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The Captured Bride

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Mercy was called a "Half Breed" by strangers, but those who knew her were fiercely respectful and loyal, sure of her skills . Matthew Prinn , a ranger had been her partner for three years. He respected her more than most men he knew, but he knew her temper and fierce determination could be her downfall. An assignment had her pretending to be wed to Elias Dubois, a French traitor.
Sent on a dangerous mission, could they succeed? What would she see in the traitor, DuBois?
Michelle Griep has crafted a story of the French and Indian war, that will keep you on your toes in it's twists and turns. Satisfying and intense, it is a pleasurable read!

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Possessing an extraordinary gift of keen sight, Mercy Lytton, daughter of a captured white woman and the Mohawk sachem who rescued her from the Wyandots, now works as a scout for the English alongside her ranger friend and partner, Matthew Prinn. Before now, her assignments had never included acting a part. This assignment calls for Mercy to play the part of wife to Elias Dubois , suspected traitor, accompanied by Matthew and General Bragg’s son, Rufus, who would play the part of Matthew’s grandson. Mercy had never intended to give up her independence to any man, acting or otherwise. This “family unit” would be taking a load of gold captured from the French to another English fort through hostile territory.

Elias agreed to accompany the gold that had been taken from him when he was labeled traitor in order to avoid the noose. In addition to the gold, Elias would be secretly transporting a new, and quite deadly, weapon along with a bevy of other secrets. The thing he wouldn’t be allowed to take along was a personal weapon of any kind. How long would he survive this trek through dangerous territory with no way to defend himself?

The Captured Bride is a great adventure story, filled with intrigue and a bit of romance. Michelle Griep shows us how the flames of faith are fanned during adversity, and the freedom that is won through surrender. I read during every spare moment, as cliff hangers continued to appear making me quite anxious to know the outcome. I highly recommend this book, and thank NetGalley and Barbour Publishing for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. I received no monetary compensation for providing a review.

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The Captured Bride is book three in the Daughters of the Mayflower and all of them have been wonderfully written. They can easily be read as standalone books.

In The Captured Bride, Mercy Lytton, is a scout who travels with her friend, Matthew. They go on missions that they are sent on for British forces. In The Captured Bride, they are asked to deliver a shipment of gold that was taken from the French. They are also asked to welcome a condemned traitor to their team, Elias Dubois. As they journey, they realize all is not as it seems. For one, Elias becomes someone they put their trust in and Mercy and Elias find themselves fighting an attraction to one another.

Mercy was raised by the Mohawks. Her mother was taken captive by them, yet her mother clung to her faith in Christ and she shared that love with Mercy. Mercy struggles with her feelings regarding her mom and why she was so submissive as a captive. She also struggles with her relationship with the Lord. As the team is attacked and Mercy finds herself in the same position her mother was in, something happens. Mercy meets a special young lady and Mercy begins to see the strength her mother showed. Elias also has to decide if his love for Mercy is worth not fulfilling the duty he was sworn to carry out.

The book keeps you engaged throughout. It is well written with exciting and complex characters. I received this ARC through Netgalley and I am giving my honest opinion of the book.

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Mercy, a British scout, isn’t happy about posing as part of a family in transporting stolen French gold to British Fort Edward, but she always does her duty. Elias's choice is to pretend to be Mercy's husband or to be hanged. The other members of their ‘family’ are Matthew, an aging ranger, and the general's lazy son. They need to avoid the Wyandot as well as the French. There are many unexpected dangers along their travels. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgallery. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. This is a well written suspenseful romance. Mercy, the daughter of a Mohawk sachem and a British lady, is a strong, brave independent woman. Elias, half French and half British, has a secret mission to save lives. Both of them are much deeper characters than others initially perceive. One of the reasons that I like this book is that both of them over time see and love the essence of each other rather than their appearance. This is a good series that can be enjoyed as standalones.

