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On the Line

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On the Line by Liz Lincoln is an easy yet "angsty" read. The characters feel real. And their connection is hot. Their problems and worries similar to those of an average person. But, throw in an NFL career and all the "benefits" that can come with that lifestyle and you get some funny perdicaments. The storyline can be a bit predictable but there is enough twists to keep it interesting.

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I. Loved. This. Book.

I’ve never read anything by this author (and I don’t even know if this is her first or 23rd book!) but I will be checking her out now. I love the forbidden romance trope, so this was right up my alley. And let me tell you, Seth is the hottest book boyfriend I’ve come across in quite a while. Loved the whole thing. Now I’m off to find out what else Liz Lincoln has written!

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This was the first book I've read by this author. I can't wait to see where (hopefully) the best book takes us.
I love a good sports romance

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I could not help but to fall for On the Line by Liz Lincoln, this story hit all my high points in a romance read.

Seth has a tender heart for the women in his life well all, but his useless ex. How could you love a woman who dumps her flesh and blood? Seth finds himself traded to the Dragons a Minnesota football team, so Seth uprooted himself and his daughter Maddie and headed to Minnesota.

Carrie a teacher finds herself without a roof over her head and a job, ever the positive Carrie thought the job that was offered to her was just what she needed all she had to do is keep her mind and hormones in check and off her new boss.

Seth and Carrie start flirting through texts at first their chemistry slow building. Things become strained between them because Seth doesn’t want to mix sex with Carrie being his daughters Nanny. Can they both hold out? The supporting characters add to the plot, team mates, friends and family. I feel a bit bad that I had issues about Maddie, I am a mother of two girls and they have their moments. I found myself counting to 10 a lot. LOL! I think Maddie and Carrie’s relationship was rushed and fell quite short in the bonding department. I am hoping possibly to get to know these characters better in the following books.

On the Line filled my nerdy comic side as well as my football loving side; a wonderful odd mix up.

Rated 41/2 Stilettos by Deb!

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I really enjoyed this book... The first for my by this author and can't wait to continue the series.

Seth Chamberlain: single dad who's a professional football player,

Carrie Heron: science teacher who is into comics and cosplay.

This story although I feel like we need more of Seth and Carrie as if they have more to tell; even an epilogue would have given something more, a closing of sorts however, I would definitely still recommend this. Well-written with characters you can connect to. I couldn't put this down; didn't want it to end and finished it in one sitting.

Two people who meet at the grocery store - a single dad shopping for his twelve year old daughter and an unemployed science teacher currently down on her luck. They make a connection and start a sequence of events that neither expected.

Then a turn/twist as they realize who the other is and why everything that they have been looking forward to and want; the connection that can't go any further.

The sexual tension between these two is everything at times and when they can no longer separate the personal and the professional are the risks they are about to take worth it?

Dive in and read the story of Seth and Carrie you will not be disappointed.!

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I wanted to connect with this book, but I just couldn't sadly

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This book was exactly what I was in the mood for- a low angst, fun, book to escape into for a few hours. I liked the characters and their connection. Seth's daughter was a true to life 12 year old girl and reading about his relationship with her was great. Was this book perfect? No. The flirty texts they send each other were not at all sexy which made me laugh a few times and there were other nit picky things but none of it took away from my overall enjoyment of this book. I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review and look forward to seeing what author writes next.

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I'm a sucker for a good (hot) love story and I've always felt that the world of professional sports is the perfect setting. At first glance, On the Line had all the trappings to be a consumable and racy read. NFL player meets woman at the grocery store, has an instant connection and then finds out she's his daughter's new nanny? Perfect scenario for all types of drama and heat to ensue. Unfortunately though, the writing just wasn't up to snuff for me. There's very little that annoys me more than the constant repetition of the same turn of phrase - and this one had it in spades. On top of that, some of the chemistry and connection between the two seemed both rushed and forced. Much of it didn't feel like a seamless, natural progression between the two. The bones where there for sure, but I was left wanting more.

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I loved this book. If it wasn't for pesky work, I would have read it in one sitting. Linebacker Seth moves himself and his moody 12 year old daughter from Texas to Wisconsin as he is now playing for a new team. He bumps into Carrie in the feminine product isle at the grocery store. Carrie is an out of work science teacher and comics nerd who ends up being the nanny for Seth's daughter. The chemistry and relationship those to have was so much fun to read. Seth's daughter Maddie "Mads" was the every pre-teen girl. I highly recommend.

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This was a surprisingly good book. It was well written with good character development. The book was lighthearted, entertaining and, at times, very funny. I found myself being pulled into the book and I really wanted to get to know the characters' stories. It was an easy ready that I finished way too quickly! I liked the happily ever after but wish there could have been an epilogue to tie it up. Overall, an enjoyable book that I am glad I read.

