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Misadventures with My Roommate

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This misadventures book had more angst, but this it had a happy ending. Blake is a lively character, and her journey is emotional.

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This book was fun to read. Blake pretty much said what was on her mind and it took Gavin a minute to catch up. Blake had rough life growing up and it colored her perspective of things. It took a long time for her to open up to people, but Gavin seemed the exception. Her female room mates kept moving out because of her habits, but Gavin hung in there.. The story line had lots of twists and turns and kept me interested. It was fun to read and it was another good addition to the Misadventure series. I got this book from Netgalley for an honest review. I will post on amazon when it goes live

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"You're acting crazy, even for you."

I've really been enjoying the Misadventures series. One of the things I love about them is that each book is like a sample of each author's writing, but more than that since it's a complete story. Just the perfect length for readers to try new authors that they might not have considered previously. The writing duo of Elizabeth Hayley is new to me, and I would have missed lots of laughs if I hadn't picked up Misadventures with My Roommate. I can honestly say that it was some of these author pairings that introduced me to some new favorites, putting them into my path and keeping them on my radar for future works.

It took me a minute to realize that Blake was a female name. But after getting to know her, nothing but unique would do for her. She is quirky, funny and unfiltered. She says exactly what she's thinking and doesn't care who hears her. I loved her immediately. Her inappropriate responses are priceless and very entertaining. Very few people in her life have stuck around to see the big heart beneath her big mouth. But that's their loss as far as I'm concerned, she's a treasure.

I honestly am not sure if Gavin is shy or not. I don't know if he would have eventually approached Blake on his own, but of course, she didn't give him the chance. She was very direct and in his face, but unlike most, her approach turned him on instead of off. Yes, she was joking most of the time, but there was an underlying honesty that was his for the taking if he was willing to reach out and accept what she was offering.

After going through so many female roommates that couldn't deal with her eccentric ways and blunt outbursts she was not even surprised when the latest one left. When her coworker Gavin mentioned his imminent homelessness she found herself offering him a room at her place. She figured she might have a better outcome with a male roommate since men seemed to have thicker skin and be less prone to emotions and tantrums. Worth a shot, right?

I must say I really enjoyed the banter between Gavin and Blake. He took her quirkiness in stride and seemed to actually enjoy her wit rather than be offended by it. Waiting for them to become more than friends was exciting and once they did, my focus moved to the mystery of Blake's past. It was obvious that she was broken and her strange but endearing behavior was her coping mechanism. As she and Gavin started spending more and more time together he wanted to know what she was running from, but she had some very high walls in place that she didn't want him to scale.

What started as a lighthearted romantic comedy took a turn and become an emotional journey that pulled my heartstrings. I was surprised that the authors were able to fit so much story into such a short book without the reader feeling a deficit. But, it's been proven time and again as each new installment is released in the Misadventures series. I'm looking forward to what they have for us next. The line forms here...

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Once again Elizabeth did not disappoint. The story twisted and turned, held my attention from start to finish. It was a well - written story filled with plenty of emotion revolving around Blake/Gavin. Misadventures series are a must read for 2018.

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This book was amazing. I love the characters so much. I love the fact there was some humor to it and the way Blake expressed a lot of situations in this book reminded me a lot of how I am. Lol. This was well written and a must read

* I received this as a ARC through NetGalley for my honest review

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This book was first for me by this author. Really enjoyed it. It was a quick read and me laughing quite a bit.Loved the realtionship between Blake and Gavin. Glad that they got their HEA.

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3.75 stars.
Another great addition to the Misadventures series which I have really enjoyed reading.
This is my first by the pair of authors known as Elizabeth Hayley.
Blake the heroine was just so quirky and blunt to the point of rudeness (no filter) but in such an amusing way that I couldn't help finding myself thoroughly entertained by her behavior and antics.
She has serious issues that lead her to keep people at a distance . Having chased away several female roommates she decides that maybe a male roommate is the answer.
Fortunately for Blake her co worker at the coffee shop Gavin that she just recently met is about to be evicted through no fault of his own .
It doesn't take long before sex enters the equation once they become roommates .
Gavin is such a sweet, normal, down to earth sort of guy and he appears to be just what Blake really needs if she doesn't somehow manage to push him away.
I loved the chemistry between these two. This was a highly entertaining read .🤓

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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I received a copy of this book via NetGalley for an honest review. This is the third book I've read that is part of the Misadventure Series and my first read for the author duo of Elizabeth Hayley.

