Member Reviews

Georgina "Geo" is a 30 year old who seems to live an idyllic life. She's a rising executive engaged to married when her past comes back to haunt her. While she was in a meeting her former highschool friend, now a policeman, comes in to her work to arrest her for the 14 year old murder of her best friend.

This story is told in flashbacks mixed with current time, going back and forth.

The writer touched on the trial and conviction of Geo, then we follow Geo's 5 year stint in prison where she made a good friend, Cat who is dying of cancer (of course).

Georgina gets out of prison and the only place she can go is home to live with her father who is a respected doctor in their town.

Through the predictable harassment after release from prison, graffiti on the garage door, not being able to find a job, neighbors shunning her, we're told a little more about the murder of her friend. While Geo tries to pick up the pieces of her life, bodies of murdered women and children start to stack up. At first the murders don't seam related to Geo, but they are.

Georgina has one friend, Kaiser who was the officer who arrested her and they pick up where they left off 14 years earlier i e., he's in love with her, she's isnt in love with him.

There was so much in this story... too much as if the writer was getting paid by the word.

From her love affair with Calvin that she hid from her father, (she was 16 while Calvin was 21), the trial, prison sentence, years old unsolved murder, 3 rapes and an additional attempted rape and then the new murders.

The writer did wrap everything up by the end of the book...what Geo's role in the murder of her best friend really was, who was killing the women and children and why.

This is a typical story of teenagers doing bad things...the kind of story we see on shows like Investigation Discovery ID and the consequences thereof.

This had potential to be a page turner, it was easy reading, but it just fell flat with all the unlikable characters who seemed to be one dimensional with a tired and predictable story line.

I appreciate netgalley allowing me to read this book.

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**5 Goodreads Stars**

"The past is always with you, whether you choose to think about it or not, whether you take responsibility for it or not. You carry the past with you because it transforms you. You can try to bury it and pretend it never happened, but that doesn't work."

"Because buried things can, and do, come back."

Jennifer Hillier's Jar of Hearts is a twisted, heart-pounding thriller that examines the life-long consequences of a crime a teenage girl, Geo, commits out of fear and misguided love.

The book is written from the perspectives of Geo and Kaiser, a young boy who was Geo's good friend now turned cop. Geo's best friend in high school, Angela, went missing after attending a party with Geo and Kaiser. Geo and Kaiser were always the second and third wheels to Angela, who was stunningly beautiful and the envy of her entire high school. Fingers were pointed at numerous suspects, including many of the teenagers at the party, but Angela's case remained cold until her body surfaces 14 years later.

When Angela's remains are found, Geo is accused and found guilty of killing and dismembering Angela. Friends, family, and coworkers are shocked at the trial's accusations and revelations. From all appearances, Geo was a successful, compassionate, and charitable CEO of a high-profile company in Seattle. According to the court, Geo assisted her much older boyfriend, Calvin, in the horrific crime when she was 16 years old. Calvin is accused of additional murders and is painted as a serial killer involved in other gruesome murders. Geo is sent to prison where she is forced to atone for her sins. There, she is the picture of a perfect inmate (if there is such a thing).

How, one wonders, could the seemingly put-together and kind Geo also be a hardened killer who took the life of her very best friend?

The book's timeline shifts between the past and present, giving a picture of the events leading up to Angela's death and the motivations behind Geo, Kaiser, and Calvin. The tension builds with each turn of the page, offering clues as to what happened that fateful night Angela was killed and how someone who had been a fastidious friend could be a part of her friend's untimely death. The book raises some difficult questions. For example, how long must one pay for a terrible crime they committed out of fear? How can someone be both a loyal friend and a killer?

If you enjoy character-driven thrillers with sensible twists and turns, Jar of Hearts is definitely for you. This was such a quick, exciting read for me, and I hope that Jennifer Hillier enjoys much success when the book is published this summer! Thank you to the author, Jennifer Hillier, the publisher, Minotaur Books, and NetGalley for an advanced reader copy of Jar of Hearts and some candy hearts to go with it :) Jar of Hearts will be available for purchase on June 12, 2018!

