Member Reviews

Healthy Air Fryer Cookbook has recipes for using an air fryer, the latest kitchen craze. Admittedly, I am a cookbook snob. My joy over every new cookbook is over the moon, but I'm frequently brought crashing back down to earth when books are full of the same recipes (or ones that I could easily throw together on my own). This book is unfortunately one of those. I think it would be amazing for someone who is either new to cooking or needs a recipe anytime they make something. It gives general information on air frying, which is fantastic if you need a rundown (or didn't read your manual). I did like the setup of the book and really appreciate that the nutritional information is listed for each recipe. While this book wasn't for me, I could see it being a great addition to someone who is more of a novice in the kitchen.

NetGalley provided me with an advanced copy of this in exchange for an honest review.

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Air frying is the in-thing now and this cookbook is a wonderful addition to the myriad of cookbooks I have in my kitchen. There are 100 recipes that cover the gamut from appetizers to desserts and great pictures assist you in getting a mental picture of what the dish should look like.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Tried several of the recipes in my brand new air fryer. Easy to follow and taste great (which is the important part).

If you buy someone an airfryer, buy them this book as an accompaniment.

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If you have heard of airfryer and relegate it to just fried foods like french fries, then you are missing out on lot of fun and nutrition. I didnt know that you could do so many breakfast dishes with an air-fryer. You can cook apples in it, to go along with your cooked oatmeal..
BBQ Wontons. You can have the crunch without greasy guilt.
Zeppole with Cannoli dip makes you think like you are having the real fried food byt remember its made in air fryer. You can have cakes, snacks, casseroles, empanadas, satay, you name it.
Enjoy healthy, multi cuisine with Dana's air-fryer recipes.

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The recipes are super simple and are perfect for an air fryer novice, like myself. The comparison of the calories I am saving with and without using the air fryer are very interesting. I would recommend this cookbook to anyone interested in trying an air fryer or if you're an air fryer expert looking for some healthy and delicious recipes.

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This book had me from the word Healthy… I love that about the air fryer. From salmon to bacon, to veggies, and desserts… this book holds an amazing amount of yummy recipes. It even has a gluten-free donut hole recipe that I’ll be needing to try out very soon. There is a pear crisp recipe that also looks like a great addition to a wonderful meal. This book includes full colored pictures to a lot of the recipes that will make your mouth water. The instructions are thorough and it’s really amazing all the things that you can do with your air fryer. Time to get cooking and creating wonderful meals for my family.
I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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HEALTHY AIR FRYER COOKBOOK by Dana Angelo White is an attractive addition to my cookbook collection. With recipes for breakfast, dinner, snacks, desserts, and side dishes, it is a great resource for trying out the popular small kitchen appliance. I particularly appreciate the inclusion of complete nutritional information so that I may make informed diet choices. However, don’t be fooled into thinking this book is full of sad, tasteless diet food. The Rosemary Cashews, Soy Glazed Brussels Sprouts, and the Chicken Strips were all winners at our house.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher though NetGalley and voluntarily shared my opinions here.

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TITLE: Don't waste your money on this one!

I am all for small appliances and recipes that save time and/or calories. But I get perturbed when I waste time working with appliances, ideas, techniques and recipes that end up taking MORE time than by doing it the usual, normal way. This book has wasted my time and I’m not happy about it.

And, if you don’t care to indulge in nonstick cooking spray, you should move away from this cook book ASAP.

Most if not all of the breakfast recipes are ridiculous. Twenty-five minutes to whip up a single burrito in the air fryer? Prep time plus cook time of eleven minutes to fray up two separate eggs with a slices of Canadian bacon and American cheese? We are not talking about all the clean up time for the several pieces in an air fryer. Oatmeal in the air fryer? These recipes don’t even use ingredients that need to be “fried.” And while several of these recipes don’t normally use any oil, in the air fryer—THEY DO!

I stopped wasting time on this book after reading a Huevos Ranchero recipe that instructed eggs to be scrambled and cooked in the air fryer and set aside, THEN it called to mix up the dough for tortillas, separate dough into four balls, flatten then and cook them--one at a time for five minutes each in the air fryer! Since when are eggs scrambled for Huevos Ranchero? And why would anyone in their right mind go through the rig-a-ma-role of making tortillas in an air fryer? And how cold do you want your eggs?

*I received a temporary download of this book from the publisher.

