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The Perfect Couple

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Another 5 star Elin Hilderbrand novel. Just the right amount of intrigue to keep me wanting to read on and on. I have read all her books and I am never disappointed. I loved all the characters and when the book ended, I have my fingers crossed for a sequel!!!

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It is not summer for me without an Elin Hilderbrand book and what better way to start summer than with her newest book which did not disappoint.
I mean how perfect is a murder-mystery novel where one of the main characters is a murder-mystery novelist?
The Perfect Couple is the perfect name for a book that highlights several “perfect” couples as the descent on Nantucket for a wedding of one of the perfect couples. We meet their parents, the wealthy Winburry’s and the middle class parents of the bride. Woven between our “perfect couples” are a few of our favorite Nantucket residents from previous novels.

This plot kept me intrigued because not only did I want to know more about the characters, did Celeste really want to get married and finally “whodunit” it all set against he beautiful and inspiring Nantucket Backdrop. This made my desire to visit Nantucket even greater and I wonder if someone does Elin HIlderband tours there so we can go see all the exciting spots she talks about in her novels. I digress. Loved this novel and I was kept on my seat until the very last page.
No better ending to a book that that!

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Elin Hildebrand does it again!! The Perfect Couple is a breezy summer read full of twists, turns, and secrets that should not be missed.

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This is the first book I’ve read by Elin Hildebrand and I must say I now must read all her novels. I couldn’t put this book down. From love to cheating to death this book has it all.
I became attached to Celeste and following her story line sucked me right in.
Thank you to Little Brown and Netgalley for the advanced copy in place of an honest review.

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I've always been a Hildebrand fan, but this book was even better than her previous books! I felt like she had a new style here, combining in the beachy, fun women's lit aspect, with a mysterious air in regard to who killed the bridesmaid. I loved the differing points of view throughout the story, getting to learn little tidbits along the way. The broken timeline helped the air of mystery continue, and kept me guessing about who was responsible. This was a wonderful read!

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This novel let's you visit a different Nantucket; one filled with secrets, surprises and murder?? Perfect Couples is the perfect read for the summer. Thank you, Little Brown and Elin HIlderbrand for the arc. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Little Brown through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Every time I read an Elin novel I fall a little bit more in love with Nantucket and the town people she has created in her stories. The Perfect Couple was no exception! The "who dunnit" aspect of the plot pulled my attention in almost immediately. She was also able to develop multiple characters and sprinkle in a few we already know which made it for a quick and immensely enjoyable read.

As a I finished the story, I wanted to know what happened next? Some of the people in the story were so imperfect that I really wanted to know if they ever learned enough to grow and change, or would they hopelessly go down the path their bad choices were making creating? I definitely would like to see a sequel.

Two enthusiastic thumbs up!


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It has been a while since I´ve read an Elin Hilderbrand novel and this made me want to read all of her backlist. This breezy summer read starts with the death of the maid of honor the night before a posh Nantucket wedding. Although Hilderbrand doesn´t typically write murder mysteries, it still reads like many of her other books. The references to other books and pop culture were so much fun. I have already started recommending this one to friends. Perfect for summer reading.

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Interesting and complicated story of love, betrayal and death. I enjoyed the twists and turns but found the ending less than satisfying. Left me sad.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for the ARC of The Perfect Couple. I adore Elin Hildebrand's books and this is no exception. There is going to be a wedding in Nantucket at the most fabulous house. The parents of the groom are the hosts. The bride is just a normal girl from a normal family. And then the morning of the wedding the maid of honor is found dead at the edge of the ocean. While this is somewhat of a whodunit/what happened, this is also the story of not everything is as it looks from the outside and there aren't any perfect couples. This is a great book especially right now at the beginning of summer reading season.