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Was a different kind of read for me I’m not a fan of the answeres before the end but was still surprised by the ending. If your looking for something different you should read Jar of Hearts. Thank You for the read. I’ll be looking forward the Jennifer Hilliers next book.

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This book was absolutely amazing. I love the way the story is told, and how you can feel real emotions from Geo. I read it in less than 24 hours because I couldn't put it down except to sleep. It left me wanting more of Geo and Kaiser. I would love to read a few more books about Kaiser's life now!

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4.5 stars

I really enjoyed this book, as I did the couple of previous books I had read from this author. Initially I felt like we sort of already knew what happened so where was the mystery, but as things unfolded, we found out there was more to the story and it was a pretty interesting story. I liked the characters Geo and Kai and thought they were interesting enough that I wanted to know how things would turn out for them. I thought the way that the flashbacks were interwoven worked well and dispersed the info at the right points in the story. I also thought that the descriptions of jail and the murders were pretty vivid and realistic and I liked that as well. I like a gritty mystery and this was one of those. I look forward to reading more from this author.

Thanks to Netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Awesome!! Suspenseful. I enjoyed it all the way through. Will definitely read this author again!

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Another great book from Jennifer Hillier. This is a dark story, which kept my interest throughout. Geos true colors remained mysterious to me, and I really didn’t know where she stood until the end. This has some shocking scenes that are tough to read, so I would caution people of that. It did not take away from the story, and the twists and turns were on point. This was a quick read, and the author did a good job of typing everything together in the end. The flashbacks added to the mystery. Thanks to Netgalley for an advanced reader copy. I look forward to this authors next book.

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This was a very good book. The author has created well-developed and interesting characters and a creative plot with plenty of surprises. Some of the plot twists I figured out in advance, but some were certainly surprises. The story is dark at times, but also lighthearted at times. While I generally dislike it when authors switch back and forth between past and present for prolonged periods (as opposed to a brief flashback), that technique works well for the story, advancing the plot and allowing for the slow or prolonged reveal of some of the major twists in the story.

The author touches on a number of timely and important topics in the book, some of which could be disturbing for some readers, as the book contains episodes of physical abuse and rape. However, she addresses these themes without being overly graphic or gratuitous.

I am glad I had the opportunity to obtain a review copy through Netgalley.

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I started out after reading a short way into this book giving it one star. It was not conceivable to me how the body parts of a missing teen would not have been located after being sloppily burried yards from a house. After putting that aside, I did enjoy this book. It did provide a good deal of mystery. The mesh between past and present, however, was at times not very smooth. This is the first book by this author that I have read but I will go back and sample some of the author's other reads.

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What a roller coaster ride this book was! It's hard to give a review and not give a spoiler- so let's just say you MUST read this action-packed, intense, and completely shocking book by Jennifer Hillier. Just when you think you have it figured out- holy smokes are you going to be stunned!

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I want to start out by saying that I could not put this book down and read it in about a day. This is a great thriller!!! Its not complicated or intellectual, but it's a terrific read.   Georgina has a secret- she knows what happened to her friend Angela the night she disappeared 14 years ago... and she knows that her boyfriend at the time killed her best friend. He went on to kill more women and now they are both going to jail for Angela's murder. Its what happens when Geo gets out of jail that starts the nightmare all over again.

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This is my first book by Jennifer Hillier and definitely won’t be the last. Based on the beautiful cover and disturbing description, I had high hopes that this would live up to my high expectations. Luckily, it did. I loved this book. It was a fast-paced, suspenseful, and at times gruesome story of imperfect people. I couldn’t put this book down or blabbing on about to anyone who would listen. When asked why I was reading such a f*cked up book, I replied, “Because’s its awesome!”

If you need me, I’ll be off reading “Creep!”

