Member Reviews

Well this had so many unexpected twists! It starts slowly and seemingly innocently but then you sense danger. But from where? I liked the different voices, and the bit 2/3 way through when you think - oh!! Clever - I’d recommend it!

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This was a brilliant read. As soon as I started reading this book I just knew I was going to love it. Highly recommended

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Fast Twisty and exciting I truly loved it - I was not expecting the twists that happened within the book was truly impressed.

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Really liked the tension in this book, it did a really good job of building it throughout the book. This will keep you asking questions and wondering and it was good. I really enjoyed it.

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Had heard great things about this book but it fell flat for me. Really hard to get into and very very slow. Hard to connect with the characters.

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"When Caroline and Francis receive an offer to house swap, they jump at the chance for a week away from home. After the difficulties of the past few years, they’ve worked hard to rebuild their marriage for their son’s sake; now they want to reconnect as a couple."

My first book by Rebecca Fleet, and definitely won't be my last. This author knows how to write a great suspenseful thriller with all the deceit, secrets, lies, clues and red herrings to draw you into a brilliant story.

There were several times I was sure I knew what was going on, but of course I didn't, and this made it a book I could not put down. The ending was a perfect match for the rest of the book, so well done.

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A well-written, slow-burning domestic suspense novel, this has an intriguing premise - what if after a house swap with a stranger you discovered that that stranger seemed to know too much about you? Playing the card of the unknown narrator, Fleet manages to deliver some sharp twists at the end that will hopefully have you as surprised as me! A decent entry into the domestic suspense genre.

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I ended up buying the audiobook of this novel. I began listening to it but then stopped for some reason and when I came back to the audiobook the narration had changed. I found the narration of the two male characters in the book difficult to discern between.

I really liked the setting of this book. I found it well described and I am familiar with both of the main settings having lived in one and worked in the other. I really liked the contrast between the two areas and the lifestyle of both areas too. I think it added a depth to the character development.

I have to admit that I was expecting more of a straightforward thriller rather than something more suspenseful having heard the author describe her work at an event I attended. Whilst the thrill didn't blow me away, this wouldn't stop me from purchasing other books from this author in the future.

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I would firstly like to thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Despite being really slow, I did persevere and finish this book. Honestly I don't know why I bothered. The premise of the story did intrigue me to begin with, but with unlikeable characters, questionable and repetitive behaviour, predictable choices and a lacklustre ending; this book was not for me.

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As I usually do, I look at others reviews to see what others thought. I think it’s a middle of the road when I looked at others reviews, but I really liked it.

It had the completeness of a good mystery type thriller based around a domestic noir with a few sexy scenes thrown in.

As it says in the title House Swap. Yes this is based around swapping your home for a vacation in each other’s houses, but this is so much more.

A husband with a good profession but a problem.
A wife undervalued and under temptation.

Yes it has an affair in it but it’s very much a part of the drawing the reader in.

I was very invested in this book.

I read some, and I listened on audio to some.
The audio is ok but the woman’s voice sometimes didn’t give it enough umf enough expression. It didn’t deter me though because I was so into this equation that was happening.

I definitely didn’t guess some of this.

Characters very well rounded, real, and relatable.

I’ve now got her other book. Loving her writing style.

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I've never been comfortable with the idea of swapping houses with a stranger, so the whole premise was uncomfortable from the get go.

That said this is a cracking story of a marriage in crisis and the re-emergence of past secrets and lies.

A great debut thriller

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The House Swap by Rebecca Fleet is a slow family drama with not enough character development for me to enjoy.

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The House Swap is an interesting one, mainly because it really felt as if I was a fly on the wall looking in on Francis and Caroline’s marriage. You see straight away that things aren’t perfect with secrets that are just waiting to be revealed and I was very curious to see what would happen along the way. Now I wouldn’t necessarily class The House Swap as an outright thriller it probably has more of a hint of family drama about it. What I will say is that there was something about it that caught my attention making me turn those pages.

In this story we meet Caroline and Francis as they decide to take part in a house swap however this is just the beginning and some trouble is heading straight for them. The House Swap is a definite slow burner mainly due to the fact that the reader is drip fed information over two timelines, one being 2013 the other 2015. However because the story plays out this way you do get a good feel for Caroline’s character especially in regards to her marriage. I wouldn’t say that the characters were likeable because they definitely have flaws! However this never bothered me and I just kept on turning those pages wondering what would happen next.

