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The Other Woman

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Think your mother-in-law is evil? You need to read The Other Woman by Sandie Jones.

The Other Woman is a fun, quick, thrill ride with characters that will drive you nuts. Emily has met the man of her dreams, Adam. But, Adam's mom, Pammie, is not her biggest fan.

The novel begins by introducing the couple and showing readers how they meet and fall in love. Then, readers meet Pammie as Emily is introduced to her the first time. From their very first meeting, it is clear Pammie is ready to engage in some major psychological warfare.

At first, Pammie seems simply manipulative and possessive when it comes to her son. But, as the pages turn, it becomes more obvious that Pammie is not merely manipulative - she is diabolically evil. She will stop at nothing to prevent her son from marrying Emily. She is the ultimate Monster-In-Law.

As it becomes clear Pammie is trying to stop this wedding, my spider senses started tingling. Something about the whole thing just did not make sense to me. Why was Adam such a pushover? Why couldn't he see what his mom was doing? Why on earth would Emily still want to marry into this family of crazy?

Without giving anything away, I can tell you that the plot does thicken. I figured it out - and I am betting you will, too. However, that won't make the ride any less fun.

I flew through the book. It is one of those page-turners that you just can't stop reading - even when you know it is insane. It's like trying not to look at a wreck on the side of the road - you just have to look, right?

If you are looking for a fast-paced, lightweight thriller to get you out of a reading slump (or to make you feel better about your own in-laws), then this is the book for you!

Thanks to Netgalley for providing me with a copy to read and review!

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I would like to thank the publisher, St. Martin's Press and Netgalley for providing me with an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
This book is a great novel debut by author Sandie Jones. I have read this book in 2 sittings and the last one was a marathon until the end. I thought that the book read very well and that the plot kept me as a reader mostly interested through the end.

The story is about Emily meeting Adam Banks. She falls head over heels with him and the relationship is moving quite fast. There are some signs that her fairy tale might not be that rose colored, however, she chooses to ignore these.

The plot takes a quite a turn when she meet her future mother in law, who she feels is very mean and diabolical in her attempts to keep ruin the her relationship with Adam. It becomes quite obvious that the Banks family seems to be quite difficult to for Emily to understand or get along with. This family seems to be harboring some secrets, that are unexpected and keeps unraveling through the plot.

I really enjoyed reading this book, but I did find myself getting a bit bored as some of the twists seems a bit too unrealistic and I guess ,maybe less (twist) would be more in this case. I do not want to my spoilers to my review. However, I am still thinking about the plot and ask myself, do I really know who the other woman is.

I highly recommend this read!

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If there was such a thing as chick-lit thriller or dark chick-lit, this would fit solidly into that. I thought it was a thriller, so was a bit baffled by the chick-lit style writing, although the twist at the end moved it solidly in the thriller genre.

This was an impressive debut with well-drawn characters you will love to hate. And hate them you will! Pammie was so despicable that at some points I wanted to shout at her, or tell Emily to walk away. Adam was truly narcissistic and Emily was arrogant and seemed to think she knew best about everything. The ending snuck up on me a little, but overall I enjoyed this character-drawn exploration of a twisted family with dark secrets and a mother-son relationship.

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I have to say overall it's a good read. I couldn't believe some of the things that went on and the only real issue I had was the main character/narrator. She did some of the most irritating things and made the worst decisions and created a lot of issues for herself. Although I also sympathized with her because she went through some awful situations! Overall it's a fun read! I did guess the end which I'm surprised because I'm never good at those things. I listened to this in the car as I had an audible version of this so it took me some time but in book format I'm sure this is a quick read. I would recommend for a quick and fun read.

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This was a good thriller...I was super excited to read it and trust me it did not disappoint at all.
It was a fast read that had you guessing at all made you think. So many twists and turns it had me not wanting to put it down!

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While I wouldn't place The Other Woman in the thriller category, it was a really entertaining read. I give the author a great deal of credit for making me interested in such unlikeable characters. Really, I just didnt like any of them well enough to connect to them, which may be why I found it more of a drama than a thriller. The one thing I did really appreciate was the startling ending. I would definitely read more form the author as I am impressed by this offering.

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THE OTHER WOMAN is the debut thriller by author Sandie Jones. This was an enjoyable addictive domestic suspense thriller with some very disagreeable characters.

Adam Banks and Emily Havistock met in a London bar. She is a recruitment consultant attending a form, a conference on new ways to do business. Adam is an IT analytical analyst, tall dark and sexy, laid-back in his manner. They hit it off immediately!

“She wasn’t looking for a boyfriend…until Adam showed up.”

Adam adores Emily. Emily thinks Adam’s perfect, the man she thought she’d never meet.

But waiting in the shadows is a rival, a woman who shares a deep bond with the man she loves. And this woman, Adam’s mother, “Pammie”, will stop at don’t to break up the relationship…she wants Emily gone…and to have her son all to herself.

