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Melt for You

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I really enjoyed the last book in the series... although before reading the blurb all I could remember was it made being stuck in an airport because my flight was cancelled entirely more bearable!! So it was in a much comfier chair that I read the second in the series!

I really enjoyed this - and both the characters had me cracking up right from the start! Jo is your typical shy wallflower... but there is something about "Prancer" that just winds her up (and drives her crazy!) Cam is basically the opposite... hiding in plain sight is what I think when reading about him - but it makes it so much more entertaining!

Geissinger wrote some extremely relate-able characters with these two - and I can't wait to see who comes next in the series! Unlike other books I would say this can be read as a complete standalone

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Absolutely loved this book! I've read the Bad Habit series prior to this one, so I knew I enjoyed Geissinger's style. The main characters were just so much fun! Joellen and Cameron were enjoyable from the first encounter. Their conversations were filled with fun, flirty banter that translated into a foundation of true friendship. Their friendship was one of the best parts of their love story -- neither one thought the other was "the one" in the beginning. Mr. Bingley (Joellen's cat) and Mrs. Dinwiddle provide some excellent comic relief.

I love how Geinssinger takes the time to let you get to know the characters, but without dragging on forever. It was nice to watch Joellen discover herself anew after having listened to her parents' criticisms for 30+ years. Self-acceptance is GREAT -- it was nice to see a writer present an over-30 heroine who presented like the rest of us ;-)

I would love a follow-up to see what happens to Joellen and Cameron in a couple of years!!

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4 stars!
I adored this story about a wallflower and socially awkward late bloomer, Joellen Bixby. She has been in love with her boss for 10 years, And since he doesn't know, she is kind of in love with the idea of him.

Her life is turned upside down when rugby star, Cameron McGregor, moves in next door to her. She sees him as an annoyance, he sees her as she should see herself.

This was a cute love story about finding love, when you aren't looking for it. The even better moral of this story was learning to love yourself for who you are, and the rest of the world be damned!!

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I received an arc from Netgalley. This book was one of my absolute favorite books. The characters had such witty comebacks and you could generally feel their connection. I was pulling for Cam the whole way through.

Cam, a rugby player told by his coach to take a time out falls for his shy and low self esteem temporary neighbor Joellen.

Michael on the other hand is also vying for Joellen’s attention but at first she is oblivious to his deception.

Definitely a five star rating in my book.

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Melt For You is a wonderful romantic comedy. For 10years JoEllen has been in love with the CEO of the company she works for, quiet and shy she considers herself to be fat and plain who nobody would take a second glance at. Enter Cameron McGregor a drop dead gorgeous hunk of a Scottish rugby player staying in the flat opposite JoEllen to get away from extremely bad press reports of his extra curricular activities in the U.K.
When JoEllen confronts him about the loud music and 'other' noises coming from his flat at all hours he is totally full of himself and arrogant. Sparks fly and the dialogue between the two is hilarious, JoEllens confidence in herself begins to shine as Cameron will take no nonsense off her and starts to build up her self esteem. They become good friends although it's obvious Cameron wants more than just friendship.
This story progresses beautifully, thoroughly entertaining, a great read with a very satisfying ending. It also has a message to convey how some people perceive themselves and how cruel comments can have devastating consequences.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for opportunity to review this book honestly.

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I eagerly hoped that I would be able to voluntarily review this book!!!!

YOU CAN'T GO WRONG WITH GEISSINGER!!!! When she writes about all the feels and situations that push "your" buttons, then you've got a grand slam! This was my grand slam, touchdown, 3 pointer from half court and hat trick. It had everything I love in a novel and when I grow up I want to be just like Joellen with her snarky, take no prisoners mouth. Dear Lord, I laughed so hard that I was in danger of an accident (not in a car).

If you love smart mouth heroines (and Joellen is hysterical!) who is not perfect (in that, I mean today's standard of beautiful) and Scottish rugby players with the accent who knows what he wants from the get go......MELT FOR YOU is for you!!! Enjoy! :D

