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All the Little Lights

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All the Little Lights is a story about two young adults that find solace and an escape in each other from the very unfortunate family situations they are in.
They became fast and really good friends one summer, the summer Catherine‘s life implodes and becomes so much worse then before. Elliot is forced away from Oak Creek for a while because of his mother and her dislike of her hometown and Catherine’s mother. Elliot tries and tries to come back to her but two years go by without succeeding and without seeing her.

When Elliot is able to go back, he is set to win back Catherine’s trust, friendship and possibly more than that. Although she tries to keep her distance, she misses him and once she learns the truth about his disappearing act and how much he tried to get to her, she lets herself jump into a relationship with him. He is her safe haven; the only escape from the crazy life at the Juniper and the secret she has to keep.
But Elliot worries about her, she works too much, doesn’t have enough time to herself and to live the life a 17yo should be living. He starts asking questions but she can’t tell anyone or her life will implode. And then the she devil girl who never leaves Catherine alone goes missing and everyone suspects Catherine and Elliot have something to do with it, and they get the whole town’s backlash. But when Elliot’s future is at risk, she is faced with the choice: tell the Juniper’s secret or ruin Elliot’s life. She chooses Elliot but then someone else goes missing, and she figures out where that someone is and the whole truth comes out.

This book was sweet when it comes to the romance of it, it was very suspenseful and I don’t know if I just wasn’t paying enough attention or what but I was shook when the secret came out, shook! The truth never went through my mind and boy it was brilliant, it made so much sense. I’m still in awe of it. Everything came full circle. It was awesome. I really enjoyed reading this, and I definitely recommend it to all young adult and suspense fans; this one is for you.

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This was a bit of a surprise. I did like this one, but didn’t love it. The romance between Elliott and Catherine was sweet, but the story was also a little weird. There was a mystery with the characters, that you are trying to piece together, and what a shock it was when it was finally revealed. It was a little slow in areas, but totally worth it in the end. I’d recommend it.
* ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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When I read the synopsis for All the Little Lights, I was intrigued. I had heard of Jamie McGuire, but I had yet to read any of her books.

I expected to dive right in and love this book, but it just didn't happen for me. didn't get hooked in the first few chapters, so the entire book dragged on for me as well. I wasn't connected to either Catherine or Elliot, and the mystery aspect fell flat. Furthermore, while a lot of relevant topics were addressed (and I appreciate that), it was almost too much....too much and too slowly.

That being said, I still plan to give her other books a chance because I've heard good things. This book just wasn't it for me.

***I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.***

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I’m a huge fan of Jamie McGuire and Travis Maddox is one of my all time favourite book boyfriends, so when I saw this book and read the synopsis I had to request a copy! Having read the book, I’m not entirely sure what to feel. I think it’s safe to say it wasn’t quite what I expected. Having said that I liked the book and the story.

What did I like:
The characters are likeable, flawed and well written. Elliott is exactly what I would expect from a male protagonist created by Jamie. He is strong, independent, kind and protective. He also loves fiercely and with passion. He isn’t perfect, his temper is definitely a flaw, but I think that makes him even more lovable. Catherine was a strong, female lead but she was frustrating at times. Her inability to open up and trust Elliott with her secret was the main cause of the frustration, however based on the plot twist and the nature of the secret some of that was understandable.

What I didn’t like:
The pace was too slow at times. I felt that the book was much longer than it needed to be.
Although I did work out the plot twist at around the 60% mark, it took too long to be revealed (about 90%).

I enjoyed the book in parts but some of the content was unnecessary and therefore dragged on too long which is way I’ve rated it 3 stars.
I also don’t think it fits as an adult romance and read much more like a young adult or new adult book.

All the Little Lights is released for the Kindle on 29th May 2018 or in paperback on 24th July 2018.

Thank you to the NetGalley and the publisher for providing a copy. All opinions are my own and provided willingly.

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***4 Stars***

This was nothing like I expected, but I really, really liked it.

This isn’t to say that the description is not accurate, because it is, it’s just that there is so much more and the more kinda hit me in stages and had me going sideways a bit, but that only served to keep me turning the pages to find out what would happen next with Elliott, Catherine and all the mysterious stuff with her mom and the B & B.

