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Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon

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I hope by now you’ve been listening to me and reading this new series by Kerrelyn Sparks. It’s quickly become one of my fave fantasy romances! The world building and imagination is captivating and then the characters just make you want to continue reading. One of the most well-rounded series I’ve found in years in the genre.

So in this book we are getting Gwennore’s HEA. She’s an Elf and one of The Embraced sisters we’ve been following in this series. She’s forced to travel to a land far away to protect someone dear to her, and she stumbles across a lot of secrets, intrigue and … dragons! The romance between Gwen and Silas is very much a slow burn, more so than the previous two books in the series. I really enjoyed that pacing for their story because it was a sweet and tentative development of their connection and I just wanted to continue reading and seeing their next interaction. Definitely, these two are adorable together!

But as much as the romance is awesome, these two as separate characters also stand out as well. Silas is so delicious and he has a lot he needs to hide to keep his people safe. Not only that, him and his family have lived with a curse their whole lives and have no way how to fix it.

I think this is also a book that moves the overall series arc forward a lot and opens up the world to so many more possibilities and connections that I’m excited to see developed further in the upcoming books.

If you like royal intrigue, ancient castles and sexy shifters then pick this up immediately. Such a fun read and I didn’t want it to end. Can we just have the next one now?

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I can't believe we are three books into this new series of Sparks', where has the time gone? I seems like just yesterday that I was reading How To Tame a Beast in Seven Days out 3/7/17, see a long time ago. Ha!

If you follow my reviews then you know that I really enjoyed both books. I will say though that Eight Simple Rules For Dating a Dragon is by far my favorite book of the series so far. I just loved it!

I would love to say that the reason I loved it was because of Silas and Gwen only but that would be a lie. This book shows how much other characters matter in a book. There were so many that I really enjoyed. I never found myself wishing for the end of the story no matter how much I wanted to know how it ended.

The interaction between both Silas and Gwen is wonderful. They really worked. I likes how they teased each other. You could tell right away how much they cared about each other. It was so sweet. A true romance.

One thing I will tell you is that I would read this series in order. There is a main story thread that runs throughout each of the books along with characters. Reading them in order makes each story richer in a way. You really connect with the heroines in each story because you really get to know them.

If you really enjoy fantasy romance then this series is for you. It's historical without being overly historical. It's the perfect blend of fantasy and historical. I just loved it.

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Awesome magical fantasy romance. This is the first book by this author I've had the pleasure of reading. I understand there are previous books in this series but throughout the story the author pieces together a lot of what I didn't know so I'd consider this a possible stand alone. The main secret of the curse wasn't resolved but the story gave a HEA. The story revolves around sisters of the heart not by blood. Each has a Destiny to fulfill and I enjoyed learning about the homes, people's and particulars of the location in this book. There are trolls, elves, shifters, dragons and more in this story. The author gives the readers mystery, intrigue and suspense in a magical world. The main characters are Gwenmore who is elfin and Silas who is a royal General but each have their own secrets. I received a complementary copy of this book via Net Galley and chose to write a review. I look forward to reading future books by this author

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A fun and entertaining read filled with a mix of genres. It was easy to get wrapped into the story. Enjoyable read! I voluntarily read this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Eight Simple Rules for Dating A Dragon is book three in the Embraced series by Kerrelyn Sparks. This book features Gwennore and Silas. Gwennore is an elf that was raised on the Isle of Moon along with our heroines from book one and two. Because she is an elf, with the features of an elf, she is ridiculed and treated poorly at her sister’s courts. They are determined to find Gwennore a suitor but so far have done nothing but put her in awkward situations that embarrass her. Instead of mingling, Gwennore likes to spend time with her nieces and nephews. In taking care of the children she can hide from the sneers and rude comments made towards her.

Since both Luciana’s and Brigitta’s countries now celebrate the Embraced instead of hunt them down, they join together with one big party to celebrate that season’s Embraced’s birthdays. Gwennore avoids the grand party by taking care of Luciana’s daughter as they wander away to find some flowers. However, their peace is short lived as a dragon swipes up Luciana’s daughter and Gwennore grabs on for dear life to keep from losing the girl. During this harrowing trip, Gwennore learns something new about herself and also becomes slightly attached to a dragon that saved her life.

