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I had high expectations from this novel by the author of "You". The writing style swept me along, but the plot was a little bizarre and fell flat in places. Still a fun read and I will continue to pick up anything Kepnes writes in the future.

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First, I would like to point out that the writing and storytelling aspects of this book were fabulously done. I thought that the storyline was very original as well. However, I feel like this book was extremely difficult to get through in some parts. I would bounce back and forth from being intrigued and interested to being completely bored. I also found myself becoming more intrigued with a different plot in the story more than the main plot. I felt that the plot got lost sometimes in the book. However, the main plot did become interesting the farther I went on with it. The end was a bit less satisfying than I wanted it to be but overall, it was a really well written book that dragged at times.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I had HIGH hopes for this book, being this is the author of You, which is one of my all-time favorites. But Providence just fell short for me. The beginning was interesting -- nerdy kid and popular girl in love, but they spend all this time chasing each other. The entire book is like a cat and mouse game between boy and girl and cop and boy. The ending is also rather uneventful.

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Providence was an interesting read for me but perhaps one that didn't hit on all cylinders. Also I think calling it a thriller is a stretch to be honest. It's more science fiction with a hint of horror wrapped up in a psychological thriller type narrative. I'm not sure it knows exactly what it wants to be.

Having said that it was entertaining and randomly emotional with our pair of star crossed lovers parted by a mysterious power that kills.

It's a 3 way point of view with occasional random switches of timeline which I found added to the enjoyment of it but might be a bit annoying if you like your stories utterly linear.

I felt for the pair and for the man obsessed with finding the truth behind seemingly natural deaths. It twists and turns a bit then ends with a whimper rather than a roar but was ultimately quite satisfying in many ways.

Like I said. Quite an odd read but very different which was what saved it for this reader.

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Not sure what I was expecting, but it wasn't this.

Parts were very engaging, but overall it ended up falling flat for me. I love a messed up ending, even unfinished ones, but this one felt off. It felt like it was building to something and then, well, there was nothing.

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**Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for the arc I received, sorry I read it 4 years after it came out but better late then never.**. I did a combination of reading and listening for this one with the audiobook being the better version because the narrators were top notch.

Let me start my review by saying I have never read or watched You so I have zero comparisons and expectations between this book and that one.

I did expect though with the title of Providence, mentioning HP Lovecraft in the synopsis and so much in the story, and The Dunwich Horror being a big part of the story that this book would contain some horror. Sadly, for me anyway, that was not the case. Besides what happens to Jon there is zero horror in this book. This book is romance mixed with a mystery detective story where there is zero mystery because we the readers know exactly what is happening and how/why it is happening.

I loved Jon but could not stand Chloe. If Jon is your true love how could she date the boy who bullies and beats him? That made zero sense to me. I loved Eggs too.

Overall this was just ok to me. It was not marketed correctly though as I expected a horror story not a love story.

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Not for me - and not what I expected - so maybe I'm not the best to review it. Dark, paranormal - confusing at times.

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Blech. I didn't enjoy this book. It was so slow, it didn't make a lot of sense, it didn't really get resolved. What the hell? It was like Kepnes was trying to make a superhero/supervillain novel and then gave up halfway through. Why isn't this categorized as science fiction? Because it is. It's not very thrilling, it's too slow for that.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing this book for an honest review. I have to be honest I wasn't expecting the book to have the sci-fi twist. I am not a big fan of sci-fi so this wasn't the best book for me. I did enjoy reading it but nothing stood out as exciting to me.

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Not my favorite from the author. It felt both rushed and drug out at different points. I tried so hard to get into the story but found myself making excuses not to read it which is very unlike me. This won’t turn me away from the author but I definitely wasn’t a fan of this specific book.

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I am so sorry it took so long to review but I struggled with this one, unfortunately. I really wanted to love it and for me it was just, meh.

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Everything written by Caroline Kepnes is compelling and engaging. Could not put this book down. It's a remarkable thriller.

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Caroline Kepnes can truly do no wrong. This is yet another example of a highly recommendable book from her pen! While a bit slower than her You series, this book is just as satisfying.

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Caroline Kepnes is an excellent writer. I don't know if I liked this as much as the "You" series... and the subject matter was a bit intense. But it was good.

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BLECH. I really enjoyed YOU. I kinda enjoyed the followup to YOU and I LOATHED the third book. This standalone is no exception to my loathing. This did not hold my interest whatsoever and I find it fascinating to see how many people like it. Not for me.

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This book was not at all what I expected but in a good way. I was anticipating a domestic drama but this had a science fiction aspect to it. I don’t usually go for stories like this but I found myself hooked. The plot was refreshingly original and I found that the messages and symbolism were very interesting.

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3.5 stars

So this was a different side of Kepnes, and I liked it!

There were things about this book I really enjoyed. First I love Caroline’s writing style and the unique stories she writes. Providence was a mixture of romance & a bit of sci-fi, so it’s a little different than my normal genre reading. There were parts that drug on a bit, but overall it kept me interested and once again I found myself rooting for “the killer”. Not sure what that says about me! The ending was a bit sad, I wanted some closure for Jon. I guess we do get a bit of that, but I honestly just felt sorry for him and wanted this super happy ending.

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3.5 stars >> Ugh this book. It flip-flopped me all over the place. Started out so strong. I had never read any story like it. Felt fresh and unique. I have never heard of or read Lovecraft but I was sucked right in to his whole idea. I felt for the characters, they were so real. People who could live in the town I live in. Providence could be my home.
Until it started dragging on. And on. Oh my, and on. I fell asleep three times reading this—not because I was tired but because I was bored!
By 70% I almost quit. But that far in, don't you just have to know what happens? Well I wasn’t sure if I did need to know. It had lost me.
So I started skimming. And wished I had been skimming for about 40% of the book. Maybe it wouldn’t have felt like such a drag.
But then, whoa! The last 10% literally had me on edge. I’m so glad I didn’t give up on it. I’m so glad I kept pressing and pushing. Those last pages made it all worth it.

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Unfortunately, I tried completing this book twice but couldn't connect with the characters and story. I have to DNF it without a rating. I appreciate the publisher, author and netgalley for allowing me to read this book, but I cannot follow thru with a full review and rating.

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Providence is Kepnes’ first novel not to feature the brilliant Joe. It’s also her first dip into a bit of sci-fi and while it reads well enough and I enjoyed it, I did finish the novel and wonder what the point of it actually was? There was no resolution or answers.

There is so much Kepnes could have explored with Jon, and it just all fizzled into this romance with Chloe. The most interesting storyline was Eggies. His was the narrative I was always keen to get back to and even that died a death.

I just don’t know what Kepnes was going for. It felt like 300 pages that just went nowhere which was incredibly disappointing. She is such a good writer, but it’s like she didn’t want to delve properly into what happened to Jon and so it all fell very flat.

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