Member Reviews

This is my second Manga Classics and I am sad to inform you, the experience of reading the book was dreadful.

If I make a comparison maybe then it would be easier to convey what I am actually trying to communicate. The first Manga Classics I read was A Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorn. If you are familiar with the original text, you must be aware with how difficult it reads to the non-native English speakers. Reading the manga version helped me learn the story without the difficulty of going through long big texts. I hoped something similar from Romeo and Juliet.

Even after watching countless retellings and adaptations, I have not read the original text by William Shakespeare. I always found his writing to be in a completely different language and I am a tiny bit ashamed of for my lack of understanding. But I hoped with this manga I can get the essence of the original story without the language barrier. But the texts here read like latin or may be Hebrew. It was tedious and not at all worth my time and energy.

I hope in the next books they make the language easier for us noobs to comprehend.

Thanks to NetGalley and Manga Classics for sending this book to me in exchange of my honest opinion.

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In high school, I never got the opportunity to read Romeo & Juliet. In a way I was glad for it because it gave me a chance to read Tess of the D’Ubervilles and that is my all time favorite classic tragedy I’ve ever read. I am happy that my first introduction into Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet was this mangafied version.

This version has the original text language and because of the imagery it allowed me to understand what was going on all the better. I think this is a great version for students who need to read the original text and it gives them an opportunity to marry the imagery with the writing and have a deeper understanding of what is going on.

If you are wanting to read this casually and not from an educational standpoint there is a modern English version that would be enjoyed much more easily. However, I appreciated the challenge this manga gave me. I was able to pick apart the metaphors and have a appreciation for the way the original text was written.

I don’t love the story of Romeo and Juliet personally. I understand loving someone to the point you don’t want to live without them. However, I don’t think that it is something that should be romanticized. This is a story where everyone sucks and the ending is one that feels like it could’ve been avoided. However, that is what makes it a tragedy and I think that this work is an important one for making way for modern writing and modern tragedies of today.

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Loved this! Especially the art style! The relationship between them is so cute! Must read for romeo and julliet fans. However the English in this felt hard to understand. It's like the actual old English Shakespeare which I found hard to read. I have always read the abridged simpler version haha. Apart from that If you like the classics old English writing style you will like it.

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Verona, Italy. Two feuding families shatter the peace of the city, continually at odds with one another while leadership struggles to maintain the balance. In the midst of this strife, Juliet Capulet and Romeo Montague, two youths from opposite sides of the conflict, begin to fall in love. But as the war between factions continues to spiral, young romance and innocent lives are caught in the crossfire. Enter the world of one of William Shakespeare’s greatest masterpieces, now in manga form for all to enjoy!
Manga Classics: Romeo and Juliet adapted by Crystal S. Chan and illustrated by Julien Choy, is an excellent version of one of Shakespeare’s most beloved plays. The works of Shakespeare are plays, and meant to be enjoyed as a form of visual art. This manga version showcases the full glory of the play incredibly well, each page filled with stunning illustrations that captivate the eye as the tragedy unfolds. The cover is simply stunning, drawing the reader in with its unspoken message of starcrossed love. There are moments of humorous manga art; for example, there are scenes where the characters are drawn in chibi form, which lightens the mood and adds well-balanced humor to the story. Each character is distinct and full of life, and the story is easy to follow and understand. The illustrations compliment Shakespeare’s words well in this original full-text version, bridging the gap between this beloved Elizabethan play and the modern audience. Finally, the story comes to its tragic and beautiful conclusion, leaving quite an impact on the reader as the final pages turn in this exceptional work of art.
A couple of the battle scenes were a touch difficult to follow, but other than that, there is nothing to complain about in this magnificent manga masterwork. Since this manga directly adapts the play, it contains some mature content, including violence, blood, suicide, a lot of innuendo, and the full implications of young love, just like Shakespeare’s original work. While the art avoids being outright explicit, it’s pretty clear what’s going on, so I would recommend this for readers 16 and up who have enough maturity to dive into this world of love and death.
A great choice for all who love the works of William Shakespeare and want a wonderful new way to experience this classic story, as well as newcomers to the world of English literature, this incredible manga adaptation earns five out of five stars for its remarkable adaptation. Accessible to modern readers without compromising the integrity of the original play, this manga version is sure to become a favorite with students, educators, and Shakespeare fans alike.

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It’s a story everyone knows. But this version is a stunning one you can’t miss. It begins with an introduction to the swords and daggers, a few of the most important characters sketches and designs, and a note from the staff, as well as locations, behind the scenes cover design and so much more.
All this might have been one of my favorite parts of this manga. You can tell the staff put in a lot of work and care into researching every aspect of the story so they could draw it in a way Shakespeare would have been proud of.
Each illustration and panel was given equal detail and care. It’s truly a work of art. If you love Romeo and Juliet, this is a version you will want to have on your shelf.

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A wonderful adaptation of the classic. A tragic livestock that will never have its happy ending and yet continue living through different kind of medias and re-tellings.

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A classic Shakespearean tragedy, Romeo & Juliet is the tale of two star-crossed young lovers who dare to defy their feuding families, put aside all obstacles, and find happiness together - but at a tremendous cost. This grimly beautiful tale, set in the Renaissance Italy, follows Romeo and Juliet from their hateful first meeting to their last.

It was nice to read the most played out story by William Shakespeare in the form of a manga. Romeo and Juliet is the forbidden love story that lots of us have loved. I have always loved the classics, this had a modern side to it. It was a good read.