Gwennore is put in a strange situation where the Queen of the dragon’s land believes the little girl is truly hers. Gwennore is saved from the dungeon by Silas who manages to keep the two together. During her time with the Queen, Gwennore realizes just how sick she is and believes she can help. Silas is of the same mind and believes the illness in the country and what is believed to be a curse can be cured or fixed. So despite their intense attraction, they agree to work together to save the country.

Silas proves himself capable of great wit as well as great discipline for protecting to his country. His advances towards Gwennore make it known he is interested, but she continually shuts him down, which plays a lot with his ego. Their encounters always brought a smile to my face, even when I was frustrated with Gwennore’s determination to protect Silas from the consequences of being with her would cause.

Gwennore did make some friends while in the land of dragons, and their characters were great! Each of them with a personality that brought out chuckles in some of their antics and conversations. Silas and his group of men can be serious, but also know how to rile each other up.

I loved the story of the dragons, the Redwoods and the Trolls. There is much to this country to understand and I was as fascinated with it as Gwennore was. It is completely different from the other two countries we’ve visited in the previous two books. There is so much to love about it, and yes, dragons are one of those things. Gotta love dragons!

I went through most of the story believing I knew who the bad guy was, but was surprised at the end. I probably shouldn’t have been, but this character seemed to play such a low key role in this book, it never occurred to me that it would be that person.

Eight Simple Rules for Dating A Dragon kept me turning pages with it’s witty and fun characters as well as a beautiful, unique setting. There was danger, fun and romance. I fell in love with Silas and I think my heart cracked every time Gwennore would shoot him down. It was a book of excitement and laughs. This was a great addition to this series. I am so glad I got over my whole “fantasy” thing. The world Kerrelyn Sparks has created with The Embraced series has me totally sucked in and am always surprised by new things. This is definitely a series I would recommend. I truly need to try Kerrelyn Spark’s other books. Do you have one of hers you would recommend?

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This book had me from the title because well, I'm all about dragons. However, let me break it down for you, here are eight simple reasons why I think you should read this book:
1. It’s got one of the longest titles I’ve ever come across.Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon: A Novel of the Embraced by [Sparks, Kerrelyn]
2. It starts with an historical account and then bham! Launches into an abduction.
3. It’s got dragon shifters and elves, and well…kingdoms.
4. Did I mention the interesting story line?
Gwennore is an Elf able to track down the cause of a certain illness and heal it—a valuable asset to her people. But when she is thrust into the realm of the dragons, she discovers a haunted place of power, passion, and magic—one that is plagued by an ancient curse. When she meets the smoldering General Silas Dravenko, Gwen knows she’s entered a whole new world of trouble. She’s been raised never to trust a dragon. So why does making a deal with the devil feel so good?
5. The lead characters are fierce.
6. There’s a battle for the throne so there’s quite a serving of villains and an age old curse looming in the kingdom.
7. Oh, the romance! I should have started with that one, but hey, you’ll have to read it to know who’s called “Snookums.”
8. Great writing.

Thank you NetGalley for the eARC.

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I really love this series. Five women, all born during the night the twin moons of this world ’embrace’. All children born on this nights are gifted with special talents but for a long time those children were also outcasts so the women were sent as young girls to an island to be raised in secret. They’re as close as sisters and Gwennore is kidnapped protecting one of the children of one of her sisters, willing to do anything in order to keep that little girl safe.

Gwennore is taken to the land of the dragons (Norveshka) and although they’ve kidnapped a princess, their motives are confusing. Gwennore realises that the country is hiding many secrets, including the truth about their powerful dragons and also stories of an ancient curse which has driven the ruling family mad for generations. General Silas Dravenko vows to return the young kidnapped princess to her parents but because of Gwennore’s gift he begs her to stay and help break the ‘curse’ and solve the terrible effects of the plague that regularly sweeps the land. Gwennore is reluctant…..but the General is pretty persuasive.

Silas appeared in the previous book assisting the pirate Rupert and the first Queen’s gift with the stones already predicted Gwennore’s destiny lay in the land of the dragons. As an Elf, this was surprising. Due to her isolation on the Isle of Moon for her protection, Gwennore has never even met another of her kind, although their reputation in the land of the dragons are of a savage killing race, regularly raiding across the shared border. The Norveshkans have been at war with the elves for years, so long that no one even know really knows why. Gwennore is surprised by how at home she feels in Norveshka, how beautiful she finds it, especially the forests. But she still wants to return to her sisters, despite the best efforts of the General.

