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Lennon Reborn

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Perfect read. Well written with the perfect amount of character development.

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4.5 stars — Well, that was another emotionally loaded book! It was a fantastic end to what has been an emotionally charged series full of characters that make me feel so much.

Lennon was both not at all what I was expecting, and yet made total sense at the same time. I think that was a hard thing to balance, b/c he’s a serious dick in the previous books, and so I, as a reader, really needed to understand what was behind all of that. I get the impression that this author does a lot of research, so I feel more comfortable in trusting the existence of the things that affect her characters. It was heartbreaking to finally hear about Lennon’s past, and how that shaped him both emotionally and from a psychological perspective. My heart hurt for him from the very first scene of the book, and just kept getting put through the ringer with all the new challenges he was facing. But he also made me feel so hopeful. I truly believed in his transformation…in how Georgia managed to finally connect with him on his level, and convince him of his worthiness. I appreciated the steps he eventually made to get help.

I found the disability fascinating as well. As someone able bodied, I can’t speak to the nature of how Ms. Cole dealt with that, but it didn’t feel ableist. It felt like it was treated with respect. But I’d look to others for more educated opinions on that.

I kind of loved that Georgia’s life was so remarkably different from Lennon’s, but she suffered from her own form of neglect and lack of love. My heart hurt for her as well, though I sometimes had a harder time remembering that it was most of what she knew, and not getting cranky with her when she held on to some things. I loved that she was so smart, but also extremely compassionate.

In the end it was really the relationship that they developed that was the stand out. And most of that was because Georgia brought out honesty in Lennon by being honest with him and not playing games. I loved how upfront she was, how she didn’t hold things back, how she took the time to truly *see* him, and she wasn’t afraid to show him that she saw him. And through all of that, she encouraged Lennon to finally feel comfortable enough to open himself up and be honest himself. That connection was something truly spectacular, and I loved the chemistry that they had. It was emotional, but also extremely playful.

I think my only complaint is that the book sometimes felt shorter…or maybe parts of the relationship between Lennon and Georgia felt fast. But maybe that was just me. I just remember being at 77% and thinking that I had expected for more to have happened. But it kind of settled in with those last 20%, so maybe it worked? Maybe I’m just greedy?

As always, it was nice to see the family we’ve fallen in love with as it’s grown. There was somewhat less of that in this one, just by the nature of the story, but what was there was great.

So yeah. Emotional, heartbreaking, uplifting, playful, sexy. I really enjoyed my time with the boys of Preload. I think Jordan’s still my favourite though. 😛

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Good romance book with a really strong female lead. The book plays with all of your emotions, but the ending felt super rushed.

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I love rock star romances and I have Scarlett Cole so of course I would adore Lennon Reborn. Scarlett has taken truly damaged men and turned them into the best heroes. Lennon was the most broken of them all and Georgia work together to help heal the jagged edges inside themselves.

