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The Other Woman

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This book was SO good! I feel like if I write too much it will give the story away but you NEED to read this if you love twists and turns. Pammie/Pamela is the soon to be mother in law you love to hate. Adam the knight in shining armor but you find out is a mama's boy and maybe a few other skeletons in the closet. James is his brother you think you like but does he have ulterior motives? Emily, the woman in love and bride to be, antagonized by Adam's mother, will love conquer all?

I finally caught on to how things were going to end towards the end of the book but it didn't ruin anything like some other books can do. Looking forward to reading more books by Sandie Jones!

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I sat on writing the review for this one only because I had no idea what to write. When a book takes you so off-guard, even for someone who writes a lot, you are left without words. This book reads very quickly and entraps you so immensely there is just not a way out until the very end. Which, hits you like a ton of bricks. Psychology is my forte and yet trying to understand the motives, characters and actions will leave you breathless. This was fantastic!!

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I struggled writing this review because the book has so much positive feedback. I wasn't as in love with the story as others have been. I found it being a  bit predictable and I started to uncover the story myself. I also felt that some of the story was left without explanation. I was left wondering about main characters and where they were left off.

During the read, I felt that the love story was rushed through. More details would have been helpful.  There were entire sections that were rushed where it would automatically just be days later without any warning or explanation.

Emily was also unlikable. She could not do much of anything for herself always relying on someone for miniscule things and happenings in which I would understand if she got help or advice for, she stayed quiet. Her character was not consistent. 

For me, there were too many flaws, unanswered questions, and just things that made no sense for me to enjoy this.

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Jade's 5 out 5 "Monster Mama" Blushes
From the moment I read the title of Sandie Jones' debut novel,The Other Woman, I was instantly intrigued.  I like to go into books blindly, but I skimmed the synopsis and couldn't WAIT to get my hands on this! The Other Woman was everything I could have hoped for... AND SO MUCH MORE!

This is story of a classic "Monster-In-Law".  Pammie is calculating and manipulative and she's an absolute nightmare to Emily, who is dating her prize son Adam.  This woman pulls every trick in the book to ruin their relationship.  She's on a mission and this is a woman that gets everything she wants. But Emily refuses to go down in flames, and Pammie quickly realizes that she just might have met her match.  The heinous acts that Adam's mother commits would have me running for the hills.

The Other Woman is extremely well written.  This was a very exciting read full of shock and dismay!  Kudos to Sadie on her first release!  She is, without a doubt, a new author to follow!

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Wow. This was so good. A twisty, page turner, suspenseful thriller that I could not stop reading. A fast read for me but I tried to savor every minute of it. A fantastic debut novel and i cannot wait read more book of this author.

Thanks Minotaur Books and Netgalley for the advanced, free copy in exchange for an honest review.

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A very enjoyable book. You don’t really know someone until you marry them and even the you don’t know them. Twists and turns you won’t believe. Some of the story seemed far fetched but in this day and age anything is possible!

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3.5-4 Stars
Wow I had to wait a week to review this book after reading it. I had so many mixed feelings. Its kind of a book you hate to love...or love to hate?
Right from the beginning this book sucked me in. I couldn't wait until I got to the end to find out what was going to happen to the four members of this family; girlfriend Emily, boyfriend Adam, mother to boys Pammie and brother James. I hated Pammie of course… that evil woman (she drove me crazy!), and I would get so ticked off at Emily and Adam, James even ticked me off. Such a dysfunctional bunch. I felt like "how could you do that!" so many times. Very frustrated at this book actually. And that ending... I felt almost duped/blindsided by that ending ugh! Crazy right? What a twist at the ending! Totally didn't see that one coming. This is definitely a physiological thriller/suspense book... always waiting for the next shoe to drop.
I do recommend this book if you're into physiological thrillers/suspense, but beware there's A LOT of family drama, BIG emotional rollercoaster, and a big twisty ending I certainly didn’t see coming!
This is the first book I've read by Sandie Jones, and I would like to read more from her... her writing is very good, definitely an original story, and well, twisted LOL! Good debut book for sure.
*A very special thank you to Minotaur Books via NetGalley for the advanced readers copy in exchange for an honest review*

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I really enjoyed this book. The author did an excellent job of making the reader have feelings towards the characters. I was ready to take Pammie on myself. I picked this book up and couldn’t put it back down until I was finished. It is nice to find a book to get immersed in. Thank you for the advanced copy from Netgalley. This book is a must read!

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I read this book in two days. It is a well written story of control and abuse. Emily thinks that Adam is her Prince Charming. But is he? This book is filled with twists and turns. I thought that Pammie was the mother-in-law from hell. I thought I truly knew what was going on, but the ending left me with my mouth hanging open. Such a great climax!! The characters are well developed and true to life. The story flows effortlessly from beginning to end. It will leave you breathless! So, so good! I am still waiting for the ending to sink in. No one should control you. Emily felt like she knew what was happening, but she didn't have a clue. It is a little slow to start but keep reading, it is so worth it. Great read. Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a great debut.

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Absolutely Wow! I actually had chills running up and down my arms when I finished the last page. What a clever plot. I thought I knew what was going on but I didn't. There is so much for women to grab hold of here. Self value, reality of 'couple hood' and so much more. There are deeply developed characters within the pages. I truly felt immersed in Emily's terrible struggles. Pammie is the epitome of the nasty future mother in law while her sons are such catches. This is a wild story from start to finish.
Warning: Language, adult situations, sexual content and violence.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my advanced copy. This is my own unsolicited opinion.

