Cover Image: Sold on a Monday

Sold on a Monday

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The central theme of Sold on a Monday, a novel by Kristina McMorris, is the power of the press; so appropriate in this era of “fake news”. Secondary to the theme of honesty in journalism is one of the strength and power of a Mother's love.

Set in Philadelphia during the Great Depression McMorris captures the essence of the era –- fear for one's livelihood, model T cars, gangsters, speakeasies, appropriate behaviour of unmarried women. She also did a great job of capturing the stress and pressure apparent in the news room of a daily newspaper.

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What a captivating story. It is set in the early thirties when the ravages of the Depression were taking hold of the country. Ellis is a struggling newspaper writer trying to find his big break. When he takes a calculated risk to create "alternate facts," unintended consequences result.

The author is masterful in putting the reader back in time. The characters are well-developed and the story itself was spell-binding. I am very interested in reading more of Ms. McMorris's work.

Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review.

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This is a well-written historical novel that will keep you guessing until the very end. McMorris's characters are very believable, and I cared about what happens to them. She does an excellent job of revealing bits and pieces of the backstory of the two main characters, as well as throwing in plot twists to keep up the suspense. It's not necessarily an enjoyable read, as the historical setting is the years of the Great Depression, with injustice, poverty, and difficult times for many. The author's treatment of forgiveness, honesty, and other such issues makes it a memorable and challenging read.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Sourcebook Landmark through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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This was a wonderful read! I was hooked by the cover and the whole premise of the story of the publication of a picture with two children and a sign "Children for Sale" and the reporter that captures the shot and the consequences of that picture.

Ellis Reed is a struggling reporting on the brink of losing his job, until he drives by a farmhouse and captures the shot of two little children for sale. He never intends to publish this picture, but it turns out it is just the break he needs. Lillian Palmer is the secretary at the publishing firm and gives the picture to the boss. The picture leads them on an adventure to right the wrong that Ellis finds he has created for this poor family.

This is a heartbreaking story during the Depression when families were struggling to survive, so much so that they would go to such lengths as to sell their children. This story is a tale of ambition, love, and the lessons that result from our actions.

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This book is a page-turner. The subject matter is very interesting and based on a part of American History that seems to get swept under the carpet.

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I enjoyed this book - it took me awhile to really get into it, but as it progressed, I became interested in the characters and the story. It all starts with a photo and a news article. The photo that is ultimately published is actually a staged photo and thus begins a winding tale of the repercussions and unintended consequences of submitting a half truth to be published in a newspaper. The photo of a mother presumably advertising her children for sale goes "viral" - as much as it can spread during the 1940's and two newspaper employees are caught up in the saga that unfolds as a result. The end has a surprising twist that I was un-prepared for, but was happy with the ending - even though it definitely ends suddenly and what felt like a bit too soon. I would have been okay with a bit more! Overall, I very much liked Lily and Ellis and willingly followed along as they worked to rectify the damage that had occurred once the deceptive photo was published.

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This historical novel is a very poignant telling of some tragic family sacrifices during the Great Depression.

It’s also a very poignant telling of how a falsified photo with all good intentions can have devastating and unintended consequences. And in that regard, the story could be current today with all the photoshopping and posting of photos on the internet that serve an agenda, but which do not serve the truth.

This story is set in Philadelphia with forays into NYC and New Jersey in 1931. I loved the verbal portraits of the times and the struggles of the people during the Depression. I loved the pictures she painted of their hard scrabble lives and bare existence, but without being maudlin nor hopeless.

Each character had his or her own challenges which were beautifully shown as relating to the time period.

The “rescue scene” was a bit too fantastic for my blood (sort of like chase scenes in other books), but that is my only criticism. This was a well crafted and meaningful story based on several different true accounts from the time period. The action moved in a straight forward manner. The characters were good, kind, hard-working people. I immediately felt immersed in the story and could easily identify with the characters.

This is my first novel by Kristina McMorris, but it sure won’t be my last.

Many thanks to Netgalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This review will be posted to GoodReads immediately and to both Amazon and the Anniston Calhoun County Library's website following publication.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

To me the line that sums it all up is: IT STARTED WITH A PICTURE. That is exactly where it started and ended. The between parts are the story that will capture you and draw you in and not let you go. This is a touching, heart wrenching story that also has so much more. The time period being 1931 during the Great Depression when people did what they had to to survive. Even where children were concerned. They were given away, left at police stations, hospitals, orphanages, even sold. Yes sold.