This is a solid book, well written, great details; however, initially when I started, I found Blake to be very annoying and it almost became a DNF for me, BUT as the story develops, I found her to be endearing. In the end I loved her character. Blake is quirky and complex. Gavin is just your typical guy finding his way in life and as Blake puts it, "he was the yang to her yin." I love my alphas whether they are billionaires or not, but lately I've been reading a lot of books with just regular guys who aren't alphas or rich, just every day guys, which Gavin is, and it's so refreshing. While the chemistry between the characters is good, I found this to be more sweet and sexy than hot and sexy. Since this is my first read by this duo, I don't know if that is their typical style or just where this story lead them. I'll definitely be checking out other books from this author duo.

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Blake Monroe was needing a roommate. Gavin Gibson was needing a place to live. Both worked as baristas, when each out out the other needed a roommate. Blake offered her empty room to Gavin, and he accepted.
Blake is her own person, you either like her, or you don't. She doesn't care. Due to her challenging upbringing, she had built walls up around her heart, to keep out unwanted affection. Gavin only wanted to break through those walls. In doing so, it caused Blake to re-evaluate her life, and what she truly wanted in it, she wanted, Gavin. What started out as coworkers, turned roommates, morphed into their happy ever after. Misadventures with my Roommate, was an emotional story. Elizabeth Haley did an excellent job with this book.

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Fun, sexy heartwarming read

The duo that is Elizabeth Haley did a good job with their first "Misadventures" book.
Blake and Gavin are thrown together first at work and then as roommates. There was chemistry between them from the very start. I liked how during the course of the story the authors incorporated their back stories. I thought the characters were well developed and interesting. As a reader I came to love both Blake for all her quirkiness and Gavin for his steadiness and honesty. This was a friends to lovers story with a fresh plot line.
I received an advance reader copy from Netgalley.

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Let me just start off by saying I absolutely love all the misadventures books. These are short, fast reads that are all standalone stories.
This one involves Blake who has a very mysterious , dark past . I like her a lot. She's not afraid to speak her mind but always keeps a part of her, her past, away from everyone. Except with Gavin! She finds herself spilling her guts to him and Durant know why. But let me tell you they have amazing chemistry.
I loved this book and so will you.. so one click it. You won't be sorry.

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Blake Monroe hasn’t had the easiest life, but she’s never been one to dwell on her misfortunes, preferring to see the world as a place where you get what you give. Having had an especially troubling childhood, Blake’s aware she doesn’t exactly fit the definition of “normal.” Her lack of filter, dry sense of humor, and uncanny ability to read people make her rather unique—and difficult to live with. When her latest roommate has had enough of her antics, Blake decides living with a man might suit her better. Gavin Gibson’s a dreamer whose artsy aspirations don’t meet the high expectations of his wealthy family. Cast off and cut off, Gavin needs a place to live. When I started reading I couldn't put it down I read the book i couldn't put it down. Elizabeth is magnifysent writer.I cannot wait to read more of her books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.

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Misadventures of course are going to happen with your room mate when you put together two hot single people. Blake and Gavin are a dream team. They get each other, they help each other and most importantly he helps Blake- on numerous levels!
Blake has suffered since a child and has never been able to trust anywhere to be oermandnf in her life. Her very vocal ness adds to her character and charm of the book.
Gavin is adorable in his wanting but hiding behind himself to let lose to land that dream occupation.
Together they have great sex, they work together well and they help each other overcome security issues.
I loved this book in the Misadventure series. A must for your shelf!

