Member Reviews

I was not a supporter of Obama but this story is not about him. This book is about Beck, how she was looking for a job when she answered an ad on Craigslist. This was 2012 and most of the people in the administration had been there most of the first term. Beck is not sure where she will fit in but is upbeat and always tries to smile and get to know people. She was a stenographer which put her in a little corner of the :White House" world. She talks about her efforts to make friends, her love life, her travels with the president. She does a good job of making the narrative flow and kept my interest to see what would happen next in her life. You realize how much of their life working at the White House takes. Worth your time.

This book was definitely not what I had expected but I liked it anyway. It's not a political memoir per se, the author worked in the White House for President Obama but amazingly got her job from Craiglist. no less. She was a stenographer, and it put her in fascinating places like Air Force One, but she was still in the end not doing her "dream job" as it were.
She also was in her early 20's when this book took place, and she had some romantic issues that swallowed the book in places. Still, in all, an interesting read and I recommend it.
Thanks to Spiegel & Grau and NetGalley for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The premise for this book was great—a young, naive White House stenographer (wannabe writer) experiencing the Washington scene. Loved the first 10 pages or so but then it crashed as instead of primarily focusing on the work and experiences she had, it went into the young woman’s search for love in all the wrong places. The main character was totally unlikeable and set the women’s movement back years. Disappointing read.

This book provided a glimpse in to the happenings behind the scenes of the White House. I had no idea how much was actually involved in the press conferences, or the White House trips, or really any of it. There are tons of people required in order to pull it all off, and everyone has their own specific role. Kind of like high school, there are cliques and a hierarchy that you're always supposed to be aware of.
I thought Beck did a good job describing all the different people she worked with without making the book into a gossipy tell-all like I'm sure it could've been. The drama with Jason got old after a while, but I understand that sometimes there are just people who you know are bad for you yet you still can't stay away from. I also thought Beck did a good job detailing the transition between the Obama administration and Trump administration again without turning it in to something salacious.
I thought this book was written well. It was full of detail and Beck didn't try to only present the good parts of her story, she included everything. I would read additional books from her.
I received an ARC and am voluntarily leaving this review.

This was a great book. The real life experiences were fantastic, and I loved the ending ;) I will definitely be reading more of Beck Dorey-Stein in the future--you have a devoted fan!

Beck Dorey-Stein is braver than I. She found a job via Craigslist, while I can’t even summon the courage to go on Craigslist, let alone be so successful as to find a job. And not just any job. A job in the <i>White House</i>.
These days that particular detail would get a number of different reactions. Most of them (hopefully) involving eye rolling and exasperation. After reading <i>From the Corner of the Oval</i>, I found myself seeing the appeal of a White House gig, though certainly not in this current administration.
Anyway, that Craigslist listing turned out to be a stenographer position in the White House, which greatly appealed to the then-working-five-part-time-jobs Beck. So much so, that she initially blew off the interview. (My parents would be appalled if I even <i>thought</i> about doing something like that.) Nevertheless, she gets the job.
Dorey-Stein proceeds to chronicle her five-year tenure in the Obama administration (ending in the tense opening months of the Trump administration) in captivating detail, perhaps because she took such rigorous notes during that time. In her prose, the reader definitely senses that level of dedication.
It’s also comforting to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t have their life figured out in their twenties. But Dorey-Stein reassures you she doesn’t, and that no one else really does. While past-Beck makes mistakes and lives and learns, future-Beck drops in sage little nuggets of wisdom along the way. A couple of my favorites include, “Protect your sparkle,” and “You can’t outrun time any more than you can outrun yourself.” (The latter is especially fitting as we’re both runners.)
Anyone who has ever struggled to find their place in the world after college (and I think that’s most of us) will find a piece of themselves in Dorey-Stein’s book. I did, particularly when she exclaimed, early on in the book, “When did I fall so far behind? When did I become some loser twenty-five-year-old without a job or a life plan, who isn’t even financially responsible enough to do her drinking at home?” In an age when everyone posts their big life changes on social media—new jobs, engagements, marriages, babies, etc.—it’s very easy to feel like you’re behind the times. Hence the need for drinks.
Perhaps the most encouraging part of Dorey-Stein’s book is the call to action she concludes with: “<i>So what are we going to do about it?</i>”
Now three quotes:
“I’m twenty-six years old—isn’t this supposed to be the best time of my life?” (I ask myself that question nearly every single day.)
“I feel as though I’m drowning in tragedy and simultaneously becoming anesthetized to it.” (Never has a line so superbly defined the current dumpster fire we find ourselves in.)
And finally:
“In the fall, we’re supposed to attend summits in Asia, but we can’t go because Congress is a bag of dicks and shuts down the federal government.”

This is a fascinating book, both as a memoir and exploration of personal growth, as well as a look behind the scenes of political processes. I enjoyed it very much.