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Jar of Hearts is my first book from Jennifer Hillier and I loved it! I loved the story and her writing so much that I just bought several of her other books! Jar of Hearts is twisted, intense and so clever. Every time you think you know what's happening...BOOM!...Jennifer threw another twist at you! I read a lot of thrillers and can say Jar of Hearts is an awesome one! Trust me, you're not going to know what hit you! I Highly recommend this book!
Thank you NetGalley for the early copy!

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You have been warned! Pre-order this book now because in June this book will be flying off shelves at your local bookstore!

This was my first time reading a book by author Jennifer Hillier, but it certainly will not be my last. I have already added other books of hers to my list. But, I'm getting ahead of myself... let me explain to you why this book was AMAZING!

This story revolves around 3 (former) best friends. Georgina (Geo) and Kaiser are now both grown adults, but no longer friends. They drifted apart in their late teen years when Angela, the final piece to their teen trio of BFFs, went missing. Now Geo is headed to prison for her part in killing Angela all those years ago and Kaiser is the one who arrested her. Though Geo is in prison, Kaiser just can't shake his detective instinct that there is more to this story than what he has been told.

The story alternates between past and present and also from third person point of view of both Geo and Kaiser. The characters are very well developed, easy to relate to, and despite the horrific event of murder, both characters are very likable.

We get glimpses into the past and are slowly given clues on how these teens' life were before the murder and what lead up to it. I loved reading the parts of Geo's life in prison. Even the small, seemingly insignificant characters in the story are so well developed and interesting. The story flows seamlessly and little plot twists dropped throughout kept me guessing up until the end!

You all know I hate ruining a good story, so I won't give any spoilers away! I will tell you it's a 5 star read! Hands down one of my favorite books of 2018 so far! I can't wait to read other books from this author.

Jennifer Hillier's "Jar Of Hearts" is set to be released on June 12, 2018 here in the United States. Like I mentioned before, pre-order it now! You'll want this book in your hands to gobble up the second it's released!

Thanks to Netgalley and St. Martin's Press (I received both the egalley and printed ARC) to read and give my honest review.

Happy Reading!

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If you only have time for a handful of books this year... MAKE THIS ONE OF THEM! I predict it will fly off the shelves in June! We are huge fans of suspense, psychological thriller, murder mystery books. This has everything!
Jennifer Hillier created characters that were so real, they could have been people you know. However, their troubles and tribulations are not the norm! I bonded with the characters right away and began rooting for Geo from the start. I also got mad at her, cried for her and yes... I might have yelled out loud at her a few times (you may want to read this book while you are alone or not in public in order to avoid stares lol) talk about a friend that picks the wrong fork in the road ... Every. Single. Time.
Geo's story unravels (at the perfect pace) while you begin learning how her part in the murder of her best friend Angela from HS is relevant, you also won't believe how crazy and twisted it becomes! I don't want to give too much away so I'll leave it at this...
If you love a book that you feel you've connected with the characters right away, that you can picture yourself in the middle of, that you think you've figured out (but you so didn't), and are shocked at the end when you learn how wrong you were... this is your book! Go pre- order it! You won't regret it!
We look forward to reading more from Jennifer Hillier! Ahhhh... a rollercoaster of a book that keeps you dangling in suspense!

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This was definitely one of the most dark and disturbing books I've read in some time. It was good and very well written but I would definitely make sure you're in the mood for a heavy read and of course, you must enjoy darker books. There are many plot lines that are uncomfortable to read but the writing keeps you enthralled in the story and wanting to know what happens. This is one of those books that has a lot of "extra" stuff in it that isn't necessarily related to the plot. This typically tends to annoy me but in this book I feel it totally added to the character development and the train wreck that you want to turn away from but much keep watching (reading). I think Hillier slowly unfolds the ending to you so that you figure things out piece by piece. Some of my friends I would highly recommend this to while others I would say don't touch it. You'll know who you are based on if you like this genre or not ;)

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When sixteen year old best friends Angela and Geo met twenty-one year old Calvin, they were entranced by his good looks and the fact that he was an older man. Angela was usually more popular with the opposite sex, but Calvin was drawn only to Geo. None of them had any idea how much their lives would be changed in just a short time.Geo falls hard for Calvin, even though there are aspects of their relationship that concern her. Angela and Geo , who used to be inseperable, find their friendship threatened because of the time that Geo spends with Calvin. After a late night party, Angela disappears without a trace and remains missing for over a decade. Geo soon parts ways with Calvin but is forced to keep a terrifying secret for many years.