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Melt for You - 5 stars
Ugly duckling the Rugby bad boy
This is the 2nd book in the slow burn series. I liked the first one better, however, this is still a 5 star book. I think I liked the stronger heroine in book one. This book has all the feels. It's well written, well placed and draws you into the characters. The characters are well developed as well.
This book starts with the heroine, self proclaimed ugly duckling and loner, pining over her boss of ten yrs, Michael. The male H in this book, Cam, is introduced as the Rugby bad boy, who is staying next door temporarily. They meet when Joellen goes to complain about the loud music.
The sarcasm between the two is hilarious. They team up to win over the boss, Michael, and all kinds of hilarity ensues. Cam cons Joellen into feeding him in exchange for quiet. They develop a sweet legitimate friendship. I love sports romances and love friends to lovers. So this book checks a lot of boxes for me. Joellen's journey is frustrating, funny and heartbreaking. Will she choose the right guy for her? At times you will cheer her on, others you want to yell at her. Cam ends up falling in love and finds he may have done too good of a
job making her desirable. Highly recommend this book. This is one of my favorite authors, it's hard to go wrong with one of her books.
**Recieved this ARC for honest review**

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IMelt for You is the second book in a series by J. T. Geissinger. I did not read the first book in the series but did not have a hard time keeping up with the details. This was the first book that I’ve read by this author and I loved it. It is my favorite book so far in 2018.

I really identified with the heroine, Joellen. She’s a little older (mid-30’s) and has a complicated relationship with her family. She struggles with her self-worth and, like many of us, is probably harder on herself than other people are.

The hero, Cam, has a traumatic backstory. And, yet, he remains fairly positive and spends a lot of the time building Joellen’s confidence back up. The two of them have amazing chemistry and at the heart of their relationship is a deep friendship.

This book was really well written. There was a lot of witty dialogue and a cast of really intriguing secondary characters (even the cat!). I couldn’t put it down and ended up finishing the book off in one sitting.

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5 stars for Cam and Joellen!

First of all can I just say..... I want a Cameron McGregor... I of course love the first slow burn book so I knew I would love this one too and could not wait to read it.
Cam is a Rugby player from Scotland who had gotten into a bit of trouble and is taking a break in the states. Joellen is a mid thirties co editor who has been pining after her boss for ages but feels as though she is an ugly duckling. I loved the sarcastic banter between these too and how he always wanted to raise her spirits. This is a must read if you love a good slow burn, or even if you don't read it anyway you will not be sorry. Its a fantastic read with lots of chemistry and laughs. I cannot wait to read more from J.T Geissinger

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What can I say except Swoon! I think that Cameron McGregor may just be one of my favourite book boyfriends of all time! If every woman had a Cameron McGregor in their life, I imagine there would be a lot less self esteem issues in the world!

I loved Joellen and how her character lit up the pages. The banter in this book is absolutely fantastic, I laughed so much and yet my heart broke for her more than once throughout the book. And Cam, well he was just amazing. I loved every second of this book, It was impossible to put down!

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This book was awesome. I really enjoyed it. I laughed a lot through this one, I swooned, man did I swoon for Cameron McGregor.

JoEllen has been secretly crushing on her married boss CEO for the last 10 years, yes you read this right. She’s 36, single, her best friend is her cat, she talks to her elderly neighbors friends, this poor girl has no life. Until her neighbors cousin (who swapped flats for a month over the holidays) comes over from Scotland to get away from his troubles. He is everything that drives JoEllen crazy.

JoEllen finally knocks on his door to ask him to turn down his filthy music she can’t stand. Cameron opening his door starts this crazy journey.

JoEllen is putting in a lot of extra time at the office to avoid seeing her new temporary neighbor, over a weekend she comes face to face with her dream guy, her crush of a decade, her married boss, Michael Maddox. Her day is made when Michael tells her he’s getting a divorce. Ohhhhh let the games begin 😁

JoEllen needs some help, she's inexperienced and she definitely doesn't want to mess up an opportunity to make her dreams come true. So why not enlist the help of one of the hottest guys, that is living across from you, help?? And of course, remember, don't fall in love with his humor, his kindness, his passion, his boldness, and most of all his handsomeness. After all, you have the chance to get the man of your dreams from the past 10 years....... So in the end, does JoEllen find herself loving her dream man, Michael, or her crazy obnoxious neighbor, Cameron?

I don’t want to say much more, don’t want to give away all that transpired during this great read. It’s a journey indeed, a slow burning, face palming journey. I enjoyed it, could have strangled JoEllen several times, but in the end, I was smiling and still wanting more ❤️

I definitely recommend this one to you slow burning lovers, that love a read full of humor and love. There is no love triangle, no cheating, just simply love, humor, and growth!!

