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Rumor Has It

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This book was fun. She serious about herbwork, he's a bad boy womanizer. Their romance is sweet. I think he over-reacted to create the tension in the novel but other than that a good read.

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Barrett is a former pro football player who really puts his foot in it when he says something inappropriate while working as a commentator at a game. Like really inappropriate. The kind of thing that gets you fired. Now he's writing a dating column as the bad boy of football with Catarina who is the essential good girl of journalism. Their fake dating leads to real dating and that's when things get complicated and truths have to come out between them. I have to confess i had a hard time warming up to Barrett. I got there but it took a while. I think it takes a while to figure out Barrett and who he really is. He's revealed to the reader a little at a time. He brings out a bit of the crazy in Catarina she didn't know she had. She opens him up to being himself and letting her in. I think there was some rough spots for me in this books but it was all pulled together for me by the end. I literally saw both Barrett and Catarina grow through this book. Sometimes it takes meeting the right person for that to happen. Good ending.

Find out more about this series and Jessica Lemmon here

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Rumor Has It was my first book by Jessica Lemmon and definitely won’t be my last. This was funny, charming and real. Catarina and Barrett’s chemistry was off the charts; at first, Catarina wasn’t sure of Barrett because of his arrogant ways but getting to know him showed her that there was more to him. I laughed every time Barrett would call her “Kitty Cat” – purr-fect nickname.

I don’t know why it took me so long to find out about Jessica Lemmon’s books, her writing style is smooth and addicting. Must go and read the first three book in this series, you have just made a new fan.

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Oil and water...cats and dog-foxes? Catarina and Barrett mix just as good. Bad boy of football and seriousness of a journalist are to date for the sake of the paper, totally work research, yeah right. From the moment they met Barrett strives and achieves getting under Catarina's skin. Catarina goes out with Barrett kicking and screaming, after all she's already got a boyfriend. But who could resist the sexy ex-footballer, especially when he's so charming and frustrating. Very fun read, loved the banter between Catarina and Barrett

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Such an enjoyable read! The story line is incredibly well written and full of twists and turns. The characters are great as their fake relationship comes to life. Both are stubborn individuals but can they find love and happiness together? Great read!

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Rumor Has It by Jessica Lemmon is the fourth installment of her Real Love Series but it can be read as a complete standalone.

From the very beginning, I enjoyed the wit and banter that was written into the story. Not only between Barrett and Caterina but just their own individual inner dialogue as well.

"Who knew my boss had a sexual bone in her boyd? I thought she was made of steel beams and asbestos."

I don't know why but that line cracked me up so hard. I couldn't stop laughing and even when I went back to look at my highlights, it stuck out and had me laughing again.

As mentioned before, I just love the banter. Barrett and Caterina could battle out with the best of them and it only built on their sexual tension. One minute they wanted to claw each others eyes out and the next they wanted their hands all over the other. It made for a great build up with they finally do realize that they belong together.

Rumor Has It delivers just the right amount of sass, sexuality and conflict that will keep you engaged from start to finish. If you are looking for sweet, fun and swagger, then this is the book for you!

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A new romantic comedy from Jessica Lemmon that features an uncouth, bad boy hero and the proper working girl who can't stand him upon first sight. Forced together for a work assignment to boost Catarina's column at work, her and Barrett are enemies first, kinda friends, lovers and so on. Their banter is realistic and fun and Barrett's ability to thaw Catarina's ice was my favorite part of the journey they take together. Written from alternating points of view the story gave us Lemmon's writing from both perspectives in interesting ways.

It lacked for me in certain places where I felt like it was dragging and Barrett was really over the top selling his bad boy image. I didn't buy into it exactly and kept thinking he was acting like too much of a fraud. And some of their dates that I thought would be the highlight of their story weren't very passionate or exposing in any way. The vulnerability didn't come until towards the end.

Both the characters and the writing make for an enjoyable comedic romance though. It has it's tender moments along with the passionate ones full of charm. It's not too long and made for a nice afternoon read.

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Rumor Has It is an easy read to while away a peaceful afternoon. relatively angst free and fast paced with adorable characters.

On the surface Catarina and Barrett are complete opposites; Barrett an ex-football star and notorious bad boy, while Catarina is a relationship columnist with a reserved good girl demeanour. Thrown together to generate ratings for the column Cat works for while repairing Barrett's image. 

Cat and Barrett balance each other perfectly, underneath the public bad boy, Barrett is a teddy bear with dreams of a loving, stable relationship and family. Catarina brings out a side of Barrett that no-one else has known while Barrett enables Catarina to loosen her tightly held control. 

