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Before Daylight

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I tried this book but the writing was not working for me and i was not interested in the story or the characters enough to continue with it

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Break of Day (book 3) was my first Andie J. Christopher book. It didn't work out so well for me as I couldn't connect with the characters at all,

and unfortunately the same thing happened with Before Daylight. The way the conflict was set up is unbelievable to me (so they got married and didn't know they got married???). I don't know if there's some kind of plot twist along the road--surprise!! turns out you're not married after all!!--but I couldn't suspend my belief to continue past a couple of chapters, so the book already lost me from the beginning.

Plus, Laura irritated me from the start, so I was glad to give up on her, LOL. Sorry Charlie, I know I mentioned in my Break of Day review that I'd read your book, but after multiple restarts I just have to give up and DNF.

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Review by Amber for Love Romance Books Blog

Charlie is the black sheep in his family, and he has worked hard to make it on his own. On the way, he has made friends that he considers family. When he is at the wedding of two of his closest friends, he meets Laura, who is the cousin of the bride.

As a ballerina, Laura is used to sacrificing her short-term happiness in favor of long term success. Well, except during her cousin Carla’s wedding in the tropics. When she sees Charlie, she decides she needs to let loose a little. Then she finds from her grandfather that she let loose way more than she intended to that night, and now she has a husband!

Even though she is drawn to Charlie, she has big plans for her career. A little thing like marriage can’t derail her! Or can it?

This book is one of a series. I haven’t read the other books in the series, but I think it is well as a stand alone book.

I was asked by the author for an honest review.

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Laura Delgado has been dreaming her whole life for the chance to be the prima ballerina, to do the solo. Now recovering from an injury and finally having that chance and the opportunity to go to New York and dance there as well. Her dreams are all coming apart because some way or another she got married at her cousins wedding. She does not remember getting married but her grandfather is showing her the paperwork. Now chasing down the groom and asking him to sign annulment papers he, Charlie Laughlin does not want to sign but wants to stay married to Laura. He thinks she is the most beautiful women he has ever seen. She agrees to go out to dinner with him one time in order for him to sign the papers. She has a great time and she notices that not only does he focus on her but when a waiter gives her more attention he becomes jealous. Confused by his actions the rest of the story is Laura trying to understand the reason why two people want to be together when all she sees in her life is anger and disappointment, not love. She is confused by Charlie’s words and actions even to the point of when he travels to New York she is confused of what to do. Find out what she does and the reasons for all of her issues with love of the heart. I will say they are some very good scenes that she has with some people that she meets and the words she use are classic, I don’t want to give away the story but she has moments that make up for her confusion. Overall a good book with good characters.

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In a world filled with ballets and call sheets, they weren't looking for romance. Until love found them. Remember that saying about the right person coming into your life at the wrong time? Christopher takes that scenario and runs with it. Before Daylight is the tale of workaholics who meet at a wedding and unknowingly find their forever. The road to happily ever after is full of prideful regret and frustrating choices, but serendipity wins out in the end. Ms. Christopher gets the soul of a romantic. It's not about bleeding hearts or exaggerated happy endings. Love is about finding the ending that's right for you.

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This’s my first book by Andie J. Christopher and I wasn’t too impressed. While the writing was good I just didn’t care for Laura, the female lead. And I couldn’t imagine what Charlie, the male lead, saw in her. The set-up didn’t make sense, either. They are supposed to have met, gotten drunk and gotten married, all in one evening. Neither of them remembers much of the night, and yet when Laura approaches Charlie about it she is on the defensive and blames him. He, meanwhile, having only known her for a night, decides that he’s attracted to her and doesn’t want to end the marriage. Huh? The rest of the book is pretty much Charlie trying to woo Laura, while Laura goes back and forth between wanting to make the marriage work and wanting to cut all ties. It was enough to give me whiplash.
Disclaimer: I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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So freaking sexy and sultry, this book seduced me at word one.