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Romance During the French and Indian Wars

Mercy Lytton is the product of two cultures, her white mother and her Mohawk father. A very independent woman, Mercy was born with the gift of extremely good eyesight which gives her an advantage in acting as a scout for the British. She returns tired from a mission only to learn that the general has another mission for her. A wagon load of gold must be taken to a nearby fort. This is a dangerous mission, but even more threatening to Mercy is the stipulation that she must wed.

The choice of bridegroom is Elias Dubois. He’s been condemned as a traitor and is scheduled to hang. However, he’s given a reprieve to act as Mercy’s husband in the small contingent escorting the gold to the fort.

Mercy and Elias are sympathetic characters. Each is fighting inner demons. The attraction between the two is immediate, but neither is ready to accept it. I thought the author did a good job showing their growth during the novel.

If you enjoy historical fiction, this is an interesting period. The French and Indian Wars saw two cultures, the British and the Mohawks, cooperating to drive out the French. It makes for a story with lots of cultural and historical detail.

I received this book from Barbour Books for this review.

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The Captured Bride by Michelle Griep is a captivating page turner. I really enjoyed and recommend this book. I received an advance readers copy and have voluntarily reviewed the book..

Mercy Lytton is a scout and was raised with the Mohawk. Her next job as scout is to help transport gold to a fort with the help of her long time friend Mathew, an accused traitor, Elias Dubois and another young army man.

There were so many twist and turns to this story, it kept me enthralled and I was not able to put it down. I don't want to give any more away, but it is definitely a keeper.

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I received an ARC from Barbour Publishing and Michelle Griep via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

I liked how the story was based on what happened when US was still in the begininng stage of development. I love when the main characters who are multiracial (Elias is half french and half english, while Mercy was raised among Mohawk indians, but her mother was a white woman, if I am not mistaken)!

While I liked the summary (a group is created to transport gold safely from a fortress to another in a very dangerous path when there was a war beetwen british and french for land and also some hostility from native americans against the colonists) I felt that the story was written in a rush, except the romance between the main characters, because I couldn't know much about the characters' backstories. I mean, I still had some questions about some things but there were no answers for my questions.

Overall, since it was my first time reading Michelle Griep's book I was gladly surprised by her writing and because of that, I liked reading the book.

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I was going to forgo this series after being disappointed by the last book, but I have loved Michelle Griep’s work and am fast becoming a big fan of her novels. So how could I pass on the chance to read The Captured Bride?

Here was a book that drew me into the dangerous and sometimes savage world of “Hawkeye” and “Last of the Mohicans”—with a rugged landscape being carved into civilization, and a war being fought between the British and French armies, with the Native tribes somewhere in the middle.

Our main characters, Mercy and Elias, embark on a treacherous journey through this wilderness, in which they have small hope of surviving. Mercy has lived in a man’s world for so long, serving as a scout for the British, that she despises the idea of ever settling down in marriage and family. I loved her character. She is full of spunk and strength and courage, but she has a soft heart as well that may actually be open to those things she claims to despise—if it is the right man who will appreciate and love her.

Elias is drawn to Mercy, and his desire to see her standing beside him for the rest of their lives, tackling the challenges of life in this wilderness together, grow stronger throughout their journey. How can he let her walk away when they reach the end of it? But the challenge of keeping them alive until then is all he can manage to focus on. He has a secret mission of his own, and Mercy already doesn’t trust him—the man everyone calls a traitor. His character is to be admired—in the way he treats Mercy with respect, and the way he balances her capabilities and independent streak with his need to protect her.

Also, as Mercy’s distrust of him begins to melt away, the banter between them as they learn about each other is both humorous and endearing!

The faith elements are subtle, as both learn not only to trust each other, but trust in God as well. The violence is mostly mild, with some scenes of blood and death and some examples of the brutality of the Natives.

Another great read that I would include on my home bookshelf. The author concluded with some historical facts that she used as inspiration for this story, so be sure to check that out as well!

I received an advance reader copy of this book from the publisher though NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I love diving into books. I especially really love diving into books because of the characters. They are what make a great book for me. If I can connect with them and go on their journey with them, feeling the emotions they must experience, watching the struggles, witnessing the joys and growth. That is why I come away from books absolutely loving the experience. Yes, I love the storyline as well. If I'm honest, the storyline is what initially draws me to a book. But, in the end it's the characters who create the story and the experience.

