Member Reviews

Emily Carpenter's books have become a "must-read" for me. She's queen of the gothic novel. This one has a unique setting where Heath and Daphne attend a marriage retreat at a remote gothic house in the mountains. Heath and Daphne both have secrets. Heath is working with a psychologist at the retreat to help solve his nightmares and repressed memories. The retreat is full of rules, but Daphne begins venturing outside of the house. She instantly begins questioning what is going on there. I couldn't put this one down!

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I so wanted to like this book, I really did. I wasn't able to get into the story and for some reason the characters really grated on me.
I'm not going to let this stop me from trying anything from this author but unfortunately, this book wasn't for me.

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I received this from NetGalley

First there is a trailer for this that I really enjoyed.

This book was so good. I loved the concept and world building. It was full of monsters that are unseen.

This is full of suspenseful and dark. These are my type of books for sure....

I will look for more work by this author.

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Daphne joins fiancé Heath at a couples’ retreat conducted by psychologist Dr. Cerny in an attempt to find a solution to Heath’s recurring nightmares. As Heath gets busy with his therapy and counseling, Daphne tries to ignore her fears that the retreat might upset the delicate balance of their relationship. After all, both of them have secrets in their past that they’d rather not tell anyone. The remote location of the institute, the complete ban on phones and electronic devices, the rules against talking with other couples on the retreat - all add to Daphne’s unease and restlessness as the days go by. But nothing about the retreat is as it seems, and it’s only beginning…
I really enjoyed the buildup of the suspense in this book a lot. Super creepy! But the reveal and the ending – not so much. It’s a pity Goodreads doesn’t allow half-point ratings. I don’t want to give this book a 4 rating, but it’s not a 3 either. A 3.5?
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC!

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This book hooked me early and kept me on the line. Characters that are flawed, yet are relatable. It explores the things we are able to overlook when you think you've found the one. And the lengths we will go to, to bury the things in our pasts we would rather forget.

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Great payoff after a slow start. Glad I stuck with this one. I recommend not reading too much about this one before reading.

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From the very first sentence, I knew that I would be dealt with fear that continued to haunt. But that did not dampen the strong enthusiasm that I felt in my heart, so I kept on opening the following pages of this novel to unlock the mystery written by Emily Carpenter.
The story starts when Heath and Daphne Amos attend a retreat in a mountain range. Dr. Cerny, the organizer of the retreat, has this scary looks about him. Emily the author makes sure that the readers feel the initial mystery by making them aware from the beginning that something is not right with this story. Daphne has always lived in the shadow of her past and Heath himself continues to be haunted by own nightmares. Strangely, though seemingly creepy, Dr. Cerny has this calming character. Despite feeling uneasy, I felt encouraged to keep going with the next pages.
If reading this story makes you feel like you are losing the train of thoughts, you are not alone. I personally felt that the narrative is indeed quite convoluted as it uses three different time points of view. We first must know that the story is revealed just a few days after the retreat begins. Then comes Daphne's past that is described during the retreat. And you really can't underestimae this part - I found it terrifying yet addictive. However, when the third time point of view comes, it's actually rather vague.
Nevertheless, at the end of the book, I felt like I had just been crushed to pieces. There were some parts of the story that I really enjoyed, and some other parts that were less strong. But it's clear that Emily Carpenter has made a scary, intense, dan fast-paced story. Overall, I actually enjoyed the storyline and the characters - these are the kind of characters that draw your attention from start to finish. And last but not least, the narrative is truly interesting and unforgettable.
Well done, Emily Carpenter. I definitely wish to see more from you.
A really scary story that is not to be missed.

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Thank you Netgalley for this opportunity.
I truly enjoyed this book at the beginning but unfortunately did not keep my interest. I struggled through the book to finish it.

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Holy crap on a cracker. I struggled to stay in the book after a slow start but I was more than rewarded for my loyalty. What a roller coaster ride through a haunted house! With a lead character named Heath and a wild country setting, the book definitely evoked a Wuthering Heights vibe.
I had a thousand different thoughts about what was going on and never even came close to the truth. It was a shocker but was totally viable.
You have to read this and be prepared to hold onto your seat.