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really think that these Manga's of classic stories are a really good way to bring these stories to life for a newer audience. The art and new spin on these short stories really put them in a new perspective as you can see what is going on in the story.

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This is THE way to read Shakespeare, the visualisation of the metaphors help to convey the meaning of the prose and would be a great addition to anyone who is learning any of the bard's work.
The artwork is perfect and the pacing of each scene perfection.

Thank you Udon Entertainment & Netgalley for the chance to ready this!

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This was an interesting way of portraying the story of Romeo and Juliet. This could be a really accessible way for students to engage with Shakespeare!

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One of the greatest classic ever reworked into a manga format! It was beautifully drawn and well crafted. This is for any lover of the classic or those who wanted a visual to make it easier to read. This became in my opinion even more entertaining than reading the original classic.

I would genuinely give this as a gift to someone who wants to explore the classic book or has a fond love for it already. Even though I knew the story, it was wonderfully done and made me want to continue reading.

Bringing classics or folklore into a manga opens doors to a new audience and I am a huge fan of that. Expanding audiences to reading and exploring and continuing the education and tales of these classics for years to come.

This is very easy to follow as well and I believe a vast majority of age groups could enjoy this manga, it was easier to understand/ follow compared to the original text. Very well done! I look forward to other adaptations of classic tales.

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Oh man, it’s been a few years since I last read “Romeo & Juliet,” and obviously I remember the main framework of the story and the characters, but there’s small details that slide away, so reading it again just reminds and refreshes the story for me.

The older I get, the more I truly believe that this is absolutely NOT a romantic story. Even when I first read this back in my high school days, I didn’t find it to be all that romantic. It’s a three-day love story that ends with so much death, which is terrible. Juliet is a couple weeks away from her 14th birthday, and Romeo is 16 years old. And they are both so dang dramatic.

Frankly, many of the characters make dramatic leaps to the worst possible scenario any time something comes up. Oh, so Romeo is banished from Verona…of course Romeo wishes he was dead because now he’ll be separated from his new bride FOREVER!!!! Why not just have Juliet pack a bag and leave town too? Nope, let’s not even discuss things rationally. We just jump to conclusions and react wildly.

Oh, Juliet’s parents want her to marry County Paris in a couple days (when she’s already secretly married to Romeo). Do we just take them to the church and there with Friar Lawrence, tell them the truth to avoid being forced into a second marriage? NO, that would be RIDICULOUS! Instead, let’s take a vial of liquid that will simulate death, so that we can smuggle Juliet from her family’s crypt and take her to her banished husband.

This is definitely a story that is all about lack of communication and miscommunication. What I will absolutely say is that I loved the manga adaptation. Since “Romeo & Juliet” is a play, there isn’t really description of the scenery, and since the manga is all about art as well as story, we get to see what the characters are doing and where they’re having these conversations. It’s beautiful to look at.

I will say, that this adaptation gives pretty much the entirety of the original spoken text in speech bubbles, so it is one of the truest adaptations I’ve read from Manga Classics, because you know that some of them have to reduce down the loquaciousness and verbosity of the characters. The only thing this adaptation is missing is the scene directions from the play, and you get to see that through the movement in the art.

This read quite quickly. I thought the art was stunning. And I’m glad to revisit a story that I’ve read many times, and that I’ve read and seen many adaptations of over the years. It made for a good time.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read a free copy of this manga in exchange for my honest opinion.

I always adore reading any of the Manga Classics series, and Romeo and Juliet was no exception! The humor in this manga was OFF THE CHARTS! I truly feel like Shakespeare's comedic elements were captured in this manga, as well as the sorrowful ending. The art style was beautiful as always, I especially love the color panels. I also found it quite funny that Romeo's artistic depiction was in line with almost every other anime "sad boy", and the wetnurse's depiction was hilarious as well. Overall, another well done classic adaptation done in the manga style! This is probably the one I felt aligned best with the original author's voice, as well.

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Phew! I was never a classic girlie but I do love manga. I’m glad Udon Entertainment made this manga so i can still follow the story without getting confused with the old English type of writing.

This work is loyal to W. Shakespeare’s work and is a great read for lovers of classics who want a dash of something else, particularly in manga form. I also adored the oldie manga style. it was so nostalgic to see and I think is very fitting for translated works turned into manga such as this!

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This is a great version of Romeo and Juilet and some of the pictures make me giggle as they do little funny and cute pictures to show what is going on. Out of all of the versions of this story this is by far one of my favorites.

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This manga offers a stunning interpretation of Romeo and Juliet. It brilliantly preserves the original story and language while elevating the experience with its breathtaking graphics. The illustrations are truly captivating, and I adore them immensely.

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I have always loved the tragic story of Romeo and Juliet. I loved this reimagine to the tragic play. The art was beautiful as well as the story. I would love more titles like this. Im enjoying this manga classic series.

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I missed the download deadline because I’ve been busy with school and with my kids is there any way you would be willing to let me download it again and read it? I’m willing to read it and leave reviews I also can do that in my social medias. Thank you for your time! My email is if you would like to respond!

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The manga seems to make the story of Romeo and Juliet come alive.
The illustrations are beautiful and heart touching. I really enjoyed reading it.

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While I'm not a fan of the original story (sorry, but teens dying because of love ain't it for me), I LOVED reading this graphic novel/manga retelling. The graphics were beautiful and truly added something to the medium. Often, people hate retellings because the original is better, but this truly gave it new life and provides another way to enjoy the same story. 10/10!

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