A tug of war…so who will win? Will Emily walk away and release mommy’s boy back into his mother’s arms or will she fight for what she wants. You will just have to read this drama, to find out how it ends. The characters come alive on the pages, either you love them or you hate them. You want to shake some sense into some, and slap some others.

Many thanks to St Martin’s Press via NetGalley for my digital copy.

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The Other Woman is a fantastic read. Every time that I had to put the book down, I was already trying to figure out when I would be able to pick it back up again. The emotions this book evoked were a rollercoaster! I literally found myself yelling at the characters, sneering at them, laughing and crying with them, and when it was done, I had to pick my jaw up off if the floor! I will most definitely recommend this book to anyone and everyone that will listen!

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I'll start with I wasn't expecting the twist at the end. It's hard to review this book without giving away spoilers but I think this is a must read thriller. While I thought the main character was very naive and annoying at times for digging her head in the sand, I was still rooting for her the entire time! Things aren't always what they seem and this story kept me guessing all the way to the end.

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Wow! I didn’t see the ending coming, not by a long shot! The story was well-written and kept me guessing at every turn. I enjoyed the twisting plot, the characters evoked emotion at every turn; and both aspects kept me turning pages. I can honestly say that no matter how much I thought I loved someone, there were too many things that would have made me walk away.
This was definitely a ride and a fun way to escape for the time it took me to fly through it.
#BewareofPammie #TheOtherWoman #MinotaurBooks

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"There is still so much work to do, so much more pain to inflict, but I will not be deterred. I failed once before, but this time, I’ll get it right.
There’s too much at stake to get it wrong."

Wow, I am still reeling from the ending of that book!

Pammie is Adam’s mother. Though Adam loves Emily, his mother does not. Since day one, Pammie sets herself against Emily: belittling her at every turn, making snide comments that only Emily can hear, and pitting her beloved son against his soon-to-be wife. While Pammie plots, so does Emily, especially as she struggles to make Adam see his mother’s vindictive behavior whilst simultaneously wondering if she’s imagining the whole thing. It puts a strain on their relationship, to say the least, but every time Pammie makes a move, so does Emily – and it’s a constant battle to see who will win in the end.

I must say, really enjoyed this book. The beginning of Emily’s and Adam’s relationship was so sweet, but once Pammie came into the picture, everything changed. Pammie was so conniving and subtle and good at manipulating Emily that it wasn’t a shock that no one else believed it, especially not Adam. Even I will admit that I was a little in doubt for a while, thinking that maybe Emily was imagining everything that Pammie was doing, only to be convinced that she wasn’t imagining anything around the next corner.

The only thing I didn’t really like about this book was that it was a little slow in the middle, though I think it was more because I was constantly waiting for either Pammie or Emily to make the final, crushing move against the other (and consistently guessing wrong as to what that move might be). However, once it hit around 90%, the rest of the book flew by as I was utterly blinded by the unexpected twist, and from there until the end I was literally on the edge of my seat screaming at the book with my hand over my mouth.

The Other Woman was really well-written and mostly well-paced (except for a bit of slowness in the middle, as mentioned previously), and I really enjoyed it. I will definitely be looking for more from this author in the future!

Thank you to NetGalley, BookishFirst, and St. Martin’s Press for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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3 Stars. This book was just okay. I chose this for the thriller aspect, but that didn’t come until the last quarter of the book. Emily, the main character, annoyed me. She didn’t have a spine and I could never see what she saw in Adam. Their relationship was never good. Her trying to stay with him thinking it would get better was infuriating. The twist at the end was shocking and didn’t make much sense to me. I had a lot of questions after finishing. I gave it 3 stars because it did pull me in wanting to know what happened. Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with this arc.

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Heck freaking yes!

For most of this book I was rolling my eyes at the cliche way the story was unfolding. Psychological thrillers are my favorite, and this one seemed to follow suit with a few I’ve read within the last year.

The writing is very well done, though, and the plot twist had me so giddy I was literally laughing with excitement. I wish I could say I saw it coming the whole time, but I didn’t.

I would have rated this book far lower, had the last 10% gone differently, so even if you find yourself annoyed, or almost uninterested I hope you stick it out because the ending is so, so worth it.

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I love how the woman was the villain in this-- it went against the usual stereotype. But it was too similar to other books in my opinion. I wish it had something more unique about it. I feel like you could switch a chapter of this with a chapter of any other book in the genre and no one would know the difference.

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Oh Good Lord! What in the ever loving universe did I just finish?! This book was a solid 5 stars! The Orher Woman brought out so many emotions in me, the biggest being raw anger! I wanted to chuck my ereader across my room over and over again. I love books that evoke such reactions. That is the tried and true sign of phenomenal writing!

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I can really relate to this gripping psychological thriller – the writer, Sandie Jones, evokes your emotion for Emily and her problem relationship with her future mother-in-law.