Sooooo, Imma put this out there now: This is gonna be a vague super non-spoilery review. It has to be because of all that goes on in the book. Just wanted to give you a heads up now.

Cathering and Elliott. I really liked both of them. What I saw were two kids who had really good hearts, despite all they’d dealt with in their short years on this Earth, or it could be because of it that they were as good as they, hard to say. But they were good people, in that strange in-between where they were more mature that their years, and were still going through all the crazy teen stuff. Their romance is sweet and has just the right amount of teenage YA/NA angst to remind you that they are still “kids”, but the connection between them is strong and I liked where things went with them.

Now for the mystery of the B & B and all that goes on there. I have to say that it took me a bit to clue in to all that was going on, but once I did it ended up being a lot more fun for me. I know, it sounds odd, but the way things were...presented were pretty cool, even if it was a little eerie and I kept waiting to see when and how everything would finally be exposed.

This is my first Jamie McGuire read and I really enjoyed it. The writing was engaging and I enjoyed the dual 1st person POV. The pacing was good, though at times it did drag a bit, but not to the point where I got bored or wanted to skip ahead. The secondary cast of characters were definitely interesting and we have a 50/50 split of the ones that I liked vs. ones I didn’t. My only gripe, really, is that I wish we’d gotten a little more of a wrap up in the end. The big issues are closed out, but there were a few things I’d have really liked a little follow up. But, other than that, this was a quick read that kept me on my toes.

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I had no idea what this book was about going in. I prefer not to read blurbs and be surprised. I was sucked into this amazing read right from the very beginning.

Oh you know just another little boy meets little girl falls in love and grows up together happily ever after right? Nope think again life isn’t that kind. Elliot and Catherine’s love story is nothing like I’ve ever read before. I quickly became attached to them both and hoped with all my might that things would work out for them in the end even though they faced off against so much.

The story was so compelling and had me at the edge of my seat many times and I LOVE THAT! This wasn’t anything at all what I would expect from this author, however I enjoyed every single minute of it.

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Holy Book Hangover!!
All the Little Lights by Jamie McGuire was another McGuire winner. I can honestly say this was something completely different. It's a book that will keep you guessing until the very end! It did start off a little slow; but as soon as it grabs you, hang on because it will be an emotional roller coaster ride with so many twists and turns, you're libel to get whiplash in the best way possible!

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Catherine and Elliot meet the summer going into their sophomore year of high school. Catherine always been something of an outcast so her friends are few and far between. She is a little leery of Elliot and thinks he’s strange but at Elliot’s persistence in getting to know her, the two eventually click and spend the entire summer together. When Elliot unexpectedly leaves during a very difficult time for Catherine she is devastated and vows to pretty much hate him forever. Little does Catherine know, but Elliot has been living in his own private hell, all the while trying to get back to her.

When they finally meet again, Catherine lives with her mother in their bed and breakfast where there are guests that are somewhat strange and Elliot learns how much disdain Catherine has for him. As much as she doesn’t want to trust Elliot and let him into her life, she can’t help but to do it. However, she keeps Elliot and everyone else outside of the B&B at arm’s length. After finally finding his way back to Catherine, Elliot is determined to hold on to her and make her see that he always has and always will be there for her.

My first introduction to Jamie McGuire was Beautiful Disaster and I was instantly in love and have read every Maddox brother book since. So I was a little disappointed when I realized this book wasn’t really along the lines of the Beautiful and The Maddox Brothers series. As a matter of fact, I didn’t really like this book so much because it seemed kind of choppy. The entire time I was reading I kept saying to myself…"this book is really strange”. I felt like I was missing something; like everyone was in on the joke except me. Then, I had to tell myself to just stop trying to compare and figure out what you’re not getting and read the damned book and let me tell you…..AMAZING. That’s what this book was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!

I really liked Catherine and Elliot. In the beginning I felt like Elliot was a bit pushy and came on way too strong. I kind of thought he might have some type of mental issue (maybe he did, maybe he didn’t…I’m not saying), but at the same time he was sweet. I love how he pulled Catherine out of her comfort zone that first summer and when he returned; the way he made sure to include her. Poor Catherine only wanted to be a normal teenage girl with girlfriends and go to football games and just have fun…and Elliot gave that to her. Of course this did not come without challenges from a few “mean girls” and it’s due to these “mean girls” that has the town turned upside down and Elliot right in the middle of a scandal.