While Laura Delgado is an amazing ballet dancer, it’s a masterful tango that she and Charlie Laughlin are dancing throughout Before Daylight. There is a pull and push that creates enough friction to ignite their amazing chemistry in a glorious blaze.

This book though, AJC turns a phrase like no one’s business and her characters are an absolute reflection of that. Inside and outside of their heads, we get their full measure, even in the corners they may want us to see. At every page turn, it felt as though they were coming to actual life.

Get your hands on this book straightaway. While Mother Nature may be over extending our winter, this book will do more than keep you warm - it will make you downright hot!

Happy reading!!

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Before Daylight is my first book by Andie J. Christopher but definitely not my last! It is a joy to read more and more books with Latinx characters as protagonists and I love supporting these books. Before Daylight had all the ingredients that make it a great romance novel.

Laura and Charlie's meeting, relationship and development was so well-crafted that I was enchanted by them since the very beginning. Andie Christopher wrote a story with lots of things that resonated with me especially the Latinx family. We all are gossip-y and up in each other's lives so it wasn't a surprise when Laura's family was there for her all throughout the book. I adored every moment while reading it!

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I couldn't get into this. I haven't read any of the other books in this series, and it made it really hard to start this one. I felt like I was dropped into the middle of a story already in progress. The writing didn't really flow well for me either. Maybe it gets better as the story goes on, but honestly I couldn't make it past the first couple of chapters.
I voluntarliy reviewed an advanced readers copy of this book.

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The “oops we got married!” trope can go either way with me, but the blurb sounded so amazing I had to pick up this book. And I am so glad I did! This is a steamy, feels-filled roller coaster, and is so much fun – just make sure you have tissues! While this is part of a series, this is my first book by the author, and I think it worked fine as a standalone.

“She could not fall in love with her husband.”

I absolutely loved Laura. Yes, sometimes I wanted to smack her upside the head, but even then, it was because I wanted to hurry her up to the HEA she deserved. As a 34-year-old prima ballerina in Miami, she’s feeling her age and injuries, but ballet has been everything to her since she was a child. She’s mostly estranged from her parents and older brothers – her dad is an abusive jerk and her miserable mom copes by popping valium. Her grandma, whom her grandfather left behind when he left Cuba with the rest of the family, is now living with her. She copes with all this upheaval as she always has – by being disciplined and controlled and channeling all her emotions into ballet. Before her inevitable retirement, she wants to work with the New York Ballet corps, so staying in Miami is not in her plans. So the last thing she needs is to find out that she got married at her cousin’s wedding in Bali.

“Her entire life up until that point had been about discipline, training, dieting, and taking in criticism. She’d been a changeling at the behest of everyone in her life, and she knew that she could never let anyone know what was underneath her exterior. But there was something about the way he’d looked at her that had penetrated the wall she’d built around herself to avoid the pain of feeling she was never quite good enough, never quite the best. The feeling of his gaze on her skin—the feeling of him really looking at her—lingered along with the imprint of his mouth.”

Charlie is in reality TV, producing a travel show for the just-married cousin. He and Laura met at the wedding, got drunk, and… apparently got married? It’s as much a surprise to him as it was to Laura, though not necessarily an unwanted one. They’ve got a crazy chemistry together, and Charlie isn’t ready to just sign an annulment and say goodbye. Laura just wants it all to go away – the hint of being married could be the death knell to her career – but can Charlie convince her to give their “marriage” a chance?

“’Do you need me to tell you how gorgeous you are?’
She didn’t need that and just raised her eyebrows in response.
‘You don’t need me to tell you that. People tell you how beautiful you are all the time. The issue is that you’re more than beautiful. You’re compelling and a little bit mean. It makes my dick hard when you lift that aristocratic nose at me.’”

