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Losing the Field

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Member Reviews

My students absolutely love this series...guys and girls alike! We cannot keep them in. Not a tough read, but relevant to their lives and that is what they love. My students feel like these characters walk our halls. The connection is real.

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I love seeing where this series heads with each new book! I think that this one took a big departure from the others, so it was a bit tough to get into, but I still loved it once I finally got into it.

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Once again Ms. Glines writes a book that my girls will swoon over. They are anxiously awaiting the next book in the Field Party series. I believe we also get a sneak peak at the next character she'll write about.

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Great book! I've loved every Field Party book and this was no exception! Glines does an awesome job of really getting into the characters and all the struggles they have in their lives. I find it interesting how invested each character becomes in their love life--almost to the point of wanting to spend their lives together at 17 years old. It's very romantic, but also can seem a bit unrealistic. However, I hope they all end up together forever in book world!

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Ok normally I love Abbi's books but this one....just wasn't up to par. I wasn't a fan of the message and they characters. It just didn't seem like the normal Abbi book.

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I finished this a while back and realized I never posted a review. I am a huge fan of Abbi Glines novels, especially the Field Party series. The characters are realistic and many of my students love books like this. Losing the Field did not disappoint. I have already book talked this one to several students looking for romance novels in this fall. Keep writing these books, my students do love them.

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This is the fourth book in a series. It can be read as a standalone, but there are some characters and situations referenced from the previous books.
Tallulah has always been a "fat girl," until the summer when she hears her longtime crush Nash laughing at a joke about her weight. That summer, she walks miles every day until she loses a significant amount of weight. When she returns to school in the fall, boys are attracted to her instead of laughing at her. Tallulah's initial plan is to get revenge on Nash, but soon she finds herself falling for him. Nash injured himself over the summer and won't be able to play football again, so Tallulah spends time with him to help him keep his mind off of his loss. Just when it seems like they are a couple, difficult events occur that drive them apart. Will Tallulah and Nash be able to fix their relationship, or is it damaged beyond repair?
I was drawn to this book initially hoping that for once a fat girl would get a happy ending being loved for who she is, but I was wrong. It's only after Tallulah loses weight and becomes "hot" and "beautiful" that she gets the guy. She doesn't lose weight for herself, but to get boys to like her. Why can't a fat girl be loved for who she is inside and out? Who determines what "fat" or "beautiful" looks like? Is everyone so brainwashed by the media and society that people only care about the shallow things in life like appearance? That was a big issue for me, not to mention how the teacher takes advantage of Tallulah and somehow people think it's automatically her fault? There are so many things wrong with this book. I don't think teens need to be encouraged to drink alcohol, smoke weed, behave like sex crazed people, shame someone for something he/she didn't do, or fat shame someone because he/she doesn't look like a model. The amount of profanity was also ridiculous. It was too much of a soap opera for me as well. I know I'm in the minority here, and I'm usually not so harsh in my reviews, but this book just bothered me on every level. Unfortunately I can't recommend this book because of the harmful actions and philosophies it pushes.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley. A positive review was not required, and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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Abbi Glines is amazing at always at balancing real life hardships with the perfect amount of romance. Those who have read the rest of the series will not be disappointed. The other characters are not as present as in previous titles, but the feel of the world is still the same. Tallulah and Nash have vastly different storylines, but that makes it appealing to a wide range of readers as well.

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I'm going to start this review by saying that I read almost everything that Abbi Glines writes. She has the formula down for Contemporary Romances (whether it be YA or NA). Each novel is different, but it still draws you in. Losing the Field was not different.

This is the 4th installment in a YA series that takes place in a small town in Alabama and the series focuses on athletes on the high school football team. This story is about Tallulah who has loved Nash since she was little. Being overweight, Tallulah has always seen Nash as her defender and she has seen his kind heart numerous times. A mean gesture from Nash causes Tallulah to lose weight and suddenly she is thrust into the limelight of popularity. Nash falls from the limelight with an injury that causes him not to play football. The novel focuses on these two trying to navigate and find their ways in these new situations.

This is definitely 4 stars for me. It's a solid book. There some things that I didn't like and some that worked great, but over all I liked it. The ending was a bit abrupt for me, but I get that these two are just in High School and sometimes I think authors over do it with Epilogues that show HEA 30 years in the future with a HS it worked.

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Abbi Glines did not disappoint with Losing the Field! I loved everything about this book! I have enjoyed this whole series! This book will be added to our libraries collection because I know we have a lot of patrons waiting for it!!

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I don't know... I have some mixed feeling about Losing the Field. In order to keep my thoughts straight, I'm going to bullet point this review with what worked for me and what didn't.

