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The Love Letter

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The Love Letter by Rachel Hauck is an amazing story. At first I was hesitant about reading it because I didn't know it was a "Christian" title. If I've learned one thing about that description it is that just because a book is labeled Christian does not have any bearing on whether it was enjoyable for someone of another religion. Although there were references to God in the story it did not feel at all religious.
A love letter was originally written by Hamilton Lightfoot to his girlfriend, Esther Longfellow, during the early days of the Revolutionary War. Hamilton would prefer not to fight. His parents and sister were killed by the British when he was a young boy and now the uncle that has raised him is also killed by the British Loyalists. Esther's father, however, is a Loyalist. Meanwhile, Jesse Gates, a descendant of Hamilton Lightfoot has come into possession of the love letter and has written a screenplay about it. Chloe Daschle, an actress from a Hollywood family wants to overcome her reputation as " the one that always dies" in movies. Chloe reads for the movie and gets the part. Filming starts and like many Hollywood scenarios, everything is changed mid-movie. The book constantly flips between two stories. I enjoyed them both very much. The Love Letter gives us a love story within a love story with an ending that did not disappoint!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own

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The Love Letter is a split-time novel that follows the lives of strong, unique, and flawed characters.
I loved Hamilton and Esther’s story. It was intriguing reading how a young couple might handle the American Revolution and the trials it brought during their time. As they strive to hold onto each other and their love, they learn about themselves and the God who holds it all together. It was intriguing to watch how Rachel Hauck resolved their story.
I enjoyed Chloe and Jesse’s story, but I couldn’t get on board with it as much as the historical one. Chloe seemed rather overdramatic. However, I liked watching these two characters grow more. Their growth was more measured and I felt like I connected with that more than Hamilton and Esther.
I enjoyed this novel, but it didn’t grip me as many have this year.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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Long lost love and redemption

The Love Letter is told in alternating timelines.

In the past:

Ester and Hamilton are childhood friends who fell in love. Their future appeared bright except for the fact that the Revolutionary War was being waged and people were asked to pick sides. Ester's father is a loyalist and will not hear of his daughter being in a relationship with Hamilton. Ester is put in the position of defying her father and choosing Hamilton or losing Hamilton to make her father happy.

In the present:

Chloe is an actress who has been typecast as dying in every moving in which she stars. When she is given the script for a historical love story, she knows she is meant to play Ester Kingsley. Jesse is the screenwriter who wrote the movie. He has been in a rut but was inspired by a one-page letter written by his colonial ancestor.

I will admit, that I requested this book for two reasons - 1. The cover and 2. It was classified as a romance. I like to throw in a romance once is a while to break up all the psychological thrillers I love to read. An added plus was that there is a historical romance involved which made the book even more enticing! What I did not realize was that this was Christian Romance. Which I have no problem with but goes to show that I did not read the entire description. So, since I mentioned it is Christian Romance, I will say that this book does not feel preachy or overly religious. I don't mind reading books about people of faith regardless of what their faith might be. If it works in the story, then I am fine with it.

Typically, with alternating time lines/story lines I tend to like one more than the other. That was the case here. I enjoyed the past/historical part of the book the most. I enjoyed reading those sections. Perhaps because these characters feel as if they have more obstacles, there is a war, her family is on one side of the war, his on the other. I enjoyed their story and although things did not end as I thought they would, I realize the story ended how it should have ended. I had a harder time connecting with the present-day story set in Hollywood. For whatever reason, I was not as invested in that story-line. Of course, there is a connection between the past and the present. The one-page letter but there is another connection as well. It is not a big stretch but works her nevertheless.

Overall, an enjoyable read but not one that will stay with me. I doubt I will be thinking about this book in months to come. This is a perfect case of it is me and not the book. Many are loving this book and I can see why. I think this book is perfect for those who love a lighter romance book. Had this book just been set in the past, I most likely would have enjoyed it more.

Thank you to Thomas Mercer Fiction and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Favorite Quotes:

Chloe never understood how one could simply fall out of love. Was it an open window, a trap door?

Hollywood is getting tired of me. I’m fifty-seven going on a hundred. I refuse to have plastic surgery and… I refuse to play one of those horny old cougars who makes a fool of herself by falling for some hot thirty-something who only has one thing on his mind.

My Review:

While the premise sounded interesting, I struggled to remain engaged with this book, it wasn’t my cup of tea. Written with two timelines that were 240 years apart, both storylines involved a young couple of ancestral heritage bucking authority and yearning to establish a romantic relationship during a turbulent period. Both timelines were overflowing with heartbreak, grueling disappointments, angst, stress, despair, and conflicts of every sort – which again, not my favorite tropes. As such, my frustration and dissatisfaction were entirely self-inflicted - I chose poorly. There was considerably more religious spirituality than I was expecting and I couldn’t seem to invest or connect to but a few of the characters as I found most of them rather shallow and tedious. Several storylines seemed to lack cohesion - or maybe I just got lost. I probably should have stopped with a DNF but was ultimately glad I continued as despite my disappointment and frustrations with the author’s choices, I needed closure and in due course, I did enjoy the ending, although I doubt it would be an easy read for anyone, nor was it an HEA all the way around.