The chemistry between Laura and Charlie is off the charts. From their disastrous first date to the big confrontation in Laura’s dressing room, it’s STEAMY. Like, fanning-myself-with-my-Kindle sort of steamy. Laura’s desperate not to acknowledge that she feels anything for Charlie, so she’s an absolute jerk to him, and Charlie loves it. That was surprising to me, but it’s a core dynamic of first building blocks in their relationship, and it worked so freaking well. The push/pull in the relationship was beautiful, and watching them fumbling to figure out how to make it work made me cry several times.

Overall, this was a steamy, feels-laden roller coaster, and I loved every minute. I will definitely be looking up the rest of the books in this series!

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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Since Laura was eight years old her goal in life is to not be like her mother which means that she needs to be self sufficient and not depend on anyone. Her drive to ensure this happened her sole focus has been forging her career as a prima ballerina to the exclusion of all else. She never expected that attending her cousins wedding would have her believing that she was married even though alcohol has made the entire experience hazy. For a ballerina she is older, and she believes that if people found out she was married that it would be detrimental to her career, so she wants it annulled quickly and quietly.

Charlie is a TV producer who has been unable to measure up to the demands of his father, so he has chosen to forge his own path. When he finds himself married to Laura he is not disappointed, and he wants their marriage to be real and that starts with not agreeing to sign the annulment papers until they go on a date.

Their feelings for each other impossible to deny but is there any way that Charlie will be able to break through the walls that Laura has built around herself without destroying both of them?

I think that this is my favorite story by this author. Both characters are damaged by their pasts which causes them to strike out to try and protect themselves. The chemistry and emotion between them is fiery and the determination of Charlie to get his girl is inspiring. I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.

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A fun story that produces plenty of feels. Charlie and Laura get an inauspicious start with the old get drunk/wake up married plot. These characters and the fight that lays ahead of them to their HEA will be difficult, painful, frustrating, and often annoying. Laura is a ballerina. She is a strong, talented, determined woman that will cut her nose off to spite her face. She blindly clings to her old wants and beliefs regardless of the damage and hurt it causes. Charlie seems like a genuine good guy. He knows he has made mistakes and is trying to do and be better. It was often hard to see the way Laura treated him and not become angry with her stubbornness. You could not deny the attraction and chemistry between them though. In the end it's a entertaining read. I just wish Laura was a bit more likable.

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i had thought the one night on south beach series was over once all the hernandez siblings got their happy endings. but there's a cousin and plenty of meddling from tia lola to entertain us in before daylight, a welcome return to the south beach world. when laura delgado learns that she'd secretly married charlie laughlin she's horrified. not only is he a known misogynist and playboy, getting married interferes with her life plans. she's reaching the pinnacle of her dance career. she's still hungry for more. dancing with the new york city ballet is her dream.

but word getting out that she's married could nip that all in the bud. when she confronts charlie and learns that he has no idea what she's talking about she's not really mollified. and the thing about charlie is that he wants to get married. he actually wouldn't mind exploring marriage with laura.

laura is full of sharp edges and flip-flopping behavior. she thinks she needs to cut out all the love in her life outside of ballet. she doesn't give charlie or anyone else enough credit to know that they'd be happy to love her in spite of it.

and charlie is kind of a dreamboat throughout. like there wasn't one thing he did that i thought, oh dude, huge mistake. i'm half in love with him, so it's no surprise to anyone that laura is too.

**before daylight will publish on april 17, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/kensington books (lyrical press) in exchange for my honest review.

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4.5 Stars

Before Daylight is an "accidentally married" romance between a man with a less-than-stellar reputation from his younger years and a prim ballerina. Having spent the last years improving his reputation, an accidental marriage and subsequent divorce is not what Charlie needs. If Laura has her way, the marriage will be annulled yesterday. Between interfering family and a growing attraction, the annulment quickly becomes a thing of the past.

