Member Reviews

I find it very hard to read Shakespear's plays. Not only is the language hard, I think that the plays should be seen, performed to fully understand, not just read. You just don't get the full experience that way. Because of that, I enjoyed very much reading the manga version of Romeo and Juliet. the story comes alive, it's all more vivid and just jumps from pages.

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Unfortunately, I could not review this book because the file did not download correctly and I cannot access it. It could be my computer - it's an old compaq but it pulls through in a pinch. The book looks really cool though!

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The classic masterpiece of Shakespeare comes to life as a manga. The art is gorgeous, the dialogue feels very much like a play rather than what you'd usually read in manga and the ending was as tragic as I remember it.

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Loved this version! The artwork it captivating, and really brings the story to life. I think it's such a cool idea to bring well known classics to life using manga style artwork, and these are beautiful and something that would add beauty and brilliance to anyone's library!

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I've never enjoyed Shakespeare, but I wanted to give this timeless tale another try through a Manga Classics rendition, as I thought it would make it more interesting. Unfortunately, I still didn't enjoy the story itself, but it would be unfair to judge the manga based on a story written so long ago.

As for the manga itself, though, having read several of the Manga Classics, I'm sad to say this was my least favorite in terms of composure and, most importantly, artwork. It was very simplistic and lacking in details in many panels, and just wasn't as enjoyable to look at as most of the others in the MC line have been.

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These are an enjoyable series. I love the adaptation of the classic Romeo and Juliet tale. I think if Shakespeare was around today he would appreciate this faithful adaptation of his classic tale of two lovers in fair Verona. Really do recommend this series.

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Like all of the UDON Manga classics I’ve read, I really enjoyed the art of this book, but I wish they’d have simplified the language a bit. Reading Shakespeare as a manga makes the play somehow more approachable - language-wise, I mean - but it’s still Shakespeare...

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I loved this book and think that it would be a good addition to any ELA library! This version makes the story so easy to understand that it would be sure to assist any struggling students. It is perfect for visual learners!

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One of the most famous works of Shakespeare, as well as one of the most famous love story.
While I do like Much Ado About Nothing and Macbeth better, this is a great classic that was transformed and adapted very beautifully by UDON Entertainment!
With great lines, and beautiful art I loved revising this classic again!
Would totally give it together with the book of the play as a gift for a friend or someone that wishes to get to know this tragic love story!

I would like to thank NetGalley and Udon Ent. to let me get back to this era and see it all happen again in the form of a beautiful art! 5 out of 5 stars!

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I love the art style and the story! The creators do a wonderful job, as always, turning the story into a manga. I've always enjoyed the story, but now I like it even more.

Stacey King did a great job, just as she does with all of her classics to manga. I highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys manga and/or Romeo and Juliet. 5 out of 5 stars most definitely!

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*~.Book Analysis.~*
Just remembering that those were my impressions and opinion as a reader :)

Rating: 4 stars
Reading period: Nov. 25th, 2018
Format: ebook
Source: NetGalley – I have received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Release date: May 15th, 2018

The art in this book! It is Classic manga for you, full of details, beautiful characters, awesome designs… This was a magical reading! Of course, my heart always aches to read Romeo and Juliet, but if one must read such a tragic and beautiful story, this is the best way to do so!

I expected to see an adaptation with more modern language, as it was a manga – the dialogues kept mostly in old English for sure would be a barrier for younger audiences, aka teenagers. If the reader isn’t already into Classics, making a manga adaptation of the book won’t be of any help to lead more people into the genre.

All the art involved in this work is gorgeous. The cover is no different and it makes me wish for a full colored edition of the story!

Manga, Comics and Classic lovers!

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I received a copy from Netgalley for my honest review.

I picked this up since it was a story that's required in all high school English classes. It was an enjoyable read but be warned... all the text was from the original story! So it was very very wordy and around 400 pages long. It's a good read since they did every character justice and played up the amusing side characters along with decent fight scenes. I laughed when they did DID YOU BITE YOUR THUMB AT ME SIR scene. Most of the iconic scenes in the play are done well in the manga adaptation. However, I wish they would've emphasized more on A PLAGUE UPON BOTH OF YOUR HOUSES scene when Mercutio is slain and dying.

The art was standard for made for English manga - it wasn't bad but not really amazing. I wish they could've used more screentone effects and maybe drawn Juliet more cutely? The male characters were the stronger part of the artwork along with the accurate backgrounds that portray the time period correctly. There were also some highlighted 1 page and 2 page spreads that accurately portrayed some of the metaphors which matched the script.

Would I recommend picking this up? No, not unless you're a hardcore Shakespeare fan or want to read a manga illustrated version of Romeo & Juliet to help you get through class. It's a really long read and doesn't seem to go by as quickly for a casual read.

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I was approved to read an advanced e-copy of Manga Classics: Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare and Stacy King from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Here are my thoughts on the book and why I think you should pick it up:
This manga is based off of one of the most well known plays written by William Shakespeare called Romeo and Juliet. I love this version because they kept the original text but added gorgeous artwork to this classic. This manga kept me engaged until the very last page. I love how they have taken classics and made such a great manga series out of them. If you have a hard time reading through classics or you just want to reread with stunning artwork, these mangas do not disappoint!