The more books that I read by Michelle Griep, the more I really enjoy and appreciate her ability to create beautiful characters. I love the journey she leads me on as she writes these characters' stories. The Captured Bride is definitely another great novel by this author where I enjoyed the journey and came to truly feel invested and connected to the characters. I love redemption and the power behind redemption. Michelle Griep is able to capture and portray redemption in a very moving and personal way.

The two main characters of this book are Mercy Sutton and Elias Dubois. They are two very strong characters right from the beginning of the novel. We meet them at a pretty critical time in their lives and right before they meet each other. Or maybe I should say, right before they are forced to be "married" to accomplish a mission. At first glance they are complete opposites, but I loved all the little moments where they were stripped down to become their complete and unhidden selves.

This book takes place during the French and Indian wars. These characters are in some pretty stressful situations and there is plenty of tension throughout the book showing those moments. But, if I had a word to describe this book and characters, it would be gentle. I know, you're probably thinking I'm crazy for using the word 'gentle' to describe a book about war time. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. But for me, these characters (not just Mercy and Elias, but a few others) and their storyline, 'gentle' is the word that I would use. There is so much past hurt, sorrow and struggles that these characters are holding onto and trying to hide away. But with the gentleness and kindness of friendship they are able to heal and feel that gentleness. This book is Christian fiction, so much of that healing is by the characters allowing healing to come from Christ. I loved the journey of watching redemption and peace to come into their lives.

Mercy is a character who is very strong (or possibly hardened might be another word to use). She has quite an interesting history and as the reader we don't know much about it until quite a ways into the story. She has so many walls of protection up that it is in those gentle moments with Elias and her friend Matthew that we see her true self and not the facade she puts up for everyone else. The same is true of Elias. I don't want to say much about him though because of not wanting to spoil anything for the story. Just know that I loved he and Mercy's characters and friendship a lot. There is a sweet romance in this book. It wasn't the insta-love and sparks flying type of love story. It was a slow, friendship and trust building relationship that grew to love. And even then, it took time for them to recognize that love. Sweet is definitely another word for this story and characters.

Those of you who enjoy some action, there are plenty of those moments in this book. Plenty of suspense, tension, anticipation, unknown peril, to keep you turning the pages. It is a well rounded novel that I thoroughly enjoyed. And that ending. Yes! I loved it! If you've been reading the Daughters of the Mayflower series, I think you'll definitely enjoy this one. If you haven't been following the series, that's ok, you can read them all as stand alones, and enjoy this one now! If you're a fan of Michelle Griep, get ready to dive in and enjoy another well written novel!

Content: Clean. Moments of war, talk of death, some fights, nothing overly graphic. Religious aspects are very mild, a character thinks and talks to God and talks to another character about God. No sex scenes. This is a book I'd let my teenage daughters read. I'm pretty conservative in what I read and what I allow them to read but I'd still say read it first to see if you're comfortable letting your teenagers read it.

I received a copy from the publisher, Barbour Publishing, via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions in the review are my own.

I also won an official kindle copy in a Goodreads giveaway! Yay! Thanks Goodreads!

Happy Reading!!!

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I think one of the things that really attracted me to this story was the setting. I haven't read many (or any?) book set during this time of the French/Indian War. It was fascinating to me! This author is one of my favorites so I knew going into this book that I would be fully immersed in a story that was textured and exciting.

This story starts off right in the thick of the conflict. It has a steady pace and felt well balanced between moments of action and moments of stillness where we come to understand the characters better.

Mercy is troubled and conflicted in so many ways. When you add that to her strong personality and determined nature, she comes across as volatile and aggressive. Only a select few who truly take the time to know her see her other strengths and beauty. I loved getting to know Mercy throughout this book. It felt like a journey for me as a reader as her layers were slowly pulled away to reveal the heart at her core. Watching Mercy through Elias's eyes also helped me understand her better. I just loved Elias.