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Another summer, another Nantucket blockbuster by Elin Hilderbrand.
With her unusual writing style and perfect timing, Hilderbrand gives us one day during the current summer season on the lovely island. On this day Benjie Winbury and Celeste Otis are to be married. The ceremony is put on terminal hold when the maid of honor is discovered dead on the beach the morning of the ceremony. Murder is suspected – heavily. What ensues is an exhausting day of questioning for the wedding party by the local police.

With a cast of characters as widespread and quixotic as a Dickens novel, Hilderbrand has once again given her readers the perfect snapshot of the not so perfect lives of the rich and vacationing.

What is really going on under the surface of the wedding party? Are the groom’s parents really has happy as they are perceived to be? Are the bride’s parents the perfect couple? Or is the bride to be and her groom the couple everyone wants to emulate?

Twists, turns, lies and deceit fill this book and I simply couldn’t put it down until I found out whodunit, whydunnit, and whats-gonna-happen-now.

Another show stopper by a wonderful author. Thank you to Netgalley for giving me a chance to read this book as an ARC.

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The Perfect Couple was the perfect beach read. Entertaining, page-turning - a balance of plot/intrigue with the glitz, glamour and escapism we expect from a novel set in the summer on Nantucket.

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I loved this book. Just a perfect summer read. A little who-done it. Once again I enjoyed the Nantucket setting. I thought I figured it out but it got me. A must summer read!

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Wow. For some reason, I've not read Hilderbrand recently, but I'm sure glad I picked this up! Entertaining, fast moving, well done. Basically, I read it in 24 hours, despite the day job. It's rare that I give a five star rating to a book strictly on entertainment merit, but that's what I'm doing with The Perfect Couple.

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I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll repeat myself every single summer, but summer doesn’t officially start for me until I’ve read the latest Elin Hilderbrand novel. While I have several authors on my summer must read list every year, hers are the books I look forward to the most, she really is the queen of the beach read and The Perfect Couple is her best book yet!

While Hilderbrand’s books definitely aren’t always sunshine and cocktails, this was a bit of a departure from her previous books. There’s still that wonderful ensemble cast where you feel like you’re a fly on the wall, and there’s also the stunning backdrop of the now familiar beaches of Nantucket, but this had a slightly darker feel since there’s a murder mystery at its core. Think Liane Moriarty in terms of vibe but set it among the super elite and wealthy and that’s TPC.

This was yet another effortless read, super entertaining and a true page turner. Hilderbrand is such a great writer, she really brings Nantucket to life, you can smell the lobster rolls, feel the sand between your toes and imagine you’re surrounded by the glitzy characters who reside in Nantucket. These characters all had juicy secrets and problems and I was eager to find out what really happened to Merritt and along the way there were plenty of turns. A few characters from her previous novels are featured, catching up on their lives was awesome, especially Chief Ed as The Castaways was one of my favorite books. Recommended to everyone, I’m calling it the must read book of the summer purely based on it’s fun factor alone but it’s incredibly well written and plotted to perfection boot, the ultimate summer read.

The Perfect Couple in three words: Juicy, Secretive and Fun.

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Fans of Elin Hilderbrand won't like or agree with this review.

When I read her last book, The Identicals, I was annoyed with several things; waaaay too much back story on every character, relevant or not, all crammed into the first few pages of the book, always using first and last names for central characters, repeating the relationship of this character to the others... over and over and basically, I felt she was treating us like we the readers are too stupid to remember who the characters are so she keeps reminding us.

Seriously, half way through the book she was still spelling out that MM was the maid of honor. Really? Like we hadn't been told over and over already? Why rehash parts of stories that we already knew in relation to other people in the book. It's the same story so why tell us again?

I was seriously annoyed this time, enough that I doubt I will read any more of her books even though I used to love a good beach book. Now I feel she's using a template and throwing in so many story lines that it's getting silly. The characters were not likable or people I could relate to and I grew up in a snobby area not far from Nantucket where this story takes place.

Is there really a name Featherleigh for a woman? Where does she come up with these? My gut says she is being paid by the word.
Thank you NetGalley for the chance to read an advance copy in exchange for an honest opinion.