Fast forward fourteen years. Geo is a successful businesswoman soon to be married to a rich executive, enjoying life to the fullest. When Angela's remains are discovered in the woods close to Geo's home, Geo's life begins to spiral out of control. The murder investigation leads directly to Calvin and subsequent evidence identifies him as the serial killer known as the Sweetbay Strangler. Geo is also implicated in Angela's murder and she takes a plea deal that will sentence her to only five years in a correctional facility. Calvin is sent to prison for life, but soon escapes. When Geo is released from prison five years later, more grisly murders are committed, and they all seem to connect to Geo.What consequences led Geo to that night that ended in her best friend's death? Does she still have feelings for Calvin after all of these years? What is Geo's connection to the recent murders? Is her life in danger?

This is an edgy, nail-biting psychological thriller that you won't want to put down. You will be drawn into Geo's world and will be shocked more than once as her teenage decisions continue to impact her adult life.

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This is a fast paced thriller and even though I started to figure things out before the end it didn’t distract me. The author did a great job in her characterization of the main character (Geo) and I enjoyed the scenes where they jumped back and forth to high school (probably because I’m the same age as the Geo and it brought back memories) and the tension between her and her old friend from high school, Kai. I couldn’t put this one down!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I received a free advance ebook copy from Netgalley.

Other reviewers have posted fairly detailed synopses, and I won't repeat their efforts here.

The book is well-written and well-paced. Unfortunately, for me, those are the only good things about it. (Others' mileage may vary.) It was too gritty for my personal taste, and I really did not need to know all those details about life in prison. And I really didn't much like any of the characters. I prefer stories with characters that I can root for.

If you like gritty stories with gory details, go for it. If you prefer stories in which the gory details happen offstage, this book is not for you.

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Jar Of Hearts – Jennifer Hillier

I was fortunate to receive this novel as an Advance Reader Copy, in exchange for an objective review.

This is one of those books that you just cannot stop reading because you HAVE to get to the end – yet you don’t want it to ever end – it’s THAT good!!

Georgina Shaw, Angela Wong & Kaiser Brody were best friends in high school. Angela was the beautiful one, the ‘queen’ of the high school, popular, and a star cheerleader. Georgina, ‘Geo’ to her friends, beautiful in her own right, but often hidden behind Angela’s glamour, was always at her side, and Kaiser, young, struggling with his own adolescence, was an unlikely, but well-loved addition to the trio.

One fateful day, after a daily excursion to the local convenience store for a beverage purchase, the trio meets Calvin James – an older guy, 21 to their 16, and he seemingly only has eyes for Geo, much to Angela’s chagrin. Despite her misgivings, Geo & Calvin become a couple…

This novel opens with Georgina ‘Geo’ Shaw testifying in a trial about her complicity in the death of her friend Angela Wong, who died at the hands of Geo’s then boyfriend, Calvin James, 14 years ago. Calvin has been identified as the Sweetbay Strangler, charged, and now sentenced to 4 consecutive life sentences for the murders. Georgina is sentenced to five years in nearby Hazelwood Correctional Institute – all after Angela’s body was recently unearthed in nearby woods. Shortly thereafter, Calvin escapes from prison, and the murders begin again – but THIS time they’re a little different…

As Geo settles into prison life, her present situation, along with the past stories of Angela, Kaiser & Calvin are told in snippets as Georgina drifts between her past and how she came to be here in the present in this situation. There are multiple complex layers to each individual, and those layers are slowly unwrapped, chapter by chapter, as the story continues. You’ll think you know what’s coming, but you don’t…not until it does…

A brilliant MUST read! But be sure you have plenty of time ahead of you because you will not want to put this book down!! It I could give it 6 stars, I would!! Fabulous!!

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