This book had a little bit of everything in it. It has love, mystery, and most of all suspense. This is one of those books where you can’t say too much without giving too much away. All I can tell you is that the resolution will blow you away. I remember when I was younger watching this Jodi Foster movie “The Little Girl Who Lives Down the Lane” while I was reading all I kept thinking about was this movie. I was pretty young when I saw the movie, it came out sometime in the late 70’s early 80’s and I was probably in my early teens by the time I actually saw it and honestly never really thought about it again…until I started reading this book; but I remember the feelings I had watching the movie and those where the same feelings I had reading this book. I can’t put it into words but it’s almost like the mood was so mysterious that even if the scene is the book was sunny, you just picture that gloomy, rainy fall day. That’s something else that made me like this book so much, the feeling it gave me while reading it, almost like I was transported into the book and being able to see the scenes in my head as they played out. I’m not saying the plot of this book is the same as the movie, just that the mystery and suspense is very similar.

Kudos to Jamie McGuire for this book and you definitely need to add it to your summer TBR!

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Thanks Netgalley for a ARC to read and give my honest opinion.

Fans of Beautiful Disaster please get excited for another beautiful love story. This book is sort of PG since there is no sex and barely any cuss words. What we do have is a beautiful romance with a little gritty angst that the author is known for. I enjoyed it immensely and was glued to my kindle for hours. Five beautiful stars of entertainment! That ending was spooky and a killer! No pun intended :)

The book starts with Elliot, he's sent to his Aunts to live because his mother and father are having marital problems. Life with his Aunt and Uncle is much better and he becomes aware of the little girl down the street. He is captivated with her and takes pictures of her constantly.
Catherine has a strange childhood, and her sun rises and sets on her father's love. She befriends Elliot and they become two peas in a pod. On the day before Elliot has to go back to her moms a tragedy happens, and the two are ripped apart.
A couple of years go by and Elliot is reunited with his princess but things are not what they seem. He goes through the process of getting her to trust him again but so many things are battling against the two young lovers that fate seems hopeless. Great ending to a fabulous tale!

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I confess that I took this book by imagining a YA Romance , of course we have a very sweet love story in our hands but nothing prepared my heart for all the tension I faced throughout the reading.
Elliot has serious family problems, and as he approached the girl with the gloomy looks that lives in the neighborhood, he never imagined that he would meet someone so beautiful and with such a sad look. As from the beginning he likes Catherine and will gradually doing everything to win the trust and friendship of the girl. They live magical times when they are together, even life going on complicated for both.
Catherine is a sweet and strong girl who has her life shattered when she least expects it and everything collapses right in front of her. Even though she misses Elliot's friendship, she can not forgive him and does not allow him to approach her broken heart again.
But Elliot is persistent and again goes step by step penetrating into the built walls enveloped by Catherine and this friendship will again be heavily tested when the mother of both stand against the approach of the two and a crime shakes the small town.
With a light handwriting, Jamie Macguire tackles strong themes such as racial prejudice, bullying, and behavioral disorders, causing my poor heart to suffer at every scene in the book, and worse to being in such a state of tension that I could barely sleep while reading the book. Narrated in first person by each of the protagonists, I was accompanying the pains, dilemmas and conflicts of each one besides all the involvement with other characters of school .
It brings an engaging and complex plot with well-built characters and surprising twists.
The idea of the cover and the title were well explained throughout the plot, making me like the book even more.
4/5 stars

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This is a sweet story of first love that takes twists and turns you would never see coming. Jamie McGuire is brilliant as she tells the story of Elliott and Catherine which spans over several years of their early adulthood. Their young love mixed with typical teenage high school drama and the mystery which surrounds Catherine's home and family will keep you guessing and cheering for them as a young couple in love. Elliott is so protective, loyal and loving that you can't help but fall for him and only hope that he can help pull Catherine out of her dark, all-consuming and secret life. Well done Jamie McGuire! This YA novel is sure to be a hit!

