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The Kiss Quotient

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ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Loved this book so much that I couldn't put it down. The writing is tight, pithy and funny. The characters were real and more diverse than the typical romance couples. In particular, I really connected with Stella and her struggles with finding someone to love. It's not that I resemble Stella, who has Aperger's, but more that I see in Stella aspects of people I've known during my life: the smart, gifted person who is a little different, a little socially awkward yet kind and caring and wonderful to know and have as a friend. Her forthright way of looking at the world and stating her thoughts without embellishment was a refreshing change for the female lead in a romance.

I also appreciated that the male lead, Michael, was also different than the "typical" male character. I enjoyed, in particular, the scenes in which Michael (and, often, Stella) interact with Michael's family. The way in which Hoang described the tensions between traditional Vietnamese values and culture, represented by Michael's grandmother and mother, and those of Michael and his five sisters, who, along with their mother, have been abandoned by their Caucasian father brought to mind similar interactions I have witnessed in the homes of friends and neighbors.

I know I'm not really doing justice in this review to how much I enjoyed this book, so I'll wind up by saying that I would highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a smart, modern romance with well-developed, real, likable characters.

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I loved this book! Such a great romance story that also provided lessons in autism and consent. Highly recommend for romance readers who like to have a little more substance.

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Stars: ✦✦✦✦.5
So as usual, I'll tell 4.5 things I liked about the book and 0.5 things I didn't like.

+1 | The idea is clever and pulled me to it immediately.

+1 | The entertainment value kept me reading and reading

+1 | The characters are perfectly executed, flawed yet lovable. And the struggles were portrayed stunningly with family, friends and colleagues woven in.

+1 | The writing brought the main character, and all her struggles, to life and the flow was so well timed.

+0.5 | The romance was definitely refreshing and new.

-0.5 | Disclaimer: only for mature audiences.

Read on lovelies,

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I LOVED this book! It was the perfect book for me. It was such a well written love story! I will be recommending this to everyone I talk to!

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I'm going to preface by saying contemporary romance is not my usual genre of choice. I generally prefer plot driven fantasy novels that I can get lost in with romance as a side plot. However, The Kiss Quotient really surprised me.

Stella has asbergers and the book opens up with her mom pressuring her into having children (this immediately threw me off because I'm sorry, but I can't stand it when parents expect to have children for them), but she's awkward and doesn't have much success with personal relationships so she hires an escort. You can see where it goes from there.

I liked this book for one, because of the representation, and two, this was such a healthy portrayal of sex. Every time something sex related happened Michael ASKED. Do you know how rare that is in romance books? I was living the entire time. I also related to Stella in the fact that she's socially awkward and has had zero relationships before Michael. I myself, have also had zero relationships, so I completely related to her. Also, I loved Michael's whole family and learning about that situation because it really added more depth to the character.

I rated it 3.75, because I had some technical issues with the writing. I think this is due to the fact that it's Hoang's debut novel. There were parts that were phrased awkwardly and I thought were a little campy. I think it's because I've been in too many creative writing workshops at this point, but the book might have flowed better in first person point of view. The third person is part of what made the dialogue feel stinted and awkward, but I think if we were in Stella's head (or Stella AND Micheal's head, because it already switches their perspectives), it would have been easier to connect with. I also think some things worked out too easily, but I guess that's generally the case with romance novels so I can't be too picky. Overall I liked this and would recommend it! It's perfect summer/beach reading so if you're going on vacation try this one!

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Absolutely, no doubt in my mind, this is a five-star read.
It was everything I love about great romance, sexy, sweet, sincere and completely unforgettable. Stella and Michael are a one of a kind couple and it was refreshing to read about a somewhat non-traditional couple. Stella, in particular, was such a lovely character and I fell in love with Michael and the way he treated her, even before he knew something was (clinically) different with Stella.
And the sex? Holy moly... it was redonkulous, but so well written. Stella and Michael's chemistry was completely undeniable and every physical encounter was perfect for me.

The Kiss Quotient will be on my best of 2018 list for sure and I truly cannot wait for Ms. Hoang's next book!

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This is hands down the best book I’ve read this year and probably the best debut novel I’ve ever read. I wanted to crawl inside this book and live with these characters forever.

Everything, from the character development to the pacing of this story just screamed perfection to me. There wasn’t a moment while reading this book that I was bored and having to step away from it to carry on with my normal daily activities was torture.

