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Lennon Reborn

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Preload are back for one final book and you know that saying, “save the best for last”? Well that is exactly what Scarlett Cole has done with Lennon Reborn. OMG, this book is EVERYTHING!!!!

Confession time and I’m totally not kidding, this book broke me. I’m talking sobbing, staring blankly at a wall, unable to comprehend how phenomenal a read it is for hours. I put off writing this review till the death for the simple reason that I still am not over Lennon Reborn and I think it’s going to be a long time before I am. This is hands down my favourite book of the year.

Scarlett Cole is the mistress of gleefully ripping out your still beating heart and stomp all over it writing. Be forewarned, you will feel like as though you are being dragged through barbed wire backwards with all the feels while inhaling a book that I can only describe as heart breakingly perfect.

I knew going into this book that Lennon would be the toughest of the guys to read. I’ve had a soft spot for him for a while and oh how right I was. This book owned my ass from the opening lines till I was done, left feeling like I had been in a whirlwind that had flayed me raw and left me emotionally bereft.

Yes, I’m being dramatic, but just wait till you read it and you will understand why I am. Lennon and Georgia were a once in a very long time special read. That’s the best I can come up with. I’m sorry but there is just no way I can do their story justice with my paltry words. Just thinking about them has me tearing up. Damn feels.

So much happens in this story that at times you will feel breathless, as Lennon and Georgia navigate through the monumental events of the opening chapter and find love when they least expected it.

For fans of the series and come on why aren’t you? The rest of the band are all part of the story and by the end of the book you will, like me, feel completely satisfied as to how the bands overall story arc comes to its end. Okay, you will probably be in tears like me, but those really were happy tears.

This is a book that you need to experience, there is absolutely no way around it. But it’s so worth the effort, believe me.

I want to take a moment to thank Scarlett Cole for being so honest, real and raw with Lennon during this story, she didn’t shy away from a tough subject and as someone who has had a family member in the same position, I can say you nailed it and I think it’s why this book has affected me so deeply. (Oh man, here go the tears again). THANK YOU!

If you only read one series this year, make it the Preload series, you won’t regret it.

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Lennon Reborn was such a heart-breakingly beautiful and touching story. I thought I was prepared for it, since Scarlett Cole announced that it is going to be a tear jerker, but I honestly wasn't. I totally underestimated the impact it would have on me. You can't read about Lennon's tragic loss and loveless childhood without being affected. My heart hurt for this vulnerable young man who was hiding behind a mask his whole life because he was unable to let anyone into his heart. He never learned how. His whole life he thought that he isn't worth anybody's love. So many people disappointed and left him that he could hardly embrace the love of his band members from Preload. Even these guys, who are his brothers since they grew up together in a group home, don't know Lennon's whole story.

When a horrific accident deprives Lennon McCartney of the one thing he loves most, his ability to play drums, the young musician is left devastated. Plagued by crushing guilt over his tragic past and mourning his lost future, all he wants is to give up. What's the point in living a life you don't want?

Dr. Georgia Starr is a legend in her field. She’s one of the most successful neurosurgeons in the world, coming from a long-line of respected New York doctors and real estate owners. Her life is all about solving complex medical cases but the one problem she can’t solve is how to live her own life. How to step up to her arrogant father who only criticizes her and never acknowledges her accomplishments.

Can a broken man who despises his life and a good-hearted woman who desperately wants to live free find all they ever needed but never thought they would find in each other's arms?

Georgia and Lennon came from two different worlds that were never meant to collide, but they did. If it weren't for Georgia and her determination, Lennon would have given up. Her strenght, love and compassion gave him the courage to open his heart to her and his brothers and accept his situation. But Lennon had a huge influence on his Gia too. He showed her how to let loose and made her understand that home is where your heart is. They complemented each other perfectly and had great chemistry!

