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Deadly Intent

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Member Reviews

It took me a while to get to this book, but I’m glad I did. Pamela Clare was one of my go to authors and I’m happy to see she’s still got it! Great read, lots of romance but strong leads and an excellent conclusion.

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It was nice to see Joaquin finally get his HEA. Mia was perfect for him, and never backed down from a fight. There was drama, action, sexy times, and a bad guy to find and take out. Loved seeing all the previous couples make appearances and help out. The Cousin Mafia was hilarious.

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Clare continues her winning streak with the I-Team series. Fans of the series will welcome the familiar faces and characters that they have come to love as well as the non-stop adventure that is Joquin and Mia. I couldn't put the book down.

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Although this wasn't a favorite in the series, Pamela Clare knows how to write and I'm never disappointed. I liked Joaquin, he was passionate about both his work and protecting Mia. I kept having to remind myself that although Mia was in the military, she wasn't a combat soldier. She seemed a bit weak, but that could be because I had certain expectations of her because of her military background.

The plot was fine, but wasn't particularly suspenseful. Overall a solid 3+ star read. I love Pamela Clare and look forward to her next book.

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Ok wow! So I knew that at some point Pamela would have to return to her flagship series and give us a proper conclusion for Joaquin in order to keep her readers happy. We have watched as he supported the other couples in previous novels as they struggled through their issues to find their HEA with their loves and now we finally get to see him find his own. I was a little skeptical of the choice in heroine when I heard about it, but as always Clare proves that she has the magic touch and knows her characters better than even her beloved fans. IF you are a fan of the series, I can guarantee you will enjoy this story and seeing the couples from previous stories woven throughout the fabric of the romance and adventure. If you are new to the world, however, Pamela weaves a beautiful tale of two people with unique backgrounds and experiences and introduces you to characters that the other of us have come to know and love, certain to make you run right out and grab the entire series for yourself to read from the beginning. Joaquin is the kind of sensual, sweet, and caring man that we all look for in a mate, going so far as to boost his lover’s self-esteem when she has problems and remind her that she is the sexiest woman alive. I loved getting to meet his family and see what made him into the great man he is today, but his part of the story wasn’t all fun and games; when he wasn’t dealing with a crazed killer after his woman, he had to deal with issues of his conscience and right vs wrong when making decisions, looking deep within to decide on the right path. I think that getting to see just how deep his faith in Mia went so quickly reminds us that sometimes those that come into our lives are just meant to change us forever, for better or worse, and how we handle those changes is what defines our characters. Mia is a brave woman that has had to deal with a lot of shit just to find her place in the world and gave entirely too much of herself to our nation when she enlisted and was mistreated. I was heartbroken hearing her story and can only imagine the kinds of women that it takes to deal with that in real life and come out stronger and better on the other side—because no way do I think Pamela made that kind of thing up. I loved seeing Mia interacting with Joaquin’s friends and family, finding her own niche in the group and in the end making them love her as much as they do him. The heat between Joaquin and Mia was palpable from the very beginning and I when they unleashed that heat on one another I was afraid they would burn each other alive. Thankfully Joaquin knows how to treat a woman, even when he is in serious lust, and tempers his passion in order to show her how much he has come to care for her and how deeply those emotions run. Joaquin and Mia so obviously complement each other to perfection that I couldn’t imagine another woman for him now that I have seen them together. I think this might have been a true conclusion to this series, but I can honestly say that with this as the ending I am not sad, but can instead rejoice in knowing that my I-Team friends will always be there for me whenever I want to return (yay, binge re-reads!). In the meantime I look forward to continue Pamela’s other project (Colorado High County) and cannot wait for whatever she gives me to read next. A magical addition to a series that continues to pull at my heart and send my body into overdrive… way to go Pamela!

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I have chosen not to read and review this tile. While the blurb drew me to the story, I was not engaged with the characters or the way the story was written.

I appreciate the opportunity to review this early title and am looking forward to the next title through your company.


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This is the 8th book in the I-Team series by Pamela. Like most of the others in the series it's a good read. Mia is a ex-military captain with secrets. Joaquin is a reporter that meets her at the troubling seen of the murder. The police they have there killer in Mia. Joaquin is not, but is it just the need for her to be innocent because he wants her. Are is it because she is. I enjoyed getting to know Mia and Joaquin. Enjoy the read.......

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Love the I-Team series and was so glad for the series to continue. Joaquin and Mia's story was suspenseful, action packed, sexy, and oh so hot! These two have sizzling chemistry and fall for each other hard and fast. This series is so full of great characters and story line. The I-Team series is romantic suspense at it's best!