Some parts of the story are told from an unknown perspective and these snippets are certainly unnerving I thought these parts were a great addition. They added that all important tension along with making me question things such as was I really seeing all of the information or was I being misled. The House Swap had a growing tension, drama between the characters and plenty of secrets revealed along the way!

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Caroline and Francis are trying to relight the fire in their marriage and what better way to do it than with a little holiday…right? The decide to take part in a house swap near London. After arriving things start to happen in the house making Caroline feel that maybe she is being watched. This book makes you feel completely uneasy. It changes back and forth between timelines and is narrated by 3 different characters.
This book has it all, addiction, an affair, mystery this was a solid read and while it took a few chapters to get going once it picked up pace I couldn’t put it down

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This book is going back and forth slowly filling in details and that does not always work. I often find current time or flashbacks give away something you know will influence the other side of the story but not in this book.
I am not sure if I liked Caroline or not. The way she was dealing with everything that was happening did make sense but I did not understand why she kept so many secrets. It made me doubt her motivation to keep it secret.
Despite her actions I did feel sorry for Francis often. I would have loved to know what Carl made of the whole situation but it totally fit with his character that we never get his side of things.
The book is a quick read. I could have been more psychotic but it is a slippery slope between keeping it exciting and making it bat crazy so I think it has been a good choice to keep it on the safe side.

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Started this book as i wanted a psychological thriller. This satisfactied that need however it did drag a bit. Could have been a lot quicker paced. Not a bad read though.

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I was keen to get my hands on this book from the moment I first heard about it so I was thrilled when I was approved to read it from NetGalley.

The House Swap is a novel about a woman who on a whim posts her home on a house swap site and then months later she gets an alert that someone wants to swap for a week. She decides to do it and her husband are soon spending the week in Chiswick while someone spends a week in their flat in Leeds. Caroline and Francis are trying to rebuild their marriage after a rough few years but things aren’t all as they seem with the house swap.

I was expecting this novel to be darker than it was but even so it was definitely thrilling. I ended up reading it in one sitting over the course of an afternoon and I didn’t want to put it down in that time.

The characters in The House Swap aren’t particularly likeable, they all have issues and it makes them quite self-centred but I liked the book all the more for this. I was keen to find out what made them the way they were and if they were going to have any kind of redemption by the end of the novel.

There are twisty elements in this book, and I did work most of them out, but it was still quite the ride as I was reading it. It was deeply unsettling to think of a stranger in your home, while you’re in theirs, only you’ve left more of who you are in your home and they can find out all your dark secrets. I’ve always shuddered at the thought of house swaps. I know they’re increasingly popular but the idea of it is very unnerving to me (even more so after reading this novel)!

I found The House Swap to be a fast-paced read and I really enjoyed it. I’d recommend it if you like domestic novels with some thriller elements.

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I enjoyed thiS, but not as much as i thought i would. it is my first experience of a 'domestic thriller' and i'm not sure it was my kind of story, however it was well written, although the main character was a little too self involved for my liking and I was unable to feel any empathy for her at all.

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The House Swap is a slow burning tale of marriage and adultery, truth and lies told from the perspective of Caroline and Francis, a couple who have betrayed each other in different ways and are now trying to repair the damage. They accept a house swap to spend some time alone in London but as soon as they get there Caroline sees little familiar things that begin to add up to the houses occupant knows her somehow...

This is an intriguing and slightly creepy read. Caroline's story is far more interesting than that of Francis. His addiction to a non specified drug is a little tedious. Really I think his story was only included to enable a reveal later in the book. But not much is from his point of view luckily so it didn't wreck my enjoyment too much! Not a massive amount happens in this book but it's written in such a cleverly implicit way that it still held my attention well. The ending is a little lack luster but somehow it has a tinge of realism to it. What happens at the end feels sadly inevitable and whilst not the most satisfying is the most likely.

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The House Swap sure got an intriguing and slightly creepy plot. It was such a slow burn, the build-up took too long to happen, but still, it is an interesting read. It didn’t give anything away until the last minute, so it kept me guessing the whole time of what is really happening. I thought I had things figured out, but things are not what they seem, which is a good twist. There’s enough mystery to keep my attention until the end but I feel like there’s too much focus on Caroline’s affair and the other details weren’t given any attention. I found both Caroline and Francis dull and unlikeable characters. The ending comes off as a surprise but not that satisfying as it felt rushed. A well-written debut nonetheless and a good read overall.

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