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Select Few

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So, confession time: I did it again. I picked up a stunning-looking book without realizing it was the second novel in a series. Select Few, written by Marit Weisenberg, is the second novel in the Select series. Thankfully, you can still (apparently) follow along without having read the first novel. Speaking from experience.

Julia just rejected the cult-like influence that came with her father's family. Now, she must face her fears. Thankfully, she's not entirely alone, as her boyfriend (John) has stuck around. Only, that's part of her fear that her family will come for John.

To make matters more complicated, the FBI hopes to find Julia's father through her, which doesn't comfort Julia in the least. Still, this adventure is about to start something new, including a journey towards self-realization.

Select Few is a fantasy novel perfect for readers who love that careful balance of magic and drama. There's a lot of both within these pages, creating something that is both fast-paced and entertaining.

I was impressed by how easy it was to follow along, despite accidentally skipping the first novel in the series. Though admittedly, I think it kept me from forming as strong of a connection for the characters. Sorry.

A lot is going on here, and some of it took me a bit of time to process. Again, not because I had difficulty following it simply because it actually carried a lot of weight with it. Or at least, it felt like my emotions and mind needed time to settle at certain points. Maybe that's just me.
Overall, I'd say that Select Few is worth reading – especially for fans of the series!

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I was initially drawn to this series because of its premise. A race of super humans living among us with secrets and a cult like vibe? Sounds super awesome! I enjoyed book 1 a lot so I was really happy I got an e-arc for this sequel.

In the end, I didn't enjoy this book AS much as book 1, but it was an overall OK read so I'll give it a solid 3 star rating. To me, the pace and the development just was a bit slow I think. I also wasn't too happy with Julia and John spending so much time apart because I really loved their romance development in book 1 and I just wanted more haha!

What made me give it 3 stars in the end and not a lower rating was that I just really like the writing style and the characters in general a lot and that basically made up for the parts that I wasn't too enthusiastic about.

If you liked the first book, I'd still suggest picking this one up because it's still fun to continue the story after having read book 1. But I'd also suggest trying to go into this one with as much of a blanco state of mind and low expectations and you'll be good! For me, having had some expectations beforehand, it was a bit of a letdown on some parts unfortunately.

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I couldn't get into this book, which honestly didn't surprise me since I couldn't get into the first one but pushed through.

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This book finally got excited when it was about 75% complete. I really wish Weisenberg had scrapped most of the first book and a half and focused instead on that last bit so we could see the "select" grow out of their situation. I was confused by the structure of the novel as well, with the asides from John in the future mixed into the chapters. I think there was a good idea for world building here, but it the story just didn't really come together. Perhaps this would have been better suited as a middle grade book with slightly younger characters.

Thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC through Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

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Select Few is a direct continuation of Select, so readers new to the series should put down this review and read no further. Julia is on her own, without her sister, father and the rest of their clan. The plan is to follow her boyfriend John as he navigates the summer tennis tournaments, then attend college together in the fall. When things change and Julia goes her own way for the summer, will the relationship with John survive the absence? Will links to the past finally provide Julia with answers?

Although there are a few questions answered, the book is so flat that I hardly cared to hear the explanations. The flashes forward to John's thoughts and feelings really do nothing to help move the story along. There is too much going on, but without the background necessary to really give the ideas some legs. The conclusion is barely a blip on the radar and then it is gone. For these reasons, I would be hesitant to recommend Select Few to other readers.

I was given the opportunity to read Select Few by Charlesbridge Teen and NetGalley. I chose to review this book and my opinion is freely given.

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Disclaimer: I received this book from the publisher on Netgalley. Thanks! All opinions are my own.

Book: Select Few

Author: Marit Wiesenberg

Book Series: Select Book 2

Rating: 2/5

Publication Date: October 9, 2019

Genre: YA Fantasy

Recommended Age: 16+ (some mature scenes and violence)

Publisher: Charlesbridge Teen

Pages: 378

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Synopsis: After rejecting the cult-like influence of her father's family, Julia moves into a fancy hotel in downtown Austin. But she finds herself alone except for her boyfriend, John--and her fears. Once again she's suppressing her abilities, afraid her family will come for John when they find out he's been developing abilities of his own in her presence. The FBI is also keeping a close eye on Julia hoping she can lead them to her father, Novak, as he's wanted for questioning in his former assistant's death.