I fell in love with Stella and all of her insecurities and awkwardness; with her honesty and self-awareness, even though she was ashamed of most of it. It was extremely refreshing to read about an autistic character who represented the community in, what seemed like, an honest and thoughtful way.

And Micheal. Oh Michael. He is so perfect in all of his imperfections. He was so patient and attentive with Stella. He didn’t judge her for her quirks but instead embraced them and showed her that she could, and should, embrace them too. He was both unendingly sexy and infallibly kind. He was the guy who, based on assumptions, I would never imagine falling for, that I now can’t imagine how anyone couldn’t absolutely fall for.

I still can’t find the proper words that will do justice to just how fantastic this book is so stop reading this review to find the right words and go READ THIS BOOK TODAY!!

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The perfect mix of chick-lit, endearing characters and just a bit steamy, but still full of substance. I wasn't sure what to expect when I started hearing early praise for The Kiss Quotient, but I was pleasantly surprised and as I closed the last page, I immediately found myself running to add Hoang's 2019 book to my most-anticipating list!

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I received an e-galley of this book off NetGalley but loved it so much I had to purchase my own physical copy to keep on my bookshelf forever.

This Kiss Quotient is one of THE books of the summer. Seriously, you MUST read it. Everyone I know that reads romance has read this book or is picking it up ASAP. It made me laugh, cry, swoon, and made my heart expand 5x.

The Kiss Quotient features a heroine who is on the autism spectrum, and a Vietnamese-Swedish hero. Neither of these are my own personal experiences of the world, and I really appreciated how the book taught me about some of the personal experiences of those on the autism spectrum and about Vietnamese culture, most of which I had never even considered before. Romance needs more racial, cultural, and neurological-diversity representation, and this book has that in spades.

I would recommend this book to romance readers everywhere, anyone looking for a new, enticing, intriguing, and heartwarming romance, as well as anyone looking to diversify their romance reading. It is a fun, sexy, contemporary about a heroine and her hero, both of whom are struggling with the things they feel make them impossibly different from everyone else. Each has a different personal struggle, but finds solace for those struggles in the other. Watching them come together and perfectly fit each other was one of the most pleasurable reading experiences I've ever had.

If you only read one contemporary romance this summer, this should be the one. I absolutely LOVED it. My usual test of a book is whether I skip sleep in order to continue reading, and I read well past my bedtime 3 nights in a row to finish this book. I couldn't put it down.

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The cover of this book is what first drew me in. It reminded me of The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, and that is a book that I have read multiple times over the past few years.

I like books that have something a little different, and having characters that are a) a little older and b) on the spectrum lured me in.

What a cute, sweet and wonderful debut novel from Ms Hoang. I was enchanted with this story right from the start.

The Kiss Quotient is a refreshing story, Michael and Stella both have a lot of learning to do when it comes to relationships, and they way they do it made me smile. I felt that we could all relate to Stella in ways, We have all felt out of place, overwhelmed, and all spoken out before our brain has caught up.

Heck, I loved Stella's bluntness! So much talking around things these days, the straight to the point can be a good thing.

I adore Michael and his family. Ms Hoang brought quite of the Vietnamese-ness to the reader, which is something else that I have not come across in my reading, though I am sure there is plenty of it out there.

Beautifully written, lovely storyline, enjoyable characters. This was one that just left me feeling good.

I can't wait to see what Ms Hoang brings us next.

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This book has all of the romance world buzzing. It’s thoughtful and charming and so incredibly honest.

I loved the Stella was on a journey of self-discovery throughout this novel. Prior to the start of this book she may have known her likes and dislikes, her career was set, and she had the love and support of her family. But in many ways, this was Stella's "throw up her hands and move to a small-town" book; she cut a few ties, tried something TOTALLY new for her, and she had to learn to deal with the repercussions of that action.

And Michael...he is a hero among heroes that's for sure. Engaging in sex work to pay off his bills, he accepts Stella's offer to be her tutor in all things sex. Except she begins to teach him things too, about family and how to appreciate differences in on another. Soon he begins to crave time with her, which is not what his business is built upon (Do the job, get paid, get out, no repeats).

I was nervous to read this book since it's gotten such great reviews and I hate to be disappointed when something takes Romancelandia by storm and I just don't get it. This book though, it's so crazy good and satisfying. Schedule a day alone before picking this one up, I could not put it down.

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The Kiss Quotient is an exquisite treat. Stella and Michael melted my romance-loving heart. I was heartbroken that the story had to end. I didn’t want to let them go.