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I have to say, I usually don’t care for books that go back and forth during time periods, but this was the ultimate exception. I heard a lot about how great it was and they were not wrong! It was amazing in every way. The romance and characters, the story itself flowed beautifully. Very well done. Loved it!

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I enjoyed reading this book, it's the first by this author that I've read. I liked the sound of the book although I don't usually ready historical novels, this book had enough of the present day in it to keep my attention more. I found that I cared more about the present day characters than that of the older ones. I found the ending to be a little predictable, but nevertheless it was still an enjoyable read.

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All I can say is, wow. Rachel Hauck sure knows how to twine her characters together in these intricate storylines that somehow fit together and draw you in. You can’t help but keep turning the page to find out what happens next!

Like with most of the split-time novels I read, I was drawn more to one storyline, in this case that of Jesse and Chloe. Their story has its roots in Esther and Hamilton’s, and the Hollywood setting is fascinating. (I’ve never really been a fan of Revolutionary War fiction, so that probably contributed to my opinion.)

I did wish for a bit more resolution between Hamilton and Esther. I wanted to know how their lives ended up after that New York encounter, but the novel does resolve well without that detail. I enjoyed Chloe and Jesse’s romance and the character development they show. I do want to know what happens next for them, so here’s hoping they make a cameo in a future book!

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I thought this was an interesting book. I liked it pretty well. The story line did keep my attention. I did find it a little bit hard to follow as there were several different people's stories going on.  I thought the character's were believable and relatable.  The present day story was more interesting to me. I think Rachel Hauck did a good job weaving a story that bounced back between the Revolutionary war and present day. She wrapped up all the pieces of the story well.

I recommend this book to my family and friends.

I received this book from the publisher to read and give my honest review.

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Two timelines combined with two love stories and the way Hauck brings them together is better than the best Love Letter ever written.

Chloe Daschle has become known as the queen of the death scene and is in dire need of a change. She doesn’t want to be cast in a movie to just be killed off at the end. She wants to prove she can be deeper than what is shown on screen. Romance has never been successful for her, either on screen or in real life. When Chloe is given the script for the best love story she has ever read, she knows she is perfect for the role of Esther Kingsley. The story is one of romance, war, and finding out if true love can really exist. Jesse Gates, the screenwriter, has written this based off of a one-page letter found from his ancestors. He has had rocky relationships in the past and doesn’t feel he deserves happiness. Jesse wants to be deeply involved in the film and ends up as one of the extras. During a scene with Chloe, the chemistry is undeniable and they both start to play out their own love story.

I have to admit I had just a little bit of trouble getting into this book, a fact that surprised me since I have loved Rachel Hauck’s previous books. Luckily, I didn’t give up on the story and loved how it played out in the end. The love stories, both in the past and present played out in such a way that worked beautifully for the characters and settings they were in. There were some really special moments between some of the characters, in particular between Chloe and her dad and even Jesse and Chloe’s Dad. A few moments felt a little slow, especially towards the beginning, but once the story was part way in it really picked up the pace and captured my attention until the very end. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but the ending is well worth sticking with the story. Rachel Hauck is quickly becoming one of the best romance writers out there and I can’t wait to see what she comes up with next. I recommend this to readers that love historical romance and a love story that spans time.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. The views and opinions expressed within are my own.

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I love Rachel Hauck and this book was one of the best I've read all summer. I usually do not care for books that switch back and forth between time periods, but this one was an exception.

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This is the first book I have read by this author and I definitely will be looking for more of her books. I am a fan of historical fiction, so the dual time-line aspect of this book grabbed me right away.

When Chloe and Jesse (the modern day characters) meet, they are both struggling to find healing from relationships in their pasts. Chloe dreams of finding her one true love while Jesse feels he is unworthy of being loved or of loving someone. The back stories to these feelings are shared as the book progresses.

The backdrop of this book is a love story of two people, Esther and Hamilton, during the Revolutionary War and their story is told in flashbacks. Jesse has written a screenplay of their story and the current and the past collide in an interesting fashion.

The author has created believable characters who struggle with their faith and with forgiveness. I found that the faith element of the book added to the story-line. It is a book I enjoyed and would recommend without hesitation.

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I feel like this book takes me thru 4 people. I dont know why the author felt the need to make us read about script or the story from his grandpa side, I did not get to finish the book. I felt nothing, no chemistry no lust kinda rushed romance, the shifting for me were kinda unnecessary. I would've preferred more focus on the present events that what I got from the description anyway, I wish I could finish the book because A I hate unfinished anything B. I feel like I own it to the author to at least since they gave me chance to review the book. However,I would recommend this book to anyone who likes to live in both world, and read about many characters
Also the writing is beautiful

I was given free copy for honest review

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To be completely honest, this one took me a little bit to get into. Split time books generally interest me, but I end up only liking one time period and not getting into the other. This one kept me engaged with both time periods once I got into it. I have never read any other books by Hauck, but that is definitely going to change!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Thomas Nelson through Net Galley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thank you to Netgalley for my advance ARC in return for an honest review.