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The writing in this is great! The fact that the author was able to make me feel as much anger towards a character just goes to show how good of an author Sandie Jones is. No one has made me rage so much in a book since J.K. Rowling with Umbridge. Even with this book being somewhat predictable and taking me over 2 weeks to finish (due to only being able to read a few chapters at a time because I would get so angry) and the fact that even night for two and a half weeks I would rant to my boyfriend about how much I hate this book and the characters I give this book 4.5 stars. The ending although predictable was gold and the intense emotions I felt for the characters is what took my 2.5-3 star veiw of this book to 4.5 star! I would definitely recommend. But beware if you anger easily! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK/SANITY!

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In 'The Other Woman' our lead character Emily meets Adam, a man who she thinks is perfect and can do no wrong. Emily and Adam have a fast romance, getting engaged in a matter of months. After Emily meets Adam's mother Pammie, Emily starts to notice some red flags about Pammie and Adam's relationship. Pammie wants Emily gone forever, but will her manipulative ways ensure that this happens? Is Emily going crazy or is Pammie a terrible person who hates Emily for no reason?
Unfortunately, I found this book to be predictable with characters that I could care less about. I found that it trudged along forever and only picked up during the last 20 pages or so. I wanted a good psychological thriller where I was blown away by the twist ending, but I did not find that with 'The Other Woman'. It was a quick, easy read so if you feel like this is right up your alley, go for it. I would even give another Sandie Jones book a chance in the future. I really wanted to like this one, but it just didn't happen.
Thanks to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for the chance to read this one.

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On Wikipedia the illustration next to “Mother-In-Law-From Hell” should be Pammie Banks from Sandie Jones’ debut novel “The Other Woman.” The lengths Pammie will go to in order to destroy the relationship between her son Adam and his new girlfriend Emily become more and more sinister and the shocking twist at the end - I never saw that coming. This psychological thriller is a little slow to get started, but once it grabbed hold of me it didn't let go. An auspicious debut for Sandie Jones and this reader is looking forward to her next book.

My review was posted on Goodreads on 8/30/18.

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OMG. What did I just read? Completed the book this evening and I was beyond floored at the turn of events. I knew I didn’t care for “him” but to see the story end this way, not only was it wonderful, but it was a shocker.

When Emily meets the man she thinks is the “one”, she is over the moon in love. That is until Pammie, his mom, comes into the picture. For some reason, Pammie wants Emily out of her son’s life and takes things to the highest extreme in order to make that happen.

There are times I find myself yelling at Adam, yelling at Emily and hating Pammie immensely, but this was a great read! Fast paced, well written and I did not want to put it down! I am so thankful for the opportunity to read this advance reader copy and share my positve experience reading this story. I highly suggest you get your hands on it any way you can! Just released Aug 21, 2018 so head on out and pick up a copy! You will be amazed at the story and shocked at its ending!

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Very infrequently does a book leave me wanting to reread it immediately, knowing that all is not what it seemed. There are surprises all through this novel. The story is about a volatile and destructive relationship triangle. There is Emily who falls in love with Adam and then there is Pammie, Adam's mother who is the titular "other woman". Pammie will stop ar nothing to destroy Adam's and Emily's happiness. She is literally the woman you will love to hate. What a psychological ride. I highly recommend The Other Woman to fans of relationship suspense. You will be shocked and surprised. Thank you to Minotaur Books and Net Galley for an e-ARC of The Other Woman by Sandie Jones in exchange for an honest review.

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Great read. Unexpected twists and turns that kept me wanting more. Don’t turn out how I expected it to and that’s what makes a good book in my opinion.

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I really liked this book, I found it really hard to put down! It’s a story about a women in a new relationship, and the dynamic between her and her potential new mother-in-law. She’s the classic evil in law-condescending, rude, judgemental, overprotective of her son. The only thing is that no one else sees how evil she really because she puts on a mask in front of everyone else. There are some great twists and turns throughout the story, and the ended actually ended up surprising me which is rare! Definitely reccomend reading this, I would love to great more from this author.

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After reading a ton of these kind of books, I don't expect to trust any of the characters. People are either too good to be true, or too bad to be true. This is what this book exemplifies. However, I enjoyed reading about the awful mother-in-law and went along for the ride. The author did somewhat foreshadow what would happen, so the ending is not too difficult to guess. If you like these kind of books, you'll like this one.

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“The Other Woman” by Sandie Jones is, a story that every woman dreads; Amy’s husband has another woman in his life. That woman is Amy’s mother-in-law, Pammie. Amy, Adam, and Pammie have a caustic relationship, and readers know from the start that Pammie, with a name like that, is someone who will stop at nothing to get her way. Perhaps Amy is in the way.

The characters are complex, and well developed for such a fast moving plot. Readers will love some, hate others, and really love hating them. It is a twisty, compelling psychological thriller full of big surprises. The plot is gripping and the action moves at a whirlwind speed. There are so many unanticipated elements that it is difficult to discuss “events” much without giving away something “shocking,” so readers will just have to find out for themselves.
I received a review copy of “The Other Woman” from Sandie Jones, St Martin’s Press, and NetGalley. It is full of unexpected turns and startling twists. It should be on the “must read” list for every reader of thrillers and suspense. I could not put it down, and finished it in one day.

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Emily has found the man of her dreams, Adam, but his mom…that’s a different story altogether. Is Pammie your stereotypical possessive, controlling mother-in-law or are her schemes simply a cover for something more sinister?
The plot is clever and the ending was unexpected, though a bit difficult to digest. I somehow couldn’t bring myself to care about Emily and her run-ins with her future mom-in-law. Emily is too whiny and frankly, I was rolling my eyes at some of her ‘supposed issues’ with Pammie. Her frustration with Pammie’s involvement in her life makes her turn a blind eye to the things that actually matter.
The Other Woman is not the dark, twisty psychological thriller I wanted, but more of a light, suspense drama. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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