Usually storylines of that “one true mate made just for you” are saved for paranormal romance, and while there was no mystical cataclysm which took place when they met, there is no question that Michael and Stella were made for one another.

I receive many emails from publishers telling me that this latest story rocked their world and it is impossible to try each and every one of them. Yet something drew me to this story and I am so glad I gave it a try. There is no question that The Kiss Quotient melted my heart. The most surprising part was that the book description led me to think that this would be in the category of erotica — geeky girl hires escort to teach her how to be good in bed — but I am so very happy that I was wrong. And while I wouldn’t catagorize it as erotica, it was very sexy and oh so delicious. I love an author who can make a kiss euphoric all by itself.

Occasionally, I have a hard time walking away from a book. Everything about this story is so wonderful that I just don’t want to let it go. Not only have I had a hard time walking away from Michael and Stella, but I have to admit that I really haven’t done it yet. I have read it three or four times…okay, maybe five, since I first downloaded it. It is still sitting in my carousel on my Kindle and then I received a paperback copy the other day and just wanted to see if there were any changes from my digital ARC copy and sat and read it over again (okay, make it six times).

This is also a book that I want to tell everyone about. I want to stop strangers on the street. If I had extra copies, I would be passing them out wherever I went. But yet, this is also a story I don’t want to tell anyone about. There is a big part of me that wants to keep Michael and Stella all to myself. They are mine, mine, mine and I don’t want to share them.

Stella Lane is a nerdy math geek, but there is so much more to her social awkwardness than just not understanding social etiquette. Stella has Asperger syndrome. She has issues with sights and sound and touch. Stella freezes on casual contact, let alone the intimate contact of lovers. Stella wants love just like every other woman but how to get it when every sexual encounter becomes a disaster. So she decides to hire an escort and selects Michael Larson.

Michael is amazed to see Stella sitting in the restaurant waiting for him. His usual customers are older women looking for a night of entertainment, not exquisite young women. He believes that Stella just lacks confidence but when she truly freezes up when he tries to initiate sex, he, at first, fears she has suffered sexual trauma. He knows that there are deeper issues and he wants to help her.

Michael has learned from experience not to see a client more than once. Some have become too clingy in the past. But from their first kiss, both are addicted and Michael agrees to meet Stella again for more lessons. When those lessons aren’t getting them any further along, Stella asks Michael to give her 30 days of a practice relationship to teach her how to be a couple. She hopes that if she can get someone to love her they would be willing to work past her sexual stumbling blocks.

Michael knows this is a very bad idea because his attraction to Stella is already too great, and what he doesn’t know is that Stella is hoping the man Michael can teach her how to seduce is him. The problem is that neither Michael nor Stella believe themselves worthy of the love they want so desperately.

The only sad part of this story was that we couldn’t keep Michael and Stella out of their heads. They made magic together and both desperately wanted their relationship to be real but Stella believed Michael wouldn’t want her if he knew she was autistic (he knew) and Michael couldn’t believe that Stella could overlook that the fact that he was a whore who sold his body to strangers (she didn’t care). These two were madly in love and only their own inferiority issues kept them from the HEA they both wanted.

I’m sitting here trying to write a review and all I want to do is go read it all over again. I know that this isn’t the last time I will be spending my night with Michael and Stella and I am looking forward to seeing what the author will bring us in her next story.

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I can't remember the last time a book made me cry because of how good it is. This book is very, very memorable one!

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Holy. Wow. What a book!

That was my first thought after I finished The Kiss Quotient.

I had seen a lot of people talking about The Kiss Quotient and I admit that it made me a little scared to read it. Hyped up books can sometimes go horribly wrong. You get your hopes up and expect something earth shattering only to be let down. I have been burned before and super sad about it. But The Kiss Quotient was not one of those burns. It was fun, and real, and filled with smoking hot chemistry.

At first glance, Stella and Michael are complete opposites. Stella is a serious and quirky character that has Asperger’s, while Michael is this cool, suave guy that happens to be an escort. On paper there is nothing about these two that should fit. They live in different worlds and lead very different lives. But in the end that is exactly what made them work. When Stella hires Michael all their boundaries are pushed and they end up finding a comfort with one another they never expected. Their differences end up bringing out the best in each of them and making them start to question the rules they have been living by. Watching them step out of their respective comfort zones and form a physical and emotional bound is a pure thing of beauty. Meeting one another changes them to the core and that is what I found so special and unique about The Kiss Quotient.

