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The Other Woman

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It is thought provoking what relationships do to a person even more so when one has to balance between mom and wife. This book is what I call a one night read. I could not put it away.

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I loved this thriller and read it in one day! When Emily meets Adam she is smitten by his charm and their relationship progresses quickly until she meets his mother, Pammie who is cold and seems to undermine their relationship from the beginning. Throw in Adam's dead girlfriend from the past, his brother who is also apparently attracted to Emily, her flatmate, and her gay friend, and the wild ride begins and doesn't lose momentum. I found myself cringing at Emily and Pammie's confrontations that only get uglier with time and wincing at Adam's increasing drinking and violence toward Emily. Once their baby makes her entrance, mayhem ensues and all hell breaks loose! Whose secrets are real and what is the truth surrounding Pammie's intentions toward Emily? You won't know until the end but it is clearly satisfying!

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I really enjoyed this book! At first it started out like a entertaining little chick lit book with a horrible mother in law to be. Suddenly it turned it to a page turner suspense filled book that I could not wait to see what happens next. I was completely stunned at the ending. Not what I suspected at all. What a great read this was. What a fantastic debut from this author. I look forward to reading more from her! I loved how the book changed gears and suddenly everything you thought you knew was all wrong.
#TheOtherWoman #NetGalley

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I received an advance copy from St. Martin's Press and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you!

FIVE STARS! This book is a one-sitting read! Brilliantly written psychological thriller with a surprising ending. If you enjoy reading suspense/thrillers, then this book is one to add to your shelf. I can't wait to read more from Sandie Jones.

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Remember…when you choose to marry the man, you are also marrying the family.

Emily is looking forward to meeting Adam’s mum, Pammie. But from the very first meeting, she has to wonder if Pammie was really looking forward to meeting her. As she retrieves tea, she purposely leaves open her photo album, with a picture of Adam and another smiling woman staring up from the pages. The caption underneath the photo reads: Darling Rebecca-miss you every day.

Who is Rebecca? What happened to her? Is she the reason that Pammie is not embracing her son’s new girlfriend?

Although I liked the premise, the first half of the book was very slow moving. It read more like chick lit than a psychological thriller. If I had not made a commitment to read and review, I probably would not have finished.

Emily wrinkled her nose at least 5 times, eyes twinkled, brains whirred, people was hard to get caught up in a story that did not sound authentic.

The author chose to give Emily, a gay best friend, Seb, that was almost forgotten in the second half of the book.

Conversations in the story which made the characters giggle uncontrollably, did not even make me smile.

I could not understand why or how Emily fell for Adam, or vice versa, as the characters seemed immature and their relationship based completely on sex.

Perhaps if this book is marketed differently, it will find its correct audience. Readers who enjoy chick lit or perhaps domestic drama may enjoy this story. It does have a twist in the last 25% of the book, but that is the only section that perhaps weakly resembles a psychological thriller at all.

Clearly though, so far, I am in the minority, as the other reviewers have enjoyed this much more than I did.

If you would like to find out why Pammie does not want her son to marry Emily, you can purchase this book on Aug. 21st..

Thank You to Netgalley, the publisher and author for this ARC in exchange for my candid review!

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This book was amazing, the pacing was so well done that I was able to finish it within a 3 hour sitting! Characters were well developed and constantly had me on the edge of my seat right up until the last page! As someone getting married in two weeks this was nerve wracking to read and I loved every second!

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I read this book in less than 24 hours but was tempted many times to abandon it. The premise is this:

Woman falls in love with great man and his mother almost immediately tries to tear them

Ok this would be good except it made no sense to me, the reader, that this girl would stay in the relationship because not only was the mom awful, the boyfriend/fiancé was awful!

And yes, there’s a twist at the end but the twist is too little too late. I was waiting through the whole first half to see if maybe this was a case of a non trustworthy narrator and that maybe she was the crazy one. But no.

Skip this one.

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The Other Woman, a deubt novel from Sandie Jones, does not disappoint! There were parts that felt a little predictable and characters I didn't care for, but I still found it to be a page-turner and the twist at the end caught me by surprise - always a sign of a well-written book for me! Hope the author continues to write - she is on my "to read" list of authors!

Thankyou to NetGalley and St Martin's Press/Minotaur Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
#TheOtherWoman #NetGalley

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Once again we have a story about a [supposedly] intelligent professional woman – at least about one who has been very successful in her position – who makes really, REALLY stupid choices. I just don’t get this. And to add insult to injury, our protagonist, Emily, is in the field of human resources! In that profession, you’ve got to be able to “read between the lines” so to speak and to make hiring and firing decisions that will best benefit the company.