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This was my first time reading this author. Enjoyed the book. I really enjoyed how devoted the hero was to his daughter and the relationship was totally realistic. Having teenage daughters it can be a mind field and this depicted that. I enjoyed the chemistry between the hero and heroine. Had a super good meet-cute at the grocery store. I thought it drug a little bit in the middle with the will they-won’t they. If you’re a fan of sports romances which I am, I think you’ll enjoy this. NetGalley provides a copy for an honest review.

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This is my first book by this author. It was a little hard for me to get into because it was written in third person. I’m not a fan of third person but I did enjoy some parts of the story. I liked that Seth was a single dad of a twelve year old, he’s a great dad. Carrie and Seth together didn’t really blow me away and I really wish there was an epilogue. That ending felt way too rushed.

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Seth is an NFL superstar single dad who needs a nanny to care for his 12 year-old daughter when he's traveling for work. Carrie is an unemployed and unhappy ex-teacher who gets hired to be his nanny. It just so happens that they've already met before and been exchanging a few sexts prior to her interview. What could possibly go wrong?

I love a good quick and dirty romance novel with a happily ever after, I don't even hate instalove, but this was next level instalove. Their sexts were awkward instead of sexy and I honestly can't figure out what Seth liked about Carrie. I wanted to shake her and tell her to find her self worth in things other than her career and men. I wouldn't mind reading a book about Seth as a single dad though...that part was great.

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This was a sweet romance that had me smiling way too hard and also didn't allow me to put it down for fear that I would miss out on anything!
Though it was such a fast-paced read, I felt it went great with the speed of Carrie and Seth's romance. I mean, who wouldn't immediately fall head over heels for a hot, well-built athlete?

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I loved the way this book started out. The way the characters met was funny and realistic. I liked that Seth was a single dad and his life was built around his daughter. I thought the author did a great job in showing the reader what life is like as a parent to a tween and how difficult it can be. The chemistry between Liz and Seth was great and I was really rooting for them to be together, although hearing why they couldn't be together repeatedly did grow tiresome at times. I was also tired of the Poison Ivy references. I get it that comics are Carrie's thing and I dug her confidence, but it was brought up so frequently. I also had a small issue with the formatting of the book. At times it was hard to distinguish who's POV we were in. It was written in the 3rd person but sometimes it would switch between the characters without notice and it would be confusing. That may be something that is corrected before the book is published. Overall, I do recommend this book. The characters are great and relatable with a lot of chemistry.

**ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review**

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Sports romances are one of my favorite tropes. This one hit all the right notes. There were enough football scenes. There was a nice level of steam and heat. There was some low-level angsty drama. Overall, this story had a nice pace and a believable plot.

My biggest complaint is how the book ended. I hated it.

Dear Liz Lincoln, please don't end Seth and Carrie's story this way. It was WAY too abrupt. It feels like we're lacking one or two more chapters, or an epilogue at the very least.

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A copy of this book was provided via NetGalley for an honest review.
3.5 stars
Who doesn’t love a single dad? Add to that tall, blonde and built that you just want to climb him like a tree. Oh and a major football player. We meet Seth Chamberlin at the grocery store purchasing female products for his daughter. He has an instant reaction to the hottie in the checkout line in front of him. So why not exchange numbers and see what happens.
Carrie Herron down on her luck. She has no job, no bed so to speak of and running low on money. The only bright side to her stop at the grocery store is the sexy man that happens to help her out when she seems to have misplaced her wallet. Carrie seems to hit the jackpot when the sexy man exchanges numbers with her.
Seth and Carrie start a steamy texting romance. But when they come face to face again, things head south fast. Not only is Carrie at Seth’s house for the Nanny job and a place to live but she realizes who he is. Carrie has no choice but to stop the sexy texting with Seth and take the job. She needs this job.
But will Seth and Carrie be able to forget about the attraction and pull that they feel for each other? And the texts? They have to do the best thing for Seth’s daughter; Seth being the father that she needs and Carrie being the Nanny to take care of her.
I enjoy the writing style of the author and the character development. I look forward to reading more from Liz Lincoln.

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This is a new series for me and one I think I'll really enjoy. The characters were believable and well rounded and the ratio of sexy and sweet was perfect. It was a fun read and I'm interested in where the author will go next.

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This book was funny at moments and quirky. I felt some scenes were forced, especially the climax. Other than that it was a lovely story.

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It was an OK read worth reading it but it was just OK I enjoyed the football end of it but it was just bland for me others might enjoy it I guess I'd recommend it but like I said it was just OK I guess I'd give it three and half stars, I would read more from this author though. Thank you netgalley for loaning me this arc for an honest review and of course I was honest!

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