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I've had my ups and downs with the I-Team novels, but on the whole they've been a great series. This book is no exception to that, but it did have a few flaws.

I liked Joaquin! I didn't remember him well from the previous books in the series, but what I could remember of him had me thinking that he was much changed in this book, which wasn't such a bad thing! He was a lot more confident, more of a protector than I had remembered. This wasn't such a bad thing, as he needed it!

I liked Mia as a heroine, she was independent and strong, like the other I-Team heroines, but it was a different strength. I loved her concern for the others in her unit that had been discharged, and how she came to visit them once she herself was discharged. It showed me she was a good and true leader to the men under her command, and made me like her more.

My problem with the book was that it felt too short, moved too fast for my tastes. I couldn't help feeling like some details had been skimmed over for expediency's sake, and the book ended entirely too quickly to me. It detracted from the story for me.

All things considered, if this is to be the end of the I-Team series, it was a good ending!

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I have Pamela Clare's books on auto buy. Why? I find her action/suspense/romance/passion balance so splendid and her character profiles so compellingly complex. Deadly Intent does not disappoint. If you are a fan of the series, you are already familiar with the hero. If you haven't read the others, Deadly Intent can stand alone, but I recommend you start with book one and savor the character growth and interactions. If you choose to jump right in here in book 8, I'm thinking you will be hooked by chapter 2! I compare Ms Clare's novels to those of Maya Banks, Lori Foster and Suzanne Brockmann.
Deadly intent takes a hero and heroine that are strong alone and makes them epic together. The storyline itself is more character driven than situational. The secondary characters are equally strong and layered. I was extremely entertained.

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I've only read one other I team book but I enjoyed it. Even though these are contemporary, there's something about the language that sometimes comes across as 80s romance novel. For being in the military, the heroine came across as kind of a pansy. I liked the integration of the hero and his family and culture

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Mia’s life was in danger by an unknown assailant. Meeting Joaquin at a crime scene was less than expected. Together they both work on trying to understand why she is being framed for those she served with. As the threat looms larger they are drawn closer together and finally feel they have found the one they were looking for all along.

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Starting over should never be this hard…

It’s been ages since I’ve dropped in on the I-Team and this story reminds me why I loved this series so much. Chock-a-block full of suspense and sizzle, Mia and Joaquin’s journey to love is full of dangerous bumps and hard-won sizzling romance…

Joaquin has been part of this series forever and it was way past time for him to find his leading lady, in my opinion. Talented as well as sexy, his dance moves were only one of the many things he did that made him irresistible. He could hold his own in any situation of course yet his love of family balanced the alpha male deliciously. He was funny, he was protective and Mia deserved him completely….

“If Joaquin moved like that on the dance floor, what would he be like in bed? God in heaven. No. No.”

Amy was a take-charge, independent female lead whose compassion and capacity for love balanced her. She fought her attraction, and his for her, though I wanted to yell in her ear more than once ‘why? WHY??’…. As if Joaquin wasn’t enough of a draw – and he really was - I also fell in love with Joaquin’s family. L-O-V-E them.
Everyone should have a Cousin Mafia and I want to sign up right now!

With suspense and danger driving the story, the romance may have gotten swallowed up but instead it was a perfectly balanced story that I didn’t want to end… Now that I’ve found this series again I have to revisit the previous stories while hoping there will be many more!

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I was quite excited to see that Pamela Clare got around to writing about photographer Joaquin Ramirez in this romantic suspense that takes place around the employees at a Denver newspaper. It didn’t disappoint! Although Joaquin and Mia are reluctantly attracted to each other, Mia’s a person of interest in the most recent shooting that Joaquin is covering. I loved watching their relationship build and really liked where the story took me.

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A good conclusion to the I-team series, greatly enjoyable! I'm not sure how well this book would stand alone vs in the series, as I made sure I'd read all of the other books in the series first. I know it made the book more enjoyable, and it's a good series overall, so I recommend doing the same.

