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Hot Target

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Member Reviews

This book was so entertaining. I was drawn into the story from the beginning and was involved until the end. The characters were complex and interesting. I found the story to be well paced and engrossing throughout the whole book. I was invested in the couple throughout the book and felt all the emotions through both the highs and lows of the story.The side characters were such an integral part of this story as well. This is the love story i needed to read at this time. If you want an entertaining and well written book this is it for you

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I did like this book but wasn’t pulled into reading the whole series. I am not a fan of starting the series in the middle

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How did a nice girl like Rachel Kline end up in a jail cell in Vegas? Don't even ask. She came to Sin City to find her missing friend and accidentally got swept up in a police raid. Even worse, she's being bailed out by the last man she wants to see right now: the irresistibly sexy, infuriatingly cocky Alpha op who rescued her a year ago. What are the odds?
This was a super-short novella that moved very quickly. I had never read this author before but I thought it was a good introduction for things to come! Even though it was short, I liked both characters. I didn’t feel like I was missing anything by reading a book that was further in a series. I look forward to reading more from this author. I recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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This was okay... predictable and fast paced story. A quick read that had some sweet and funny moments, as well as some moments of eye rolling. I've only read one other book in this series, and I remember liking it a little bit more. I think because it may have had a bit more story and was not as fast to conclusion. Still, it worked enough for me.

ARC provided via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

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Fun, fast read. I enjoyed this book. Logan and Rachel are sweet. You can't really invest to much into the relationship because it was just too short. However it gave me enough to know I want to read her other books.

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For a novella, this one took me a bit longer to read than average, however that was because after reading a page or two I decided I'd be better off reading the other books in the series first for some context. Because it's a novella, and thus a short in-between story, had I have not read the other books in the series, I wouldn't have fully understood all that Rachel went through before the book started (nor would I fully have understood the references briefly made).

Rachel Kline finds herself in jail in Vegas after going into a brothel to rescue a friend, only to be caught up in a raid. Bailing her out is none other than major southern hottie Logan Callahan. Suddenly finding herself in the crosshairs of a mystery threat, she needs to put down her (well-warranted) defensive walls and trust Logan to help her not only stay safe, but find her friend as well.

My biggest complaint about this was that it was a novella and thus felt too short and a bit rushed. I fell like Logan and Rachel both deserve a full book like the other characters in the series have gotten so far (and hopefully that the others who are not yet "paired up" will get...-hint hint April Hunt & Publishers!-

That being said, LOVE this series and this book! I'm a sucker for a good commando romantic suspense, and this one was good! Really hoping that April Hunt keeps writing more in the series!

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This is a short, sexy fast-paced novella in the series. It can be read as a standalone but it's better to read the previous books to get the backstory on Rachel and Logan. This is fun and a great read.

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Hot Target (Alpha Security series) by April Hunt

More! I went straight online to see what other works Ms Hunt has written immediately I finished this book.
A wonderful read, well written and thoroughly entertaining. I loved the characters and the emotion written into the story-line.

The blurb uses ‘irresistibly sexy, infuriatingly cocky’ as descriptors for the story, yet I would add, charming and sweet, too. The flow of the story-line, from the first page to the last, is wonderfully compelling.

I could easily gush about how much I enjoyed reading this book, but then I would touch on the story itself, possibly giving away the twists – Read it yourself! I highly recommend Ms Hunt’s work and willingly accept criticism from those of you that don’t enjoy it – But don’t buy it solely on my recommendation; the blurb provides an accurate guideline for everyone to choose for themselves.

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This is my first book from the series so I was not in sync with all the previous characters or the thing happening before this book. But all in all, it was a quick intense read full of suspense and action. I liked both Rachel and logan they were well developed and likable. The whole story is greatly written and although ends pretty quickly it is interesting and ends with satisfying HEA for Rachel and Logan. Good story for raining afternoon.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly

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Alpha Security #3.5, Wow this was only 98 pages!? Dang so much happens it feels like it was much longer than that. A very action packed novella. I was very happy to see Rachel and Logan finally get a story. This is fine as a standalone, their history is briefly explain since they met in the first book but goes into more detail about what happened after the first book with them. I love April Hunt she has great action, romance, and suspense; I thoroughly enjoy every book of her's that I've read. Of all the bad things that happened in Honduras Rachel and Carly becoming friends was the best thing that come out of the experience. Everything was going fine in their lives Carly was in Vegas working and began to serious date a guy but suddenly Rachel receives a panicked voice mail from Carly asking for help. Rachel drops everything and runs off to Vegas.