Really enjoyed this memoir from a White House stenographer. Gives a great behind the scenes look into the White House.

From the Corner of the Oval was nothing like I expected it to be. It wasn’t a bad memoir, but it wasn’t a great one either. I think if I had expected most of Beck’s writing to be about her horrible love life, I would’ve rated this much higher than three stars. Dorey-Stein’s writing is hilarious and engaging, but I wanted to know more about her experience working inside the Obama Administration. I loved her insight into Obama’s exercise, the trips around the world and connecting with world leaders and the everyday people. But I could’ve done without the romantic cheating and relationship drama. Even though it contributed to her time in the White House, this is one of the instances where I would’ve appreciated dropping the personal drama at the door when you walk into work.
I honestly wanted to read a book that took a look at the behind the scenes travel of Obama and traveling with the man himself. It was fun to read – it just didn’t leave a lasting impact on my soul like I hoped.

Beck Dorey-Stein can’t believe her luck when she lands a job as a stenographer for Barack Obama. No, she has zero interest in a career as a typist, but she can’t pass up the opportunity to work for the president of the United States, following him around the globe as he handles crises and meets with leaders of different countries. She’s on the front lines of history—even if she is only listening.
Nothing prepares her for her new life. Beck must travel constantly, sometimes flying to two or three places in a single day. The president’s schedule is brutal, so Beck’s is, too. And she’s not alone. The president travels with a large group of people—security teams, trip organizers, his own staff and advisors, political visitors, and the list goes on. Over time, Beck gets to know many of these people (and even dates a few…). The book hits the high points of Obama’s time as president (from visiting Cuba to responding to the Sandy Hook shooting), as well as Beck’s experience trying to fit in and cope with this exciting and demanding lifestyle.
* * * * *
From the Corner of the Oval is a page-turner. Dorey-Stein’s story is certainly unique, and she has a casual, conversational, and easy-to-follow writing style. This book is basically the memoir equivalent of a rom-com beach read. I enjoyed reading about her experience working with Obama. It felt like taking an inside peek into a foreign world, and it really was fascinating.
The only (major) negative about this book is that Dorey-Stein spends, oh, about 60% of it talking about her romantic relationships—specifically, about her relationship with the charismatic and uber-popular Obama staffer, Jason. Which wouldn’t be so bad…except that Jason and Dorey-Stein are cheating on their significant others to be with each other, which means their relationship is never a legit “relationship.” It’s never secure or stable or emotionally healthy. Unfortunately, this translates to Dorey-Stein spending about 200 pages giving the tedious play-by-play of ALLLLLL her insecurities. I felt sympathetic to her in the beginning, but after watching her go back to this poozer over and over and over again, I (like most of her friends) stopped caring and didn’t want to hear about it anymore.
I still think this book is worth a read. It goes by quickly and the “romantic woes” sections can be skimmed. Ultimately, I enjoyed getting an inside look into the life of the former president. Sigh, we miss you, Obama.

In this debut memoir Beck Dorey-Stein retells her five years working as a stenographer in the Obama White House. I only wish I would have see the New York Times book review quote “Bridget Jones Goes to the White House” before I read this book because then my expectations would have been lowered.
When we first meet Beck she’s in her mid-twenties, unhappily living in D.C., unemployed, and single. She applies for a job through Craigslist and it turns out to be working in the White House. Her story is very interesting but her writing is diluted by her obsessive coverage of her relationships. Dorey-Stein’s passion is writing but it seems lacking in this book. Her prose feels rushed and abbreviated like a “Cliff Notes” version of what really happened. We get tastes of some beautiful writing when she quotes letters she wrote to David Plouffe, Obama’s Campaign Manager and Senior Advisor to the President, and to her on-again-off-again crush Jason. Why couldn’t we see that style of writing throughout the book?
Dorey-Stein is witnessing history from probably one of the greatest Presidents in our lifetime. She acknowledges this sporadically throughout the book but she would describe an amazing, life altering experience with or watching the President and then the next sentence would be about her crush Jason texting her or holding hands with another woman. I understand that this a memoir and these experiences coexisted but she spent a disappointing amount of time in this book focused on her dysfunctional romantic relationships and drinking/partying; it diminished the story. If you take out the above mentioned parts as well as the overused words “cool” and “cog” this book would have received four stars.