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I expected Lennon's story since a long time, he's so mysterious, grumpy, abrupt, always on his guard... With the previous books of the series it was obvious he had a big heart but with big walls around it. So the question was : why? Why is he this way? And what would make him change? or who? Despite the way he talks to everyone, the way he behaves, i always had a thing for him. The hot guy who acts like a moron to hide a deep suffering. The hot drummer who seems constantly in pain. Proof of his sensitivity behind his hard behaviour.
Scarlett Cole did magic! She answered my questions and gave me more than i expected. With her usual perfect choice of words she gives Lennon's a past that will make you cry. I can't explain really well without spoiling but she worked a lot on Lennon's psyche, the way his childhood impacted on his personality, his past impacts on his present.
She also... is a little sadistic. As if he didn't suffer enough she brings him more pain and loss... And i was astonished and really angry. But it seems it was what he needed. He needs to loose what he thinks is the most important in his life to realise his life is full of treasures. He finds hope in his despair, light in darkness, Love in nothingness.
Georgia. The salvator. The surgeon who makes miracles on children. The daughter who always gives her best. The woman who spend all of her time helping people. Gia is just PERFECT for Lennon. Can i say i'm grateful to Scarlett because i love Lennon so much i wanted the best woman ever for him? She made me cry too. Yes she's rich, she has a family, a beautiful penthouse in a beautiful building, an impressive career... But she missed what's most important in life... Something Lennon had a hell of a lot without knowing it.
They meet in horrible circumstances, in hell, but they give each other a second chance to life. They are selfless and honest through the journey they live together. They open their heart and their soul, taking the risk to become vulnerable but becoming stronger, becoming the heartbeat of each other.
Scarlett didn't forget Preload members and their families. Those amazing characters we learnt to love. They hearten Lennon and us. I cross my fingers she writes more about them.
SO... THANK YOU Scarlett Cole for this amazing series, for giving Lennon Gia, for giving us your words of wisdom, for all the art and the talent and the love you put in each word. And for Petal who is soooo important in the series with the love she gives, the love she creates, the bound she represents... Each member of preload has his key-role in this big family but Petal has her own.

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I knew, flat out knew that Scarlett Cole was going to wreck me with Lennon Reborn and yet there was no way I was not going to read this book. Each and every book in this series has been phenomenal and each couple has had to work for their happily ever after and none more so than Lennon and Georgia who some might say met at the worst time in Lennon’s life, but I prefer to think that they met one another when they both needed each other the most. I loved every twisted, gut wrenching, sad,life affirming, sweet, and sexy moment of this unique and fantastic love story.

Lennon McCartney’s life was forever changed when he wound up in a group boy’s home where he found acceptance and a love of music. As one of the best drummers in rock and roll, Lennon has loved making music with his “brothers” and their band Preload is on the rise, but Lennon has been feeling out of sorts as his band mates have all found love and he knows for someone like him love isn’t an option.

When Dr. Georgia Starr comes upon a bus accident she knows it isn’t good, but the last thing she expects is to find a man who asks her to just let him go. Being a doctor, that isn’t possible for her and she wouldn’t have because there was something about that man that called out to her.

This book was filled with ups and downs and twists and turns and through it all Georgia held everyone together. I loved how strong she was and that even when Lennon was doing his best to make her crazy she always had his best interest at heart. Lennon’s childhood is the stuff of nightmares and Georgia’s wasn’t so peach either but they gave to each other the strength and acceptance to persevere and together they came out stronger.

I did a series re-read before I began Lennon Reborn and I’m so glad I did as it allowed me to see each of the characters from the beginning, the way their relationship as friends changed as women were added into their group, and the unwavering love they had for one another despite the hard times.

While not a pretty romance, Lennon Reborn was an emotional, sexy, and fulfilling story of two people who are thrown together by chance and find a love they never expected. Parting is such sweet sorrow, but Preload goes out on a very high note!

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Lennon is a tough not to crack with his spiky protection and sharp verbal jabs to protect himself. I honestly didn't know how Lennon was going to find his HEA but poor Lennon, what a journey he had to go to find himself. Most wouldn't survive that but thankfully he found his match to help him get to the other side.

"I know. I've seen you play drums like your life depended on it. With passion and determination. Now I can't wait to see you tackle this in the exact same way."

Dr. Georgia Starr has a physical family but not when it comes to emotions. When she meets Lennon in the most unlikely place her heart shifts and she sees what family should be when she sees Lennon and his band mates and their partners.

"Never in a million years did I think I would ever get to say I love you to someone, Georgia. Thank you for letting it be you, even if it wasn't enough."

When Georgia didn't even give a chance of the possibility of relocating I nearly threw the book but thankfully it was a quick turn around and we didn't have to read that part for long.

I liked the evolution of Lennon with his trials and tribulations and finding out why he is the way he was. I liked the possibility of his future and I adored how the book ended with all of them finding their HEA and extending the Preload family.

Sweet series filled with heart but unfortunately some timeline details again as well as heroine giggling otherwise worth a read.

