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All Night with the Cowboy

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Member Reviews

What a pleasure to discover a new to me author.
Tanner Ford, former bad boy and Lauren his former highschool sweetheart have a second chance.
They reconnect as adults for professional reasons but the chemistry is still there.
The story was a fun, easy read that kept me glued to my kindle. Who doesn't love a broken heart novel that has a chance to repair? I look forward to seeing what else this author has written.

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4.5 Stars
A sizzling second chance romance with an injured bad boy bullrider and his childhood sweetheart-turned-physical therapist. Located partly on a tropical island and partly on the family ranch in Texas, the settings are gorgeously described. The story, the chemistry between the lovers, and the additional characters are developed better in this installment (book 2, but can be read as a stand-alone). This series gets better with each book. For contemporary romance fans.

Net Galley Feedback

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Soraya Lane writes fantastic Cowboy romances, and has fast become a must read author and an instant purchase too. All Night With The Cowboy is the second instalment in Ms Lane’s River Ranch series and once again she delivers a great storyline with impressive characters.

Ms Lane’s stories always provide believable character interactions, action, drama, humour and combustible sex. I absolutely loved this book, and as always I look forward to reading more from Soraya Lane in the future.

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This is a superb second-chance romance that is a delightful, easy read and real page turner - one of those stories that is easy to escape into and you really don’t want to put down until you’ve finished reading it.

Whilst at school Tanner Ford and Lauren Lewis fell in love and it looked like they’d have a brilliant future together. Then she left. He was heartbroken and hasn’t had a serious relationship since. She was also heartbroken but she had her reasons . . . .

Twelve years later and Tanner has had a very successful career as a bull rider and busting broncos but then one of the bulls turned on him and he sustained serious injuries. His sister arranges for him to have one of the finest physical therapists to help with his recovery. There’s only one major problem - that therapist is Lauren Lewis.The chemistry and attraction between the two is still there but with so much in their past can they work together to forgive, understand and trust each other to help them achieve their potential HEA?

I’ve been very careful not to give any clues as to why Lauren left initially - it certainly wasn’t what I’d initially assumed! They’d missed out on so many years together but now have the chance to create a joint future but only after secrets have been revealed as the past refuses to be ignored in this thoroughly enjoyable read. This is another great emotive romance from this highly talented author. I have to admit that her books are one of those that jump straight to near the top of my tbr pile whenever they become available. I have no hesitation in highly recommending this and any of her other books to anyone who enjoys superbly crafted cowboy romances like this!

I requested and received a copy of this novel via NetGalley. This is my honest review after choosing to read it.

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Soraya Lane certainly knows how to write a great second chance romance. Even better it features a cowboy! This is the second book in the series, but it can easily stand on its own. Lauren and Tanner were high school sweethearts and when she broke things off before college, Tanner never forgave her. But then he never got over her either. So when Tanner needs her help to get over his injuries, he never imagined rekindling their romance.
Great characters and an engaging story line kept me reading way past my bedtime, but it was totally worth it! Looking forward to more from this author.

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If you’re looking for a book that’s rich with romance, All Night With the Cowboy is the book for you! This is the story of a man who gets more second chances than he probably deserves, with a hot woman and with his career.
Tanner is the heir to a wealthy family ranch, if he wants it, but what he really wants is to be the best bull rider on the PBR circuit. He longs to draw the toughest bulls and ride them for a full 8 seconds and then some. Be careful what you wish for. Tanner does indeed draw the toughest bull and winds up broken and smashed into the arena dirt in less than 5 seconds. That’s a tough scene to read as the bull keeps coming back repeatedly for another piece of the cowboy. Fast forward to a need to heal and recover. Tanner’s sister Mia knows exactly what Tanner needs but it’s going to take some convincing to get her brother to accept it. While everyone else is trying to convince Tanner it’s time to retire from riding bulls, Mia knows he won’t accept that right now but will he accept an even tougher challenge – the care of the top sports physical therapist in the business, who just happens to have broken Tanner’s heart several years ago?
Lauren has always wanted to be a healer. She studied and worked hard to become the PT for the Texas Rangers baseball team, so she’s on the top of her career ladder although she’s young and a woman. Now that it’s the off season she needs a vacation and decides three weeks in Fiji doing nothing but relaxing on the beach, eating fine food, and drinking fine wine is the cure for what ails her. Then Mia calls. Would Lauren consider taking the man she had to turn away before with her to Fiji and do what Lauren does best in an effort to make him whole enough to enter the bull riding ring again? Upgrades all around for her vacation and expenses paid, she decides she can do this.
Fiji begins with Tanner and Lauren not only at odds but regretting this whole plan. A week or two of luxury with someone neither of them has ever gotten over sparks first a timid friendship and finally some sheet scorching sex, but it’s only for the duration of their stay on Fiji. The drama of an incoming hurricane and the revelation of the man Tanner has become draws them closer. However, when they return home, it’s hands and minds off again, or so they think.
Lauren has another secret burden she isn’t willing to tell Tanner and Tanner is finally considering whether he still wants to ride bulls. Their parents have always been in the picture as these two people plan and live their lives but never more than now. This is a fun read, with plenty of rodeo action and sizzling bed action, as well as lots of will-she, won’t-she, will-he, won’t-he rolled into the mix. The ending is so fulfilling for the reader, leaving you grinning and almost clapping for the couple as well as for their families. This is definitely a great contemporary western romance. Soraya Lane writes what I love to read.