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All the Little Lights just became my favorite by Jamie McGuire. Love, sadness, happiness, suspense, guilt, and freedom were all emotions throughout the story. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time waiting to see what was going to happen.
Elliott lives on the same street as Catherine when he stays at his aunt's house during the summers. Then he finally makes his way back to Juniper Street to stay. Catherine has been going through a lot since the last time she saw Elliott. Things aren't what they once were.

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This was different and I liked it! I have not read the popular series by this author but even I know this was nothing like her other series.

I wasn't sure what to expect but I was completely engrossed. The author did a good job of keeping me guessing about what the heck was going on behind closed doors.

It starts out with a sweet boy crushes on girl story and as the story developed, the more I wondered if there was more going on in the back ground. It was subtle and brilliantly done. This has a great love story with a bit of dark side to it and I'll leave it at that so as not to ruin anything.

This is actually one of those stories that I wish I had read with a buddy so I could discuss a few things. Great story. Great writing. ARC provided by NetGalley.

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When I read Jamie McGuire's first book, Beautiful Disaster, it was like lightning in a bottle- surprising, new, engaging, and I've read many of her books since then chasing that feeling. I won't say that All the Little Lights is totally on par with the electricity in that book, but it's by far one of McGuire's best books to date. Young love springing up in the ruins of a dilapidated small town, teenagers who have seen more and been through more than their fair share finding each other and finding home. Catherine's story is heartbreaking and terrifying, and Elliott's devotion and support was sweet. I devoured this story.

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Full review to come! Different than the usual Jamie McGuire and a welcome change. Thank you Montlake Romance for the chance to read/review!

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I loved this book, there were a few parts that dragged on for me but over all I couldn't put it down. I loved the suspense of what is actually happening at her house. When I finished this book I sat there just processing everything that happened.

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It's been years since I read Jamie's Beautiful Disaster. I was very excited to see I was able to read this early in exchange for a honest review.
Jamie really knows how to connect with her readers. I feel like she always shows us true feelings between her characters therefore emotions feel raw and real. This book was no exception. The layout of the book was unique because of the part tit played in the book. Reading this was like reading a great combination of mystery and romance. But lets be real..........THAT ENDING!!! Best ending of a book I've read in a very long time! 4.5 stars without a doubt. Loved this book and would give it to my best friend!

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Catherine is so much more than what meets the eye; she a strong, brave, loving, hard-working, intelligent girl who’s world has been flipped upside down. Tragedy seems to always be breaking down her door, all she knows how to do is to keep rolling with the punches. For years she has heard bad things associated with her last name and now she has no one to seek help from when she needs it the most. Elliott’s return lead her to believe there’s help out there, and shows just how far one will go to help someone they love.

Elliott has been spending summers with his aunt and uncle as long as his parents have been together. Tired of fighting and negativity Elliott picks up a camera, focuses on the girl and loses his heart to her. Strong, independent Elliott fights to show Catherine his love and his acceptance. He needs all of his strength to keep Catherine safe and show her the way out. His early years were not enjoyable years and has made him wise beyond his years.

Ms. McGuire has made me want to sit and reread All the Little Lights over and over again. Within the first couple of pages I knew we were in for a ride but I never imagined it would be as crazy and complexed as it is. I felt as if I just watched an illusionist, I sat here half in a trance reading, completely ignoring life around me; and when the last page was read, I was grinning like crazy, knowing I had been duped, but loving every minute of it. Her characters were amazing, so real and raw. Each character pulled some kind of emotion out of me, ranging from anger and revenge to hope and happiness. All the Little Lights is an emotional coaster coming of age story that flows so smoothly, it’s easy to lose track of time. Ms. McGuire is a new to me author but now will be a collections author….I cannot recommend this book enough!!

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Wow. Captivating, enthralling read. Couldn't put it down.
It's my first time reading this author definitely won't be the last. Not what I was expecting, that ending OMG!
An enduring love story where there 2 saviors/heros - Catherine and Elliot. A love triangle that involves the past that dictates the future.
So Good! A romantic love story filled with mystery and descriptive qualities that just sends chills up your spine. A story of being a warrior, no one gets left behind.

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It’s really difficult for me to review. I hadn’t read a book from this author in quite a few years so I sort of forgot this writing style. It was slow easing into the story. It dragged at times. I would have hopped for a shorter story.

It’s a love story that started at a young age. There is a twist in this story.

Standalone told in a dual POV with an HEA.

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