The books starts with Rachel in LVPD lock up her one call was to Charlie who was suppose to come and get her. Charlie instead sends the closest team member to her rescue unfortunately it's the guy she just had a one night stand with and snuck out before he woke up, Logan, who just arrived in town for a working vacation. Once he gets Rachel out their is an attempt on her life and Logan and Rachel have to run for their lives. It's obvious that Carly discovered something she should have and now Rachel and Logan have to find out what it is that Carly discovered and stop who ever took Carly from doing whatever it is that Carly caught them doing. Logan and Rachel have a pretty intense heart to heart while disguised as Elvis and Priscilla.

The romance burns pretty hot between them, Logan is all in and has been waiting for Rachel to catch up, but Rachel is having a hard time realizing some could want someone like her who's gone through what she's gone through and Logan has a fun time showing her how wrong she is and exposing all his vulnerabilities to show her just how damaged he really is as well. Overall it was a fantastic story. It also introduced two new characters (hopefully they will get stories of their own).

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Hold onto your ereader/book as the action and storyline capture the attention of the reader from the first. Part of the Alpha securities series. Good book to settle in and enjoy.

ebook from netgalley and publishers with thanks. Opinions are entirely my own.

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2.5 stars

Synopsis: Rachel heads to Las Vegas to help a friend in need and ends up in jail. She is bailed out by Logan, the man she has been dancing with for several months. Then someone shoots at Rachel outside of the jail, and Rachel and Logan are trying to figure out who is after Rachel while on the run.

What I liked: the connection between Rachel and Logan. Even though they don't have much on page time together, because the story is so short, it is easy to believe that they have a happily ever after. Both Rachel and Logan were protective of each other and respected what the other brought to their relationship.

What I didn't like: it felt as though these two characters, who have a history together, got short changed in their story. The entire story was about them being on the run and trying to figure out who was after them and why, and not about developing their relationship.

Overall impression: this was part of a series, and can be read as a standalone. However, if I had read the previous books, I feel as though I would have been upset about the fact that Rachel and Logan got short changed in their story. This was told in 3rd person POV, alternating between Rachel and Logan.

*I received a copy through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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I received this novella free through Netgalley. This is a fast fun read but it was in a middle of a series which I don’t usually jump into. They do cover some of the back story so you can read it as a stand alone. I wanted to read it because I love Vegas, so it was a fun hot story, but could have been longer!

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Usually, when a book has the .5 in the title, you know you are getting a shorter story, or a novella.

In this case, Rachel and Logan definitely could have made a full story work and, as it was a novella, I did feel that there was a bit of backstory that I was missing, and that I could have benefited from a little more detail in the backstory of the characters.

There was enough for me to be able to enjoy the story overall. And, I enjoyed the connection with Logan and Rachel. They had chemistry, and respect for one another, and I liked reading their story.

I am curious on the other stories in the series, as I have not read all of them, and the snippets I got from this one makes me think I just might want to read the others in the series.

I liked that Rachel was capable, no she's not totally an operative, but she was treated as a woman with a brain and not the silly female who had no idea what was going on or what was happening. That's always a nice balance, especially when the hero is an uber protective, alpha.

I enjoyed this title, and I do recommend it.

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I think this is my favorite genre. You can’t beat lots of action, adventure, intrigue, humor, a steamy romance and fabulous characters with loads of depth. I wish I had started with the first book in the series but I will catch up and read them to know the history between our H/h. I still enjoyed this book. I loved Logan, a big, former sniper, sexy talkin’ Texan. Rachel is a wonderful heroine. Strong, resilient and smart. These two are great together. I voluntarily reviewed a NetGalley ARC.

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Received in exchange for a honest review.

this was action packed and filled with danger and intrigue.

Rachel was a strong female lead. She is smart, loyal and sassy.Her friction/chemistry with Logan really made the book sizzle and also entertaining.

Logan you can’t help but smile at. He grabs you from the beginning. He goes to Vegas to help Rachel even though he knows he isn’t exactly on Rachel’s Christmas card list. He respects the heck out of her though. Logan is kind, sarcastic at times but very loyal and sweet. He can kick some serious butt as well.

The story is fast paced and really engulfs you into it. rachel goes to Vegas to help a friend only to end up in jail and chasing clues while trying to outrun the bad guys and find out the truth. Logan goes to help her out of jail and ends up helping her in more ways than one. He helps protect her, find out the truth and helps her take down the bad guys.

My favorite part of the story was the Elvis chapel. I have a thing when books go to the Elvis chapel but this one it was such a hoot. I also loved how Rachel went from being sassy and sarcastic to Logan to friendship and than submitting to the attraction. She made Logan work for her and in the process she got to really see what a great guy Logan is.