Emily has found the perfect man and life would be perfect but she has a rival for his attention and love. Pammie, Adam’s mother, does not like Emily and continually interferes and uses her wiles to get Adam away. Pammie is the mother-in-law from hell but how far will she go.

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At long last, Emily has finally found the man of her dreams...Adam. Just one itsy-bitsy problem. Marrying Adam also means marrying the other woman in his life.... his mother!!

Pamela (Pammie), the soon to be mother-in-law is going to do whatever it takes to drive a permanent wedge between her darling sonny boy and his soon to be wife.

Or even better, if she can pull it off, get Emily out of the picture…permanently!

Wow! I’ve heard of some awful mother in laws but this one really took the cake. She makes the average MIL look like an angel in training! Caution. Be prepared for some unbelievably over the top behavior!

Poor Emily. Will she be able to open her fiancés eyes before it’s too late? There’s only room for one woman in Adam’s life...but who exactly will that be? You’ll just have to read it to find out!

Fast-paced with short chapters will keep you blazing through the pages just to see how far Pamela will go to stop the wedding!

Once again I found myself screaming at Emily to just leave Adam! No man is worth that! If this is the behavior before the wedding...well, can you even imagine?

A Traveling Sister read 🌸

For this review and more Traveling Sister reviews please visit:

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press and Sandie Jones for an ARC to read in exchange for an honest review

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I honestly did not think I was going to like this book. The thought of abuse hits home with me. Not now but back when I was very young, like 16. It was my first time to ever date and he was very mean. Hit then rape. I was alone and had no one. This book was not about rape but it was about abuse. Mental and physical. I’ve read a review that says, why didn’t her friends tell her to leave and how stupid the book was because of his abuse and her stupid for taking it. Things like that are life. Not all life, but some. It happens and it’s good that it was written about. Adam didn’t just start right out being an abuser. Like others he did it slowly. Broke her down and made her fall deeply for him. Then he took advantage of her love and how much she cared about him. He was a very cruel man. She was human. Abuse happens and the abused have a hard time getting away. Sometimes because they have no one and sometimes out of fear. Also from both fear and having no one. Never judge someone who is being abused. It’s an awful thing to go through.

You will love some of these characters and truly hate some. You might even come to care for some that you don’t think you will. Things are not always as they seem. This book is one that after I truly got into it was written very well. Great characters, well some. Great storyline. I think Sandie Jones did a good job with this story and I’m glad I read it even though the end sure made me cry.

I gave this book 5 stars because I think it deserved it. It’s a story that you won’t be forgetting very quickly for sure. Great job!!

Thank you to NetGally and St Martin’s Press for this copy. My review is mine and not because I received this from them. I honestly liked this book.

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I’ve read several family dramas recently, so that probably gave me a leg up on solving the mystery well before the big reveal. Suffice it to say that it was a brilliant mystery and one that kept me reading just to see if I was correct in my guess.

It would be easy to berate Emily, the main character, for bad decisions and being easily swayed to poor judgment. At first I wanted to yell at her and say, “Wake up!” However, her justifications and reasoning made sense when taken at face value. A good relationship takes hard work. I’ve often said that my husband and I have to both give 110% just to make it, since we are also compensating for the kids (who aren’t always giving a fair percentage toward our family.) For this reason, I understand why Emily was willing to overlook or second-guess her feelings. Keeping the peace usually means someone has to make a sacrifice.

Emily’s support system included a terrific pair of best friends, Pippa and Seb. I LOVED those characters and the way they fought for Emily! Even when a character is vile and despicable, it adds to a story — in this case, we’ve all heard about the horrors of a terrible mother in law. Jones doesn’t disappoint with her depiction of Pammie!

It’s tough to believe The Other Woman is a debut. I look forward to reading more from this author!

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Lindsay and I read The Other Woman with four of our Traveling Sisters and we all pretty much had the same thoughts on this one till that shocking reveal that split us into two different coulees.

The Other Woman is a fun and entertaining domestic suspense thriller with some very unlikable characters. The kind you just love to hate and the kind the can cause you to question them and this created some discussion for us. Our favorite character here that we loved to hate was “the other woman” Pammie who was the MIL form you know where. The length she went to stop our main character Emily from marrying her son Adam left us with a bit to talk about. A few things didn't ring true for us with some of the actions of the characters causing us to suspend some disbelief

On to that ending that none of seen coming and split us into different coulee. The big reveal seemed to come out of nowhere and we began to question if some clues were given to us along the way that we missed or did it just come out of nowhere. For some of us, the ending made the story for us and for the rest it just didn’t work for them.

I recommend this one to readers looking for an entertaining and fun read with some very unlikable character and an ending that we will challenge your detective skills. There is some need to spend some disbelieve with some of the actions of these characters.

Published August 21, 2018

Thank you to NetGalley, St Martin’s Press and Sandie Jones for a copy to read and review.

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