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I loved that Romeo & Juliet were turned into manga form! This was my favorite book by Shakespeare so it's such a fun idea to get people to read his work if they're not into the classics

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Romeo and Juliet- Manga Classics – by William Shakespeare, by Stacy King, Crystal S. Chan (Adaptation), Julien Choy (Art), Akanovas (Lettering), Jeannie Lee (Lettering)

There is no need to go into the synopsis or plot of one of William Shakespeare’s most famous plays. We all know the basics of this story by now. Many have read the play in school or have seen a stage or movie adaptation at one point. So, I think it is safe to skip the analysis.

For me, Manga is something I flat out ignored for years because I presumed without ever giving it a fair chance that it would not be something I’d enjoy. Then I discovered it was often geared towards teens or young adults, which was yet another strike against it. But, by sheer accident, I discovered Manga covered a lot of areas, and was much more complex than I’d given it credit for.

Having gotten to an age where I’ve dipped my toes in many different genres, and sub-genres, I find that the ‘I’ve outgrown this’ or ‘aged out of’ attitude closes off many unexplored avenues and because I like to think I’m open minded, I’ve begun to reconsider areas I’ve previously closed off. As a result, I’m having a lot of fun learning about Manga, Graphic Novels, and Comics.

Much to my surprise, I’ve found a nice selection of classic stories, in Manga/Graphic Novel format. After recently reading a memoir by Olivia Hussey, the actress who portrayed Juliet in the famous Zeffirelli 1968 film, this play was on my mind quite a lot. So, when I noticed this Manga version on Netgalley, it grabbed my attention immediately.

For anyone who may be thinking the dialogue is 'updated' with more modern dialect, you’d be wrong. This is the same script you’d find in the original play- except there are no stage directions. Instead, those are replaced by images, which works out much better than I’d have imagined. The artwork is spectacular, as is the adaptation. Obviously, a great deal of thought went into how to present this classic in Manga form, and I’d say it came off beautifully. Granted, I’m still a novice at this, but I was pleased with the presentation.

I did have a few technical issues, since this one is not in Kindle/ MOBI format. I had to use Adobe Edition, which is a pain, and the scrolling was terrible, especially since, of course it’s back to front. Several times my screen jumped to the end of the book and caused a great deal of frustration.

Shakespeare is still difficult to read and adjusting to this format made it an even bigger challenge. It took me a good long while to get through it. (If anyone has a suggestion on how to make this less daunting- please feel free to offer me some suggestions.)

However, despite the heaviness of the drama, and the extra effort it required to read the book, I was impressed, and enjoyed reading this classic with the well-drawn illustrations and art work which certainly enriched and enhanced my experience.

Despite the disdain of melodrama- I liked all the angst between Romeo and Juliet- but not that sad ending! It still makes a great cautionary tale- even after all these years. 4 stars

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It's a pretty great manga. It recreates faithfully the classic story of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare adding the manga style of art and storytelling. They took the bold decision of using the classic version of the English language spoken in the original book and not using the Modern Translated one. It's something that may make some people not to pick this up, but this depends from person to person. So, as you can guess, they didn't change the story at all and since they had the ability to escape the theatrical stage, they used that as their advantage, by enhancing moments and confrontations, since they were able to draw the entire city as their "playground".

The art is great with some incredibly detailed art in some key moments. They do use some chibi art here and there and that was something didn't sit with me well. The panel layout and flow of the panels is also created in a way that guides your eyes from one dialogue box to the next, making it an enjoyable read.

It's a great book and a faithful recreation of the original story. I would totally suggest this to other people

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I never admitted it till now but I'm kind of not into Shakespeare. I had a horrible incident in the 7th standard where, in spite of my stage fright, I was made to read a character from Hamlet during class reading and I got so nervous during that play that I ended up hating it for being so lengthy and for, of course, having so many characters.
Since then I've had trouble even reading, let alone liking, any of his works. And as it turns out, I can't even stand the Manga of his works. So maybe I'm not into his style of writing or storytelling.

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This book's art is beautiful, as expected.

Story wise, it's nice. It reminded me of Doomed Love and, like Doomed Love, this story doesn't work as a graphic novel. There are a lot of introspective scenes , so the artists chose to draw things that were too cheesy for my taste. I know they were meant to enhance the metaphors but it felt too on the nose.

Character wise, they're dramatic, as expected.

Overall, this was a nice book. It did have its faults but it didn't make me lose interest in the original work.

Rating: 3 stars

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing with a copy of this book to read and review.

I originally read Romeo and Juliet in high school, I had trouble understanding the language. I love the manga form much more, though I did still have a hit of trouble understanding the language. The art work was once again beautiful and each character was different which made telling them apart very simplistic.

I give this book 3/5 although I enjoyed it I did have some trouble with the language. I will still purchase and recommend though. I will have to research the old English for words I did not understand.

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I received this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I listened to the audiobook version of this play on Librivox and I just read the graphic novel version of it and I feel like this version makes the story come alive and I enjoyed it.

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