The attraction/tension between these two sizzles. The story is intriguing and entertaining. Rachel and Logan you like from the get go and you smile at some of the scrapes they get in and out of but mostly you enjoy their story. a wonderfully written romance that just has you from beginning to end.

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Logan Callahan is extremely unhappy when he's asked to rescue Rachael Kline from a Las Vegas jail cell shortly after she left him alone in his bed after a spectacular night between the sheets. Things go from bad to worse when he finds a professional gunman has Rachael between his sights and he's going to have to come up with some fancy footwork to keep her alive and kicking. How did things turn from sugar to shit within such a short time?
Rachael's friend Carly who has survived kidnapping and drug addiction with Rachael is in trouble. Carly has chosen the wrong guy to jump into bed with and now she's in trouble. Unfortunately instead of rescuing Carly Rachael finds herself in jail with Carly no where to be found.
With Logan in full protection mode, Rachel seeks to find and rescue her friend and find the clues that Carly has hidden for Rachael. With a lot of help from Charlie at Alpha Security and some of her friends and gizmos Logan and Rachael try to stay one step ahead of the bad guys while they mount a rescue of their friend. There are some really cute funny moments like the Elvis impersonator marriage chapel which shelters Logan and Rachael for a brief moment on their escape route from the ugly gunman.
Its a novella so matters progress pretty rapidly and while there's a lot of innuendo about Rachael and Logan's relationship I feel it could have been given some more substance. Charlie seems adorable so I need to go back and read her story.

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I absolutely loved this book by April hunt and I could not stop reading this book once I had started. It held me captivated right from the blurb till the very last page. Just hooked me right in and I just loved everything in this story, the characters, the storyline, chemistry and romance. I especially loved how the characters got together and how they interacted with each other and with other secondary characters too. They had superb chemistry between them and there was plenty of romance as well as action, adventure and intrigue too. April Hunt has outdone herself with this book and it really shows throughout the story and I’m super excited for more books by this author in the future. I would definitely recommend this book to everyone

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hot target, an alpha security novella, has the ever-charming logan callahan finally hooking up with survivor rachel kline. rachel has mostly recovered from her time held hostage by a honduran drug lord. but when her fellow survivor and friend carly goes missing in vegas after leaving a mysterious message, rachel will risk everything to make sure her friend is safe.

waking up alone after an intense night only to discover that the woman he shared it with had run off to vegas is the kind of thing that has easy-going logan gritting his teeth. but when he realizes the danger she is in, he knows that he will do anything and everything to keep her safe.

even if that means promising to marry her in an elvis chapel. they might really only be in there to hide out and grab a disguise, but the promise is something he intends to keep. once he and rachel have it out and acknowledge that the chemistry between them is something real. for a novella, the emotional ground that is covered is pretty significant. and ultimately, this makes for a very satisfying story.

**hot target will publish on april 10, 2018. i received an advance reader copy courtesy of netgalley/grand central publishing (forever) in exchange for my honest review.

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Reviews by the Wicked Reads Review Team

Lee’Anne – ☆☆☆
This is a super short novella that is a part of a series but can be read as a standalone. I liked it but didn’t love it – it was just too short to become super invested and I didn’t have a chance to connect with the characters like I would have liked.

Rachel Kline is a school teacher who had a one-night stand with her rescuer, Logan, a member of Alpha Security. Rachel was kidnapped and fed drugs – now almost 2 years later, Logan is bailing Rachel out of jail after she’s been swept up in a local brothel raid while searching for her lost friend. Logan just wants Rachel out of harm’s way but she’s having none of that and insists on helping to locate her lost friend.

I liked that though this is a short read it’s filled with a page-turning amount of drama, action, and romance. I was pulled in enough that I’d definitely like to go back and check out the other books in the series.

Avid Reader – ☆☆☆
M/F Thriller Romance
Triggers: Drug addiction - forced

Rachel is a school teacher that somehow gets kidnapped and addicted to a cocktail of drugs against her will. When she is "better," her friend, Carly needs her help and she doesn't hesitate to jump in head first.

Then you have the alpha bodyguard who will stop at nothing to show Rachel that he can be what she needs – that he wants her despite all of her past. Logan is definitely the alpha in this story and while he was pushy and somewhat annoying at times, you truly understood that he wanted to keep Rachel safe.

Of the other stories in this series, this is the one that I have liked the least, so far. It was a fast-paced story, but the chemistry between the main characters was just not quite right for me. Also, the strangeness of the story – who was involved and what they were trying to accomplish – felt a little muddy.

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