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Melt for You

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This was the first time I am ever read a book by this author and I have to say that I was surprise. I had not idea that this book was going to be this good. I will have to get some more.

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Great book and a good addition to the JT series. Funny, romantic, strong male lead without being over the top, many likable characters sprinkled throughout the storyline.

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Melt for You by J.T. Geissenger is an awesome story. I loved how the author wrote the characters and had it be a slow burn romance. The humor was an added bonus. The imagery in the book is fantastic and I could envision so many details. Net Galley thank you for a ebook copy, I loved it so much I had purchased the audiobook . The audio is absolutely fantastic!!! I have the entire series in audio.

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I ended up DNF-ing this one as much as I liked the sound of the hero our MC just got me down with her negativity about herself. I understand lacking confidence and having issues with yourself but it really frustrated me how negative she was and that was just within the first couple of chapters.

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This was an enjoyable story that I could not get enough off reading, Once I started reading this story I could not put it down. The characters I absolutely loved reading within the story.

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DNF at 15%

I've tried so hard to read this throughout last year but it just wasn't working for me, so since it's already January on a brand new year, I'm officially giving up.

This is a case of it's not you it's me.

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I love the premise of dorky wallflower heroine & sexy athletic neighbor. The snarkfest is off the chain. I adore how hes Mr. Grumpy but actually was into her the whole time. Very entertaining read!

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This is book two in the Slow Burn series and although it took me a little while to get into the story, I persevered and I’m so so glad I did. In fact I ended up really liking this story. Yes it was a very slow slow burn romance but it was extremely funny in places and I loved the characters. It was a sweet and enjoyable read.

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This book was sooo good! Joellen and Cameron make such a good couple, just loved them together. Just thinking about it makes me ready for a reread! I loved that it put me through the ringer emotion wise, it was also really funny! I highly recommend if your looking for a great read!!

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Melt For You by JT Geissinger was definitely an interesting read.

After reading, I am slightly unsure of where to start this review. I did enjoy the novel; however, I did not fall in love with it. I felt as though the characters had so much back and fourth, will they won't they action going on, that the relationship felt a little rushed and forced. In my opinion, some of the scenes tended to drag on for quite a while, and I found myself wanting to skip ahead a few pages to see what would happen next.

I did enjoy that J.T wrote a novel about unique characters. Joellen is certainly a different character from those I usually read about. She has this persona about her, that will allow you to become invested in her happiness. I was annoyed that she was so hung up on one guy, who she barely talked to, and then switched ships pretty quickly, but that's just my opinion.

3.5/5 Stars!

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Good book with good characters and I will look forward to reading more from this author thank you for my arc

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This trope has been done before, the ugly duckling looking for happily ever after and always missing the mark.

In most of these books, it takes a big, strong man to make the heroine see the beauty she really is.

What was different about Melt for You is the heroine, Joellen, was all of us women -- even the most beautiful women have flaws they actively point out.

And what was different about the hero, Cameron, was how insulted he was on Joellen's behalf when she put herself down. And what positive life lessons he had to share!

Basically, "Melt for You" is a story about Joellen and her neighbor, Cameron, who is in New York on a home swap with his cousin from Scotland. Joellen has serious self-esteem issues and Cameron is a "mountain" of a man and a rugby superstar from across the pond.

Joellen has spent the last ten years in love with her boss. And when it appears he's finally taken notice of her, Joellen enlists Cameron's "expertise" in seduction and more. All Cameron wants is her Shepherd's pie ... and her attention.

This book is witty and charming and exactly what you look for in a contemporary romance.

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J.T. Geissinger is officially one of my favorites now!

She's so good with building up the characters and their interactions. The whole book is written in heroine's POV and she's so charming. The way she narrates the story is hilarious. Now there are a ton of books that try to be funny and fail miserably. But, this book was so good.

The author is super talented at the spinning the story. You can clearly see how hard she has worked on their story, their characters and everything has been worth it. The story is such a charming rom com. A good book to read at the end of a tiring day.

I eagerly look forward to the next book in the series.

My sincere thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to review the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Absolutely hilarious! I loved Joellen and her quirky nature. She would say the first thing on her mind and didn’t let the imposing rugby player stop her. Their chemistry was something that would consume them both as she transforms herself. No longer feeling the once timid mouse she realizes all she needed was the self confidence that had been missing from her life. Cameron would become more than the annoying next door neighbor and she would finally embrace her new life.

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2.5 stars

I did a lot of flip flopping with this book. There were definitely some parts I enjoyed, but there were also a lot of parts where things just got too silly and I almost put the book down several times. Character development is a huge factor for me and all of the characters in this book were written as over the top stereotypes.....the girl with low self esteem who doesn't see herself the way everyone else does, the hunky jock who is more than a pretty face and is really smart and has a heart of gold, the beautiful but evil female boss who can't even remember her employee's names, the perfect Ken-doll romantic interest who turns out to be a sleeze, and the washed up Hollywood starlet still living in the shadow of her heyday.....they were all written as caricatures instead of real people and I found that more irksome than funny.

