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Misadventures with My Roommate

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Ayekah's review Mar 07, 2018 · edit
it was amazing

I absolutely freaking loved this book! Holy shit! This is my favorite book of the Misadventures series and it's a must read.
Welcome to the world of Blake and Gavin. Blake's first day on the job at the coffee shop didn't go well after a nasty woman complained about her inability to understand her coffee lingo and since Gavin had experience, her boss had her shadow Gavin to learn the basics. Blake didn't have any problem finding out all there is to know about Gavin including his dating status and made it pretty clear she was attracted to him. Blake has no filter which only added to her appeal for me. Blake can be a little tough to take at times unless you know her and when her roommate moves out, she doesn't seem too upset.
Gavin has just found himself evicted from his apartment, his roommate was spending his rent money on drugs. When he mentions it at work, Blake has the perfect solution and a couple days later Gavin moves in. These two are the best match ever, the chemistry between them was written to perfection and I don't mean just sexual, I mean as two people who are strangers getting to know each other and living together. It was amazing to watch their relationship unfold. They share bits about their lives, Blake has lived a horrendous life and she gives him tiny glimpses and wonders why she feels comfortable sharing things with him. Things she wouldn't tell anyone else. She makes it clear to him form the start that sex is on the table, but anything beyond that is out. He's okay with that then.
I'm not going to say anything else. You have to read the book. Again, for me the best of the series and to the author(s) a freaking standing ovation!!

**advanced reader copy from NetGalley and Waterhouse Press for an honest review. The thoughts and opinions are my own.**

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Love how this author portrays how a rough past can alter how you see the now and affect our choices. Her use of real issues and emotions was so easy to allow me to feel a part of this story.

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Hold up....there is a Misadventures series?!?! Must check out the rest of the series!!

What I loved: This book was different, just like the MC Blake. It wasn't what I thought I was getting, it was much, much more.
What I liked: This felt real. Conversations felt natural.
What I hated: can't say I hated anything about this.
This is an easy book to read and it pulls you in and makes you keep going. It was quite refreshing!!

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If your looking for a synopsis you've come to the wrong review. I don't want to write a book report review, instead, I want to give you my honest opinion of the book in general.

I connected to the main character, Blake, her story is deep and layered. This story carefully weaves the details into her development and journey. Her development filled me with hope and joy.

Gavin, "the roommate", is just as fascinating for many other reasons. WIthout is strength and dedication Blake's journey would be meaningless.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and was left with a touch of the usual book hangover questions. "I wonder how they are doing now? What is going to happen with.... ? Will they.....?" You know all those questions that come from falling in love with two people in the matter of hours and not wanting to kick them out of your life just yet.

Is this a fantastic stand alone book? -- YES
Do I personally wish there were more? -- YES, not in this particular piece of their story (which was told beautifully) but I think that there could easily be a follow up since this story covers a time frame of a few glorious months. They are young and have so much life to live yet!

Highly recommended and fun read.

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I was very excited to get to read Misadventures With My Roommate because I love the Misadventures series. I thought it was very well written. I love that Blake is not your typical female lead. Having said that, it was not my favorite. I am not sorry that I read it, but for me, it was just average.

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It is an awesome book. Very quick read, but entertaining. Love their sense of humor through out the book.

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Just finished my ARC of Misadventures with My Roommate from Netgalley. The easy banter between Blake and Gavin makes this story so believable.. It just goes to show you how no matter how much you shut yourself off love sneaks up and bites you on the ass. Totally loved this book by Elizabeth Hayley

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Blake had a troubled childhood and learn to deal with the world by using a honest, no holds approach to life. She has no filter so you never know what she is going to say or do next. Add in Gavin, a sexy, caring boyfriend/roommate that looks beyond her quirky ways and you have the makings of a funny, sex filled romance that will leave you with smile on your face.

I have read and enjoyed all but one of the "Misadventures" series. The stories have all been well written and since they all have different plots you never know what adventure awaits you in each book.

I voluntarily reviewed an advance reader copy provided by Waterhouse Press/Netgalley.

