parallel to one another and fuse together seamlessly.

This book has everything I love in a Karin slaughter story,great storyline, gory, full of twists and totally engrossing.

A thrilling read. I cannot wait as this is going to be a series on Netflix next year, going to clear my diary and binge watch it!!

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for a review.

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I have read and enjoyed several books by this author. I received this book via net galley in exchange for an honest review.

Laura Oliver and her daughter Andrea are having lunch in a local restaurant when a gunman enters killing 2 people. Laura then kills the gunman but rather than the police taking this as self defence they are leaning towards a murder charge.

The opening section of this book really did grab my attention and seemed to be the start of an interesting storyline.

At this point we are taken back in time to witness the development of an almost anarchist group attempting to right social wrong with terrorist style actions.

I struggled with the two settings and the way they interlaced. There simply wasn't enough in the earlier plot line to hold my attention and unlike other books by this author I found myself keep putting the book down. There were parts that pulled me into the storyline but just not enough. The whole felt forced and unnatural, at times almost unbelievable.

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Whilst the Will Trent series is my favourite series from Karin Slaughter, I also always enjoy her standalones. Pieces of Her was no different, with a gripping and twisty story that kept me turning the pages. The main character was a little frustrating at times but her behaviour was understandable and I slowly became invested in her quest to discover the truth about her mother's life. I'd definitely recommend this to thriller fans and those wanting to try Karin Slaughter for the first time.

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I think I liked this book but I did find it disjointed. Many books move backwards and forwards in time and I am not sure this always works but that is maybe because I read mainly at night when I am tired. On saying this I did find it interesting in as much as Nick could manipulate people to do the sort of things that made this book what it is. Even towards the end he was still trying to get Laura on his side but thankgoodness she had other ideas. It was also interesting to see Andy grow up and realising that she was capable of living her life as she needed to grow up. Laura came across as a tough cookie until people messed with her family and she came into her own in a way unexpected but that opened a can of worms. Book worth a read

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"She had always believed—vehemently, with great conviction—that the only way to change the world was to destroy it."

Andrea (Andy) lives in Belle Isle with her mother Laura. Her doptive father, Gordon lives around the corner. She is struggling as an adult living with her mom when they are both involved in a vicious crime, where her mother saves her life. Then a man breaks into Laura's house, threatening her and Andy kills him. Laura tells her to run and gives her a 'go bag' and keys to a lock-up. It seems Laura is not the ordinary mom Andy thought she was. Who is Laura, hero, liar or killer, and what did she do?

Switching between present day and a group of terrorists in the 1980s, the links narratives between the narratives slowly come together. Not as pacy as Slaughter's usual books, this is still a good thriller. I found the present day plot and characters more engaging than those in the past. There are plenty of plot-twists as Andy meets new characters and makes new discoveries whilst on the run. An intriguing and startling thriller.

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