I want to congratulate Scarlett Cole on writting such a brilliant book and ending this addictive series in the best way possible. As a huge fan of hers and her exceptional writing I couldn't have asked for more. I'm sad to say good bye to my Preload boys but I'm glad to know that they are all happy now having their own families and being surrounded by love. 5 stars

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Lennon McCartney is the drummer for Preload and while heading to their final show before a scheduled several months break when they are involved in a devastating accident. Georgia Starr, a premier pediatric neurosurgeon, just happens to be driving, which she rarely does, by and quickly jumps in to help extricate the band members and their family from the bus. This is how she meets Lennon and her medical care is what saves his life, medically and emotionally. Lennon was deeply depressed prior to the accident but after he turns everyone away. Georgia has it all. A thriving career but she will never have the approval of her father who seems to have a control over the rest of the family. Georgia is drawn to Lennon in ways she could not fathom and days after the accident turned up in his hospital room and the band members (his family) are their but getting nowhere with him but she steps in and she is the light in his world. Watching Lennon and Georgia come to grips with their budding friendship that sparks into so much more was beautiful but watching the healing that happens to both Lennon and Georgia as they each come to grips with what their lives need was told in a way that was thought provoking and emotional. Make sure you have tissues handy when reading this one!

This can be read as a standalone. I have not read the other books in this series and was not lost at all. That being said, I am going to have to find the other books about the rest of the "family" because these "brothers" are fascinating.

**Received this ARC for review from the publisher via NetGalley**

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Lennon Reborn is book which was amazingly written. Scarlet Cole has a way with words which leaves you emotional, thoughtful, full of feelings of what is right and important in life. 

It brings you in the middle of the story and you feel with her characters. The bad, the good, faith, gratitude. You see the light at the end of the darkness. You see the love, the caring but also denial. 

Lennon always seems to think the worse. He is jealous of the love his band mates has found. He believes that he isn't enough and that he has to suffer for what he has done. 

Gia is a neurosurgeon and tries to save as many children as she can. She is focused on her work only but suddenly there appears a man in her life and she isn't able to stop thinking about him. 

They are so very different but they seem to understand each other. They never saw it coming....

I loved the book, all its characters, well except Gia's ungrateful family. 
Each of them is unique. I felt the love among them.

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Wow, Scarlett has done it again and I must say that Lennon is my favorite of the Preload novels and I am so glad I got to read his story. If you have read the previous books about the Preload men, then you would know they haven’t had the easiest of childhoods. They all have such gripping backstories that will make you cry for their heartbreak and hope they will find a future worth living. “Lennon Reborn” takes Lennon on an emotional journey of finding the acceptance, love, family and way to fight the darkness he lives with every day. Lennon is the little brother and brooder of the band which made him the most introverted than the rest. He lives with demons within himself and doesn’t’ let anyone see who he truly is where he lives behind sarcasm and anger. Then one-night it all changes when the whole band and their families lives hang in the balance by a tragic accident. Georgia (Gia), is a world-renowned Neurosurgeon who happens to be driving behind the Preload tour bus when it gets involved in an accident. Georgia comes to the rescue that night and she is the last person Lennon sees before he blacks out. That night also brought about a connection they saw with one another just from those few minutes. The accident took something from Lennon and he goes through a period of grief but when Georgia starts visiting him, he does not know how to handle his feelings. Georgia gives Lennon something he has been fighting his whole life from accepting and it scares him. They both have baggage and I love the fact that they fought for one another. Their relationship is intense and sexy with a dirty talk that will make you need a cold shower just from their stares alone. Scarlett has truly given Lennon a book to rival the others because when he thinks his story with pull at your heartstrings. Georgia saw something in Lennon and it gave her a way to live her life outside of the hospital. I love them together and they are my second favorite couple. Of course, Jordan and Lexi are still my favorite of the couples, but Lennon and Georgia keep up with on the intensity scale. Lennon Reborn will pull at your heartstrings and break your heart for children who must live in darkness.

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✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ FOUR & 1/2-STAR ✩ REVIEW ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩

> > Judging a Book by it's Cover < <
Visually striking cover with bold color and strong fonts.
I did not read the synopsis, I've been waiting for Lennon's story & jumped on it as soon as I saw it was available.