Norveshka have closely guarded their secrets and because of this, Silas spends a lot of time either lying to Gwennore or not telling her key things or pretending he doesn’t know other things. It’s not really a deliberate attempt to be manipulative, but it sort of comes off that way because she keeps asking him to be honest with her and he keeps not being able to because of who he is and the Norveshkan history. Gwennore is achingly slow to connect the dots at some stages – she’s rescued during the kidnap by a dragon, who she can communicate with directly by hearing his thoughts and answering him. This is curious because as an Elf, Gwennore shouldn’t be able to hear the dragons. It takes her an astonishingly long time to figure out why the dragon keeps coming when she asks it to. But it makes things an awful lot easier when she does.

I liked the way that this book both had a mystery that was contained to the local area (the curse, the plague and the effects on the population) as well as continuing the mystery that has run through the previous two books with the Chameleon attempting to manipulate the monarchy in yet another nation. The new rulers are working together to learn more about him but so much is still unknown – his true form, for a start. Which makes it incredibly difficult to know when he’s around. Usually it’s not until his plans are well underway and someone recognises the pattern and by then it’s hard to know what form he’s taking. As a shifter, he can basically be anyone or anything and they really need Brody, a shifter himself, around who can smell his ‘signature’. With each instalment it gets more interesting and I can’t wait for the endgame.

I would’ve liked a little more romance in this one – it’s there but Gwennore stands quite firm against Silas for the longest time, because she believes she’ll never be accepted in his land (especially because of who Silas is) due to the long and bloody history they have with the elves. He’s pretty open about what he wants and I did like the ‘rules for dating a dragon’ that he invents as a bit of fun. Gwennore has been very sheltered in her upbringing so she’s pretty (ok very) inexperienced and she’s horrified when people assume that they are lovers. I loved the revelations about her background though and I’m pretty curious to see the land of the elves….hopefully that happens in the next book (the stones! the stones!).

These are good fun and I’m always excited to see a new one and satisfied when I finish one.


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Once again I have started a series at the end instead of the beginning. I was fortunate to be granted an ARC of this book by the publisher, I am reviewing of my own volition. I confess I am now totally hooked on the series.

When the little Eberoni Princess Eviana is snatched up by a dragon, Gwennore grabs ahold and doesn't let go. The bad news the dragon manages to shake her loose, the good news the dragon chasing after the first one is able to catch her, saving her from certain death.

The exchanges between Gwennore and the dragon are hysterical given the circumstances, and I found myself laughing out loud when she 'named' the dragon Puff.

Since "Puff's" brother is responsible for the kidnapping, and well Puff's dragon, a relationship is sort of difficult. Once they arrive at the Castle it becomes apparent that the queen is ill and looking to replace her deceased children. The King has to be convinced to return the child, and the General want's Gwennore's help in finding the answer to the queen's illness.

An awesome world that has me wanting to read the series from the beginning. The difficulties Gwennore faces as she attempts to solve the mystery of 'the curse' will keep you spellbound. As for her relationships with General Silas and the dragon 'Puff', well I found myself laughing out loud many times, and holding my breath in at others.

Definitely one to add to your to be read piles!

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This is my first book by Kerrelyn Sparks but I was hooked, she creates such a wonderful world and the blossoming love between Gwen and Silas is just perfect

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Dragons, elves, trolls, sorcerers, fortune tellers, healers and secret detectors! Oh my!! With all of these things, what could be better??? I've loved every second of each book and I think each one has gotten better. Amazing characters, great obstacles to overcome, and steamy love scenes! Oh my! I want more, more, more!!!

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Loved this book, couldn't put it down
I didn't think I would love this series, but I have loved each book so far.
I was sooooo wrapped up in this book!!
I think this was my favorite so far in the series.
This book covered it all: dragons, trolls, deceit, poison, love, queens & kings, and so much more.
We learned a little more about the chameleon, and more about Sorcha and Gwen.
I can't wait for more!