Information in this story came slowly but I never felt frustrated as a reader. I knew enough to keep me going, trusting that more would come. It really helped me develop a deeper connection to these characters and feel their growing connection to each other.

I connected to so many emotions throughout this book and enjoyed it so much.

Content: war time violence, death, kissing. This is a Christian fiction book so there is talk of God, praying and forgiveness.

- I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher at my request. All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was another addition to the Mayflower Bride's Collection. I loved this book.

Mercy, raised by the Mohawks and dealing with two cultures in her life plans to help in defeating the French. She will be a scout helping on a dangerous mission.

This book shows a woman of valor and strength. Love that in a woman of that day and age. It's also a love story. You will enjoy the great adventure that is imparted in this really great book!

I really couldn't put this book down for a minute. Had to keep on reading it!!!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Netgalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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This is my third Michelle Griep story. I can now safely say I will read anything she writes. She has the capability to write well during various historical time periods, and she writes from the perspective of both male and female characters with ease and authenticity. Mercy and Elias are no exception.
A common thread for several of Ms. Griep's characters is a struggle between duty and faith, and duty and the heart. Elias Dubois, branded a traitor by the British, carries a heavy secret - and with it the ability to save countless lives in the midst of the French and Indian War. After meeting the strong-willed and firey Mercy Lytton, the weight of his secret becomes harder and harder to bear as he longs to reveal his true character to her. His strong sense of duty prohibits him from abandoning his cause, but soon his affections for Mercy force him to choose between protecting the woman he has come to love or caring out his mission

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It takes a good author to make a great romance featuring the Colonial period. Laura Frantz is one of my favorites but now I suggest you add Michelle Griep to that list.

The Captured Bride is the third in the "Daughters of the Mayflower" series. I really enjoyed it and plan to go back and read the ones I missed. It is fast paced and enthralling. Mercy Lytton, a mixed breed Mohawk woman, is scout for the British. She, along with her long time partner, a British Ranger, are drawn into a detail to pretend they are a family along with two other men, one a french prisoner and traitor to the cause.

Elias Dubois, offered a deal to spare his life if he assists in getting a shipment of gold into British hands--agrees; but he quickly finds out that he is to play Mercy's husband. Neither is happy about the arrangement. Along the way, they encounter many dangerous situations revealing that Elias is more a man of integrity and courage than one would expect of a traitor. Both Mercy and her Ranger partner come to trust Elias more and more but still there remain secrets about their past and their mission that Mercy and Elias keep from each other.

As they lose more of their hearts to the other, Mercy is captured and Elias must risk his life to save her and that of a child hostage. They both have lost family members in the past and have learn to trust no one. And there remains a true traitor in their midst.

I give this a 5 star review and recommend it for your reading list. I received it from Netgalley for an honest review.

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Book #3 in the series Daughters of the Mayflower, The Captured Bride can be read without knowledge of the previous books, as it is written by different authors.
Mercy Lytton is the daughter of an English lady with a Mowhawk chief. Raised among this tribe, Mercy has the gift of a keen eyesight, characteristic which allows her to be a scout. Her current mission is a dangerous one: to scout a cargo of silver and gold from a fort to another, through a war-torn area. Elias Dubois, considered a traitor, has the chance to escape from the gallows if he helps Mercy fulfill the mission.
Actually, Elias and Mercy's mission is much more than transporting good. They are both good people, but with flaws and in search of redemption.
I'm not into Christian fiction, but I enjoyed reading this book very much, since Ms. Griep did a good job developing these characters.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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I love historical romance and, The Captured Bride did not disappoint. This takes place in 1759, five years into the French and Indian War, normally not my preferred time to read in historical fiction but since I have enjoyed the other books in the series and Ms. Griep is one of my favorite authors, I knew that I wanted to read this.

The author takes you on a journey where you truly get to know the characters as, Mercy and Elias are on a mission to deliver a shipment of gold to a nearby fort, posing as husband and wife. Of course they have a couple of traveling companions with them, Matthew and Rufus and along the way they meet other families and they encounter quite a few challenges along the way.