With tensions high, Julia and John agree to go separate ways for the summer, paving the way for Julia to reunite with Angus, fellow outcast. Together they set out on a road trip to California to find Julia's mom and a way into Novak's secret underground world. Along the way Julia will learn the Puri perhaps aren't the only humans evolving into something different. . . and that maybe she's the leader her people have needed all along

Review: For the most part, this book did well to get the reader from point A to point B. It tells a decent story and, while not what I expected, it does well to convey what the author wanted.

So, I really loved the first book and it set the bar for this book and I feel like this book did not meet that bar. The book was just really flat and it felt like the author didn’t know exactly what to do in this book. I think it was a case of “second book in the series” syndrome but it was just not living up to my expectations. I was also really annoyed by the main character throughout this novel lol.

Verdict: I’d read it so you know how the series continues.

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Select Few was better than the first book in the series, Select. This book was well written It had a bit of mystery that kept the book interesting. And the supernatural powers that Julia and her family have, worked really well in this one.

I was glad to have John's POV for it added a depth to the narrative. I enjoyed how the love angle between Julia and John was portrayed. I feel this book lack in the fantasy department as I expect a bit more from a book from fantasy/sci-fi genre. The book was overall slow.

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This is the sequel to a book that I was already on the fence about. The premise read really great and after receiving this ARC, I picked up the first book after realising I had just been granted a sequel. I was not really excited about reading the sequel and probably would not have picked it up if I did not already have it. This might have already initialy tainted my reading experience as I was much more excited about other books waiting on my shelf. I DNFed this book at 50% because I was already reading it for several months and it seemed like nothing had happened yet aside from an annoying back and forth between timelines. A lot of the story seem forced and fake and I could not get into the storyline at all, so whe at 50% I could not bring me to pick it up again for a few weeks it was time to decide to put it aside.

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I really enjoyed this book, it was a great sequal and one i really enjoyed. I would highly recomend it.

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This was a wonderful book. it was a great story from start to finish and kept my attention. The Select Few is a good addition to the series. It picks up where the first left off.

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I wanted to like this book as much as the first but it just wasn’t a good fit for me. I’m still giving it three stars because I like the writing style, characters and the premise for the series. For me though the book was too slow and I found myself putting it down quite a bit. I also didn’t like the back and forth narrative. It did add a little depth but I tend to lose focus with books written in that style unless they are very well done. I may still give the third book a chance because the premise is really good and I hope that things will pick up.

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I didn't finish this book. Really slow

This book basically made no sense since it was the second book. But i read and eventually got it.

Great writing though

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I was unable to read and review this title due to the format of the file I received, which was incompatible with my devices.

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Unfortunately, this book was not a good match for me, and I will decline to review. I hope plenty of other readers find it more compatible, and thank you for the opportunity to review!

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I really liked this book. It's the sequel in the Select series by Marit Wiesenberg .
I voluntarily reviewed an Reader Copy of this book which I received through

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This was a unique story and very well written for fans of nyxia type stories or the book nyxia. I was thankful for a review copy!

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Pretty good pace, good characters, good plot. Definitely one I could recommend and I look forward to more from Weisenberg. I did have a chance to read the first one of this series and this one is just as good, if not better.

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This is Book 2 in a series so reading the first is a requirement. The premise is what sucked me in., "After rejecting the cult-like influence of her father's family, Julia moves into a fancy hotel in downtown Austin. But she finds herself alone except for her boyfriend, John--and her fears. Once again she's suppressing her abilities, afraid her family will come for John when they find out he's been developing abilities of his own in her presence. The FBI is also keeping a close eye on Julia hoping she can lead them to her father, Novak, as he's wanted for questioning in his former assistant's death."
What really made me want to read this was the setting! I adore Austin and then a road trip. This is a fun fantasy read to enjoy!

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I really enjoyed this series! To anyone new to this series, this is the second book in a duology (two book series) be sure to read Select (book 1) before picking this one up!

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This book was very enjoyable. I loved the character development and the the plot of this book and would heavily recommend it to anyone who thinks that they may enjoy this book from what the contents of it are said about it.

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