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I received an advanced copy of Deadly Intent from the author via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The following review contains my opinions and mine alone.
Joaquín Cristián Delgado Ramírez. If you’re looking for a hot latinx lover who burns up the dance floor, takes prize-winning photos, and is prepared to defend himself and others, look no further. Joaquín meets Mia at a crime scene of a former co-worker and is instantly captivated by her. And despite everybody believing Mia’s a murderer, Joaquín is steadfast in his belief that the former Army Captain is not only innocent but a target of the real killer. Joaquín goes out of his way to help Mia Starr out, to the point where he becomes a secondary target in the killer’s quest for ‘revenge’. What I love most about Joaquín is that he’s loyal, even risking his job and his reputation as a photojournalist to keep his promise to Mia.
Mia is a complex woman when you really look at her. Joaquín must work overtime to make her see herself how he’s seen her from the moment they met, beautiful. It all stems from harassment from her superior officer and the rest of the men in her company after she refused and reported her commanding officer’s advances. At the same time, she’s a strong independent woman who put in the hard work to get her degree and now works at her dream job at the Botanical Gardens. One of my favourite things about Mia is that she sees that Joaquín’s family is bilingual and tends to use Spanish more than English and instead of asking everybody to just speak English, she takes the time to start teaching herself Spanish so that she can communicate with his family who’s basically adopted her after learning she trained Joaquín’s younger cousin in the Army.
I really enjoyed reading Deadly Intent because Ms Clare created characters that felt welcoming from the get-go. I immediately trusted Julian and Marc and now I really want to get my hands on their stories. And let’s not get started on the Wests, I felt like they wouldn’t mind if I came over and hung out for a weekend with my camera. The way the other characters from the previous books just easily popped up in the book made me want to know more about them as well since they were so varied in nature.
I was a teensy bit confused at one period in the beginning – mostly because this was my first book of the series. It was quickly made clear to me that I just wasn’t understanding things. You can read this as a standalone, but I do recommend you check out the earlier books to understand what all is going on and who’s who.
I was glad to see that Ms Clare tackles not only non-combat PTSD but also sexual assault and harassment in the military. She tastefully works Sophie’s problems into the story without making things a spectacle. It’s great that, even in a book centred around a veteran, the author makes a point to say you don’t have to have served to develop PTSD. I’m also glad that Mia’s assault and harassment wasn’t just a storybuilder, it had a story of its own throughout the book – and it gets a satisfactory ending.
To finish things off, I’m going to give Deadly Intent 4 out of 5 stars and 2 spicy flames. It actually takes a while before sexy times begin and even then, they’re not majorly in-depth or story-killing. I’m already planning on going back and reading the rest of the I-Team series and I hope y’all give Deadly Intent (and its seriesmates) a chance.

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I cannot get enough of these characters from the ITeam. The wait for this characters book was sooo worth it! It was romantic, full of suspense and everything I love about a Pamela Clare book!

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Deadly Intent is the 8th book in the I-Team series by Pamela Clare; one of my favourite series - I have always adored Joaquin as he has mostly been the support character so I am pleased that he got his own book.

Joaquin Ramirez is a Pulitzer Prize winning photographer and I originally worried that he wouldn't 'fit' in with the other alpha characters in this series but in saying that it also endeared me to him as much as the other characters because of his protective nature and determination to run an amazing story through his photos; Mia Starr is a former US Army captain who is now content with her life and job despite events which happened whilst she served; she was fiercely protective and still cared deeply for her team but when they start to get murdered and she is framed and targeted things get dangerous,

Joaquin and Mia had instant chemistry but she was wary of him, for good reason. he was determined to protect her at any cost. In some ways I feel things were rushed but in others it flowed naturally. I adored their banter, the dancing, the way he cared for her and his love for his family and friends.

As with all of the books in this series, there was action, danger, romance and amazing friendships; we get to see what the other characters are now up to and a few play a pivotal role in this book which I loved,

I can't fault Pamela Clare's writing! she is one of my favourite authors and continues to write fabulous, kick-butt characters each with an amazing story to tell.

These books can be read out of order but I highly recommend starting at book 1 to understand what has happened and who is who.

Another wonderful book in the I-Team series.

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Having read Pamela Clare's Colorado High Country series, I was quite eager to read Deadly Intent. Although this is the eighth title in the I-Team series, it can be read as a standalone. I haven't read the previous titles in the series, and didn't struggle to follow the story line in this title.

Joaquin is a swoon worthy, sensual, passionate alpha hero. He's artistic and creative, a photojournalist, with Latin heritage. He's incredibly proud of his background, and is a loyal and loving friend, who inspires his friends to do whatever they can to come to his aid. He's sweet, sexy, protective, brave and strong.

Mia is strong, brave, honest, resilient, capable and intelligent. When she's framed for a crime she didn't commit, Joaquin and his friends come to her aid.

The banter and dialogue is witty, fun and flirtatious and flows seamlessly throughout this title. The sexual tension between this pair is palpable and when they connect it's hot, passionate and steamy.

This fast paced read is entertaining and engaging, full of action, suspense and intrigue and I look forward to future titles in the series, and going back to the beginning of the series to read the previous titles.

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I loved this! I thought it was fast paced and exciting with amazing characters who I was really invested in and a plot that kept me turning pages!
Highly recommended.
*Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher*

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