Miranda Kenneally said it was a reverse Pretty Woman and she was so spot on with that description and I’m mad at myself for not even seeing it because the obvious aside (Stella hiring an escort), it had the same feels as that classic movie and made you just root for this two to be together. Honestly it was my favorite romance read of the year and I think it will be yours too. Go and check it out!

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Charming, romantic, and fun -- perfect for fans of Sally Thorne's The Hating Game and Jasmine Guillory's The Wedding Date.

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Stella Lane is a whiz with numbers, but romantic relationships are a confusing mystery to her. Especially when it comes to sex. Stella’s autism can make any relationship tricky to navigate when she doesn’t always pick up on social subtleties. Feeling pressure from her mother to date and marry, Stella figures a professional should be able to help her enjoy intimacy and sex, and this is where Michael Phan comes in.

Being an escort was never in Michael Phan’s life plan, but life has handed him some rotten luck and a pile of bills. He dreads his Friday nights, the only nights he takes on “clients”, but that all changes when he meets Stella. She’s beautiful, awkward, and honest; a breath of fresh air, and Michael’s in serious trouble if he lets himself fall for her.

I loved The Kiss Quotient from page one! The story was refreshingly different and almost impossible to put down! I adored Stella! She was so brilliant, focused and completely unaware of her appeal. She really thought love and sex would never be fulfilling for her or any man she paired with, because of her condition, but when she gets together with Michael her world shifts. Suddenly numbers aren’t Stella’s only obsession, and I couldn’t blame her! Michael was dizzyingly hot, and we’re not talking about looks here, he made Stella come alive sensually with his touch and words! But more than that, Michael was so patient, understanding, and sweet!

I savored Stella and Michael’s journey, bumps, struggles and all! The Kiss Quotient is one of my favorite romance reads this year!

A copy was kindly provided by Berkley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have so much love for this story, I don’t even know where to begin! This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and it surpassed any expectations I may have had. Not only is this ‘smart romance’ done right, it is also the stellar debut by author Helen Hoang. Her depiction of a heroine with Aspergers is one of the best I’ve ever read and just makes me want to read every. single. thing she writes from here on out.

Stella has several absolutes in her life: numbers don’t lie, everything is a puzzle to be solved, and she loves structure and routine. She also hates labels and doesn’t advertise the fact that she has Aspergers. When her mother pressures her to date and settle down, she analyzes her life and realizes that she is indeed lonely—and may also be bad at love. This conclusion leads her to hire an escort to help her ‘learn the ropes’ of relating to the opposite sex.

Michael has dreams that don’t include working as an escort, but after his father left his family in dire straights, he’s stuck between a rock and a hard place. When he meets Stella, he’s intrigued by her and the situation she hopes to resolve. What starts off as a simple business transaction quickly turns into something neither of them expected.

Stella is an exceptional heroine. She is unfiltered and socially awkward, but it’s impossible for her to bend the truth. There is so much raw emotion wrapped up in her inner thoughts and she displays so much courage and strength in her interactions with people who don’t understand her character.

Michael is perfect for Stella in every way. He’s kind and patient, he isn’t put off by her idiosyncrasies, and he doesn’t treat her any differently than anyone else. Michael and Stella both have vulnerabilities, but they compliment one another so well and the progression of their relationship is amazing to watch unfold.

I am truly amazed that this is a debut novel, but The Kiss Quotient deserves all of the stars and accolades. It’s definitely at the top of my favorite reads of the year and I can’t wait to read her next book, The Bride Test.

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Stella Lane has Aspergers and struggles with social interactions, among other things. Needless to say her dating life is non-existent and even the thought of dating makes her want to hide underneath her desk. But Stella is determined. She wants to get better at sex so she can, hopefully, find a life partner and start the family her parents so very much want her to have. To get better at sex she hires Michael, an escort with a lot of debt and a few secrets but who is exactly the man she needs. This was one of those books that I was highly anticipating and it didn't disappoint! This is such a fun read and it's also quite original and sexy and sensitive. Stella is a really compelling protagonist and Hoang does a wonderful job of showing us who Stella is and how she negotiates a world that isn't very welcoming to her. I, myself, have a sister with Aspergers, and it's something that my family deals with on a daily basis, so it was a really interesting book for me to read from an older perspective.

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“I like you better than calculus, and math is the only thing that unites the universe.”

Oh my gosh, this book!