Let's start with Joellen. The daughter of a supermodel and sister of a beauty queen, she is the black sheep of her family and is constantly reminded by them that she is not as pretty as her mother and sister. Now, we really don't know if this is true or not because we are never given a good description of what she really looks like, but from Joellen's own POV, she is extremely overweight, frumpy, clumsy, and socially awkward. She has zero self confidence, which makes her a doormat for her boss and a failure in the romance department. From everyone else's perspective she is curvy, drop dead gorgeous, and adorably unaware of how wonderful she is.


I'm not sure how someone who cracks the frame of a chair by sitting in it, constantly trips and spills stuff all over herself, and has a sloppy appearance could be considered anything but a hot mess, but this is fiction, so........

Let's move on to Cameron McGregor. He is the most famous rugby player on the planet and happens to be laying low in NYC from a major tabloid scandal that took place in his native Scotland. He moves into the apartment across from Joellen's and almost immediately she hates him because he is a loud, arrogant, man-whore. After quite a few days of arguing and slinging insults at each other, they come to an agreement that Cameron will help Joellen get the attention of the CEO of her company (whom she has been secretly in love with for ten years), and in exchange she will cook dinner for him every night.

Their banter was fun and this is really what kept the story going. It is clear to everyone but Joellen that Cameron is interested in her as more than a friend or neighbor, but she is too busy trying to get her secret crush to notice her and this creates a problem when Cameron no longer wants to help her get the other guy because he can't deny that he wants her for himself.

Like I mentioned, this story teetered just on the brink for me. There were a lot of laugh out loud moments, but there was also a lot that felt really immature and just ridiculous. For someone looking for a light read without a lot of depth, this will definitely be entertaining, but I like my characters to be a little more realistic, so it missed the mark for me.

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What’s not to love about a romance with a ugly duckling and a hot Scottish rugby player! Oh and he is sensitive and smart. Lots of burning desire and great banter between the two.

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After reading Midnight Valentine, I started stalking Geissinger’s new releases and I couldn’t get my hands on Melt For You fast enough.
Honestly, I didn’t think it could be as good as Midnight Valentine. I was wrong because my expectations were exceed: I loved it! After I started, I couldn’t put my Kindle down so I’ve read it in one sitting, I was addicted since the very first moment that Joellen and Cameron laid eyes on each other.
Joellen is a smart, independent, beautiful (yes, beautiful!), sensitive, relatable woman, she’s been in love with her boss for ten years and the fact that she was always invisible to him isn’t exactly doing wonders for her self esteem. One day, when she’s arriving home after work, she realizes she has a new neighbor who enjoys loud rap, she just wasn’t expecting knocking on his door to complain about the loud music only to be wowed by a sexy, hot, Scottish dressed in nothing but a kilt…
Cameron is a very famous Scottish rugby player who is used to women falling to his feet, he’s living temporally across the hall from Joellen’s apartment and he’s just being himself, partying, drinking with his loud music always pumping. So, when his neighbor knocks on his door, he’s drunk and partying, so he lowers the music and slams the door on her… Talk about a rocky start!
I absolutely loved this story, the characters, their hilarious banter, their steamy moments, the relationship, their amazing chemistry, how Cam dealt with Joellen’s self depreciation, their imperfect amazing love story, but mostly I loved the strong message in this book (to all the Evas out there – you’ll get it if you read it).
Highly recommended to anyone who loves an imperfect amazing love story with strong, complex characters, lots of funny moments and intense chemistry.

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One of the best books that I have read this year!
This is that kind of book you are not able to put down. Funny but emotional, sweet but hot.... with hilarious banter between two main characters. It's a real slow burn with a great sexual tension.
J.T, Geissinger is right now my number one contemporary romance author.

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I loved and enjoyed this one. An awesome series so far that I can't get enough of. I loved the characters in this one and cant wait to see what's next.

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I’ve read several of JT Geissinger novels before and loved them, but for some reason, Burn For You (book one of this series) did not appeal to me. However, Melt For You happen to fall into my list to review and I had to give it a go. I’m not sure why I doubted this series to start with and I shouldn’t have. I’ve only rated this author’s books mostly four to five stars and Melt for You is no different.

Joellen is socially awkward, sweet, and at times naive, more often than I’d like her to be, but I suppose it comes with her personality and her past. I do promise that there’s a reason for it. Despite her naivety, I really liked her. She’s sweet and she made me laugh. Since being in love with her boss, Joellen is determined to win his heart, but not quite sure how. Her new neighbor seems to think he knows how and promises to help her. Of course, in exchange for some good cooking.

Cameron McGregor the rugby superstar, aka the neighbor, is of course, Joellen’s opposite. He is confident, a little too confident at times and let me tell you, he has all the right to be. Cam is ever so sexy, has appeal, and knows exactly what he wants. He is after all a rugby superstar. I find him even funnier than Joellen.

Truly enjoyed this book. Again, I shouldn’t have avoided this series, to begin with. I liked it so much that I went through this book lighting quick. I couldn’t put it down and yep, I had lack of sleep because of this gem. It was amazing from start to end; the storyline, characters, humor, sexy banter, and that includes the author’s note. Thank You, Ms Geissinger, for that note as I have two daughters myself.

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