Member Reviews

She's done it again! Another amazing cast of characters that I'm in love with! This new series has amazing potential and hooked me right away. I have the blackest of thumbs but the way Ellie writes makes me want to grow a field of flowers! She's incredible and I know you'll all love this new book!

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Kate Dyer-Seeley's Natural Thorn Killer introduces the reader to Britta Johnston who has left her cheating husband back in Minnesota and returned home to Portland to join her aunt Elin, and help with Elin's flower shop, Blooma. She's settling in nicely, getting ready for the grand opening of Elin's expansion into the cottage next door, when she stumbles upon the dead (and murdered!!!) body of real estate developer Frank Jaffe. Lots of suspects in the trendy Riverplace Village, but Ms. Dyer-Seeley kept this reader guessing whodunit until the end! Well done, and I really enjoyed this first book in the Rose City Mystery series!

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A great start to a new cozy mystery series. Love the combination of flowers and wine in a shop. Especially adore roses and considered working in a flower shop. Took a couple of flower arranging courses. Liked the location. Enjoyed the variety of characters and their ethnic backgrounds. I look forward to reading the next one in this charming series.

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This is the first time I have read a Kate Dyer- Seeley mystery and I wasn't disappointed a great read.
Having been a florist myself I could relate to the wonderful descriptions of the flowers and arrangements .
The story had plenty of twist I didn't guess who the killer was. Loved all the characters especially Aunt Elin (where does she get all her energy from).
I loved this book really looking forward for the next book of this series to come out .
Many thanks to the publisher and net gally for giving me a chance to read and review this good book and introducing me to a new author.

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A fun cozy mystery taking place in the wonderful city of Portland, Oregon. I really enjoyed all the flower facts and descriptions of the flower shop / flower arrangements. I also liked the delightful cast of characters, the small town vibes, and the hint of future romances. I will be picking up the next book to see what going on at Blooma.

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Summary from Goodreads:

"Britta Johnston might be a late bloomer, but after leaving her deadbeat husband and dead-end job, she's finally pursuing her artistic passion at her aunt Elin's floral boutique, Blooma, in Portland, Oregon. It's on the banks of the Willamette, in a quaint district of cobblestone paths and cherry trees. The wine bar featuring Pacific Northwest vintages is a tasty bonus, offering another kind of bouquet to enjoy. But things aren't as peaceful as they look.

For one thing, someone's been leaving dead roses around--and a sleazy real estate developer who wants the waterfront property has put a big-money offer on the table. Then, after a contentious meeting of local business owners, he's found on the floor of the shop, with Elin's garden shears planted in his chest. And before the police decide to pin the crime on her beloved aunt, Britta will have to find out who arranged this murder . . ."

My Thoughts:

After adoring this author's Pacific Northwest cozy series, I am basically here for everything/anything that she writes. So you can probably guess how thrilled I was to hear that she had this new series coming out! I can't say that I've yet read a cozy series featuring flowers but I was definitely here for it. And I loved my time with this book and these new characters. It was a fun read and definitely different from any of the other cozy series that I'm currently reading. In this book, Britta comes home to Portland after realizing how unhappy she is in her marriage. Her passion is flowers so she comes back to help her aunt in the floral boutique that her aunt owns. Soon after she arrives though, trouble finds them both as a dead body is found in the cottage behind their floral shop. And just as fast, I was hooked on this book and these characters! I think though before I tell you everything that I enjoyed about this book, that I better tell you about my one and only complaint with this book. I feel like the author completely glossed over Britta's failed marriage in the beginning of the book. It almost would have worked better for me if she hadn't included the discovery of her husband being unfaithful. There were just no details relating to it all and everything happens so fast - I could have skipped all of that and just started with Britta arriving in her old hometown. My two cents though so take it for what it's worth! As soon as the murder happened though, I was firmly entrenched in the story and figuring out whodunnit. I also really became attached to both Britta and Elin's characters. I think that the author has a knack for creating characters that you come to care about which happened while I was reading this book yet again. I'm really looking forward to more books with these characters! I also loved how in this book the author gave tidbits and details relating to Britta and Elin's Swedish heritage. It just added a different flavor to the book that I couldn't help but enjoy. The mystery portion was also very enjoyable. I didn't figure out who the killer was until the very end (although I did suspect at one point). It's always fun to find that the author is able to turn you around enough that you don't see the end coming.

