Member Reviews

The idea of this book was good, but sadly the authors own opinion on specific topics -for example marriage and anyone that isn't married yet must have something deeply wrong with them, not to even mention anyone that might not want to be married for any reason what so ever, than you are clearly going against everything that god ever wanted and you are basically a sinning doomed person that should just give up- was very grating.

I don't mind getting a different Perspective... but this book wasn't giving a view or perspective but rather pushing the authors option brutally and sometimes hurtfully unto the reader.

Sure some good points are made but sadly even those are overshadowed by the authors extreme options that make very clear that the author is anything but open to people seeing or experience something different than he is himself.

I think this book isn't for a large amount of readers. But if you are still interested or saw a different review that made you want to pick it up?
Go for it, but i found it a disappointing read.

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The book has a great title and concept that excites the reader. However, I was disappointed about the book. The author does a great job of pulling bible quotes to fit the topic. For me the book was lacking a personal touch.

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Although I'm not Christian, and the author says that this book is for Christians, I found Saved from Success to be full of inspiration and wisdom. Partridge does an admirable job of identifying some of the key imbalances that plague our everyday living and overall life direction. Anyone with an open mind can benefit from his recommendations for how to handle them.

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Dale Patridge has written an insightful and practical book to guide Christians to live life according to God's plan and purpose. Patridge says that most Christians do not realize that they have strayed from the right path. He points out that the trick is "waking up, turning back, and moving Godward".

Patridge discusses the topics of marriage, children, money, purpose, influence, freedom, youth, the golden calf, and finishing well. Throughout the book Patridge examines these topics from a Biblical perspective. He discusses "what culture says" versus "what God has taught us".

At the end of the book, Patridge provides link to an online study guide to use individually or in small groups.

I would recommend this book to all Christians. It is a helpful reminder to stay on the right path in life. I received this as a free ARC from Thomas Nelson on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Saved From Success recounts author and serial entrepreneur Dale Partridge's brush with fame, fortune and notoriety. He received his wake up call when he was fired from his CEO position of one of the companies that he founded.

Specifically targeting Christians, Partridge shares his thoughts on the factors that affect one's definition of success, By constantly juxtaposing our current post-modern cultural norms with Bible evidence, he hopes that Christians will continue to embrace Biblical teachings. Given his meteoric rise to fame and being on various top 40 and top 30 lists, Partridge bluntly recalls instances that he considers poor judgement on his part and how attaining success at any cost was not in line with The Creator's plan for mankind.

Partridge desires that readers will be challenged to embrace spiritual maturity which he defines as choosing to walk in godly character traits that are not natural to your personality. This would involve conforming one's flesh, mind, emotions and heart to the Word of God which for any Christian. In his words,

"God has taught me that maturity is never earned through the escape of something tough. It’s earned through the commitment of remaining faithful in the face of struggle, even when it doesn’t make sense to our flesh."

Further says that the marks of maturity are knowing that just because you can doesn't mean you should and just because it's smart doesn't mean it's right. Saying these mantras over and over again to ourselves does not discount the fact that leaving opportunities especially those that are smart and within reach does not make them downright hard to turn down. For Christians, it will involve developing restraint to question and scrutinise the decision against God's calling for your life. He says:

"Ultimately, we must be mature enough not to let what we want to do prevent us from what we’re meant to do."

Though it feels like a collection of short essays, at less than 200 pages, this book does pack a punch. Some of the sections like the opening chapter on marriage felt like they deserved to be fleshed out. More showing and less telling; granted, he may have been reluctant to delve further into certain topics in his life.

This book would be perfect for readers in the college and the young professional age range who want to make better choices but are bombarded with messages of conformity. Christians who are struggling to find the "perfect median" between faith and ambition would be able to draw life lessons from him and be able to apply to their own circumstances. Granted that his tone is blunt and maybe some may even consider him a bit abrasive, Saved from Success would definitely be a great conversation starter or a great book club pick especially since you can very easily knock it out in less than 2 hours (both audio and print formats), since these topics need to be discussed in further detail in the Christian community.

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