I’ve seen my friends gush about Helen Hoang’s debut for a month or so, and being a contrarian that I am, I tried to temper my expectations. I’ve been here before. Everyone I know loved a book and I’m like, ‘meh’. But that’s not the case here.

The Kiss Quotient not only met my expectations, IT EXCEEDED IT!

I finished this book with a huge grin on my face (always a good sign) and full heart. These characters that Hoang brought to life in the pages of her book made me laugh, cry, and fall in love with them.

“You’re very good at the talking part.”
“I’ve had sex. There isn’t a talking part.”
A spark danced in his eyes. “There’s definitely a talking part.”

Stella Lane is magnificent as Hoang’s heroine. She’s beautiful, smart, and kind. Her motivations were so wonderfully written and explored by the author that there’s really nothing I can say except, WOW. I just fell in love with her character just like Michael did.

And speaking Michael? Oh man, easily one of the best romance heroes ever. And I don’t say this lightly. Michael Larsen is a cinnamon roll. Sweet and gooey and perfect for Stella! He might be the sweetest and softest hero but he also owns one of the dirtiest mouth out there. In other words, he’s perfect.

“Love, he found, was a jail. It trapped, and it clipped wings. It dragged you down, forced you to places you didn’t want to go.”

In all seriousness though, this book is definitely one of the best I’ve read this year. Everything about it worked for me. The romance was excellent. The characters were multi-dimensional, even the secondary ones (please give us Quan’s book, please?), were interesting and had motivations you can relate to. And lastly, don’t let the pretty pastel cover fool you ’cause this book is super steamy in the best way possible.

So yeah, I dig everything about this book and I hope you would read it and dig it too.

“All the things that make you different make you perfect.”

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5 ‘Love and economics’ Stars!
ARC kindly provided by the the publisher.

I know I just had to read this book. I had this feeling it would blew my mind and it absolutely did! After seeing so many good reviews about it, I had to see what all that raving was about and I am so happy to say this reached my expectations 100%. Guys, even more amazing, this is Helen Hoang’s debut novel and it’s the perfect romance novel. Get ready to fall in love with Helen’s writing and the unique characters she has created because Stella and Michael wll steal your heart completely!

The Kiss Quotient, as I said, is Helen’s debut novel and it belongs to the series with the same name. This is the exceptional love story between Stella Lane, a very sharp woman focused on her work as an econometrician and a woman who is very bad at relationships. Enter Michael Larsen, an escort with lots of secrets, very protective of the people he loves and the man that will change Stella’s perspective on relationships forever.

Going forward with Michael, she had to tread carefully. Everything about him pleased her. Not just his looks, but his patience and his kindness. He was good.
He was an obsession waiting to happen.

I love a smart romance. I love a story that grips me from the very start to the very end. I love complex and unique characters that present aspects I haven’t seen before in romance. I love a couple that cannot contain a beautiful connection. The Kiss Quotient has all of that and so much more. It’s one of the best books I have read this year and its originality will stay in my heart for a long time, along with all the wonderful characters Helen Hoang has introduced us to in this novel.

Lines were blurring, and he couldn’t distinguish his professional life from his personal life.

So, why is this a 5 star read for me? Besides the way the story flows, it is all because of the main characters. They are so deep, full of layers you’ll want to know all about and with a chemistry that will melt you from the inside out. Michael and Stella are the sweetest together, the special (and unconventional) relationship they have made my heart sing with happiness. Most of the time I had a huge of smile on my face because of the way these two interact with each other.

“You are my favorite puzzle.”

And what is even better is when you add all those emotions in the mix. Imagine how difficult it is for Michael to accept the feelings he has for his client. And also how difficult it is for Stella, the want she has to hide her Asperger’s from the man she loves because she is scared of his reaction. But when all that fear is left aside, when these two decide to fight for what they want, it was delightful to read. I am so happy this couple found each other and they get their happy ending. Gah, I loooooooved this book so much!

“Women buy underwear for the men they love. It’s economics. Data supports this claim.”
“Are you telling me you love me, Stella?”

Therefore, my rating for The Kiss Quotient is 5 STARS because it definitely is one of my top favorite reads of 2018. This brilliant debut novel just blew my mind. I loved everything about it and I can’t wait to read whatever Helen is writing next. I am so glad I decided to give this book a go! I am surely excited this is becoming a series because I am so curious about all the other characters. I do hope they get a story as amazing as this one because I can’t get over my love for Stella and Michael! Highly recommend this book to any romance lover!

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