> > Looking Deeper < <
POV ~> Third-person

Scarlett Cole does an amazing job of portraying the depth of the characters within the first chapter and will leave the reeling in its aftermath. Sacrifice, loss, suffering... this one will leave you wrecked!
Lennon suffers from anxiety and a kind of detachment brought on by his formative years. He thinks himself to be unlovable and incapable of loving. It takes losing a part of himself and the threat of losing much more to really allow him to find himself and see things more clearly.
Georgia was born into a cold and competitive upper-crust family, knowing love only from her grandfather. No matter that she's at of the top in her field, it's never deemed "good enough" for her father and brothers and she cannot step foot out of her house without fear of how it'll affect the family name.
I have loved the already established cast from the time we were introduced to them in the SECOND CIRCLE series. The chemistry between the main couple, as well as the secondary character interactions, are strong and deep. The plot is dynamic and the pages turned at a quick pace. There were a few issues discussed in the book that I did not quite feel were addressed with closure but they were minor items that I'd personally noted and nothing that affects the overall story. Predictability was on par with the series as a whole. The conclusion for Lennon and Georgia was solid and mostly satisfying but I could not help but wonder, "What happens now? Is this the end?" This did not feel like the end of a series so I am hoping for more, somehow.
I loved the book, love the series and would strongly recommend reading this series in order but START with the Second Circle series, as it ALL starts there and works towards Preload's series.
Rating: [R] ~ Score: 44.75 ~ Stars: 4.5, if I could!
⭐ ⭐ **** Disclosure of Material: I received a copy of this book from NetGalley and the Author/Publisher with the hope that I would voluntarily leave unbiased and unsolicited feedback. I was not asked, encouraged, or required to leave a review - nor was I compensated in any way. I am posting this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255: "Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising". ***** ⭐ ⭐

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I am a HUGE fan of Scarlette Cole so when I was sent Lennon Reborn I did a complete humidifying dance in my living room! Scarlett’s books are like AMAZING! But WOW this book was my everything! Lennon Reborn is a heart wrenching tale that will touch your heart. I am like a couple weeks out from finishing but I am still thinking about Lennon and Georgia!
Scarlett Cole is an amazing writer! Her stories are on point and her characters are always my favorite! I totally get thrown into the story and stalker like I feel like these people could be my BFFs!!!!
Get your tissues ready, I would recommend two boxes! Then go over and one click Lennon Reborn! You will thank me; this book is seriously high on my favs of 2018!

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The Preload Series follows four foster brothers, who were tossed about in the system until they all landed in a group home run by a woman of intelligence, caring and patience. She encouraged them all to pursue their interests and provided them instruments to play. Those young boys grew up to be grown men and the stars of Preload, a rock/heavy metal band. Their concerts are sold out within minutes, and they are at the top of the charts. As far as they are concerned they are brothers, except in blood.

This novel revolves around Lennon McCartney, Preloads very talented drummer. He has very low self worth, and can’t imagine life without his brothers. He’s worried that the band has decided to take a break from touring. Dred, Jordan and Nikan have found love and are starting families.
Maybe they would decide to disband, where would his life be then? Then a terrible accident on a snow covered street changes all of their lives.

Dr. Georgia Starr, is a brilliant Pediatric Neurosurgeon who no matter what she does, she never lives up to her father’s expectations. He even criticizes her regarding some of her surgeries. Georgia just happens to be behind the bus when it crashes. She immediately started triaging, deciding who needed critical care immediately. She spent time with Lennon and as injured as he is, she wants to know more. So she seeks him out at the hospital. Suddenly the difficulties with her father don’t seem important. Georgia wants to do whatever she can to convince Lennon he has a life worth living.

I have read all of Ms. Cole’s books, but never before have I spent the first three chapters crying! It’s heart wrenching, romantic and very satisfying. A wonderful way to end this excellent series, but I hope we can take a peek back now and then.

Thanks you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this novel. I also purchased it for my own library.