Overall, I really enjoyed my time with this book and have already added the next book to my TBR list (despite the fact that it isn't scheduled to release until November of this year). I will be right there ready to gobble it up when it does come out! I found myself easily swept away by this book and it has me wishing to visit Portland sometime myself. I even wouldn't mind a rainy day or two thanks to reading this one. Ha! I loved that this book was so focused on flowers...something that I wouldn't have said that I was terribly interested in. I love to garden but fresh veggies are where it is at for me. I just might have to consider planting some flowers though after enjoying this book so much! I can easily recommend this book to cozy mystery fans. It just has the perfect cozy feel that I look for. And don't worry food lovers - the author included enough delicious descriptions to scratch that foodie itch that I didn't even know that I had. Recommended!

Bottom Line: A really enjoyable beginning to this new cozy series!

Disclosure: I received a copy of this book thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my honest opinion.

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Natural Thorn Killer by Kate Dyer-Seeley is the first book in the new cozy Rose City Mystery series. The series is set in Portland, Oregon where Britta Johnston has returned home to the aunt that raised her and taken a job in her floral boutique, Blooma, along the banks of the Willamette which gave the setting a lovely small town feel to it.

Britta had just found out that her husband had been cheating which gave her the push to leave the marriage that she knew she hadn’t been happy in for quite a while. Working at a dead end job and supporting her husband had really brought her down so Britta takes the opening to return to her aunt and a job that allows her to showcase her artistic talents.

However, shortly after Britta returns and begins to get herself established in her new life she finds a rather huge shock when walking into the shop to find the same sleazy real estate developer that had been trying to buy up the area dead. With a rather charming detective on the case Britta finds herself jumping in and trying to find the killer herself.

The setting in this first installment of the series was a rather lovely one with the quaint village that the flower shop is set in giving a everyone knows everyone small town vibe. The author also seems to know her way around floral arrangements as far as I can tell not knowing too much in that area myself.

The one thing I found however that really bothered me a bit was adding in a budding romance for Britta when the book starts off with her leaving her marriage. Had the author perhaps joined the Britta say six months or so after her move and simply filled readers in on what had brought her to the west coast it might have set better with me but I kept thinking it was just too soon to worry about dating or love. In the end I’d give this first installment to the series 3.5 stars and hope that as it goes on I’ll feel Britta finding love along with solving murders a bit more believable.

I received an advance copy from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Natural Thorn Killer is the debut novel in Kate Dyer-Seeley’s A Rose City Mystery series. This is a well-plotted cozy mystery with a great cast of well-developed characters. The characters are introduced at a nice pace rather than all at once, allowing the reader to keep them all straight. Ms. Dyer-Seeley’s descriptive writing makes the reader feel like they are in Portland and experiencing everything along with the characters. The storyline flows smoothly at a steady pace and the twists and turns kept me guessing until the reveal. I’m looking forward to reading the next book in this series.

Britta Johnston is a caring young woman who has been unhappy for years and when she discovers her husband, Chad, is cheating on her, she leaves him and Minnesota, moving back to Portland, Oregon to work in her aunt’s floral boutique/wine bar, Blooma. After Britta’s parents died when she was seven years old, her Aunt Elin, raised her in a loving environment in Portland. Britta is worried that her aunt is keeping things from her and is concerned when she learns someone has been leaving dead black roses around the floral shop. In addition to gorgeous, custom-made floral arrangements, Blooma also offers a wine bar and Elin s expanding into the cottage she purchased next to Blooma so she can offer more classes and is preparing for the upcoming grand opening. Frank Jaffe is a real estate developer who wants to buy out the business owners, bulldoze Riverplace Village and build luxury condominiums, but the Riverplace Village Business Association isn’t interested in selling. Frank attends the association’s meeting, makes what he calls a generous one-time offer for the property, with a twenty-four hour deadline. While Elin meets with the business association about Frank’s offer the next morning, Britta enters Blooma’s to prepare things for a workshop Elin is holding, but she finds the cottage’s barn doors open, things in disarray, and Frank’s body with a pair of Elin’s garden shears stabbed into his body. The Riverplace Village business owners are a tight knit group, and it’s difficult for Elin and Britta to think one of them might be responsible for the murder. Detective Pete Fletcher and Officer Thomas “Tomo” Iwamoto are assigned to the investigation and Britta starts looking into things on her own because she’s desperate to help her aunt open on time and wants to help assist the local police put the murder investigation to rest.