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**I received a copy of All Night with a Cowboy from St. Martin's Press and Net Galley in exchange for a voluntary and honest review**

All Night with a Cowboy by Soraya Lane is the second book in the authors River Ranch series. I've read Ms. Lane's other series and give this book 4.8 stars.

When Tanner Ford is seriously injured while competing in Bull riding his sister steps in and arranges for him to have physical therapy from a former flame Lauren Lewis. She broke his heart when she left him to go to college but now she's a the best therapist to none other but the Texas Rangers. But in order to have her help him Tanner must go on vacation with her to Fiji. (We should all be able to do this). Will they rekindle their romance or can both former lovers keep it just friends?

Lauren Lewis was given the hardest choice by her parents: go to college for what she wanted badly or take out loans and keep Tanner for her boyfriend. She chose what she knew was a heartbreaking choice let him go and have no loan debt for the best job ever at the Rangers. Little did she know that 10 years later her newest patient will be her former love and her plus one on her vacation to Fiji. But will she be able to keep her rule of no touching with her patients? Plus will Tanner give up Bull Riding after he heals from his injury? Can they make their love work for both of them and for the rest of their lives?

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If you love alpha cowboys then you’re going to LOVE Tanner Ford. This is a second chance romance. It’s swoony and angsty. This isn’t a short little story either. It’s a good solid story with lots of heat.
I really enjoyed this book. Received an advance review copy in exchange for an honest review by NetGalley.

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Lauren and Tanner were madly in love with each other, till she broke his heart and walked away from him.
Now 12 years later, they have been given a second chance. Tanner has sustained serious injuries bull riding and his sister has hired Lauren as his physical therapist. Will they be able to make things work this time around or will old hurts stop them ?
All night with the cowboy was quick and easy read. There is drama, emotions, fun, action and hot chemistry, making it an entertaining read. The angst and chemistry between Tanner and Lauren was palpable. I was rooting for them throughout.
All night with the cowboy was an enjoyable read and I look forward to reading more in the series.

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This is a sweet second chance romance. Reunited after twelve years, high school sweethearts agree to a fling but find themselves falling in love again. They both have to decide what's right for them and where they want their lives to go separate and hopefully as a couple. I love how they both get there.

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Wow! All Night With The Cowboy by Soraya Lane is a fantastic western romance. Ms. Lane has once again impressed me with her story-telling abilities with this awesome book. Her outstanding characters and their interactions are top-notch. Tanner is recovering from a bull riding injury. His sister hires the best physical therapist that happens to be Tanner's ex, Lauren. This second chance romance is packed with action, drama, humor and smokin' hot sex. I loved reading All Nigh With The Cowboy and look forward to reading more from Soraya Lane in the future. All Night With The Cowboy is book 2 of the River Ranch Series but can easily be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Another brilliant read this was.

Following on a few years after the end of the previous book, Tanner Ford who is Mia's brother, is a professional bull rider. One tragic ride on the back of a mean bull called Thundercat, Tanner is thrown and gored and is gravely injured.

Mia tells tanner that she has hired him a physical therapist to come in and help him heal as he is in a lot of pain, and she also tells him that he has to go to Fiji for this treatment, and the pt that is going to treat him is the love of his life and the girl who dumped him and broke his heart.

Lauren is a professional pt and works for a texas football team and is on her off season and had booked a trip to Fiji for 3 weeks for her birthday, she is happy to help Tanner as long as he adheres to her rules.

To say there is tension between Tan and Lol is a understatement, but when they get to fiji sparks fly and will time heal all wounds or will there be fireworks.

I genuinely loved this book, i thought Tanner was mean and grumpy and treated Lauren badly but over the course of the book you begin to understand why.

Ive now read both books in this series and will happily continue to read them as long as the author keeps writing them. Im quite looking forward to Angelina's book.

Thank you to the author and the publisher who invited me to read and review this book

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The second book in the River Ranch Book Series that can easily be read as a stand-alone novel. The prefect romantic read that will leave you with a warm spot in your heart.

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As with the other books I’ve read my Ms Lane, from the opening paragraph to last one, I've been transported into someone else's filled with passion, chemistry, angst, secrets, perceived betrayal...and of course, in this case, one hot bull rider.

With all the emotions that run throughout the story, I found myself nearly in tears one moment, then within a heartbeat filled with laughter. I truly appreciate how this author has the uncanny ability to bring so much life to her characters, who then become more than lines on a page. They seem to come alive and capture your heart.

This ARC book was complimentary, provided by the Publisher and NetGalley. I am voluntarily providing my honest review.

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This is a great book. A lost and rekindled love story. I cried a few times while reading it. It’s well written and kept me interested.