Pat Fordyce

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From catastrophe comes understanding, healing and love…

This is the fourth book in the Preload series that can be read as a stand-alone. The warning is warranted, this story deals with dark themes and the intense personal struggles to overcome them: amputation of a limb, suicide and child abuse.

The Canadian rock band Preload is scheduled to play in New York City, the day they arrive on their tour bus it’s snowing and the roads are hazardous. The unspeakable occurs when another vehicle rams into them and some of the band mates are seriously injured, some worse than others, but for one of them things will never be the same again.

Lennon McCartney is Preload’s drummer, the only purpose in life he knows is playing the drums with the band that is his family of choice; they all met in the foster care system. Being a drummer, and a talented one, is not just a profession for him, it is who he is. Take that away and what’s left is mere existence, not a life of any worth that he can see. His start in life was tragic and left him far from whole, repercussions from neglect as an infant, a child who never learned to bond in the early years cannot know such as an adult. That’s what the man he became believes but he misunderstands the connection he’d developed to the band, it’s real, and it’s solid. The accident cost him an arm, he’s lost the ability to make the music and feels he is of no use anymore to the band. A self-imposed exile is his course of action, but he has a guardian angel who checks in on him, she distracts him from the physical and emotional pain, the psychological demons he lives with and has not shared with anyone.

Dr. Georgia Starr is a well-known pediatric neurosurgeon from a highly competitive family of doctors that showed her no affection or praise throughout her life, just an elitist arrogance. For her, life is work and though it does provide satisfaction to help others it’s the little things in life she never really learned to enjoy. On her way to a family dinner she witnesses a horrific traffic accident and assists those injured. The one with the deepest wounds is the one she holds onto the most, she won’t let him leave this earth, not on her watch, and she knows from the depth of his injuries and his words of despair that he’d rather not stay. There’s something about this intense, vibrant yet also broken man that has her checking in on him as he recuperates in the hospital and afterwards. They made a strange pair with a rare magnetic attraction and a curious fascination with each other. Some say you draw to you what you need. Their connection was immediate and profound, and it required understanding on both sides.

This story opened with a catastrophe that grabs your attention, you quickly become invested emotionally in the outcome of the characters because of what happened to them, that the author managed to keep you enrapt throughout made this a captivating read. Two resilient individuals with relatable issues find love and healing as they face their own truths, fulfilling the missing parts of each other and that makes them whole in a way they’d never been before. Great productive inner dialogue and the issues presented were obviously well researched and insightfully shared with the reader.

In this story the male protagonist is eight years younger than the female, he’s 28 and she’s 36, this age/gender gap normally doesn’t work for this reader but it was surprisingly a non-issue here.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

4.5 stars

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Georgia Starr sees a horrific private bus crash one day and, helps the victims in the overturned bus. One specific victim is the most critically injured and, Georgia cannot get him off her mind.
Lennon McCartney has lived through a horrific childhood and is wrapped up in an adulthood that refuses to allow him to believe he is worthy of ANYTHING good.
Georgia is a well known neurosurgeon and, decides to start visiting Lennon in the hospital. Lennon is just trying to deal with the fact that he can no longer do what he loves by pushing his friends and band mates and, everyone else away. When Georgia starts visiting, she takes no grief off this patient because there is something about this man that pulls her to him, even though he keeps trying to push her away.
This story will throw you into and through every emotion, from heartrending grief, to horror, to joy and, finally, to forever love.
Two fractured hearts that despite so many obstacles, manage to heal through determination and love.

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What an incredible ending to the series. All these men of Preload have not had a great upbringing into life but I think Lennon's story completely broke my heart. We only got to see him be a jerk in the previous books. I wasn't sure how his book would go at all. I completely felt for him from the very start. He was so tortured and after learning about his childhood I just wanted to hug him so bad.

You would think one of the most successful neurosurgeons that come from a family of neurosurgeons would not be a good fit for a tortured rocker. I thought it was brilliant the way the author brought him to a heroine that on the outside to seem to have it all and yet she struggled with her own demons that involved her family.

These two made sense together. They both crave love and to see them be so brave with each other was beautiful to read. I love how honest they were with each other and how they brought so much good from each other. They have become one of my favorite couples and I wish to see more like them.