I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book from NetGalley and voluntarily reviewed it.

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Britta's going for a second chance in life-she's left her husband and moved to Portland to work with her aunt Elin in Elin's floral shop. While the murder that underpins this cozy is not unique (rotten real estate developed, Elin's shears in his chest), I loved the way Dyer-Seeley made use of her setting and the characters she created. This isn't twisty (you'll be able to figure out who did it) but that was less important to me than meeting the community which I hope will form the nexus of future books. I also liked the floral tips! Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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I had the pleasure of reading Natural Thorn Killer a new book by Kate Dyer-Seeley yesterday. This upcoming Kensington release slated for March 27th, centers around Britta who leaves a loveless marriage and returns home to her aunt's flower shop just in time for her aunt's flower cottage opening. Just days before the big event, Britta discovers the body of a local developer at odds with Britta's aunt has been murdered inside the cottage. Britta is desperate to help her aunt open on time and will do anything she can to help assist the local police... I feel like author Kate Dyer-Seeley does a great job of capturing the vibe and true feel of Portland Oregon. It is one of my most favorite places to visit and only about 8 hours drive from where I live. Portland has a rich and exciting small town in a big city feel and you really do get that feeling when you read Natural Thorn Killer. I liked the mystery, loved the setting, characters and I look forward to reading the next book in this series.

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I received a free copy of Natural Thorn Killer by Kate Dyer-Seeley in exchange for an honest review. Britta Johnston, floundering florist, has been working multiple jobs for years to support her husband while he works on writing his first book. Britta Johnston, furious florist, packs her bags and leaves her husband when she discovers he has been copulating instead of creating in his copious free time. Britta moves home to become a family florist by helping her Aunt Elin in her newly expanded floral boutique. Britta then becomes a florist fascinated with investigating the homicide of a man she found slain in her aunt’s workshop. As Britta works to become a flourishing florist, she makes friends, practices her art, begins to reawaken her heart, and figures out whodunit.

This was a refreshing cozy mystery. The protagonist moves to a big city, so you do not have to worry about the town’s population level dropping drastically over time. I enjoyed the book and hope you will, too!

#NaturalThornKiller #NetGalley

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Natural Thorn Killer by Kate Dyer-Seeley is a great start to a new series. I am a huge fan of Ellie Alexander, so when I realized that she also writes as Kate Dyer-Seeley, I was beyond thrilled.

Britta, the main character, returns to her home town of Portland after a tumultuous marriage. Returning home to her Aunt Elin unleashes the designer in her and her floral creativity took my breath away. The author describes Britta's floral designs in such vivid ways, that I could see and smell her creations while I was reading.

Elin has created a floral cottage, equipped to offer classes and her one of a kind arrangements. Having Britta there to help is a joy to Elin, as they have a very special bond.
Of course, every small community has it's big shot, and Portland is no different. Frank's overbearing presence doesn't go over well the local business owners and when he is found dead in Elin's floral cottage, no one seems too upset.

Britta offers as much help as she can to local detective, who along with police officer Tomo, is trying to put this murder investigation to rest.

All the characters in this story work as a unit, they all meld together and truly create a believable story.
I had a wonderful time losing myself in this story and the author should be so proud of the story she told.

I am looking forward to the next book in this series.
I voluntarily read an ARC of this book provided by the publisher and NetGalley.
Natural Thorn Killer releases on March 27, 2018.

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When you are allergic, stories like this one are the only way to get close to flowers. That said, really enjoyed this one, quick, well written with interesting twists and a strong main character. Looking forward to more.

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I don’t give out 5 stars very often, but this book is deserving, made all the more impressive as this is the first in a new series.