My favorite quote :
“Your body isn’t a thing to be looked at and judged against some standard of perfection that doesn’t even really exist. It’s the vessel that takes you through life, allowin you to experience all the beautiful things life has to offer. Food. Sex. Sunsets. Music. Hugs. Laughter. A healthy body is a gift. Don’t take it for granted. Don’t treat it like some cheap one-night stand. Treat it like the love of your life. Treat it with respect and tenderness, but most of all, gratitude.”

It's crazy when you realize your dreams are right in front of you

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This was definitely a slow burn book, but worth the wait. Joellyn has a crush on her boss and her new Scottish rugby playing temporary neighbor agrees to "help" her win him. Cameron grows from the annoying, arrogant, sexy neighbor to a confidence-boosting, sexy friend and kissing mentor. We all know the boss isn't worth Joellyn's time, but it takes her awhile to realize that. Her neighborlady is also hilarious.

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Do you believe in love at first sight? You can sure be falling in love with a person with one look, but it takes time to learn that you can’t lose them at all time. The moment you felt lonely is the moment of truth. It take time to share moments with a person, and love them unconditionally. You fall in love not because of their beautiful, you fall in love because of their beautiful heart. Its the inside you are looking for, not the outside you are falling for. Love is tricky.

Melt for you is the first book I read from J.T. Geissinger. I never encounter a book where there is only pure love and admiration in it. As I read along the story, it’s definitely amazing, I felt like I’m part of the story, watching both characters lie to themselves and hid their feelings. Cam is totally the kind of guy every woman will desire for, not because of the fame and the money he has, but because the heart of willing to let go of one another to see them happy. On the other hand, Joellen is actually any typical girl in nowadays centuries. Girls always want to lose weight so force themselves in diet, where actually they look pretty and healthy. Wish there are more Cameron McGregor in this world, so girls would have less bad feeling towards their body shape.

I will like to give this book a 4.5 stars. And I enjoy reading through the story especially the sonnet for Cam, and for sure will read more from this author. <i>I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. </i>

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You, Cameron McGregor, are the miracle. I would give this book a million stars if I could. Cam is so amazing that by the end of the book MY self-esteem was at an all time high. A sassy heroine, a super hot, engaging hero, and a fanatstically written plot resulting in perfection.

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ARC received for review

I actually read book one in a series, but is this really a series when there are absolutely no characters from the first book or no underlying themes that are the same???

Joellen wants Cameron's help in landing the "man of her dreams" and it sure does take her a long time to realize that the man of her dreams is Cameron. He was so funny and just all around perfect except for his obnoxious music.

Cover people can y'all not please read the book first...Cameron would never wear a suit. He spends most of his time shirtless and often in a kilt.

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I am a big fan of JT. Geissinger and this series. This addition to the series did not disappoint. This romance follows Joellen, copy editor who is in love with her CEO boss, Michael. This self-proclaimed ugly duckling's life is turned upside down when her new neighbor, Cameron moves in. Cameron, world famous rugby player, transforms Joellen into the swan she has always been. Who will win Joellen's heart? I loved every page of this book. I laughed out loud at the banter between Cameron and Joellen. I plan to buy the audiobook when it is released so I can hear Cameron's Scottish burr.
Thanks to Montlake Publishing for the ARC of this title via NetGalley.

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Melt For You is book two in the Slow Burn series by J.T. Geissinger. This book! I loved the first book in this series, Burn For You, so much. Sometimes when you love a first book that much, the second just can’t live up to your expectations. That is NOT the case here. Cameron McGregor managed to have me reduced to a puddle of goo in no time. If I had one little tiny complaint with this it’s that the entire book is told from the heroine’s point of view. I would give just about anything to have gotten in to Cam’s head.

Cameron McGregor is the captain of his Rugby team, the Red Devils, in Scotland. He is a huge celebrity in Scotland and along with that celebrity comes all the pitfalls of being famous. Cam’s public relations team thought it might be good for him to get out of town for a bit. He has traded apartments for a month with his cousin in Manhattan for a sort of forced vacation.

Joellen Bixby has spent her life feeling like she is less than everyone else. She thinks she is overweight, clumsy, gets tongue tied easily. Joellen works for Maddox Publishing. She loves books and it’s a dream job. She’s been there for ten years. She’s also been in love with her boss, Michael Maddox, for the entire ten years. He’s perfect in every way but she only worships him from afar.