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I was interested in this for a couple of reasons. I'm wondering about the fuss over air fryers and if I should try one. This says yes. I'm also looking at books to recommend for others at the farmer's market and customers of the small farm...and yes this fits. Well done describing the appeal and how to use it in addition to tempting recipes that warrant buying one. Thanks!

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I received an air fryer last Christmas and we use it for French fries and mozzarella sticks but that is about it. This book is amazing, the recipes all look so delicious and they are so much healthier than if we went out to a restaurant to get them. I am already creating a list of everything I want to try. We need more cookbooks as simple yet delicious as this one.

Thank you Netgalley and the publishers for my copy!

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I received an air fryer for Christmas and have made a handful of things that I used to FRY (empanadas, french fries, chicken wings etc), however, I didn't know where to look for what else I could use it for. Seeing this book, I KNEW I had to take a look so I can start using my air fryer more regularly. Even when I have ideas of what I can air fry, I have no idea what the temp and the time should be for each recipe - having a book to help with this is wonderful!

Love the font and colors used in this book!! Its very pleasing to the eyes. The pictures that are in the book are absolutely beautiful and everything looks absolutely delicious! I personally prefer cookbooks with a picture for every single recipe. I don't tend to make recipes that don't have a picture listed.

I LOVE that the nutritional facts are listed for each recipe - most people that are interested in the air fryer are likely also trying to eat healthy.

I love that the book has main dishes as well as sides/snacks and even DESSERTS!!!!

For how beautiful the book is, I think there could have been a better picture for the cover. The cover isn't bad, but he rest of the book looks so much better!

Side Note: Electronic copy - I used the Bluefire Reader app to download this book not sure why, but each page was taking a while to load (even days after the book was downloaded) - I haven't had this issue with other cookbooks, so not sure if i just have a wonky copy or if this is how they all are? Maybe the book does better on kindle or another application to read the ebook - I just wanted to provide this info. If this how all the ebooks are, it might be annoying for readers trying to quickly find a recipe. (some pages take over 30 seconds to load). It also take a long time to quickly use the bottom bar to quickly move from the font to mid to back of the book.

Taking one star off for the not having a picture listed for each recipe - I would take another star off if all books have issues with the pages loading...however, since I am not sure if it is only my copy I will keep that star on.

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This cookbook is fantastic. I recommend it! If you have considered or are just starting Air Fryer cooking then this cookbook is a must. Even if you are have Air Fryer cooking for awhile you'll enjoy finding great recipes in this cookbook. YUM!

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Seems to be well written and practical for the new cooking method of the air fryer. I have had one for over a year and have tried various recipes out on the net and this cookbook and they all work well. If you want to utilize your air fryer for more than french fries and fried chicken I suggest you get this cookbook to start your repertoire and versatility with this new cooking method.

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Easy recipes for home cooks new to the air fryer. Delicious. Nutritional information given as well. Excited to keep with my cookbooks.

I received a complimentary copy from DK/Alpha through NetGalley. Any and all opinions expressed in review are entirely my own.

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I was recently gifted a Air Fryer for my birthday and had been looking for easy to follow diverse recipes. I am excited about trying the various offerings in the Healthy Air Fryer Cookbook. I enjoy that that recipes presented and fairly easy to follow and a variety of options are provided for those with food restrictions. I have been looking for ways to lower the amount of fried foods I consume and the Health Air Fryer Cookbook is a great start for those seeking alternative cooking methods.

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Loved this cookbook. It is filled easy healthy recipes you will cook again and again. We use our air fryer every day and love it

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What a fantastic Air Fryer Cookbook!

I received an air fryer for Christmas and I have loved using it! It is amazing! However we have stuck to pretty basic recipes and have not gotten very creative with this. This book has so many recipes that look delicious and I am so excited to try! The pictures are beautiful, the recipes sound simple but scrumptious and nutritional info is included. The beginning includes a little tutorial on cooking with an air fryer as well.

If you have an air fryer, you seriously need this book! It marks all my boxes for a fantastic cookbook and I can tell already that is will be one of our favorites!

I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I bought an air fryer and was clueless on what kind of recipes I can do with it. This was very helpful and gives you nutritional facts as well.

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A most excellent book! I just purchased a new air fryer, and this was the perfect resource to start using it! I highly recommend. Easy, super easy to understand!

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I am a huge fan of air fryers and can’t wait to try out these recipes! They all look delicious and pretty simple to make. I’ve already made a list of the recipes I want to try!

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