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The 4th and final book in the Preload series. This is the current day angst I wanted in the other 3. We really get into his thoughts how tortured he is and how he pulls himself out. He's mentioned a lot in the previous books and this book explains a lot of what was going on with him during that time and why he was doing it. Nikan's book set-up for the band to take a break happens and it continues at the beginning of Lennon's story with their last concert and a bus accident involving all of the characters. From the beginning it pulled me in to the story with the Preload guys and with Georgia and her own family drama. It's a tie if this one or Jordan's story is my favorite. Although Dred's book told in Pixie's with the Second Circle Tattoos series is the favorite of all of the guys. Satisfying conclusion to the series!

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As always Scarlett Cole's books are full of every emotion there is. This was no exception! I loved every second of it!

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Lennon Reborn is he fourth book in the Preload Series. This emotional story, grabbed ahold of me from the beginning till the end. The characters were strong and likable. Lennon and Georgia were so good together. I would recommend starting this series at the beginning to get to know all the main characters. I goofed and started with this book I could still follow it fine, but I think I would of understood some things better if I did. Saying that I bought this series, I need more of these boys.

I received this book from Netgalley.

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This book and these characters grabbed me from the first page and didn't let me go until days after I had finished the book. Such a beautiful, heartfelt story. Loved Lennon and Georgia. Both strong, lovable characters who were broken in their own ways and made to heal the other. The connection between these two is so evident from the moment they meet.

I just can't say enough about how much I loved this book. The writing is great and the characters are great. Loved the bond between all the band members. I will definitely be reading the other stories in this series.

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his was an emotional, gripping conclusion to the Preload series. A true love story at it's core. This is a must read. I have not read the prior 3 books in the series, but I will be now!

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Lennon is the drummer for Preload who just lost his arm in a horrible accident the whole band was injured in. Dr. Georgia Starr was on the scene of the accident and has become attracted to the lost musician. Lennon has so much emotional depth that we finally get to everything that is going on inside his head.

Cole wrote an emotional end to the Preload band family. I wish there were more books.

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This book threw me for a loop. I love Scarlett Cole and she once again does an amazing job telling her story and making you feel a part of the book. Lennon’s story is raw and pulls the reader in, and you can’t put it down. I was unsure if I was going to like this book, but it ended up being my favorite one of the series.

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I am not sure how she does it but this author always captures me with her writing. She beautifully transports me into the world she weaves with her magical words. This is the final story of the Preload Series (it is a stand-alone yada yada) but I highly recommend you read the others. SO GOOD! Lennon is the drummer whose childhood continues to haunt him. His wounds are visible and break my heart in this telling. Plan to experience strong emotions right from the start (love it). Gia (Lennon’s name for her, smile) is wonderful from page one. If you look at her background and family, you would think she would be someone carrying around a big sense of entitlement but you would be wrong. Her heart of gold and desire to heal as a doctor is so lovely to experience. I love this five star read and all it represented. Hard topics are something this author excels at. Abuse, acceptance, trauma, neglect and surviving a life changing injury are just some explored. Love reconnecting with all the characters from the previous books... how they support Lennon makes my heart happy. Lastly Lennon and Gia know how to spice things up (fan myself). So yep I love love love this book. You won’t be disappointed. Happy Reading!

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You can read this without reading the previous book sin the series, but you may want to go back and get a little more depth to the characters involved. I have to admit I'm fairly new to Ms. Cole and I'm hooked on her unique style. She evokes multiple emotions as you get invested in the characters and storyline...tears, laughter, frustration and more!

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Okay, so this was hard. I'm crying just typing that sentence. These guys ... their lives ... I just don't know where to begin. Lennon's journey was both heartbreaking and uplifting. I don't want to say that if anyone deserved a beautiful journey it was him but damn ... yeah, a little.