What worked:

*I flew through it. I read it in one sitting and it had my attention the entire time.
*I liked Tallulah. Her wanting to be outside of the spotlight was understandable. I liked that she didn't really change with losing weight. I could identify with some of Tallulah's feelings on being overweight and also losing a lot of weight. I understood how one person's comments -- especially someone you like -- could influence you to lose weight.
*I liked Nash. He was a decent guy -- even when he wasn't the nicest. Nash's rage and attitude was easy to understand. I liked how connecting with Tallulah helped him overcome some of his issues.
*Nash and Tallulah together. They were a cute couple. 

What didn't work:

*Coach Dace. Everything involving him was just...ick. I wasn't actually upset with where his character took the story, only what became of the situation and the reactions to it.
*Haegan. That whole scenario just felt weird. I didn't get why it really needed to be in this book with how it all worked out.
*The two things I just listed combined with all the slut and fat shaming were just too much for one book. There was just too much going on for one book. 

When it comes down to it, I guess I just expected more from Losing the Field. I still enjoyed reading it, but it's probably my least favorite book a series that I've really enjoyed.

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I absolutely loved the first three books in the Field Party series. They are super popular in my JH library; never on the shelf and always with a wait list! I was super excited when I got the ARC for book four from Netgalley and let me tell you, it did not disappoint. The first day I got it, I was up till 1:30am reading and finally finished it the next morning. Could not put this book down.

Tallulah was always a fat girl who chose to remain invisible at school, except for Nash, the one boy who actually saw her. That is until he laughs at a fat joke about Tallulah, now she knows, they're all the same. But this summer, she is going to get her revenge: eating right and walking 5 miles every day, Tallulah will start her senior year a new person and show Nash Lee who is laughing now. Nash was the star football player, that is until an accident left him with a limp. What will he do without football? First day of senior year and everyone is talking about the hot new girl. But Nash knows the hot girl is Tallulah, the same girl they've gone to school with since elementary, the one whose smile can bring even him out of a bad mood. Will Tallulah get her revenge or is Nash really the same guy who was nice to her even when she was fat?

Overall, it was a good book, I couldn't put it down. But like the other books in the series, the storylines are all the same. Football star meets girl that has some kind of issue. Girl helps boy through some kind of life changing drama. They live happily ever after. If you're looking for a sappy, predictable romance, then this series is a great one. I really wish there were fewer F words, because of that, I will have to decide if it is appropriate for my library.

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Just Abbi Glines doing what she does best- realistically depicting teenagers who go deeper than the surface as they deal with issues tougher than rumors and mean girls. Nash and Tallulah are both coming back from life changing summers and senior year is not as simple as it seems but friends and family from the field parties series always have your back.

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Thank you to NetGalley & Simon & Schuster for an advanced copy of this book!

This book was not my favorite of the series, I felt like there were to many things crammed into it that distracted from the main storyline.

One of my favorite things about this series is how the chapters alternate between the two main characters. I enjoy having both perspectives.

I do consider this series a guilty pleasure for me to read. I love all things football and being from South Alabama, enjoy the references to things I am familiar with and love. Also, working in a high school, it is easy to visualize most of the things happening in the story. I also enjoy how in this series references to the previous books main characters are made – feels like all the other books keep going. Sometimes that’s the hardest part of reading for me is having a book end, so when there is a series I look forward to reading those books for the updates and references to previous characters.

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Until Friday Night ⭑⭑⭑⭑⭑
Under the Lights ⭑⭑
After the Game ⭑⭑⭑

I feel like disappointment is an understatement for how I’m feeling. I have been so excited to read this one since I heard that there was going to be another book. This series has been very up and down for me so I didn’t know what to expect.

The whole premise of this book was Tallulah losing weight because of the person she liked laughed at her (one time) and as revenge she wanted to him to fall for her and hurt him like he hurt her. Nash went through a accident in the summer that left him with a limp and football being just a dream. He had a chip on his shoulder. I was all for these two in the beginning. Tallulah helped Nash learn that there was more to football and Nash helped Tallulah get out of her skin. If only things stayed that way.

Now, I had many issues with this book. We have fat shaming, victim blaming, and girl shaming.

My number one issue here is that Tallulah lost weight for the wrong reasons. It wasn’t to be healthy or anything like that, it was for a boy. I feel like we shouldn’t put stuff like this out in the world. I don’t want younger girls to think that you need to lose weight for a guy or to get a guy to like you.

I honestly think she deserved so much better than Nash. He claimed that he loved her, but love isn’t so quick to change. He does some things here that I think he shouldn’t be forgiven for.