After a short stint as a substitute teacher in a private school, Beck Dorey-Stein was a recent college graduate so desperate for work that she followed up on a vague post on Craigslist. It was pretty amazing that it landed her in a position as a stenographer in the White House during the Obama administration. That is what attracted me to her memoir and kept me turning pages.
Even though memoirs are not my usual reading choice, the appeal of From the Corner of the Oval was that look inside “the bubble” – and, for the most part, I was satisfied. Set in chronological order by month, Dorey-Stein gave a detailed view of her daily life both at, and outside, the office. But this is not a secret spilling “tell all.” Rather it is an enthusiastic look at the workings of the Oval Office particularly the extensive logistics and the exhausting aspects of a grueling schedule and extensive travel. I could feel (and relate) to the genuine enthusiasm, as well as the ups and downs, of Obama's staff and supporters. I especially appreciated the inside view of the emotions of POTUS and his staff to a number of significant events during this time period including Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon.
Although From the Corner of the Oval did live up to my initial expectation, it also had a heavy dose of the lifestyle of Dorey-Stein and her contemporaries. In fact, I often had to remind myself that this was a memoir when it started to read like fiction. For my taste, I would have preferred a greater emphasis on the former rather than the latter.
Overall, this was both informative and enjoyable. It doesn’t surprise me that the film rights have been sold but am wondering where the focus will land… why does Bridget Jones come to mind…?
fyi – I received a copy of this book through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this memoir and will recommend it. It wasn’t all about politics but more about the staff in the White House. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read & review this book.

Wow! What an amazing book. It's an inside look into the Obama administration, as told by one of the official White House stenographers responsible for recording everything the president says. It's as much an eye-opening look into the day-to-day life and responsibilities of the author as it is an homage to President Obama himself.
The author details her personal life during the five years she serves in the White House as well. I won't say more about that, but I hope she's learned some valuable lessons as a result of her experiences.
Exceptionally well written, this book is definitely a must-read for anyone interested in politics!

This book is could pass for a fictional romantic comedy, if it wasn't a true story. Beck was working as an elite prep school in Washington DC with a contract that was about to expire when she applied to a job listing on Craigslist, which happened to be for a job as a stenographer at the White House during the Obama administration. Let me repeat again: this is a true story. This book is hilarious and it reads like a confessional diary. Dorey-Stein deals with navigating friendships, office romances, workplace drama, and self-discovery with a great sense of humor. Warning: parts of it will make you miss Obama in the White House (as if walking up every single day doesn't already do that). Highly recommend.
I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a review.

Beck Dory=Stein has written a fascinating, engaging memoir about her time in the White House, working just a few yards away from Barack Obama's office. She was hired to be a stenographer, after responding to a Craig's List So began a whirlwind journey of killing workdays, fascinating people and non-stop drama as she learns to navigate her way around the White House. It's a once in a lifetime opportunity to be close to the seat of power and she teams up with a dedicated cadre of young staffers for an exhilarating journey. An amazing book, candid, witty, thoroughly enjoyable. Highly recommend.

Behind the scenes of the Obama Presidency through the eyes of young staffer. Her ups and downs of her personal life and what goes on in the White House.

From the Corner of the Oval is a wonderful summer read. In the first novel by Beck Dorey-Stein, we get stories of a twenty something stenographer in D.C. She is broke, exhausted, dating and trying to establish a career ...or at least a job to repay student loans. This book is laugh out loud funny and I am definitely anxious for Beck's next book. Other reviewers say this is West Wing meets Sex in the City which is a great description. A great candidate for a fast paced, beach read this summer for anyone who stills misses the Obama administration as much as me.
A love letter to 44, The Obama family, The Bidens, Washington DC and last but not least, patriotism in America. Beck Dorey-Stein reminded me of every moment that made me fall in love with Barack Obama all over again. She captured how she felt, I felt...how America felt after Sandy Hook, Charleston's church shooting, the Pulse shooting in Orlando. I lived it all over again with her amazing way with words. This memoir made me laugh, cry, cringe and remember and I couldn't be more thankful for having the opportunity to read it. Thank you Beck Dorey-Stein and Netgalley for this lovely book. I will definitely recommend this one!

If you're looking for a juicy tell-all about the Obama White House that will give you absolutely no political insight but tons of office gossip, From the Corner of the Oval Office is for you. In it, Beck Dorey-Stein tells her story of being hired as a White House stenographer after answering a craigslist ad. She went on to travel on Air Force One with the White House entourage across the globe and into many co-worker's hotel rooms. This isn't the serious tell-all you'll get from another member of the administration, but reading about Beck racing against President Obama on the hotel treadmills will never be something I can turn down. I was enthralled from the first page and you will be too.

Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for an eARC of this book.
I had a serious love/hate relationship with this book. Maybe because I was taking guilty pleasure from a book I should have hated but I couldn't put it down. The author's turbulent love life should not have been of interest but it was the personal part of this book that tied it all together. It is mostly well written and, yes, the author is a writer. The parts about Obama made me almost cry. Serendipitously, I finished the book on the day of Trump's Helsinki summit and the contrast between the two presidents is overwhelming.
4.5 stars rounded to 5 because, yes, I really liked it.