“A thousand words will not leave so deep an impression as one deed.” -Henrique Ibsen
“Photography is the art of observation. It has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.” -Elliott Erwitt.
“There is nothing to fear except the persistent refusal to find out the truth. -Dorothy Thompson
“There is not a trick, there is not a swindle, there is not a vice which does not live by secrecy.” -Joseph Pulitzer

This is one of the most heartbreaking books I have read in so long. The era is perfect and the fact that it is based on a real picture in a newspaper of children actually being sold, just tears at the heartstrings even more. It will pull you in from the first. From the Prologue to the very last word. Even the Author’s notes are to be read. The whole book.

Ellis, a new reporter takes a picture of two children and a sign that says “2 children for sale”. Ellis could not believe anyone would sell their children. But during such a hard time. When people didn’t have much at all, it happened more that we now would or could conceive. That picture started a string of events that would make Ellis a great reporter. Get him known and eventually a much better job.

Lily worked at the paper as a secretary and was pulled into the story that Ellis wrote about the two children. The picture touched her as a woman and as a mother. She had a child and was keeping it secret from many because in those days that was just not done. She was working and trying to save so her child and her could have a better life. She only sees him on weekends because of her job. Her deep desire is to be able to write for the paper also but her boss does not understand that. It was just not the job for a woman. She was the secretary not a reporter. Yet!

Geraldine is a mother to two sweet children who love her and she loves them so much. But she is sick so it was not hard to see why she might have done what she did.

This book touches on sickness both physical and mental. One mother who thinks she is dying and one who lost a child and needs mental help so bad.

The things that happen in this story are so true to the time period you feel like you are there. You will cringe at times when things happen. You will definitely cry a lot when it comes to children, and even mothers. It’s a very emotional story that will pull you right in from the start. Even after it ended I thought about the children. My thoughts were one what happened to them, to their mom, to them after they grew up. Would they be ok. I have to think they would be fine knowing they were loved so much and that some things were just out of their mother’s hands. She did the only thing she could.
It’s just a book that will pull you in so many directions and leave you breathless, thoughtful and hopeful.

You have to read the author’s note at the end. It’s well written and full of info that is so good also. Read it all. You won’t regret it. This is a wonderful book with many different characters to like or dislike. To cheer for and cry for. A big 5+ stars from me. I feel fortunate to have been given this book to read. Thank you again NetGalley...

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I would like to thank NetGalley and the Publisher, Sourcebooks, for a copy of this book for an honest review.

"Sometimes we have to make sacrifices for the ones we love."

When I read this quote from the book, Sold on a Monday, by Kristina McMorris, it seemed to convey to me the essence of this story which started with a picture of two children sitting on a porch in a rural area of Laurel Township, Pennsylvania with a sign reading, "2 children for Sale." Ellis Reed, a photographer for the Philadelphia Examiner newspaper, took the picture and wrote a story about Geraldine Dillard having to sell her children out of desperation in 1931. The story was a catalyst for promotion to a New York newspaper for Ellis Reed when it made headlines across the nation and changed the lives of the children. Ellis and his friend, Lily, spend the rest of the novel trying to right the irreversible wrongs caused by the article in the paper.

Kristina McMorris has written a book based on an actual newspaper photo that appeared in a Chicago newspaper in 1948 which shook the nation. It is a story of ambition, love, family and the far reaching effects of our actions. The characters are drawn in such a way that you find yourself caring about what happens to them. There is a strong sense of place in the novel and you can feel yourself in the streets of Philadelphia and the surrounding area trying to help find where the children are and who has them. There are lots of historical references to the Italian and Irish mob, prohibition, speakeasies and the affects of corruption on the characters.

I found this book to be a fascinating read and look forward to reading more of McMorris' novels. I would highly recommend this book to those who love historical novels that tug at your heartstrings.

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4 stars Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Landmark for the chance to read and review this ARC. Publishes August 28, 2018.

Great historical story set in 1931 Pennsylvania. Based on the research of a factual picture showing a sign selling 4 children on a stoop in Chicago in 1948 - the desperation of just one family. McMorris, after following up with the children in that picture and learning of their sordid life after being sold, made the decision to write this book.