Also, the ending shouldn’t have been classified as an ending. It was way too abrupt! I hope this was the last book in this series because I don’t think I have it in me to read anymore.

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The fourth book in the The Field Party series, Tallulah comes back her senior year changed, looking for revenge against Nash Lee. Only Nash is different too, no longer the football star and needing to find his place.
I enjoyed the first three books in the series, but felt this one was lacking. I didn't buy into the romance like I had before and there was way too much going on with this (a youtube star? a car crash? etc). I kind of hope the next books will catch up with the older characters.

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I was provided with an eARC of this book in exchange for a fair review.
Spoilers ahead.
This book left a lot of bad tastes in my mouth. The summary seemed pretty basic for a contemporary; girl gets pretty, gets the guys she’s secretly loved, drama happens. However, it was allll over the place. First, I didn’t like the emphasis put on Tallulah being skinny now. It became the center of her story, rather than her size NOT mattering. Not the best message. Then Nash is just a dick most of the time, angry and SO ready to think the worst of her. He’s reeling from a life-changing injury and even still it’s hard to feel sympathy for him. Then we have a new character come onto the scene, who is made out to be a good friend despite being a reckless idiot. And THEN he literally gets killed off. Like the author didn’t know what else to do with him. And THEN we have a pedophile teacher who takes advantage of Tullulah, who does fight him off and tells the principal. But instead of writing it in a way that lauds her bravery, she’s slut-shammed out of school, and then when the full truth comes out, everyone is just like “oh, we were just kidding”. And THEN she ACCEPTS Nash’s apology despite the fact that it literally includes him saying “I guess *he* kissed you, but that doesn’t matter because you kissed”. Instead of sticking up for herself and telling him to fuck off, she’s like, “oh, I love you, let’s make out”. I felt icky just reading this, and I would not in good conscience recommend this to any young or impressionable girl.

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I was very excited to read Losing the Field because I've enjoyed several of Abbi Glines' other books, but sadly, this book was a bit of a disappointment. This book was a little all over the place for me. I liked the general plot, but there was just too much going on. I didn't really like Nash, and did not want Tallulah to end up with him--and the neat, tied-up ending definitely didn't sway me into thinking otherwise.

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Losing the Field was an intense, emotional look into how high school really is nowadays. The bullying, the rumors, just trying to get through to the other side of high school. Hands down Losing the Field is amazing. Abbi did such an incredible job in portraying these characters.Tallulah, what a sweet character, she went through so much. I can’t believe that people she grew up with and went to school with didn’t even know who she was after she lost the weight. I was very proud of how she held herself as well. She was a strong and brave heroine. Then with all the teacher drama (which I had a weird feeling from the jump when introduced to this character), you really could see that she had no one. Not one person in that school cared about her at that point and it devastated me. I wanted to reach through the book and tell her that I was here for her!
Nash Lee and all his issues just made me want to smack him upside the head at the beginning. He really was being a jerk to everyone. I mean I can understand an injury can cause you to lose all your hopes and dreams but there came a point where he had to move on. Tallulah was the one who really helped bring him out of that funk. He was sweet and loving to Tallulah and you could tell that they were falling for each other. But then he had to go and be a jerk and not hear from Tallulah’s own mouth what was going on. Then another tragedy struck and I felt so bad for him. Gosh that scene absolutely tore me apart. This by far my friends is one of my favorite books by Abbi. It had all the feels! I don’t even care that is a YA novel and I’m 33 years old. I absolutely loved it.

Arc provided by Netgalley for an honest review.

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I have been following Abbi Glines since she released her 2nd book and this series is many in a handful of wonderful series she has created. Losing the Field was not what I expected and totally nothing I thought Abbi would write.

I am conflicted a bit with this book honestly the subject matter is not the best and honestly if I had a teenager reading this book I wouldn't be to happy with her reading it at all. I am not going to go into detail s because then I would ruin the story for others, but honestly how Abbi went into a dark place with this book was just not ok with me.
The story of Tellulah and Nash was that of a girl who is invisible most her life and no one is ever nice to her because she is overweight except Nash who always seems to be good to her and then junior year Nash does one thing and I mean one little thing that drives her to work out and loose weight over the summer and bam when she is back at school she is what all the guys are looking at and who all the girls hate. it drove me nuts that Abbi went this route especially in her own weight loss journey she shouldn't have made Tellulah lose weight over something a guy said it just seems horrible from all angles.
As for Nash over the summer some bad stuff happened and his football dreams is pretty much over and thru most the book he is just bitter jerk.
When the two start talking it is cute but for most the book I wanted to tell Tellulah to run and never look back because she deserved better then Nash. What bothered me most is the end seemed abrupt and didn't feel like the ending it deserved.

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