I'm sad to see this series over but so happy to see all of these men find their happily ever afters. Such a great series! ARC provided by NetGalley.

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**4-4.5 stars**
Oh this broke my heart and then put it back together again. Ms. Cole didn’t hold anything back with Lennon’s story. I knew this was going to be one filled with so many emotions, but this one got to me even more than the previous books.

Reading about the full extent of Lennon’s past (we got hints of it in the previous books) and what he was going through now, I so wanted him to find the light at the end of the tunnel. That life was worth living. That was Dr. Georgia Starr. She was perfect for him and was so supportive. I loved her straightforwardness and honesty. Lennon, even with all that he was going through, was good for her too.

While this was an emotional story, it was also a story of hope and finding/accepting love and Ms. Cole brought the sexy too! I also loved the epilogue!

**I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review**

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For some reason I thought this was the final book in the series, but I can't see anything in the blurb to confirm.

Lennon McCartney is the drummer in the mega-successful Canadian metal band Preload. For anyone who hasn't read the series, the band was formed by five young boys who lived together in the same group home. Each of the boys had a horrific childhood which has scarred them mentally and physically and given each deep-seated insecurities. Throughout the series Lennon has come across as the band member who seems to hate the others, to bad mouth them and to belittle their achievements. Yet in the last book Nikan Rebuilt we found out that Lennon had secretly assisted Nikan's ex Jenny to leave Toronto and had performed many random acts of kindness that the others knew nothing about. Now that the other members of Preload have found love the band is going on hiatus for eight months and Lennon is spinning.

Dr Georgia Starr is a paediatric neurosurgeon from an elite New York family of neurosurgeons with property all over the most exclusive parts of the city. She has spent her entire life trying to prove her worth to her father, mother and four older brothers. She lives and breathes her work, working at weekends and on holidays, taking conference calls at all hours and generally going above and beyond.

Georgia and Lennon meet under extreme circumstances (I don't want to spoil the way they meet but it is epic) and despite the situation they each feel a special reaction when they first touch. Georgia feels drawn to help Lennon to rebuild his life after his entire reason for living is lost, and as they grow closer they realise that two people from very different walks of life can have more in common than they first imagine.

Don't get me wrong, Lennon's childhood was a nightmare, the stuff of outraged newspaper headlines, and yet I didn't feel that this book reached the heights of angst that I ordinarily associate with Scarlett Cole. I'm not saying that's a bad thing, sometimes reading one of Scarlett's books is a bit like having your emotions put through a wringer - TBH it was nice to read a book in this series that didn't leave me feeling like my heart had been cut out and finely julienned :)

So, I've been vague on the plot because there's something that drives the whole story which was a total shock to me and I want to preserve the shock for others.

All I can say is that I absolutely devoured this book. Having hesitated to start it (because of the aforementioned heart shredding) in preference of light, sexy romantic comedies I started it yesterday evening and before I knew it I was 25% into the book and eager to finish.

I loved this book, I loved Lennon and how he conquered his personal demons. I loved Georgia, she was a fantastic character and a wonderful role model. But what shone through this book was the love that the guys from Preload have for each other and how that love (and their music) has helped to keep each of them going when life threw them curve balls.

If this is the last book from Preload then it is a fitting end, a glorious road to enlightenment and a HEA. For someone who shied away from the first book because the idea of a series about group of long-haired tattooed metalheads really didn't appeal, I have come to love these boys, I've cried at the horror of their childhoods, I laughed with them and their unique brand of humour and I melted when each of these tough guys found the ying to their yang.

All I can say is, whatever Scarlett Cole chooses to write next I'll be an avid reader.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Lennon Reborn was a brilliant, heartbreaking and captivating story. That grabbed me from the very first page and at times broke my heart. Especially early on, when honestly, I sobbed more than I ever have before for any fictional character. And I couldn't help but adore Lennon, who was imperfect, vulnerable, tortured and beautiful. Which is something Scarlett Cole writes fantastically well. And I thought Georgia complemented Lennon perfectly; and I really enjoyed how their relationship developed as this story progressed.