This author immediately pulled me in and had me believing the details of this familiar romance trope. That, and I quickly developed a desire to see these two get their HEA. Even with Laura's initial prickly behavior, I was sold on Charlie's connection to her. He, as well as the reader, are able to see past the mask. Simply put, this was a sweetly romantic, sexy, and humorous love story that kept me invested and wanting more. (This is my voluntary and unbiased review of an advanced copy of Before Daylight via Netgalley.)

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This book made me feel so many things. Swoony. Angry. Hurt. Weepy. Aggravated. Heartbroken. Hot. Happy. Though I didn't love or agree with everything the characters did, this book made me FEEL. And that's worth a lot.

Laura Delgado is a prima ballerina in Miami. She's been fully focused on her dance career since she was about 8 years old. It's the only thing she's ever really wanted for herself, and she's kept her life regimented and planned in order to obtain her goals. Her family is a hot mess. She's not close to her 2 older brothers. Her dad is a horrible jerk. Her mom is a pill head. Her grandfather defected from Cuba many years before when her mom was young. But her grandmother refused to leave. Now her abuela, Lola, is in Miami as well, and no one is quite sure how to handle her. Laura's cousin Carla got married in Bali a few months before, and she met a guy there. She let herself drink entirely too much and get carried away with him. And apparently, she ended up married. She doesn't remember anything about it, but she knows she needs it annulled. And fast.

Charlie Laughlin is a TV producer, and the son of a Chicago newspaper magnate. He isn't close to his family. His dad is a nightmare, and his 5 brothers all work for their dad in some capacity. Charlie wanted more from his life. He wanted to strike out on his own, and he has. He moved to Miami a few years before after his failed marriage, which was yet another black mark against him with his family. His best friend since college got married in Bali, and he went to the wedding and met an amazing woman. They had too many drinks and apparently he married her. Though he's shocked to find out he got married, he really doesn't want another failed marriage on his record, and he decides to convince her to give their marriage a real chance.

Charlie and Laura had amazing chemistry from the start, but Laura was so prickly, and really fought him on every inch he managed to gain with her. She had this idea of how her life was going to be, and she clung to that idea so hard. To the detriment of everything else. I get that her life growing up was extremely difficult, and she learned to only rely on herself, but at some point you have to grow up and get it together. She was so brittle, and often was just outright mean to Charlie and it broke my heart every time. He really was willing to do anything to make her happy, and it was so painful when he realized that might not be good enough.

I don't want to be one of those readers who loves everything about the hero, but judges the heroine for being "difficult", but it was really hard not feel that way here. Laura was quite unlikable for the first part of the story. And even later, once I understood her better, she still managed to make me want to smack her around. I hated how much she was hurting Charlie, and ultimately herself too, in her quest for self-preservation and the protection of the life she had convinced herself she needed. It hurt to watch her convince herself over and over that she was doing the right thing.

The side characters here were entertaining, especially Laura's abuela, Lola. And the next book has been set up with Laura's older brother Max as the hero. I'm very curious to know more about him, and how he dealt with his family's dysfunction, especially as it differs from how Laura chose to deal with it. This was a good story, but I had such a hard time connecting with Laura. That's clearly my own issue, and as I said before, this book made me feel so much, that it was still overall a win for me. I'm looking forward to the continuation of the series.

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Ballerina Laura and tv producer Charlie are, on paper, the worst couple. They can’t even stand being around each other. They’re looking for different things in life and if they didn’t have mutual friends, they’d probably never spend any time together at all. But one drunken night, the two of them apparently decided it would be a good idea to get married. Now, Laura’s gunning for an annulment and Charlie wants to see if they can make this thing work.

If you’ve read Break of Day, you’ll remember tiny spitfire Carla and big, burly photojournalist Jonah. In Before Daylight, Laura is Carla’s cousin and Charlie is Jonah’s best friend. Laura and Charlie actually hook up at Carla and Jonah’s wedding. I was so happy to see Carla and Jonah living happily ever after!

