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A Duke Like No Other

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When everything Mark Grimaldi has sacrificed to his military career first and a position he has always wanted after years of dedication are about to pay off, there is a catch.. With an offer of a promotion to Home Secretary, if only Mark settles down and marries.. Mark must confess, he already has a wife..

Nicole Huntington Grimaldi has spent years in France without her husband. . When Mark shows up on her doorstep and asks her to return to London to play the part of his dutiful wife. Nicole will agree to go with Mark, but she has a condition of her own.

A wonderful read as these two discover romance a second time around.

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Mark Grimaldi's up for a HUGE promotion - to Home Secretary, head of the Home Office. Which I'm gathering is like the head of all defense/spies in England. The catch is he needs to be settled and that means he needs to be married. Guess what?! That's not a problem since he has a wife. He just hasn't seen her in ten years.

I liked this a lot. Nicole and Mark were very good together. Everyone but them could see it. And neither were willing to admit their feelings to the other. They were both hard headed, but Mark took the cake for stubbornness!

I found this a little repetitive in some places, but the mystery was great. I didn't suspect the killer at all and was surprised to find out who did it.

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This romance centers on the reunion of a couple who were unsuited a decade ago because of her passion for risk and his inflexible ideas about class, but who are forced back together as a married pair to both solve a murder and sort out family forgiveness. Scorching hot scenes and good background research.

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I love a great second chance romance and this is one of them. I adored both the hero and heroine and the adventures between them. Through in some mystery and flashbacks to their first meeting, made for an enjoyable read that kept wanting to read on. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that wants a fun historical romance.

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A Duke Like No Other is the first book I've read by Valerie Bowman, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The story pits the strong-willed husband and wife team of Nicole and Mark against each other in a series of misunderstandings that does nothing to help the estranged couple rekindle their romance. Mark wants to become England's Home Secretary and Nicole wants a baby...the bargain they make so that they each get what they want...leads us all on a trip through romance, stubbornness, the back story to their separation, and a murder investigation. There are some steamy scenes as the couple work through their relationship ... which helps to understand the difficulties they face in figuring out their feature.
I was offered an e-ARC of this book from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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The first few pages of this book had me hooked. I am a total sucker for married couple romances. Even the introduction of both the characters of the hero and heroine is so intriguing and well written that I wanted to know more about them and hear their back story. It is utterly enchanting romance with sexy chemistry between Mark and Nicole. I adored both the hero and heroine’s and thought that the transition between past and present is really well written by the author.

* I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publisher for an honest review*

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I really enjoyed this book! It was romance with a little mystery on the side. The characters were likable and their motives were explained through the story so that when it came time for their actions, they were understood.

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Valerie is an exceptional author. I’ve yet to read one of her books and be disappointed. The characters come to life. Great read !

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There were parts of A Duke Like No Other I really enjoyed.
It read easily, as do all Valerie Bowman novels. The premise was intriguing, but the flashbacks were what took this installment from a 4 to a 3, and I place the blame solely on Mark.
At the beginning of their relationship, Mark is a Corporal training to be a spy. He has ties to a duchy but doesn't acknowledge them.
Nicole is the daughter of an earl who is bored with aristocratic living. She find herself working with the Bow Street Runners.
Both keep aspects of their life secret from each other and both find out and still withhold their knowledge in hopes the other will share with them.
It comes out Nicole knew about Mark's ties and instead of talking to her and hearing her out, he hurls accusations and insults at Nicole and she leaves him and the country. Mark is too prideful to seek her out to resolve their issue and they are estranged for 10 years before he seeks her out needing her to advance his career.
Shame on you, Mark.
Between their flashbacks and the murder investigation there wasn't any real soul connecting/forgiveness between Mark and Nicole in the present.
I found this one lacking on the rekindling of their romance.