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A 3.5 rating for me. I was happy to read a murder mystery, but then the numerous character introduction lost me during the read. I felt I had to create a whodunit board to keep up. Overall, still a good read. I am sure our Library will buy it.

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Celeste Otis met Benji Winbury when one of her co-workers went home sick and Celeste had to take over a lecture. Celeste was the assistant director of the Bronx Zoo but she was stuck giving a lecture on snakes to a small group of visitors. Benji was there with a girlfriend and her young daughter. After the talk, Benji chatted with Celeste and eventually asked for her phone number. Soon Benji was free of his girlfriend and dating Celeste full time.

Celeste had never dated before and was very impressed with Benji’s wealth and lifestyle. However she was not sure that she loved him. Yet when he surprised her by proposing, she accepted. Her parents, Karen and Bruce, were a working class couple who provided everything they could for their only child. Then her Mom was diagnosed with cancer. Several months after the cancer was thought to be in remission, a new diagnosis was made and this was terminal cancer.

The wedding was moved up to July 4th weekend so that Karen could attend her only daughter’s wedding. The Winbury family’s offered to host the wedding at their lavish estate because they realized that the Otises were strapped with medical bills and could not afford to do so. Greer Winbury was a best selling author with a family fortune of her own. Her husband, Tag, worked in finance and the family had additional homes in England and NYC.

The guests started arriving the weekend of the wedding. Most, like Celeste’s parents Karen and Bruce, arrived by ferry. A rehearsal had to be cancelled when the minister ‘s ferry was late but the rehearsal dinner was held anyway. Afterward the couple and their wedding party went to bars on the island. When they returned, Celeste went up to bed after checking on her Mom but the others remained downstairs with Tag and continued drinking.

Then the morning of the wedding, Merritt, the maid of honor, was found by Celeste dead and floating in the water near the shore. Nantucket police chief Ed Kapenash and Massachusetts state police detective Nick Diamontopoulos headed up the investigation into the death. Soon they discovered that everyone had some terrible secret and one of the secrets lead to the death of the maid of honor.

This is a good beach read that takes place on a popular summer vacation spot. The author, a Nantucket resident, uses many of the popular bars and restaurants as a backdrop to the action.

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This could be my favorite Elin Hilderbrand book yet! I loved this one and hated to see it end (although what an ending....) I have officially begun my summer!
How can she write one terrific book after another? Each of the characters in this book were so well developed and the plot so perfectly drawn out, back and forth in time, and of course, Nantucket and those lobster rolls! When I finally got to visit Nantucket a few years ago, I felt as if I knew the place from reading Elin Hilderbrand novels, that's how beautifully and completely she describes each and every beach, street, and even the ferry. It is as if Nantucket is another character in the book.
I would say The Perfect Couple is much more than just a beach book, and will appeal to many. I would highly recommend this!!
Thanks to Little Brown & Co and Netgalley for the advance digital review copy!

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Thank you to Netgalley for the ARC! I am an avid Hilderbrand reader, and the setting of Nantucket entrances me. After visiting Nantucket in 2016, I can appreciate all the landmarks even more, and I crave reading about this magical place.

The plot of the story really seemed to stray from her normal love stories. The story started out as a murder mystery, and like all murder mysteries, the novel challenges the reader to question what he or she knows or doesn’t know yet. As always, the answer is there, but buried and needs uncovering. I enjoyed the story, but I didn’t necessarily enjoy the characters. I think I may be just OVER the infidelity issues. That is my biggest complaint with the novel. I had sympathy for Celeste, and actually, I LOVED the Otises, and the more I think about them, I love them even more. They truly are the salt of the earth. And maybe that was part of Hilderbrand’s point: what you SEE as perfect ISN’T! What is mediocre, may be great. After really contemplating the point about perfection, I liked this book more and actually moved my rating from a 3 to a 4! I like books that make me think, and after getting through the murder mystery plot, I saw the depth.

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