Centered around a journalist who is trying to become a headlining reporter, Ellis Reed, writes a story after seeing a sign which advertises two children for sale. Having to recreate the picture, since it was accidentally destroyed, he later finds out that the children in the staged picture were actually sold. His journey begins as he tries to set his mistake right.

McMorris did a really good job on this book. Based on a true situation it had the feel of realism, as something that could easily have happened in the past. The tension builds as the story sucks you into it's world. Her characters, of which there are few, drove this story. Each character was going through their own problems and struggling to find a solution, a safe place. A sincere, absorbing historical read.

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This was a very emotional story set in the 1930's when people everywhere were struggling financially.
A reporter Ellis Reed just happens upon two small children sitting on the front steps of a dilapidated house and the sign nearby which reads: 2 children for sale and he takes their picture.

Upon its publication in the newspaper and the story that is written with it is very successful and is "syndicated" in other newspapers.

A letter is delivered to the reporter from his co worker Lily who helped write the story and he decides to follow up and see how the children are.

Lily learns the children's mother had tuberculosis and is told she has subsequently died.

The learn the children were bought by a couple to replace the child they had lost in a tragic accident.

Lily discovers that the mother is still alive and she wants to know that her children are being well cared for and she doesn't want to take them back..

however Lily feels the family should be together and so Ellis and Lily set up to try and bring the family together, observation shows that the boy is missing.

The girl received a letter from her mother telling her that she was lonely and took her son back.The mother didn't write the letter and doesn't have her son.

.Their sleuthing uncovers the boy's adoptive mother paid to have him taken to an orphanage where he was alter adopted. When Lily and Ellis go the home of the parents they are told they can buy the boy back for $40.00 They discover he is shackled to a wall in the barn.

They are able to free him and then set out to reunited his sister and him with their mother.

After a confrontation the family is finally reunited..

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Heartbreaking and heartwarming.....

I loved Kristina McMorris’s last book....”The Edge of Loss”....and this is another page turning Historical Fiction story- to love - based on a real photograph.

Thought Provoking Quote —- at the start of Part 1 is so darn truthful!
“Photography is the art of observation. It has little to do with things you see and everything to do with the way you see them”. ——-Elliott Erwitt

Kristina McMorris invites us into her storytelling with warmth and ease. I picture a reading welcome room .....with Kristina taking our coats, leading us to the most comfortable reading chairs made for human bodies. A small table with her book —and a cuppa hot tea.
We, her readers, then sink comfy in our chairs and drift off to another time in history.....1931, Philadelphia and New York City. ..... The depression era. Food was scarce. People were desperate.
Mothers sold their children — SOLD THEIR CHILDREN....that’s hard to digest. Why? Isn’t that the question? They were soooo poor — had sooooo little to give. Everyone needed to eat. It was a solution to the circumstances of the times.

You’ll meet newspaper reporter Ellis Reed and newspaper secretary Lillian Palmer....
and follow their tale ......filled with loopholes — lies — regret—guilt — turmoil—doubts—and determination—leading to a very dramatic climax at the end.

I think it was just last week when I read a review by Goodreads friend, Angela — that had me pause and ponder a question....”what makes a good work of Historical Fiction”? I hadn’t thought about it —one way or another.
Well I’ve thought about more since then.
ALL THE ELEMENTS THAT WORK about historical fiction books —Kristina McMorris covered remarkably. She had it all: the setting- characters - plot- conflicts - and themes. Plus... her crafting kept us on our toes —moving in unexpected directions.
Plus....we cared for her characters- I was rooting for Ellis and Lily.

At the heart of this story - it pains us... knowing children are going to be sold off - separated from their families. A question we sit with - is... it better for children to live with a family that can provide their basic needs with food, comfortable shelter and possibilities— or be with their mother who can ‘barely’ feed them and keep her own head above water?

....This story is also about values, beliefs, honor, ambitions, and redemption.

We witness Ellis and Lily fight their own inner battles of what’s right - what’s wrong- their own issues - their independent struggles....and their working together with purpose and passion. They fall down plenty - but they grow from their falls....

As for Ruby and Calvin - ( the 2 children for sale) - they never left my thoughts .... two innocent young boys - shoeless - dirty with threadbare clothes. These little boys are sooo loved in our hearts — their quiet presence is always with us.

There is also a little romance - other family drama - and mystery .....but in the name of love and children....
This book was written with much compassion. Our author cared about RUBY and CALVIN. .....
So did we!!!