As for the actual story, I thought it was extremely well paced, and very believable. And I loved how for Lennon it was a real journey, and one he had to go on without his bandmates and brothers, in order to accept his new reality and deal with his past. Which does sadly mean there are very few interactions with the rest of the band, and I did miss them.

Although, the epilogue really made up for that and did round off this story and series perfectly. And it has made me want to go back and reread this entire series again. But that is no bad thing. As it is a fantastic series. Which I would happily recommend to others.

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***5 ‘Don’t Leave Me’ Stars***

As sad as I am that this is the final book in the series, I gotta say that it was one hell of a finale! Ms. Cole promised an emotional gut punch and boy did she deliver on many levels...many (. I swooned, I snarled a bit, I gave the author the evil side eye in my head, I got all sniffly and teary and laughed out loud. Bottomline, I simply enjoyed all the words and the feels they pulled out of me.

Lennon. This sweet, complex, bruised man killed me. The whole ‘I need to hug you but Gibbs smack some sense into you’ thing was real. His heart was so golden, but he was blinded by his past and had a hard time seeing not only what was right in front of him, but also himself. Thankfully a sliver of light finds it way in and his evolution is a sight to see.

I adored Georgia. She exudes confidence and intelligence and yet she doesn’t shove it in your face. It’s just there. She is gracious and thoughtful and relies on her gut as much as her heart. I loved getting to know her and watching her evolve as well, because while she is quite content in her life, she had some things that needed to be addressed and she most definitely did address them.

Lennon and Georgia’s journey, from start to finish, was quite...unique. They met under circumstances that were less than ideal and their road definitely wasn’t without obstacles even after that, but what came out of it was a whole lot of beauty. Even from the beginning there was a connection between them that went beyond anything either could explain. They simply had a flow to their interactions and I really enjoyed watching as they went from strangers to friends to more. The chemistry between them was hot and I loved how they helped each other widen their perspective of what their lives should and shouldn’t be.

I am sad that this is the last book of the series, but it was the perfect finale for the Preload guys and the women who stole their hearts. The whole family vibe was what drew me in from the start and to watch it grow and evolve was a lot of fun. I am crossing my toes that we’ll get snippets of these characters somewhere down the road in way or another, but it was an amazing ride and at least I can always revisit these books when I need a fix.

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I was so excited to get an ARC of this book. But it never came through. I couldn't get it on my kindle. It says it is segment but I never got it. Yes, netgalley is on my approved list. So I will only be reviewing it once I read it in May.

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You will never be good enough. Lennon knows that he will never be as happy as his band mates, they are about to take a break from touring and he has no idea what he will do. The band Preload is his life the only thing that makes sense to him and he knows that he will never find love like the others. But everything that Lennon has worked so hard for will be taken in an instant. He was badly hurt in the accident, the others will recover in time but he lost his leg arm and his life is over. Can the doctor that saved his life be able to get through to him? Georgia knows that she can help Lennon come to terms with his loss but she never realized how damaged his soul is. Can she help him see a future or will Lennon give up? The band wants to be there for him but he can't be around them and he has no one in the city except Georgia so will he let her in? Can they have a chance after Lennon has recovered and accepted that his life isn't over? Will Lennon be able to come to terms with his sister's death and that he wasn't to blame? Will this strong man be able to accept that he is worth everything to Georgia and that she accepts all of him or will his self doubt ruin it all? A good read the best one yet as I feel that Lennon was the most damaged by his childhood and that he deserves a chance at happiness. And Georgia is a strong woman that would give up every thing for him. Great to see all the band members and their other halves and to see how their lives have changed. I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publishing house in exchange for my honest review.

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5 Stars ... Best book in the series!

This book starts out with the band in a bad accident and leaves Lennon even more broken than he was before. Dr. Georgia Starr saves his life on that bus and then she’ll save his heart. I don't want to say much more about what happened because I don't want to wreck the story for others.