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Gavin and Blake are something else. I loved how they finally came together and Gavin was able to her Blake to open up and trust him even if you are a tad crazy... They make me believe that love can really exist even if you are total opposites...

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What the reader thinks is going to be another cute book about roommates hooking up is so far from the truth about this book. The relationship between Blake and Gavin was so much more. It was all about opening up, fighting your fears and doing things that matter to YOU. The characters were lovable and the storyline had much more depth than the others in the series. This was a fabulous read that I highly recommend.

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2 stars
For me to like a book, I have to like the lead characters, In this case, I didn't care for neither of them, Blake was not my cup of tea. From the start, I didn't care for her. And Blake was kind of blah.

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Blake has worked hard to overcome her childhood. She had very few personal connections and she is totally fine with that. Gavin has put his dreams on hold after his parents stopped supporting him and is in need of a new apartment after his current roommate spent the money not on rent. Blake opens up her apartment to Gavin and soon the sparks fly. Blake makes it very clear that this is purely physical and she doesn't do relationships. What happens when one of them feels like they want something more?

I am a huge fan of all the misadventures books and this is another great addition to the series!

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I loved Gavin and Blake's journey. This is a cute love story with some hot sex. Highly recommend.

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A girl with little to no personal connections, by her choice, and a guy who's in need of a place to stay, and in turn shakes her entire world up.

If you're a fan of roomies-to-lovers, this is the book for you. Full of humor, steamy romance, and two characters that are equally lovable. I haven't read Elizabeth Hayley before, but I most definitely will now.

From the beginning, we're thrust into the wild, wonderful world of Blake. She's quirky and has zero filter from brain to mouth but that made me love her all the more. She's in need of a roommate as her current one is moving out, and tells her best friend (and just as likable character) Celeste, that maybe she needs to try living with a guy for change.

Enter Gavin, a man who's about to be thrown onto the streets because his current roommate is using his rent money for drugs. When he's offered a place to stay with a coffee shop coworker, Blake, he jumps at the chance, despite his attraction to her, and her obvious attraction to him.

Gavin had seemed to solidly friend-zone her, which wasn't a place she could remember ever being. It was a desolate, horrifying place, and she wanted out of there stat.

So begins their, often strange, living arrangement.

Blake makes it known that she's set on having him, but a relationship is out of the question. Gavin agrees, at first, too.

But they both widen each other's horizons. Soon, Blake is sharing more with him than she ever shared with anyone else, and he's seeing his love of photography as more than just a disappointment to his parents.

Blake is hesitant to acknowledge the feelings between them, because all she's ever known is people leaving her behind.

It's funny, it's heartbreaking. All around, I had a smile on my face and genuine feelings for these two characters. Can't wait to read the other installments.

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I am loving the Misadventure series. each one keeps getting better.I love all the different authors that have joined in they are just amazing.Thank you

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**I received an early copy of this title courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

While Misadventures with My Roommate is part of the "Misadventures" series, it can definitely be read as a standalone. This was my first Elizabeth Hayley book, but it certainly won't be my last. She crafted a fast-moving, humor filled book with characters you can't help but love.

Blake is a breath of fresh air. She's quirky and she has no filter between her thoughts and what comes out of her mouth, which has certainly gotten her into her share of hot water. When her current roommate announces she's moving out, Blake has to find a new one preferably fast. She tells her friend Celeste that after a long string of failures with female roommates, maybe it's time for a guy roomie.

Luckily for Blake, her co-worker at the coffee shop, Gavin, has just learned he's going to be homeless in a matter of days after his current roommate was using his rent as drug money. Needless to say he jumps at the chance to move in.

With a clear attraction between the two roommates, it becomes clear it's not a matter of "if" they sleep together, but "when" and the only thing Blake makes very clear is that it is about sex and nothing more. She doesn't do relationships. Will Gavin be the one to finally break down some of the walls that Blake has built up so high? Or will this roommate situation end just as all the previous ones have?

There was so much to love about this book. It was heartbreaking at times, but it was also full of humor and heart. You were rooting for these characters from the outset and it was one of those books that made my heart happy.

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