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This contemporary romance set in Texas is sweet with sensual bits and a tale of second chances.
Bull rider Tanner Ford gets a second chance with his first and only love, Lauren Lewis comes after a horrific ending to a rodeo event.
Separated for over a decade, Lauren becomes his physical therapist for several weeks on the isle of Fiji. Their tumultuous vacation rehab has them overcoming the anger over their breakup and finding their way back to each other.
Woven with family, humor and heated exchanges both angry and sexual, the tale draws the reader in.
I requested and received aNetGalley Arc to happily peruse.

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All Night with a Cowboy, is book two in the series. You don't need to read the first one to follow along with this second to chance to romance novel. It follows Tanner who is the bull rider and Lauren who is a physical therapist. 12 long years these two haven't seen each other, and it was far from sweet. I didn't enjoy this one at all, I love second chance romance but this one was to drawn out for me, I found the characters to much for my taste. the push and pull on they will they wont they really annoyed me, they hook up and then break away again and when you think they are ready to finally pull the shorts up and be adults, they don't. its not until the last 10% they actually get together again, kind off. I think people who are fans of story like this will love it, I for one am not a fan of not needed drama.

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I was excited to get back to the Ford family ranch. I loved Mia's story and couldn't wait to see what Soraya Lane had in store for Tanner. Tanner is the headstrong one of the family who loves to ride bulls and busting broncos. When he is badly injured Mia sets him up with the best physical therapist there is- who just so happens to be the woman who years earlier destroyed Tanner's heart.

Lauren Lewis works hard and it's time for a break. When her vacation is highjacked by her giving in to the wishes of Mia Ford, Lauren finds herself face-to-face with Tanner Ford- the one she destroyed. Lauren had reasons to walk away from Tanner and she was just as crushed as he after she ended things. Neither Lauren or Tanner have ever moved on from the all-consuming love they shared as teens. That lingering love leads to such strong feelings and chemistry that Tanner and Lauren as destined to have a vacation hook-up. But when it's all said and done will there be anything left to hold on to? Can they make it in regular life after vacation life is over? Will the reasons behind Lauren's actions to end their relationshp matter and can Tanner forgive her? Moreso, can Lauren open herself up and allow Tanner to not only forgive her, but to love her as well.

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All Night with the Cowboy is a super cute second chance romance. All Night with the Cowboy follows the story of Lauren and Tanner. Lauren and Tanner fell in love at a young age and when these two fell, they fell hard. For reasons unbeknownst to Tanner, Lauren called things off. She obliterated his heart and Tanner never got it back. Now faced with an injury that requires physical therapy, he gets a blast from the past that he never expected....One of Lauren's biggest regrets in life was walking away from Tanner. It's been 12 years and her heart has never forgotten him. She's tried to move on, tried to focus on her career and making a name for herself, but Tanner has never been forgotten. Fate has a funny way of giving you what you want when you least expect it. Forced to work together during Tanner's recovery, these two will quickly learn that their past refuses to stay in the past. Will these two be able to move on and forget the past? Or will life hand them the second chance they've desperately needed? There's only one way to find out....

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. I thought that it was a quick and easy read. Definitely is one that you can finish in just one sitting. I thought the plot of the story was fun. You could tell from the moment you met Tanner and Lauren that the two of them had a lot of unfinished business. The connection and angst was palpable. I really enjoyed watching these two try to navigate their way from the past to the present.  The reason Lauren had for letting Tanner go, wasn't what I was thinking it would be and I felt bad for all the years these two missed together. Yet, I think it's just what these two needed. They were young and so in love and had so much growing up to do. This was the path they needed to take. They needed to find themselves and do what would make them happy. Sure, this path broke their hearts, but not everyone is lucky enough to get a second chance. And seeing these two learn to forgive and fight for what they want really made their romance all that more enjoyable.

All Night with the Cowboy is a terrific second chance romance that gave me lots of feels and pulled my heart into many directions. I really enjoyed Lauren & Tanner's story and look forward to checking out more from this author in the future.

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Book two in the series was definitely an easier and better read for me.

Lauren is a PT and a damn good one. That's why Mia Ford asked her to help her brother Tanner. The catch? Lauren and Tanner use to be a thing. A big one. It ended abruptly leaving Tanner feeling bitter and confused.

When Tanner is injured in a bull riding accident he is in need of help for his body. All he wants is to get back in the game. Even if it means being around a woman he so dearly hates. She broke his heart and he won't let her forget it.

That's one of the main problems I have with this. He really truly seems to hate her. He's mean to her and all she wants to do is help. Yes she broke his heart years ago but she never thought he'd be so angry still. Another problem I have is that she is constantly telling herself it would never work between them and giving all these excuses even though she knows they're garbage. They both are excellent article tearing themselves and each other down. I don't think they're all that good for each other. Because in the end everything they've told each other and themselves is thrown out so they can be together as if their problems dont exist. I like Lauren well enough but Tanner? Not so much. Either Soraya loves writing about assholes or she thinks that's what women really want...

That aside, this book wasn't a bad read. Just a tad bit repetitive.

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