*I received my copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review

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Can I just say WOW? Kerrelyn Sparks has DEFINITELY done it again!!! I thought I loved her before when reading her Vampire novels but oh my gosh I'm fully gone now! This series is AMAZING!! Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon will keep you so enthralled that you will absolutely be unable to put it down for fear you will miss something! I was taken through so many emotions I felt like I was on a roller coaster ride. This is truly a MUST BUY series!! She is a brilliant author and I cannot wait to see what she comes up with next! I received the ARC for this via NetGalley and I voluntarily read and willingly write the review for this book. All opinions are honest and only my own. Regards: Anna

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Others have summarized the story , so I will not do that here. First, based on the title I was expecting a modern romantic comedy - that is not this book! It is more of an old world fantasy - lords and ladies, elves and dragon shifters. The world building was done well, this is the third in a series which was new to me, and I was never lost. The opening sequence was the highlight for me - kidnapped by dragons! Then it slowed way down. The source of the King and Queen's poisoning was unique and well thought out; but the loss of fertility nation wide - not so much. I loved the ancient tree connection, but it was never completed. I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. This book has the potential to be so much more!

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Rule Number One: When a dragon takes you for a ride, hold on tight and never let go.</em>

FINAL DECISION: Romance, political intrigue and a big dose of humor make this book particularly enjoyable to read. The focus here is more on the mystery of what is going on, but I really enjoyed the humor combined with the romance with Silas and Gwen.

THE STORY: As one of the Embraced (those born with magical powers), Gwenmore becomes enmeshed in political intrigue and curses when she is abducted by a dragon when protecting a young girl. An elf, Gwen has the curious ability to hear the dragons. That talent, plus another one, makes her valuable to General Silas Dravenko, who is trying to prove that misdeeds and not curses are what threaten his people. He intends to use Gwen to find the danger, but he is slowly seduced by the elf -- who should be an enemy but shatters all his walls.

OPINION: I really enjoyed the tone of this book. The book isn't a comedy, but it has a lighthearted and fun tone and made me smile.

A great portion of the book is about the mystery and political intrigue going on. i thought that story was really strong. Readers of the series will see that the stakes are rising and what is going on in the shadows is becoming more dangerous and blatant. But the end game still remains a mystery.

While I ultimately enjoyed the romance, I did think the beginning was too instant love, but thankfully the relationship is given some time to develop. Still things happen quickly. But the humor between Silas and Gwen make it all worth it. I loved their interactions which were sexy and funny at the same time.

There is a refreshing vulnerability for each of these characters. Silas has a tender heart even with his strength and cleverness. I also liked how Gwen grows during the story as she gains confidence and takes on a more active role in her own life.

The book has a similar basic storyline as the others in the series, but the individual flourishes mean that this book is not repetitive.  Also -- dragons.

Even three books into the series, I still want to see more of these characters. There are  still a bunch of mysteries left to be revealed.

WORTH MENTIONING: The ongoing story about the Chameleon is picked up and continued in this book.

CONNECTED BOOKS: EIGHT SIMPLE RULES FOR DATING A DRAGON is the third book in the Embraced series. While the romance in this book is self contained, there are overarching relationships that make this book better read as part of the series.

STAR RATING: I give this book 4 stars.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book via Netgalley in order to prepare a review. I was not required to write a review or to write a positive review. All opinions contained herein are my own.

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Eight Simple Rules For Dating a Dragon is a brilliant story that takes readers into another world where they can find out exactly what is needed to fall in love with a sexy dragon.

Gwenmore and Silas are strong, charismatic characters that are easily draw readers in and hold them hostage as they dazzle readers with excellent dialogue and magic and an exciting romance that has readers wanting what the couple have. The romance is full of sizzling chemistry and steamy love scenes but the relationship is not an easy one with lots of obstacles and emotional issues to overcome.

The plot is fast paced and full of anticipation building suspense and thrilling danger in a fascinating world where betrayal is around every corner and surprising twists keeps everyone on their toes. The well written world brings it all to vivid life, making it easy for readers to picture each and every scene and to really understand and know each character.

Kerrelyn Sparks has created a fantasy world that is exciting, captivating and full of wonderful characters and fascinating plots that easily draw readers in and keeps them completely enthralled from beginning to end. I have read all three books in the series which can be read as standalone and easily understood as each couple gets their own book but I think to get the best enjoyment and understanding of the entire plot they should be read in sequence. All three stories kept me glued to the pages and while I could not possibly tell you which book is my favorite, I really enjoyed spending time with Gwenmore and Griffin and I can’t wait to visit their world again.