So I literally cried thru every word. My eyes were either watery or I was ugly crying at every single turn. And not because of angst but because love. (I'm crying again)

I can't write a review right now because I just cry so maybe some other time but just know ... THIS is what unconditional love looks like. It's sacrifices. It's endurance. It's growth. It's heart. It's pain. It is everything. THIS is what good writing looks like. It pulls you in and makes you part of the story. I was invested. I felt it. I endured it. It was powerful. (I'm crying again)

Just read the book and read this series. This author has proven time and time again that she is a force with words. #TRUST me on this. She might have broken the mold!

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This was my favourite Preload story.

"Life was beginning to get in the way of their music, yet music was the only thing Lennon had left in his life."

Lennon's life is music and drumming with the band. Each of his bandmates have found the love of their lives and about to embark on a short hiatus, which leave's Lennon clueless and vulnerable about what's next for him.

"She was already recognized as one of the country's leading pediatric neurosurgeons."

Georgia is one of the most respected neurosurgeons in the country. However, she never seems to be able to please her exacting, critical father who's more concerned about public image and reputation rather than giving his daughter the love she needs.

"Your work here on Earth isn't done, Lennon...And I am not going to let you go."

When Lennon and Georgia's paths cross, there's an immediate connection between them. As Lennon's life is turned upside down, Georgia is there to guide him through his life-changing trauma. As their lives intertwine evermore, and their feelings grow beyond friendship, Georgia has to convince Lennon that he's worth loving and that he's capable of returning love.

"Honestly, you're the f*cking rainbow in my gray sky. You're the only bit of color I have. And I don't know what to do about that."

This novel was wonderful and so emotional. Lennon is so incredibly vulnerable and stunted by his childhood. His fears are great and hidden behind his devil-may-care facade. His band of brothers absolutely know him, love him and understand him, but he's so scared to really let them in and show them his fragility. I loved how much lightness Georgia brought into his bleak life. She almost becomes a crutch for him but I adored how he wanted to do better just for her, but I also loved that he wanted to make her equally happy.

"She had the power to undo him and didn't even know it."

Georgia just wants her family to love her and be proud of her. All she really has in her life is her work, which is all-consuming. I loved that Lennon saw his purpose in her, and a role for him to play in her life to show that there's so much more beyond work for her. I loved her patience and understanding of Lennon. I loved how she treated him - tender but pragmatic. My heart cried out to him in his moments of complete despair.

Their passion for one another was a thing of beauty. Their connection was an intense, slow burn. I loved that Lennon was still his old self when it came to their intimate scenes. I enjoyed watching how their relationship evolved and how they supported one another.

This was a beautiful read and I thoroughly enjoyed it!

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I only read one other book in this series and ended up not liking it - in fact I stopped reading it less than half way through. But, this book more than made up for that one!

Lennon has been through hell in every way possible. You're going to want the box of tissues when he finally starts talking about his past. I say finally because you don't get that story until the last part of the book. Until then you know he had a crappy childhood before finally ending up in a group home. You know that the crappy childhood made him who he is today - a man who doesn't think he can be loved, who doesn't think he deserves to be loved and who keeps waiting for everyone to leave around him.

And then you find out his story. Holy crap! What a story it is.

In addition to dealing with the crappy childhood he was dealt, he faces a tragic accident which threatens to end his career and quite possibly his life. His recovery is so much harder because of his crappy childhood because he's so focused on everyone leaving him that he doesn't realize the help he'll need.

And then you have Georgia who is exactly what Lennon needs even if they couldn't be more different. She finds a way to break through the walls he built up so many years ago. She has her own struggles, ones that Lennon vows to help her work through while she helps him work through his own mountain of issues.

Absolutely love this story; the main characters are well developed as are the secondary characters who make frequent appearances.

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I have been enjoying this series. Lennon seemed to be VERY stuck in his past, more so than many, to the point of repetitiveness at times. Georgia had a very complicated relationship with her parents and career, and watching the two of them figure out how to relate to each other and be in a relationship was very raw and real.

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