I think that, as a couple, I preferred Carla and Jonah over Laura and Charlie, but that might just be because they were my first. That said, I loved Charlie. Like, if Laura can’t make up her mind over whether she wants to be with him, I would gladly swoop in and steal him away. I think that’s what frustrated me the most -- Laura couldn’t accept that Charlie was a good guy who legitimately wanted to be with her. I get that she had issues because of her parents and her childhood, but I got so fed up with the push and pull. Angsty books aren’t really my thing.

But anyway, Before Daylight is a quick, steamy read that teeters more to the erotic side of romance, but there’s also plenty of other material in there. I fell in love with Charlie and constantly rooted for him and Laura to make it. This is another solid romance from Andie J. Christopher, especially if you’re into angsty couples.

Final rating: 3.5, rounded up to ★★★★☆

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It was very interesting drunk get married love story. Ballerina Laura and TV producer Charlie met at the wedding get drunk and also married. And, of course, they completely forget that until is time for taxes. So they are both shocked and they both agree in annulment but Charlie can not forget the passion and how good she felt under him so he insists on a date with her because he really wants to consume his marriage and wife. Circumstances lead them to stay married a while and they really start to live together until it's all too much for Laura. They are both well-developed characters. Charlie is loving loving loving his dirty mouth and he is ready to fight for Laura. She is a very interesting character. The past had her shape in a strong but also a person who is afraid to let anyone in that until Charlie. She surprised me in the end and it was a positive surprise and I liked her even more. I liked that story is unpredictable and you did not know what to expect. And the passion between Laura and Charlie hot hot hot.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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As always I liked the character's voice here, and I was glad to see I had less issues with this book than i did with the last one so I definitely think i enjoyed this one the most of the series.

This one has the we got drunk and got married and now we gotta pretend to be fake married trope. I liked that we get a real sense of who Laura and Charlie are when we get their POVs, how they're both struggling with these perceived images of who people think they are versus who they really are!

I basically devoured this book so quickly. i spent most of the day reading when i was supposed to only read a few chapters but i was so engrossed and lemme just say these two when they were together for sexy times, whoo boy hot and steamy alert!!

Both of their families make appearances so we get to see some characters from the past books and i really like Lauren's grandmother just as much, if not more than i did in the previous book. Lola is a trip lol. I almost legit died when Lauren is sneaking in the house after her night with Charlie and boom! her grandmother is up and on the couch making out like a teenager or something lol. i loved that. go granny!! you get it girl! heheh.

Althouuuuugh there was a this thing that Lola did do that i had to side eye her for. i did not approve of her meddling there! >.>

And i will say i wasn't too comfortable with the obviously angry/hate sex Charlie and Laura had when they got to that black moment and it wasn't that it wasn't something both parties wanted but i guess it was supposed to feel uncomfortable ? because Charlie's all up in his feelings and thinking she doesnt want him so this is just a last "fine we're just doing this cuz we need a release but zero feelings are involved here!" I think that was just a it's me thing really. I have nothing against hate sex at all I just ..i dunno that's how it made me feel. *shrug*

Another thing, i felt like the blurb was a tad misleading with regards to the New York angle, unless i just read it wrong, i felt like the whole "but she might be going to NY for a great ballet opportunity so we'll never work out" thing that was hanging over their heads was a mere blip. New York didnt happen til close to the end of the book and came off as less of a big deal than they made it out to be. the vibe i got from the blurb was that it was going to be a big problem for them.

Overall i liked this one and am looking forward to more in the series.

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I received a copy of Before Daylight by Andie J. Christopher from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I was intrigued initially by the summary and am happy to report that the book did not disappoint!

Yes, the plot was a little predictable and the lead characters, Laura and Charlie, made me want to throw my hands up (or shake them...if I could) at times, but it was a fun read - and a quick read - from start to finish. The banter between the main characters was amusing and actually made me laugh out loud a few times.

I enjoyed reading Before Daylight by Andie J. Christopher and would recommend this book to others.

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