An ARC of this novel was provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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The Story:
Mark Grimaldi is a high ranking English spymaster. He is a proud, self-reliant, and a self-made man. Born from an Italian painter, Mark has worked his way up through the military to secure the position he is in now. However, his eye is on the position as the Home Secretary for England. Mark has a dream to rebuild England and protect the people in it. BUT, the only way to secure this position is to find his estranged wife of 10 years, Nicole Grimaldi. His boss does not believe in selecting a bachelor to become the House Secretary. Which meant Mark had to find his wife and bring her back to London to put on a show that he is a family man. Would she come willingly? Mark has never been known to share his own emotions so freely. When he arrives in France to bring his wife back to London. The door he closed long ago on her reopened. His emotions crashing in. Mark struggles to reclose the door. He is there to use her to secure the position he’s worked so hard for. After all to Mark is ex-wife is a “scheming liar.” right?

As a daughter of an Earl, you are expected to act like a proper lady and prepare for the day of your marriage. Not Nicole. She wants much MORE! Nicole secretly took on a job as a bounty hunter. She loves tracking down thieves to capture them. It makes her feel worth more than the title she was given at birth. Nicole is a fierce, and strong-willed woman. A woman that prefers to ride her horse at night than to learn how to act properly at a ton party. Which she often felt was boring. Nicole wanted someone outside of this hell hole that she was raised in. Nicole wanted more from life, she wanted to act freely without any consequences as the daughter of an Earl. After Nicole met Mark she was hopeful that someone could see her beyond the title and family she was raised in. Unfortunately, Mark and Nicole had a falling out and Nicole closed off her heart for good. Not allowing anyone especially Mark to find their way in it. Ten years later Mark shows up at her house and Nicole’s emotions hit her as if they had never been locked away. She despises this man for what he had done to her. But she needs something from Mark. And if he showed up after 10 years then apparently he needs something from her too. But at what cost? Is having her heart broken all over again worth it? She sure hoped so.

The review:

This was a wonderfully written book. The flow of the storyline never dragged along. Each part of the manuscript had sections and stories that created a bigger picture for the reader to understand. I enjoyed reading two characters who are prideful and strongwilled. It’s amazing to see an aristocratic woman more headstrong than the damsel in other Victorian novels. I felt Mark and Nicole were described amazingly well. They were not described as God-like characters. They were very relatable for married couples, especially those that are estranged. I thoroughly enjoyed how the storyline would switch from the past to the present. Though at times I WANTED TO KNOW THE ANSWER TO EACH SECRET THEY WERE TRYING TO UNCOVER. I understand as a reader I had to gather the bigger picture at hand before continuing the storyline during present time. I don’t believe there are any sections in the book that I felt wasn’t necessary. Each part had a purpose and it was explained very well. My favorite part of the book is the conversation Mark had with his buddies. Or men he would consider to be his buddies. As a Spy Master, you can’t have any connections to anyone that can be used against you. It added some good humor to help their “idiot friend” come to his senses. The author did a phenomenal job as usual. This is the 9th book in the Playful Bride series.

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Rate: 4/5

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Thanks to St Martin’s Press and NetGalley for a copy of this book. A quirky regency romance which is full of fun. Read it and enjoy!

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A Duke Like No Other by Valerie Bowmanis another enchanting romance. A historical that pushes boundaries and sinks its teeth into my heart. The plot was fast-paced, engaging, and emotional. Two protagonists both with a desire to work in a dangerous field and do what is right. Despite their Desiree and attraction, both hide things from each other. This causes a rift to form and both fall apart. A marriage based on love but broken by secrets. Neither one was able to let his or her pride down to set things right between them. Ten years later, life has a way of bringing them back together. One wants to become a mother and the other the Secretary of State.

However, to become Secretary of State he needs his wife back in England to assume the position of a family man. General Mark Grimadali is more of a family man than most presume and more than he, himself thinks he is. It was funny watching his troubles, fears, and heart explode among the pages. His wife Nicole is jus s strong of character as her husband. Stubborn to a fault...she can't hide her feelings any longer. Afraid of a broken heart again, she is prepared to leave her husband she loves one more...but could he really not love her? Both are grave, smart, and charming. I fell hard and fast for these characters. Their personalities and struggles were exciting to follow. Overall, I highly recommend this historical regency novel.