After a divorce Britta Johnston has returned to Portland, Oregon to work in her aunt’s flower shop. Aunt Elin and Britta spend a blissful couple of weeks after Britta’s return getting ready for a flower gala and fashion show at the shop, but things take a turn when the body of local developer is found in the flower shop with a pair of Elin’s gardening shears sticking out of his chest. Concerned the police will try to pin the crime on her aunt who was known to not be a fan of the developer, Britta decides to investigate.

I just loved this book and am SO looking forward to the next book. The author is wonderful at telling a story full of enough details that helps the reader find themselves in the flower shop and other locales, but not so many details that the reader gets bogged down in them. The characters come at a nice pace so the reader isn’t overwhelmed and needs a chart to keep them all straight, and the possibility at romance isn’t hokey. I just can’t rave enough about this book. I was given the opportunity by NetGalley to read an ARC of this book.

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Natural Thorn Killer by Kate Dyer-Seeley was an excellent begining to this new cozy series.

I admired Britta when she moved back to Portland. She's so much stronger than she thinks she is and her character is evolving in this first book. I can relate to some of her feelings as she makes the decision to move home to "find herself". Ms. Dyer-Seeley's descriptive writing of Portland and the flower arrangements made me feel like I was there in the shop and cottage. The story line flowed, the pacing of the plot was quick and the twists kept me guessing until the reveal. I also enjoyed the subtle possibility of a romance for both Britta and her aunt Elin. The secondary characters were also well drawn and I am looking forward to getting to know them better in future books. I want to walk through the shops and be friends with all of them.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book from Kensington via NetGalley. All of the above opinions are my own. I would like to sincerely thank Kensington for allowing me to read this ARC.

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I  recieved a free digital copy of this book from Netgalley for an honest review.

This is my third book from this author, and I can't seem to get enough! One minute I'm starting the book, the next thing I know I'm done. I turned the page and said "It can't be over!" That's when you know you have found a great author!

This is the first book in a brand new series. It was such a fast and smooth read. The mystery was tight with plenty of clues and red herrings. (And who doesn't love a good red herring?) The characters were well thought out, realistic and they all brought something different to the table.

Let's talk characters. Loved the relationship between Britta and her Aunt Elin. It is obviously such a strong relationship they share even though Elin seems to have a few secrets of her own and Britta has been gone for a few years married to a Jerk. I enjoyed meeting Officer Iwamoto and Detective Fletcher and watching them warm up to Britta through the story. I am anxious to see what happens next with Britta and the delicious Detective! Sticks was a treat to meet! What's better than a pug who loves coffee?

My favorite line throughout the whole book, "You know at one point, I considered everyone a suspect." I didnt have quite as many suspects as Britta, but I had several. He did it, no she did it! No, it was him!😂 Eagerly anticipating book two!

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Sometimes you just connect with an author’s writing style immediately. Sometimes you connect with the main character of a cozy from the very first book. Other times you connect with the relationships depicted, the setting described, the chosen careers of the character or the way the suspense is built. And sometimes, it all just clicks and the book is deeply enjoyable. Happily, Natural Thorn Killer was one of those books that just clicked with me on so many levels. The characters are well-rounded, the descriptive writing is wonderful and the plot is expertly crafted. If you are a fan of the cozy mystery genre, I recommend this author. I voluntarily read an advanced reader copy provided to me by the publisher through NetGalley. This did not affect my rating. I have provided an unbiased and honest review.

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This book was so wonderful, I couldn't stop reading. With every page finished, I could smell the flowers just as if I was working along side the owners of the flower shop. The main character Britta was so real, her feeling of floundering, of not being sure of herself anymore after uprooting herself and going back home. I love a strong main character, especially one that doesn't realize how strong she is. This book really touched me, yes it was a cozy, yes it had a strong exceptionally written mystery, but the characters and setting really got me in the feels. I absolutely loved this book, adored the characters, and the story was top notch. I cannot wait for more additions to this beautiful series.

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A charming new mystery from one of my favorite cozy mystery authors. It had an interesting plot which is very contemporary with the idea of a charming old section of town being threatened by large condo developers, a smart and delightful heroine in floral artist Britta, who has left her cheating husband and returned to her hometown of Portland to work with her Aunt Elin at Blooma, her artisanal flower shop. The cast of local characters brings Portland to life for me and this book, in addition to being an entertaining mystery, gave me an education of the life and symbols of flowers. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it.

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