Thank You Sourcebooks, Netgalley, and Kristina McMorris

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I was taken in immediately and still cannot stop thinking of the two boys and the destroyed photo! This is a totally engrossing book. A great read for the summer months coming up. I could not put it down. Thank you to Netgalley and Sourcebooks publishing for the perusal. I am awed knowing that the story is based on a real photograph! and I keep think about Dorothea Lange and her photos during that time. This is a must read!!!

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Sold on a Monday takes place in the early 1930's and highlights personal and social stressors with subsequent dilemmas in decision making of the depression era. The title takes on a dual meaning which unfolds throughout the story.

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This was a great novel, based on a true story about a photo of children "for sale" during the crash in the 1920s-1930s. It started off with all of the makings of a "soon to be motion picture" but the ending was a bit rushed. The characters were well-developed and the writing is quite good. Thank you to NetGalley and the author for an ARC.

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I truly enjoyed reading this book. I am always drawn into stories that are based on an actual event or happening, such as, in this instance, the publication of a picture showing a mother placing her children for sale. I appreciated the way the author brought focus to the humanity of the characters in this book, the struggles each faced with the happenings in their lives at any particular time. The storyline took a couple of different turns that I was not expecting, which added to my enjoyment, and i felt did not detract from the story. And really, as I read the book, I felt there were instances we should note where it wasn’t just about the sale of children, but also of personal values and beliefs. The story takes place in a very desperate time for many unfortunate families, where parents really didn’t know how to be able to take care of their children while facing their own dire circumstances. I recommend to other readers that you take the time to read this book and meet the characters Ellis and Lily while they attempt to help the family behind the picture...and at the same time ease their guilty conscience for what they feel happened to this family due to their involvement. I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley in return for my honest review, which this is.

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This would not be a book I would normally pick up, but the premise sounded intriguing. The author has a way of describing mundane events and turning them into something worth reading. I was really interested in the story, but at times felt a little lost. The characters were great. They helped me stick with the story just to find out what happened to them in the end.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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I definitely had some difficulty getting into this book. Not for a lack of activity, things just kind of seemed to go in a strange direction at first. I wasn't sure how it all tied in to the picture of the kids for a while there. Then everything came back around and it turned into a wild ride! It did also seem a little dramatic...well...almost like a soap opera. You could definitely tell the author was trying to go out with a bang and some of the stuff was just super predictable. Like obviously the car is not going to start when the guys chasing them with a gun kind of thing. All-in-all, I would recommend it. It was an interesting twist on a romance novel with a deeper meaning of how life changes you and forces you to grow with each situation you find yourself in.

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Inspired by historical events, Sold on a Monday captured the hardships of the 1930s from a different perspective. The story of the siblings was compelling and kept me wondering about their welfare until the end. While Ruby’s story was more creative, Calvin’s story was unfortunately realistic. Many children during that time ended up in similar if not so dire circumstances.

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Inspired by the actual infamous picture of a mother trying to sell her children during the great depression, Sold on Monday depicts that time and circumstance as well as explores and poses some different ideas about the family and the children on that picture in a fictional setting.

In Sold on Monday, Ellis Read is the newspaper reporter who struggles to make it big and get ahead of the competition. Barely scraping by, he takes a picture of a mother and her two children to gain the sympathy and popularity. The article actually turns out to be a hit and makes it around to all the other newspapers. This may finally be the break he was looking for. But does he have regrets or feel ashamed of exploiting the poor mother and children? When he returns to check on the family, he finds out the terrible truth of the mother and begins to research the children’s whereabouts.

Lillian Palmer is a secretary and new single mother at the same newspaper. She happens to be the one who develops the photo for Ellis. Hoping for a break and working hard to support herself and her child, she is interested to find out more about the situation of the photo. As their paths take them onto different directions, towards the end of the novel, they end up devising a plan to work together to solve the mystery of the family in the photo.

Nicely written with the old style NY City feel, as you read this story you’ll hear the typewriters going and imagine the hustle and bustle of the editors, grumpy bosses, delivery boys, busy streets etc. Atmospherically set, I envisioned the plot unfold in sepia tones like an old movie. It reads well, addresses issues of its time and the characters are well developed.
A moving read with a twist, inspired by a real published picture. I certainly enjoyed following Lilly and Ellis in their steps to find the answers.

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