There are a few pitfalls instigated by third parties creating a divide between Barrett and Catarina as well as the complications past relationships bring along with them. 

Rumor Has It uses the rich, good girl and poor, bad boy trope to full effect, I would love to see what the future holds for Catarina and Barrett ♥

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Rumor Has It, by Jessica Lemmon, is a fun, flirty novel that will charm anyone looking for a lighthearted read. Set in the newsroom of the Columbus Dispatch, there are bound to be newsworthy fireworks, and Lemmon does not disappoint on that score. Her hero and heroine are likable with off the charts chemistry. Fans of Lemmon will recognize her distinctive voice. New readers will find a go-to author who reminds them of Lauren Layne.

I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this novel.

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I liked this book, I wouldn't say I absolutely loved it. I disliked Barrett for almost the first 50% of the book. He was kind of an ass. He was use to women fawning all over him. h\He really was kind of disrespectful not only to women but most people in general. I like how Catarina gave him sass and didn't put up with his BS. Once Cat got to know about how he has a soft side for his deadbeat brother and his nephew I started to like him a bit more. I just didn't really feel any chemistry between these two like Ms Lemmon has in some of her previous books. I mean kittycat and fox have some hot and steamy sex between them just lacking relationship chemistry to me. But it has a cute ending and a surprise visit from Dax and Becca that I loved. All in all still a cute addition to the Real Love book series. I would still recommend reading it.

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A witty, intelligent opposites-attract rom-com!

Caterina is a very professional journalist, who is assigned to “date” Barrett, a notorious bad boy ex-football player. They each are tasked with writing opposing-viewpoint commentaries on the development of their relationship, but neither expects their chemistry to be so intense and life-changing.

This book had me laughing out loud many times, with a wicked sense of humor and a willingness to poke fun at life’s absurdities. Underneath it all is a solid emotional foundation, a love story with a huge heart and surprising depth. I read this book in one evening while ignoring everything else in the real world because I just couldn’t put it down until I was cheering at the triumphant ending. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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Why resist the bad boy when he is so good. Fox will take kitty Cat so far out of her comfort zone to the point she wont want to go back, which is good considering she needs to live a little. Let go and enjoy and take that stick out of her... Good thing about Fox is that he is honest to a fault. Simple guy with a lot of potential and pride and willing to give. It's just that nobody sees those details since he doesn't show his vulnerable side just to anyone. But Cat will learn a lot from him, from the guy she least expected and most detested. I guess there is a very thin line between love and hate.

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Journalist Catarina is assigned to write dating column with Barrett, Bad Boy of the NFL. They learn that first impressions are not always what they seem. This hate to love romance was adorable. I loved Barrett and all his antics. I would recommend this this to my bookish friends. I will read more from this author. Thanks to Random House Publishing-Loveswept for the ARC of this title via NetGalley.

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Fast paced, fun, sweet, and sexy! A story full of witty banter, sexual tension, and likable main characters. Great read! 3.5/5

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Oh man this one was so good! This was my first Jessica Lemmon read, and will not be my last.
It is an enemies to lovers romantic comedy. This did remind me a bit of the movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.” Catarina works for a newspaper writing the relationship section and was assigned a column with the “Bad Boy of the NFL,” Barrett Fox. They were supposed to be pretend dating. She was required to write about being in a relationship with a bad boy, and he was supposed to write about what it’s like to be a bad boy committed to dating.

The book did start a little slow. Honestly, Barrett was such a jerk and I really hated his character, to the point, that I almost stopped reading the book, but I’m so happy I continued with it. Catarina was also pretty uptight in the beginning. You learn throughout the book more about Barrett, and I found myself liking his character a lot in the end. Catarina also had a lot of great growth throughout the book. They were total opposites, but they both came a little closer together in the end.

The only other thing I was missing was any girl friendships with Catarina. She did have a couple exchanges with wives of Barrett’s buddies, but she really didn’t have any good friendships on her own.

Also, while it is the 4th book in the series, I believe it is a standalone. I think some characters from previous books were mentioned, but the author explained who they were pretty clearly.

I was so impressed with this book. I stayed up way too late to finish it. I can now say I will be digging into Jessica Lemmon’s previous books.

Highly recommend.

* ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you, NetGalley!