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I was captured and hooked on The Embraced series from the very first book. The series only gets richer, deeper and better as time goes on. Any of the books in this series “could” be read on its own, sure – but there is a world built in this series that grows, changes, and expands with each story. There are threads woven through all the books from the beginning so I believe Eight Simple Rules For Dating A Dragon is best experienced in order, by reading them all from the start. I know that not every reader can do that, yet I still believe you’ll get the most entertainment value from the series if you can.

Silas and Gwen make quite an amazing couple. On the surface they would be considered mortal enemies, but there is always more than just the surface to any person or situation. There were times when my heart ached for Gwen when the prejudice and disdain against her was so obvious and harsh. She’s trying to save people’s lives, and she’s treated this way. Silas is a character I can fall in love with very easily. He has hero written all over him but there is a gentle side to him as well. He does what he feels is best for his people, himself and also for Gwen. Watching these two fall deeper for each other was such a fun journey. With laughter, sexy moments and, at times, tears and anger, Silas and Gwen overcome so much to find their happy ending.

In this installment of The Embraced series you’ll find danger from an known source, heartbreak and healing, a captivating realistic world and more than one romance going on. You’ll also find a couple to enjoy, who have hidden parts to be revealed… in time. I’d happily recommend Eight Simple Rules For Dating A Dragon to any Paranormal Romance reader who enjoys a solid story, tight plots, a vivid world, a couple to get behind and great secondary characters. If you can, I’d strongly suggest reading this series from the start, if you can’t then you’ll still enjoy Silas and Gwen’s story immensely.

*I received an e-ARC of this novel from the publisher via NetGalley. That does not change what I think of this story. It is my choice to leave a review giving my personal opinion about this book.*

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This is an easy and enjoyable book. While somewhat predictable (who am I kidding, I knew what was going to happen long before it did) it is an easy read that pulled you into the world. I'll be blunt, this a fun, light read but its nothing that is particularly rememberable, at least for me.

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A fast, fun read in keeping with the rest of the series. Unfortunately there was instalove, but at least the hero of the story was not brooding or cruel to the heroine. Because they basically got along from the start, with a few bumps, the physical attraction was believable. Even if declaring love and getting engaged was a bit of a stretch. I really like that Gwen lacked confidence, and gained more as the story went on. I also liked that the villain and his plan has become more complicated.The conflict has gone from one dimensional to layered and harder to beat. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

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This book was just a whole lot of fun! I have been a huge fan of this series since I read an early copy of the first book so I was really looking forward to this newest installment. The fact that I knew that there would be dragons in the book made it all just a little bit better. I went into this book with some pretty high expectations and I am happy to report that they were all met. I read most of this book in a single sitting because I didn't want to put the book down.

This is the third book in the Embraced series and while this book could be read as a stand alone, I do think that this is a series that works best read in order whenever possible. I have grown to love the characters that appear in this series and had a nice time seeing how some of them are doing. This book focuses on Gwennore and it was really nice to get to know her better in this story. I really like Brody's character and was happy to find that he played a large role in this story as well.

Gwennore is an elf and like her adopted sisters she has a special power due to her birth date. She has the ability to determine the cause of an illness through touch which makes healing possible. She has a close relationship with her sister's daughter and doesn't hesitate to put her life on the line to protect the child when she is kidnapped by a dragon. Gwennore soon learns that she can speak to dragons and forms a bond with her rescuer, Puff.

Silas is highly respected and carries himself with authority. He is also very easy on the eyes and is the kind of man that can make things happen. He has decided to watch over Gwennore while she is at the castle and takes on the role of protector. With her skills as healer, she can help the people of his country along with the queen.

I loved Silas and Gwennore together. I really thought that all of their feelings towards each other felt completely authentic. Silas is able to see things in Gwennore that others have missed. She is used to be treated poorly because she is an elf so she is surprised to find that Silas is genuinely interested. They had a lot of chemistry together and I loved the spark that seemed to fill the page when they shared a scene.

I would recommend this series to others. This was a book that brought a big smile to my face as I turned the pages. I loved that there was just a bit of humor mixed into the story at just the right times. I cannot wait to read more books in this fun series.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from St. Martin's Press.

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I was a little disappointed in this book, actually. There wasn't enough about the actual dragons in this dragon book. Also, I found the plot and the romance to be very slow moving. I felt like we went around in circles a lot and I found myself fighting the urge to skim quite frequently. I would have loved a little more steam between Gwen and Silas. They had the chemistry, but by the time we actually had any follow-through, I was too bored to care, which is a shame as this book had a lot of potential.

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