This novel was a mixed bag for me. It was well written and the characters believable. Chloe and Jesse made a lovely couple, and everyone could tell that immediately.

Esther and Hamilton (the historical aspect) where another matter. I felt that she was a stronger character than he was, and possibly they were an unlikely couple.

What made this story a complete mixed back was the dropping in of religion, and finding God. It made what was a beautiful love story into something that seemed to me a bit what? Where has this come from? Finding God? It made the novel a little bit drawn out at times, so therefore 3 stars.

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The Love Letter tells the story of Esther and Hamilton, a couple separated by differing family ideologies during the American Revolution. Chloe and Jess serve as the contemporary characters who are bringing Esther and Hamilton's story to life through Jess' screenplay, based on his ancestor Hamilton's letter.

The Love Letter is a story of embracing redemption and second chances by all characters. The backdrop of South Carolina during the end of the Revolutionary War is a setting not often explored, but one that comes to life both in the historical setting as well as the contemporary.

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Author Rachel Hauck has penned a beautiful novel that brings together two couples separated by 250 years. This book is filled with heartbreak and joy as both couples must navigate past or present obstacles to love. The transformation of each character was amazing to witness. I especially loved Chloe for her courage, perseverance, and faith. It was so neat to see how her life positively affected those around her.

I loved this book, and hope to re-read it soon. Again, Chloe just got to me on so many levels. I also adore the heavenly touches that Hauck adds to her novels.

Fans of historical and contemporary romance will enjoy this story. Those who want a Hollywood insider's perspective of that life will be thrilled.

I received an e-ARC of this book for review purposes. The thoughts expressed here are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced reader’s copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. The premise of this dual period story sounded very promising, with a love letter at its core. Although I liked the “older” storyline better than the present day one, the whole story seemed a bit contrived to me.

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: Outstanding! Rachel Hauck’s best novel so far. This time-slip story has it all from hero’s past and present, getting a behind the scene tour of a movie set and a peek at the creative process of making a film. Then there’s the battles that took place in South Carolina that will rip at your heart. There are characters you can cheer for, cry with and feel not only their agony but their triumphs as well! It was an engaging read in both time lines right from the start with actress Chole trying to break out of being the “Queen of death scenes”. Would Hollywood ever see her as something more? She wants to break their type casting; when Chole reads a script, she seeks to audition for. The movie is Bound by Love written by a new scriptwriter. She wanted the part of Esther Kingsley, a woman facing tough times during the Revolutionary War. She’s torn between being loyal to her father and/or following her heart and be with the man she loves, Hamilton Lightfoot. They learn that, “Bravery is fighting in the midst of your fear, not in absence of it.”

All the leading characters Chloe, Jesse, Esther and Hamilton face some hard truths about their life’s choices, faith, and forgiveness not only for the people they’ve hurt and/or hurt them but for themselves as well. It was refreshing to see that none of these characters were running off to get involved physically and then wonder about all the ramifications of their relationship later. Chloe had done that. Everything she rushed into died like the many roles she played.

I liked both leading lady’s loyalty and their search for true love. Chole and Esther ask themselves the question, what is real love.? What does it look like? Would their soul mate ever be found? Did it really exist?

I liked what Chole says this about marriage, “Marriage is the one place where no one can go but you and your spouse. One man. One woman. In a union that has baffled humanity since the beginning of time. It’s a treasure, something to be guarded with every part of your being…joined by God.”

I liked that they were flawed characters testing the waters of faith, church and their struggle with trusting God and His best plan for their lives. So far as they could see things weren’t adding up to be toogreat. It was down right horrific in some of the things they experienced. Many discovered that forgiving others was easier then forgiving themselves

I relished hanging out with these characters past and present. I enjoyed all the twists, turns, and surprises I experienced with them on their journey. Don’t rush through this, you’ll want to savor every word. This makes for a great book club pick. The author includes ten discussion questions to help make your book club experience lively! I highly recommend this novel for a great read and for your next book club pick. This is a keeper to be enjoyed over and over again!

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through Netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising”

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Another wonderful book by Rachel Hauck! An amazing story, actually two amazing stories in one! This book is about The American Revolutionary War and it includes the often forgotten South, especially South Carolina, my home. I enjoyed this book very much and highly recommend it!
I received an ARC of this book from Netgalley. Thank you so much, Netgalley!
All opinions are my own.

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I thoroughly enjoyed the plot, atmosphere, and characters. I would recommend the book to friends and family for their reading pleasure.

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