This was a horrible story about horrible people.

I can believe it was the author’s first novel, and I can also believe it was her editor’s first novel. There are so many holes in the story line and so many discrepancies in the time line and the actual worldly events that took place 10 or 20 or 30 years ago, it was obvious that nobody bother to check things like when color photography overcame black and white or when Polaroid photography became common. There were many other discrepancies that jumped out at me as I read this as well.

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. This review will also be published on GoodReads..

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Thanks to Netgalley for my copy.

Emily falls deeply in love with Adam and is imagining her future with him. Then she meets the mother-in-law from hell. Nasty put-downs and and manipulative behaviour make Pammie a formidable enemy for Emily.

This is a very intriguing well thought out psychological thriller. That this is a debut is very surprising. The tension built throughout the novel to a twisted and quite startling climax.

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This was a gripping psychological thriller. It kept me on the edge of my seat! So many twists and turns! It makes you think twice about the family you are marrying into.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own

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The Other Woman, is a tantalizing, twisty tale that gives a new meaning to the term, Monster in Law."

Emily has met the man of her dreams - Adam Banks, her fantasy of her own personal happy ever after is just beginning. But little did Em know - Adam came with baggage, his Mother, Pammie. Every Mother just wants their children to be happy right? Wrong. So enters the MIL from hell prepared to battle it out for Adams affection.

The ending left me breathless - yet, another book that I find myself saying, "I didn't see that coming!" 5 stars for this deliciously demented dip! ❤️

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I stayed up pretty late finishing this book...I couldn't put it down - definitely recommend

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Thanks to netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

As I was reading this book, I really liked the story, but was afraid that it would turn out just to be a story of relationship woes rather than a mystery or a thriller, but at the end I was happy to find there was a twist and it made sense with how everything else played out. I liked that everything was tied up nicely at the end. I liked the characters and I thought the book was very well written. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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This was a welcome distraction. Well written, and something I'm sure a few of us can relate to when it comes to jealous, nutty mom-in-laws

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This is one of the best Books i have ever read. I had a hard time putting it down. This author is a must read i cant wait till more come out. The twists and turns will have you guessing. You think you have the book figured out and bam it changes. Love this book

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This one still has me in it's grip. I can't stop thinking about it. So many of my patrons will love this! I would guess where the story going and it would take a left turn. I was flabberghasted with all the twists and turns. Loved it!

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Such a great thriller for a debut author! What does it say about me that I found the mother-in-law drama between Pammie and Emily to be "compulsively readable" and completely entertaining? Don't answer that, I think it's already clear from my love of dark psychological thrillers that there is some twisty things going on in my mind. :) Enough about me and back to this novel. A key component in thrillers is the suspense AND the twist. But the twist has. to. be. believable. (imagine those periods as the hand clap emoji). This book checked all these boxes for me. Pammie is a great character and embodies a mother's love and how far that love is willing to go. And I couldn't help rooting for Emily and wanting her to get her happy ending with the man that she loves. The really fun part of this book was that there was constant family drama but it was never quite what it seemed, which kept the pace moving fast. Definitely a really entertaining thriller and I look forward to more from the author!

Thank you to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for the ARC!

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This book! Staring Emily, Adam, and Pammie. Pammie the always dreaded monster in law, Emily the gullible love struck heroine, and Adam the typical D-bag boyfriend. Emily and Adam meet and it’s all down hill from there, they are quickly engaged and start to plan the perfect wedding. That is until Pammies’ devious plan puts a stop to it a mere 24 hours before. But why?

Sorry if there is any spoilers, I try so hard not to! But I just get so excited when a novel really strikes home. This read was a roller coaster, in every sense. This is my first book review so bare with me! Emily meets Adam, she falls for him blah blah blah. But then, she meets the mother in law to be. Who knows Emily just ate a full Christmas dinner, yet prepares a full meal and is desperately disappointed that Em can’t finish it. Who puts just enough hurtful words in a conversation to draw a tear but not enough for anyone else to notice? The whole book I was back and forth yelling at Em for being so conceited, then back at Pammie for being.. well as we know her typical Pammie self. It all boiled down to family secrets, and how well do you know the one you are about to marry? Then there was James the stuck in the middle youngest child who always tried to stay on everyone’s good side. Who was there then gone, but wasn’t strong enough to pull through. If only this book could be about Emily and James and not Emily and Adam. I guess if you ever been in a controlling situation this book hits home, here and there. If you haven’t it’s an awesome suspenseful read that keeps you on your toes and not able to guess what’s going to happen next!

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