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4.5 Stars

Catarina Everhart takes pride in her career in journalism and her relationship column in the local newspaper. With a new, drastically different assignment handed to her, Catarina is hesitant to accept... even more so when she meets her new writing partner. But, she is a consummate professional, and if she has to fake date some ex-football playing jerk for a story, then this will be the most dedicated fake relationship, ever. 

Barrett Fox is a former professional football player, who is in need of some media attention. He is cocky, and all around insufferable, but once he and Catarina start out on their scheduled fake dates, they both realize they actually... enjoy spending time together. 

Opposites attract, and then some. But, when their hot and heavy attraction starts getting serious, do Catarina and Barrett have enough in common for something... real?


Catarina is the dedicated workaholic who could do with a dose of someone like Barrett who is easygoing and fun to be around. With their planned dates designed to push each other out of their comfort zones, the more time they spend together, the harder it is to keep their hands off of each other. 

With first impressions that start their assignment on a rocky path, they have a tough time navigating the beginning of their "dating" life. Although they couldn't be more opposite, the more they learn about each other, the more they open themselves to the possibility of something real together. 

This was such a good read! The characters were well written, likable and their conversations consisted of a highly entertaining back and forth banter. Barrett and Catarina's relationship was off the charts sexy and is not to be missed!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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What a Hero...Barrett Fox. This was a real feel good book. Two people who couldn’t be more opposite “fake date” as an assignment at a newspaper and ultimately fall in love. Barrett Fox was the hero and nothing like I thought that he would be like. I think that’s what I loved most, the fact that there was a real sensitive person underneath the big football
Player. Caterina, the heroine, fought her feelings until she knew that there was no point....she was falling. I loved the book, but I wish that the author threw an epilogue at the end of the book. Although the ending was good, I felt like it wasn’t really an ending; the book just stopped. It would have been great to see the where the couple was in a year or two.

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This book was so much fun

This is the first book I've read by Jessica Lemmon but not the last. Her characters were smart realistic and sexy. Barrett and Catarina's banter was witty and made me smile. Despite some bumps on the way, their chemistry just kept burning hotter as the plot made it's way to the very satisfying HEA.
I received an advance reader copy via Netgalley.

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Rumor Has It by Jessica Lemmon is a sexy as hell kind of read. The romance is hot. I could feel their sexual tensions radiating from each other. When they're not around each other the intensity of their attraction grows. The banters were funny. I could not stop laughing. Both protagonists gave just as much as they took from each other.

Catarina aka Kitty Kat is a strong female protagonist. She's OCD in the professional way. Always meeting the deadlines and following every rule. Her dress code also speaks of perfection. Long legs, pretty eyes, and gorgeous looks plus, brains and a fun personality make her wanted by all men. Apparently, her ex does not want her anymore. That is where her assignment and a man sexy as sin takes over her life. Oozes of sex, heat, and humor.

Barrett aka Fox to Kitty Kat or Bare to others, is a former NFL player. He's super hot, rich, and cocky as hell. His personality is strong but inside he's a good man. Fox hides what really bothers him. When he does, he puts on this fake persona aka playboy with snide comments. But this facade won't be lasting much longer...the nosy yet clever Kitty Kat is going to figure it out and change him forever.

Jessica Lemmon created a book that I got lost's pages brought on entertainment. Two individuals whose lives were different but not easy made it to the top. I loved the whole opposites attract theme. Both characters had some similarities but both were diffinitely opposites. Rule breaker versus rule obeying citizen. I laughed a lot through out the novel. But it also contained a sweetness that pulled at my heart. Heart melting, hilarious, and action packed is exactly what Rumor Has It contained. Overall, I recommend it to readers.

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4.5 Stars - This book was a LOT of fun. It definitely takes the love-to-hate trope to the max. Barrett Fox is absolutely horrid in the beginning of this book. He's just cringe worthy... he does all of the things I abhor... and yet, you definitely love to hate him. Then all of a sudden he's super charming. His bad boy contrast with Catarina's rule-following nature was absolutely top notch and makes for very good chemistry. I found this book to be super funny, very entertaining, and quick to read. (I read it in just a day.) I love the fake dating to real dating trope, so that didn't hurt... and as far as the tons of football player romances in existence go, this one was my favorite so far. I appreciated how smart Catarina's character was, she was witty, intelligent, a hard-worker, and I loved her nerdy LOTR and Hobbit references too. There was a little bit of lady on lady hate... which I could have done without, but some of it was acknowledged as too quick a judgement. I'd just like to see it removed from all fiction in general! As a head's up this book is verrrrry sexy. Pick up at your own risk.

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