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A sentimental romance , set in England And France .
Mark and Nicole , married for 10 years , living in different countries.
Secretly they still, and have always been in love , but although the feelings are strong they just don’t seem to be able to show their emotions to each other .
When situations arise Mark goes in search of Nicole and returns with her to England, but will they both get what they want this time round ?
A cant put down Novel , love tears and intrigue and a dash of murder , make this book a must read .
I read an advanced copy of this book and chose to submit a review

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I made it 31% of the way through this one and realized I probably could have kept reading, but I was going to be sort of "meh" about it and would've rather used my reading time on something I felt more interested in. Things were already playing out in a very stereotypical way, and some of the romantic barriers were already feeling forced and artificial that early in the story. The hero and the heroine didn't engage me enough to set aside my issues with the story, so this one was an abandoned-for-now read for me.

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I loved Grim and Nicole! Their bickering was so much fun, and they had so many twisty misunderstandings. The build-up between them was really well done. I could have done without the murder mystery plot-- we never even met the man who was murdered, so it was hard to care who had killed him or why.

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Secrets and misunderstandings separate Mark and Nicole. A promotion and a murder bring them back together. Loved the girl spy’s.

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A Duke Like No Other (Playful Brides #9) is my first novel by Valerie Bowman. I enjoyed it, because not only is it a steamy romance but a well written one, with a witty sparring-couple that were estranged and reunited for practical reasons, and then things change. The story well thought out which included a murder to solve; secondary characters were filled-out with personalities and just as entertaining as the main characters. I found 350-some page novel quick and easy to read. It was fun and enjoyable.

I was offered an e-ARC of this book from St. Martin’s Press via NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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I really enjoyed Mark and Nicole's story.,,however, Mark was a bit too prideful and stubborn and always wanted his way and never thought he was wrong. That irked me a lot about him. But for the most part, I as adore historical romances, this one was a keeper. Besides the obvious sexual chemistry between the main characters, there was a smidgen of intrigue and mystery. A who dun it so to speak, though I would have never guessed who the real culprit was. I highly recommend this book. I voluntarily read this book via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A truly delightful story about second chances and learning from our past mistakes. A Duke Like No Other is more than just a historical romance book. It's a story filled with redemption, love lost and gained, and a deep mystery that eventually leads the main characters to band together to solve the crime.
I really enjoyed reading A Duke Like No Other. Nicole was a wife with an estranged husband, Mark. After fleeing to France to escape her failed marriage, she led a somewhat pleasant and calm life running a lavender field and occasionally helping out the police by solving crimes. When her estranged husband finally returned from the war and needed to settle down for a huge promotion, all of her buried anger and hurt resurfaces. With a strange request, Mark finds that he needed his wife back in his life in order to gain a much sought-after position after the war. But Nicole had her own plans as well. She wanted a baby knowing that after she gave Mark what he wanted, she will once again be left alone.
A Duke Like No Other is funny, adorable, and full of miscommunication. The estranged couple obviously still had strong feelings for each other, but a huge misunderstanding drove them apart 10 years ago. The dialogue is cunning and intelligent and I couldn't help but love Mark's personality in the story. While he was stoic and steadfast, he was also putty when it came to his wife.
A Duke Like No Other is a fun story with a mystery towards the end that was also fun to discover along with the main characters.
Thank you for the ARC!

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This wasn't exactly what I was expected, it wasn't bad but it didn't reach my expectations either.the blurb led me to believe this was an couple, estranged as a result of a misunderstanding, reconnecting to enable the husband to get a prestigious promotion and falling in love. Whilst it was, it was not the main plot, which revolved around solving a murder.Also I found A Duke Like No Other lacked the angst and relationship development I expect from Estranged Spouses despite having a solid premise and strong side characters. Overall, it was a great story but not one I would love to read again!

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