Cameron’s love of rap music played so loud it rattles the walls of the apartment building is what brings Joellen to his door the first time. She is greeted by a mountain of a man with an aversion to wearing shirts and a love for wearing kilts. To say that their relationship had a rocky start would be an understatement. But somehow Cam was able to whittle away at Joellen’s resolve and win her over. She eventually admitted her love for her boss and Cam vows to help her win him by teaching her about healthy eating, exercise, and the art of seduction.

I feel like I should stop there because the rest you pretty much need to experience on your own. When I was reading this, I heard all of Cam’s lines in my head with his Scottish accent. He was hilarious and sweet and flawed and sexy and, well, you get the picture. I loved him. He did not tolerate Joellen’s self disgust and helped her to see herself in a different way, perhaps through his eyes. The things this man said!

And Joellen! I don’t know how any family could be so unaware of the impact of their words on their own daughter. Meeting Cameron was the best thing that could have ever happened to her. I loved watching their relationship build, and the impact he had on her self confidence. He became the voice in her head, reminding her of her self worth. It was a beautiful thing.

This book is laugh out loud funny (always at inopportune times I might add.) It is sweet and sexy and I loved every word of every page. I believe this is the third book I’ve read of J.T. Geissinger’s and I now consider myself a devoted fan. You can definitely read this if you haven’t read the first book. I do highly recommend them both, though.

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Loved this book, very light hearted and made me laugh. Cameron did everything he could to help Joellen to see herself as beautiful.. Even helped her try to get another man's attention.

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<i>I write sonnets as a hobby. Classically structured, Shakespearean-style sonnets, because I am a pathetic human being with a nonexistent love life who will someday die alone surrounded by my cats.</i>

MELT FOR YOU is book two in the <i>Slow Burn</i> series and once again I have more or less highlighted this entire story. Sweet lines, funny quips, hilarious banter, emotional af passages.. Geissinger serves it all up on a delicious platter, alongside all the slow-cooked homestyle meals that pepper the pages of this read. I'm sensing a food trend in these slow-burny romances and I am hungry for more.

"<i>You were kicked out of Scotland because you're so annoying, right? Everyone got together and agreed to throw you out for the greater good of the country?</i>"
"<b>You'd know if you googled me.</b>"
"<i>I am <b>not</b> googling you, egosaurus.</i>"

These characters made me melt. This book is so aptly titled. Instead of offering us a broody hero ala book one, this time my newest bookboyfriend is a charming behemoth who happens to be a super famous Scottish rugby player. He's gigantic, gorgeous, and has a totally (well deserved) overinflated ego. One that chubby, frumpy, nursing-a-decade-long-unrequired-crush-on-her-married-boss Joellen can't resist wanting to pop like a balloon. Unfortunately for her, Cameron loves it.

"<i>I love that sharp tongue of yours. I love that you feel comfortable enough with me to give me a good dressin' down. I need that, y'know. Someone to stick a pin in my balloon when it gets too inflated.</i>"
"<b>Your balloon must have a lot more pinpricks since you met me.</b>"

The meet cute between these two is born of loud rap music and the sounds of a wild party emanating from across the hall of her apartment, and Joellen wanting to deal with none of it after a long day at work. But the only way the unrepentant Scotsman is willing to tone down the tunes is if she agrees to cook for him. Seven days of quiet for seven nights of meals.. with a side order of helpful advice, and -- eventually -- workouts, when Joellen realizes her crush on her boss might not be so unrequited after he not only announces he's getting divorced but also expresses interest in her. But spending all this time with Cameron, means she has to.. well. Spend time with him.

"<i>I'm jealous of everyone who hasn't met you.</i>"
"<b>Oh, c'mon now, lass, meetin' me has gotta be the most excitin' thing to happen to you since your last Pap smear.</b>"

"<b>Just admit it. You're in love with me.</b>"
"<i>Love? Hardly. It you were on a life support machine, I'd unplug it to charge my phone.</i>"

Seriously, see above where I mention highlighting the shit out of this book? <b>It's so fucking funny</b>. But the best part of the hate-ish flirtiness were the revelations that unfold throughout the story. How neither had this kind of relationship with anyone, one where they could be their unfiltered selves, and how beautiful that was. And, yeah, to ease out of some of that heaviness, again, it was funny. I lol'd 4evah.