I liked the chemistry between Mercy and Elias but I liked that she isn't written as a starry-eyed woman in need of rescue. She is pretty fearless and spunky. It's refreshing to find a female character that lived the life that she did.

Overall, this is a wonderful addition to The Daughters of the Mayflower series, although the third book this can be read as a stand alone, as can the other two in the series. I loved the characters and the storyline. Most of all, I loved the descriptive writing and time spent with The Captive Bride.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Netgalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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The Captured Bride, by Michelle Griep is the third book in the Daughters of the Mayflower series. I was initially drawn to this series by the fabulous covers, The Captured Bride being my favorite (in both cover design and content) of the series. What I like about this series is every novel is written by a different author and you don't need to read all of the books in order to enjoy each one of them individually. They are tied together through the history of the Lytton family tree. By reading this series I have been introduced to three "new-to-me" authors, and I would definitely read a novel written by Michelle Griep again.

Set in 1760 during the French and Indian War, the setting reminded me of one of my favorite movies, The Last of the Mohicans. The Captured Bride was absolutely riveting, full of danger, intrigue, adventure and deception. I was glued to the pages from beginning to end. Mercy's "father/daughter" relationship with Matthew was endearing and heartwarming. I loved the chemistry between Mercy and Elias and their measured caution as they worked to establish trust between one another. Their love story simmers throughout the novel as they come to realize "loving someone isn't a show of softness, but of strength, for there is no stronger bond". I highly recommend this novel. I would definitely read it again.

The Captured Bride will be available for purchase from your local or online book retailer
June 2018.

Thank you Net Galley and Barbour Books for the free e copy of The Captured Bride to read in exchange for my honest review. The opinions expressed here are my own.

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The Captured Bride, by Michelle Griep, is my favorite Daughters of the Mayflower now.
Loved the characters! Mercy was a piece of work. What strength and courage this woman carried for a young lady of that time.'t sure what to expect out this one, but thoroughly enjoyed each page!
Definitely, a must read!
I was provided an ARC of this book by the publisher. All thoughts and comments are my own!

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This book is in the genre I really enjoy....historical fiction with some fact based truths included in the story. I love the characters of Mercy and Elias. They were like fire and water at times. Each coming from a broken back ground and trying to find forgiveness and a way to let the past go. They are brought together to complete a mission of transporting a gold shipment and not be captured by the French at the same time avoiding enemy Indians. Each has strengths and skills to give to this assignment. There is mystery, suspense, romantic emotions and danger. Completing the mission is a challenge with many setbacks. Mercy questions the faith her mother raised her with...."Maybe-just maybe-faith did not have to mean weakness." "Would she never be free of wishing things had been different? Be released from the anger her mother's faith still bubbled inside her?" "Trust Daughter. Trust in a God who is big enough to make the universe, yet kind enough to dry each of your tears." I found myself yearning for Mercy to trust God and the man He put her together with to finish the mission....Elias. I enjoyed the story very much. Thank you to the publisher for the ARC copy of this book via Netgalley.

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The Daughters of the Mayflower series is wonderful! This was a great addition, set during the French and Indian War, with excellent characters, Elias and Mercy were well developed, as well as the other characters. The plotline was refreshing and original - and there were no boring parts in this book. Wonderful story with a great writer!

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The Captured Bride is book 3 in The Daughters of the Mayflower series. I’m not sure how many books the series will hold, but I love that they are written by various authors, giving each book it’s own voice and unique feel.

When stories merge fiction and history, I’m interested. Just as in biblical fiction, when imagined accounts incorporate true biblical events, I feel as if I’ve not only been entertained, but have learned something as well. I know very little about the 1700s French and Indian War, but got a taste of it in Mercy and Elias’ stories.

With flavors of loyalty, adventure, and a developing romance, this story fills my literary hungers. A fast and filling read for anyone who enjoys historical fiction. (And what a gorgeous cover!)

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and NetGalley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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