Lennon ... his childhood just broke me! How can someone come through all that and still have the ability to love ... even though he thinks he can't? I loved that Georgia understood him so well and she wouldn’t let him retreat into himself. They were just an amazing couple ... opposite, but so right for each other. This book took me through all the emotions ... deep sorrow, sympathy, shock, laughter and then the hot love scenes! I honestly did not want this book to end. I have enjoyed this series so much ... I can’t believe it’s over (well at least I think it's over ... there is no one left in the band to write about). I highly recommend that you take Lennon and Georgia's emotional journey ... you won't regret it!

I received an ARC courtesy of St. Martin’s Press through NetGalley in exchange for a honest review.

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4 “Grey's Anatomy & Rock'n'Roll” Stars

ARC via NetGalley.

Thank you, Swerve!

Here are the things I've said about this book before it was probably even written:

"I'm still so very much in love with all the band members, and dying to get my hands on the next titles. I'm guessing Lennon's story will reduce me to ashes, so I'm here...not-so-patiently waiting for that." - Review of Elliot Redeemed.

"While I have to say Lennon’s book is the one I’m most anxious about, I had a good time reading Nikan Rebuilt. It was a little different than what I expected, and maybe lower on the suspense and angst vibe than the previous titles in the series, but it was a pleasant read." - Review of Nikan Rebuilt.

So, yeah, I've been anxiously awaiting Lennon's book for a long time.

I'm glad to say it didn't disappoint.

Sure, it wasn't as angsty as I had imagined and sort of hoped for, but it was still a great and emotional read.

Lennon and Jordan are my favorite Preload members, so I couldn't be happier that Scarlett chose those two to start and end this great series. I'm sad to see all of them go, but at least I got to do it while finally learning more about Lennon, the drummer who acts like a jerk but is made of insecurities, trauma and a lot of love for his bandmates.

The story starts with a BOOM when a tragic event brings a huge chance into Lennon's life, forcing him to stay away from the only thing he thinks makes life worth living. I won't get into details because I believe going in blind is the best strategy, but I'll say I was shocked and a little pissed at the author for adding that trauma to Lennon's already long list. Having sad that, this choice made perfect sense considering everything Lennon believed about his worth and everything he learned throughout the book.

What followed were scenes that made me tear up. I got extremely emotional when he first realized what had happened and broke down, when he grieved what he had lost, when Petal stopped by and when he got a picture of her holding something he gave her...

I have to say this, though. I missed more of interactions between Lennon and his bandmates/brothers. I wished there had been more of that. The few interactions we got between them were stellar, especially the epilogue.

But since this is a romance, it makes sense that most of the book was focused on Georgia, the amazing woman tragedy brought into Lennon's life. With everything going on, Georgia was exactly the person Lennon needed to help him stay strong and go on with his life--she was extremely smart, patient and understanding. She didn't understimate his pain and suffering. She didn't try to sugarcoat the situation. She stayed by his side through all the bad moments and they finally got their well-deserved happy ending.

Again, I wished their relationship had been a little more angsty, but I was satisfied with the way things played out. I was also satisfied that, despite being a major influence in Lennon's new life, Georgia wasn't the only answer. It was Lennon's love for his family, as well as for Georgia, that made him want to adapt to his new life and keep going.

There were tons of touching messages and moments in this story and in the series overall. I'm so happy I got to read it from start to finish, and that the epilogue was the perfect addition. After everything those guys went through, they deserved their happy ending.

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Tissue alert!! Whole box tissue alert! Dang crying still...dang!

What a heart wrenching beautiful story. I am so touched! Lennon has my heart all messed up for him. He has such a shattered soul and then got a shattered body. You felt so much for him it made you upset that it seemed like more was being piled on him. His growth and strength throughout the story will touch you heart and even show you that you need to be grateful for what you have and those you love you. Georgia is wonderful too and she helps Lennon so much, but Lennon in his own way helps her to realize that with all the advantages her life is empty and she needs more.

Great book! Loved it, felt it, and got the message!

Received a copy from the publisher from NetGalley. Thank you for the awesome read!

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