"<i>It's too bad you got stuck in puberty, McGregor -- you might've been a productive member of society one day.</i>"
"<b>Oh, I'm <i>plenty</i> productive, lass.</b>"
"<i>Name one way you're productive that doesn't involve the amount of sperm you produce. I'll wait.</i>"

But speaking of heavy. It definitely had moments. Joellen is a wallflower, nursing her crush, living alone with her cat, and the chubby member of a family of beauty queens and parents who made a living being paid to be beautiful or maximize the beauty of others. There was a healthy peppering of dialogue regarding self-worth and image and dieting and all the toxic shit women (and men) deal with in the pursuit of perfection. How the value of beauty isn't currency, despite what some might believe, and how often it is more of a burden than a benefit.

"<i>The human body is a complex machine. A temple, as they say. You have to treat it like one!</i>"
"<b>Yeah, well, my temple is more like an abandoned ruin the jungle has taken over and a herd of billy goats is living in.</b>"

Geissinger makes it obvious right from the get-go that this isn't going to be some <i>She's All That</i> scenario where the girl takes off the glasses and the hot jock falls in love. Nope. And actually there's a whole discussion about glasses vs contacts that I could quote, but it's a little on the nose; and anyway I can't reveal all the best parts in this review so you'll just have to trust me. But back to my point. This isn't that movie. This isn't even a 'big girls appreciation' story. Nope. This is a love who you are story. Respect yourself story. Be healthy, yes, but be whoever you are most comfortable being, too, as long as it doesn't include being down on yourself for who that person is.

"<i>Toned is good. Skinny is better.</i>"
"<b>Wrong! Strong is the goal, lass, <i>not</i> skinny.</b>"

But it's also not just a 'chubby girl gets the boy' book. It's a love story about real people. Those who look perfect but are more than just window dressing, who have been hurt and want nothing more than to be loved more for who they are inside instead of how they look on their outsides. The ones who aren't size two pretty but will cook for you, care for you, give it to you straight, embrace their weird and be unique, and be all the more beautiful for it.

<i>[I] worry that if he can see me so clearly, everyone else must, too. But when I think about it, I realize he's the only one who's looking.</i>

MELT FOR YOU was a delicious slowburn romance with a heroine I can totally empathize with, the best kind of good-guy hero who is cocky and self-assured but still longing for basic connection, so many passages filled with real-talk and real-life truths, simple confessions that are as powerful as billboard-sized declarations, a deaf cat, homecooked meals, and the best kind of banter money can buy.

<i>I've spent so much of my adult life trying to not be unruly, to be smaller, more contained, more <b>acceptable</b>, but underneath it all I'm still myself. All the passions and desires and tempestuous needs, all the wants and hurts and sorrows, all the ugly and wonderful things. I am just unruly, peculiar me, and I'm so tired of pretending otherwise.</i>

I am so in love with this <i>Slow Burn</i> series not just for the hate/reluctant-to-love storylines or all the lines that make me giggle, but for how fresh these romances feel. MELT FOR YOU is the best kind of investment in your time; you'll laugh, you'll swoon, you'll wind up socked in the gut with feels, you might even end up inspired to cook something hearty for dinner. Maybe even all of the above! But whatever you do, I would particularly recommend you read the author's note at the end of this story and then, if the book didn't already make you want to do so, go hug that friend who always gets down on themselves, who never thinks they are enough. Or if that's you, go put on that dress you haven't been brave enough to wear out of the house. Be kind to yourself.

Looking for another way to be kind to yourself and others? Read this book.

4.75 "stop pretending you're a mouse, dragon lady, and go after what you want" stars

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A humorous, steamy, romance novel

Scottish accent and a kilt. Check. Rugby player. Check. Tattoos. Check. Cameron McGregor is walking sex on a stick!

Joellen, is a curvy woman working a publishing firm. She is “in love” with her soon-to-be divorced “perfect” boss and she believes the she is invisible to him. She suffers from low self-esteem when it comes to her looks having grown up with a runway model mother and her beauty pageant sister.

Cameron is Joellen’s annoyingly loud neighbor who offers to help her boss notice her. He sees her for who she is - a beautiful woman whose parents have belittled her looks and self-worth throughout her life - and is anger that she looks down on herself. It becomes obvious that the more Joellen’s boss pays attention to her, the more Cameron sulks.

Will Joellen overcome her self-esteem issues? Will she be with her “perfect” boss or will she choose with the egotistical, annoying rugby player who has always seen her?

The scenes with Cameron and Joellen are hilarious. Some of the conversations between them have left me snorting back a laugh (also earning me the side eye from my husband who’s wondering what is so funny). Then the officemate, Denny, and his fart jokes. Oh this book was hilarious, steamy, and romantic.

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