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My review is on Goodreads. Blake and Gavin's story is well worth reading. Roommates to lovers story with hot sex. They help each other get past personal issues and realize that thier relationship is more than agreed upon.

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I loved this book I read it in 2 days once I started it. I couldn't wait to see what was going to happen between Blake and Gavin. there are times i actually laughed out loud when Blake did or said something.
you won't be disappointed with this book.
I am glad I got the chance to read it Thank you to Net Galley

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A cute, sexy and fun read. Blake pulls at your heartstrings some. You feel for her once she finally opens up. I love how caring Gavin is. He is swoon worthy for sure. Blake has her quirks and she doesn't care if she offends anyone. I love that she has no filter and that Gavin takes her as she is. Misadventures with My Roommate is another hit in my eyes within the Misadventures series.

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This was my first read by this author and overall it was an enjoyable read. I read this book in one sitting and found it to be a light and funny story of coworkers turned roommates turned more.

Blake is a quirky girl with a difficult past and no desire for a relationship. Gavin is a hardworking guy trying to follow his dreams. They are opposites in pretty much every way and Blake is definitely a little on the crazy side.

Somehow their differences work for them and lead to a brighter future for both. I did not really feel like there was a lot of depth to the story or characters, but it was a quick and enjoyable read.

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Well. First I’d like to say I’ve never read anything that the author pair, Elizabeth Hayley, has written. I saw this cover and the blurb on NetGalley and knew I had to request it.

But a blurb is just a blurb, and a cover is just a pretty cover until the author/authors fill the book up with some words. The thing is Elizabeth Hayley didn’t just give us “some words.” They give us a roommates to lovers story that was perfect parts emotional, fun, and sexy. The writing was quick. The banter is witty, and will have you chuckling. It’s just a GOOD read.

Blake our heroine is quirky and blunt, but she has a deep past. The hero Gavin seems like an average Joe, but the way he is with Blake and all her personality just shows her the perfect cup of Joe... ok that joke is funnier if you read this book. Which means you should read this book when it comes out March 27th! I promise if you enjoy friends to lovers, or roommates to lovers, you will LOVE this quick read from Elizabeth Hayley!

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Square Peg in a Round Hole

This best describes Blake's personality. She goes with the flow in her life and never sets her expectations high. She is herself, take her or leave her. She has no filter and blurts everything out she is feeling and thinking at the time. She had had a rough beginning in her life and therefore she holds her feelings close to her chest and does not let anyone sneak into her exterior walls she has built up for herself.

That is, until Gavin. Easy going Gavin. He sees right through Blake's façade. They start as work friends, but as time goes by it develops into something more. Gavin finds her Ball of Fire personality refreshing and unlike any other woman he has met. Blake makes him laugh with her quirkiness. Their chemistry is evident from the first day they meet, but coming to common ground to own up to how they both really feel for each other is a challenge.

I found their story fresh and fun. When they end up sharing an apartment together, we really do find out they are an odd couple, but it works. As their story unfolds, I was finding myself routing for the two of them to find their HEA.

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I really liked this book. Both of the characters were fun and quirky and genuinely good people.

Blake was a pretty good character. There were moments when her quirks and eccentricities were a little much, but I did like her. I honestly thought her "secret" was that she was autistic not what it ended up being. I loved that she spoke her mind and didn't apologize for it. She had moments of immaturity, but overall, she is someone I would want to be friends with.

Gavin was a great H. He was kind, caring, and compassionate. He wasn't an overly alpha male which was pretty refreshing. He was really good to Blake and you could tell that he genuinely care about her. My one issue with him was he seemed to lack a backbone and drive. He did admit to that later on in the book, so he redeemed himself a little.

The reason I gave this a three star instead of higher was because I didn't always buy their feelings for each other. They had great sexual chemistry, but their deeper feelings didn't ring all that true to me, at least not by the time the book was over.

This was a really cute book though. It's not a thought provoking, edge of your seat kind of read, but if you're looking for a good beach read this is definitely it. Overall, I do recommend this book. This is the second book I've read in the Misadventures series and I'm looking forward to reading more.

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