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I've never read anything by Emily Carpenter before, to my memory, but I definitely think I'll have to start. This book so well done and entertaining. It was surprising for me that I found it so well done when I've never even heard of this author before. I'm definitely going to read more of her books in the future.

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This is a dark and twisted psychological thrill ride! This is the story of Daphne and Heath. They both have secrets that they are not willing to share. Then they go to a retreat at a creepy house, with a creepy psychologist. It is here where secrets are revealed. The characters are dark and complex. They are richly developed and believable. This book kept my interest throughout and was full of twists and turns. I had to keep turning the pages. The atmosphere is vividly described. I was there. I felt the fear and the anxiety. It is a thrill ride from beginning to end. You will never guess the ending. This is another must read book from Emily Carpenter!! She really knows how to craft a story that will keep you intrigued. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for this mind blowing book.

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Every single secret was about a newly engaged couple at a retreat in rural Georgia. This was a tense filled, dark, suspenseful read.
The secrets, the hiding of who people really are, and how much they have kept in the dark with the monsters they created. This was a excellent thriller read. It will have you questioning every single thing that you read. I had a hard time putting this book down.

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This book was an awesome dark and suspenseful psychological thriller. It was easy to get hooked on the story and was hard to put down.

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Psychological thriller of the year for me! Great plot, twists n turns! Edge of your seat, read in one setting kind of book! If you love psychological thrillers, buy this book and read it now! Thank you netgalley for the free arc in exchange for an honest review!

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Another great thriller from Emily Carpenter. With alternating timelines and a dual setting, this book had me turning the pages.

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This book definitely falls under a psychological Thriller. It took me a couple chapters to get into, but after that it drew me in and had my interest to the shocking end. Daphne and Heath are soulmates with secrets of their childhood. Heath starts having violent nightmares and schedules a retreat in the mountains with a psychologist and Daphne agrees to go. What could go wrong? This book is suspenseful and I definitely recommend. Thanks Netgalley for the ARC.

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I have no idea why Emily Carpenter isn’t at the top of everyone’s must-read list. Her latest novel is once again an amazing tour-de-force, pulling you into an interesting world and delivering a stunning and original novel that left me breathless.

Daphne joins her fiancé Heath on a weeklong counseling retreat in the secluded Georgia mountains. The retreat is an intense, isolated program run by a mysterious doctor who insists on privacy and a completely unplugged experience. But Daphne senses something isn’t right about the retreat, and her suspicions lead to more questions, as both Heath and Daphne struggle with their dark pasts and how to move forward together.

I loved the characters in this one. Both Daphne and Heath were so vividly drawn that I was so invested in what was happening. I couldn’t wait to see what was coming next, especially when it came to Daphne’s backstory. I was completely sucked in to this one.

I also love the sens of anticipation that Carpenter is able to create. You can feel the tension in the air and know that the other shoe is going to drop, it’s just the when and the where. And it’s quite an intense shoe, to be honest. I didn’t see the ending coming, and I was so wrapped up in the action, I was super excited to see how it worked out.

I’m very excited to see what Carpenter comes up with next!

This book has it all: a creepy, intense atmosphere, some great twists and a great characters. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good atmospheric thriller or a good mystery.

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Emily Carpenter has written a truly creepy book (with a gorgeous cover). A man struggled with recurring nightmare that prompts him to attend a retreat where he may find the underlying cause for them. Under the care of a psychologist, he and his companion get more than they bargained for. So many, many secrets!
This is the first book that I have read by this author. I'll be looking for more books from her.
I received an Advance Review Copy. All opinions are my own.

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A riveting read that will chill you on these hot days of summer. Two souls that seem to need to keep their darkest secrets hidden to always be together.

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I could not put this book down!! Emily had me from the first sentence until the last!! I love the cover and I love Emily's storytelling!! If you love reading thrillers, this is a must read for you!!

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